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李立 《新闻界》2007,(3):28-30
对电视所导致的消极社会文化后果进行批判性反思是媒介批评中的重要传统,在文化批判研究和媒介文化研究范式里,这类批评取得了很多重要的成果。它们的积极意义是借助批判保证了文化的活力,但这种柏拉图式的批判传统往往表现出文化悲观论的局限,具有夸大和过度悲观的倾向。  相似文献   

电视艺术批评作为媒介批评与艺术批评的重要组成部分,与电视媒介及其生产、传播活动紧密相关,为理论界与实务界所关注。本研究以最近十年(2000—2009)为时间范围,选择中国传媒大学胡智锋、苗棣、徐舫州三位中年学者为样本,关注他们在媒介改革、频道、节目、社会-文化以及中外比较五个层面展开的电视艺术批评活动,并分析其观念、视角、问题意识等对于发展中的中国电视艺术批评领域产生的持续性的影响。  相似文献   

媒介融合是以电视、报纸等媒介为基础,以网络、编辑方式为介质,以编辑角色转变为目标的一个动态过程。媒介融合是新闻编辑工作持续发展的契机,也是传统新闻发展的机遇。基于此,本文以新闻编辑角色为研究对象,阐述媒介融合的编辑壁垒,分析编辑角色的转变方法,唤醒新闻传播的内在活力。  相似文献   

媒介批评是中国现代著名新闻记者范长江概括和抽象新闻实践、演绎新闻理论成果的重要手段。抗战初期他就撰文批评当时战区报刊匮乏的不良文化生态,在抗战进入第二阶段之后,他又及时撰文对抗战形势下新闻工作的变化进行总结,对报业未来的发展趋势作出判断和评述。范长江以是否争取抗战最后胜利作为媒介批评的主要标准,以读者需求是否得到满足对新闻传播作出具体评价。其媒介批评透过现象直逼本质,具有极强的理论概括性。  相似文献   

郝雨 《当代传播》2011,(2):50-53
在媒介批评体系的特色和风格上,要特别提倡中国作风和中国气派,就是立足于中国的文化土壤和新闻传播现实,从我国传统文艺批评理论中借鉴基本概念和表现方式,如:我们将引入"印象式批评"、"诠释式批评"、"考据式批评"、"