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This article presents the extended workshop, a national professional development programme that was used in the preparatory stages of the introduction of a new mathematics curriculum for basic education (grades 1–9) in Portugal. These workshops are based on five major ideas—orientation towards practice, focus on students’ learning, collaboration, practitioner research, and change of professional culture. The evaluation shows that these workshops constituted a stimulating professional development setting that encouraged teachers to reflect about classroom practice and students’ learning and was quite successful in supporting an overall movement favourable to the orientations of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

探讨高职体育教学在培养学生职业能力中的契合点及如何评价体育教学,通过查阅文献,运用SPSS14.0对有关数据进行回归分析,剖析高职体育教学的目标和学生职业能力培养定位、运动项目与职业能力的相关系数,得出目前高职院校主要体育项目教学与学生职业能力9个方面的存在契合,建议采用柯式(Donald.KirkPar-trick)四级培训评估模式对高职体育教学在培养学生职业能力方面进行评价。  相似文献   

职业能力是胜任某一具体职业而必须具备的能力之和,通常包括核心能力、岗位能力和可持续发展能力。依托智慧校园建立的大数据平台记录了学生的学习、认证考试、阅读、实习实践、德育活动等相关信息,为评估学生职业能力现状和预测发展趋势提供了数据支持。本研究从职业能力的表征入手,设计了以学生职业能力为核心的大数据体系结构的基本框架,从网络资源课程平台、学习管理系统、实习实践管理系统、德育管理系统、职业能力评价与导航系统五个方面提出了运用大数据平台提升高职生职业能力的基本路径。  相似文献   

西班牙PACTE小组以专业译者翻译能力习得为研究基础提出了翻译能力模型,对如何将学生译者培养为专业译者具有重大启示。文章以发展学生翻译能力为目标,从建构主义学习理论和功能主义目的论的视角,引申出英语专业翻译课程教学设计三原则:大量创设真实性翻译任务、积极开展信息化翻译教学、鼓励学生协同式翻译学习。并以笔者在上海外国语大学新闻与传播学院"翻译工作坊"的教学实例说明,希望为翻译教学改革提供参考意见。  相似文献   

This professional development program was designed to prepare science teachers to be more student-centered and to implement newer goals for science instruction. These goals are to improve science teaching in ways that promote broader and longer-lasting learning. Secondary school science teachers in Korea are expected to follow a rigid national curriculum with large classes - often with more than 50 students. This study focuses on feedback and follow-up interaction with teacher participants who were enrolled in a month-long workshop in the U.S. before returning to Korea to implement the new ideas. Assistance was offered to help teachers develop teaching modules which were more constructivist while also assisting with assessment efforts that provided further evidence of use of the new teaching practices and their effect on student learning. Student mastery of concepts and improvement in student creativity were two aspects of the summer workshop experiences and these were evaluated to illustrate workshop effects on teacher participants in their actual classrooms. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The section is an essential tool for understanding, exploring, representing and communicating spatial relations, structure and materiality in architecture, design and engineering, and therefore a recurring topic in the curricula. The section itself is destructive of nature and incompatible with a built environment in use or under construction. Hence, students throughout their education meet the section in the form of diagrammatic representations, that is, as forms of meaning emptied from scale, spatiality and materiality. This article reports on a series of four workshops, held in the spring semesters from 2011 to 2014 for first‐year students at Aarhus School of Architecture. The aim was to provide first‐year students with an experience of the relation between the section as a diagrammatic representation and the materiality, structure and spatial relations of a concrete building. The climax of each workshop was a full‐scale dissection and transformation of an abandoned house. As we shall see, the workshops fulfilled not only the intended learning goals, but created an initially unforeseen and unique context for learning about the relations between building and place and introduced the question regarding depopulation of rural areas as a pertinent processional challenge. Beyond an educational value, the research project ‘Transformation on abandonment, a new critical practice?’ transpired from the workshops. This research project and the interplay between teaching and research are discussed in the last part of the article.  相似文献   

新时代职业教育产学研一体化的发展道路要求必须重视职业教育中的科学研究。职业教育教师的专业发展要顺应时代的要求,从“双师”转换到“以理论教学能力为基础,以实践教学能力为条件,以科学研究能力为手段”的“三师”。新时代“三师型”教师队伍建设是高素质技能人才培养、职业院校可持续发展、教师专业化发展以及学生全面发展的必然要求。要实现“双师”到“三师”的顺利转换,应该提高认识,制定政策;活跃思想,激励到位;继续教育,在职培养。  相似文献   

The societal demand for inspiring and engaging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students and preparing our workforce for the emerging creative economy has necessitated developing students’ self-efficacy and understanding of engineering design processes from as early as elementary school levels. Hands-on engineering design activities have shown the potential to promote middle school students’ self-efficacy and understanding of engineering design processes. However, traditional classrooms often lack hands-on engineering design experiences, leaving students unprepared to solve real-world design problems. In this study, we introduce the framework of a toy design workshop and investigate the influence of the workshop activities on students’ understanding of and self-efficacy beliefs in engineering design. Using a mixed method approach, we conducted quantitative analyses to show changes in students’ engineering design self-efficacy and qualitative analyses to identify students’ understanding of the engineering design processes. Findings show that among the 24 participants, there is a significant increase in students’ self-efficacy beliefs after attending the workshop. We also identified major themes such as design goals and prototyping in students’ understanding of engineering design processes. This research provides insights into the key elements of middle school students’ engineering design learning and the benefits of engaging middle school students in hands-on toy design workshops.  相似文献   

Peer-facilitated workshops enhanced interactivity in our introductory biology course, which led to increased student engagement and learning. A majority of students preferred attending two lectures and a workshop each week over attending three weekly lectures. In the workshops, students worked in small cooperative groups as they solved challenging problems, evaluated case studies, and participated in activities designed to improve their general learning skills. Students in the workshop version of the course scored higher on exam questions recycled from preworkshop semesters. Grades were higher over three workshop semesters in comparison with the seven preworkshop semesters. Although males and females benefited from workshops, there was a larger improvement of grades and increased retention by female students; although underrepresented minority (URM) and non-URM students benefited from workshops, there was a larger improvement of grades by URM students. As well as improving student performance and retention, the addition of interactive workshops also improved the quality of student learning: Student scores on exam questions that required higher-level thinking increased from preworkshop to workshop semesters.  相似文献   

根据职业能力的培养要求,进行课程整合改革,是高职教育的一个重要特色。《建筑施工材料与施工工艺》课程整合改革,以学生为主体,项目引领、任务驱动,将课程内容设计为八大项目模块、二十个学习性工作任务,将"教、学、做"融为一体,采用理论、技能双考核制度。实践证明,施工材料与施工工艺课程整合改革有利于高职学生的职业能力培养。  相似文献   

Immigration is an integral phenomenon of our globalising world. The increasing flow of people creates new challenges for educational institutions and workplaces. The purpose of this article is to address challenges that vocational teachers face with diversity at colleges and workplaces. Two research questions are addressed: how do teachers prepare immigrant students for working life? What challenges related to intercultural competence do teachers preparing immigrant students for working life face? The theoretical background lies in cultural–historical activity theory, developmental work research and in the concept of intercultural competence. The change laboratory method used in study is a formative intervention method evolved within developmental work research. The data comprised two change laboratories organised at the same vocational college in 2001 and 2011. The results showed that teachers’ work with multicultural students and groups can be developed by following five perspectives: preparation, reflection, contribution, guidance and responding. Intercultural competence is constructed contextually and is intertwined with activities such as teaching, facilitating students’ learning and cooperating with workplaces. The participants of the change laboratories experienced it as a good instrument for their intercultural work. Based on the results, some implications are suggested.  相似文献   

社会实践是大学生了解社会、学习知识、增长能力的有效途径,是培养学生职业核心能力的重要载体。针对高职大学生社会实践形式简单、与所学专业不对应、实践质量得不到保证等问题,大连职业技术学院把学习能力、信息处理能力、沟通协作能力、创新创效能力、外语应用等能力为主要内容的职业核心能力融入大学生社会实践,并将其作为重要培养目标,并从加强重视、完善管理模式、课程化实践等方面探索了高职大学生社会实践的新路径,为大学生综合素质培养提供有利的平台。  相似文献   

在对职业院校学生的专业能力和非专业能力测评的基础上,追踪调查他们的就业及职业发展状况,发现两项能力的强弱直接影响他们的初次就业,对他们的职业发展也有重要影响,在就业后学生的专业能力和非专业能力仍有较大的发展空间。为此,提出职业院校要进一步重视发展学生的专业能力和非专业能力,用人单位要重视实施再教育以挖掘学生的潜能等建议,以利于学生的就业和职业发展。  相似文献   

随着社会对外语人才需求的与日俱增,迫切地要求高职院校尽快培养出大量的具有较强专业知识和技能,具备良好的职业道德和素质的外语人才。以就业为导向、以能力为本位、具有高职特色的外语人才培养模式,是高职院校今后的外语教学中的大势所趋。交际法教学注重培养学生的交际能力,在教与学的过程中融入职业能力的养成,培养外语+专业知识的复合型外语人才,以形成较强的综合就业能力。  相似文献   

现代高职教育是国家高等教育的重要组成部分,如何提高高职院校学生专业课程的学习效果应是我们不断探索和努力的方向。文章结合了高职院校小语种专业课程的特点,探讨了案例教学法在商务法语课程中的应用和改进,例举了实施案例教学的方法,旨在激发学生学习兴趣,提高专业课程教学效果,针对小语种专业实现高职人才培养目标。  相似文献   

Motivation to learn in vocational education is underexplored by researchers in educational psychology. Yet, teachers would profit from an understanding of the goals apprentices adopt for their learning and how these goals relate to students’ learning strategies and abilities. Using latent profile analysis, four groups were identified based on the achievement goals of 263 vocational students in their professional mathematics courses. Groups were described regarding their cognitive abilities, learning strategies and motivational beliefs. Results indicated that the inclusion of challenge-mastery and work-avoidance goals adds value to previous conceptualizations of multiple goal profiles. Significant and large differences between the profiles were found with regard to such motivational beliefs as individual interest and significant, albeit smaller, differences were found for learning strategies and cognitive abilities. The results suggest that vocational students may adopt four specific combinations of goals and that these are associated with several variables important for successful learning. Implications of the findings for vocational education are discussed.  相似文献   

高职高专院校培养的是适合生产建设一线岗位需要的高等技术应用性人才,需要学生有较强的自主学习能力和终身学习意识。调查发现,高职高专学生的自主学习能力普遍欠缺,制约着高职高专院校教学质量的提高和学生职业能力的发展。解决这个问题,除了采取措施激发学生主动学习的动机外外,更重要的是构建有利于培养高职高专学生自主学习能力的课堂教学模式。其前提是:教师职能重新定位,颠覆传统教学评价标准。其要素有:创建有利于自主学习的师生关系;设定学习目标,创设自主学习情境;传授恰当的学习方法;传授技能培养的科学方法。其模式有:自学辅导教学模式,仿真式教学模式。  相似文献   

对高职院校学生进行创业素质教育是高职教育的必需。创业素质教育包括培养学生的学习方法、职业素质、职业能力等方面。根据教育实际,提出了创业素质教育的具体要求。  相似文献   

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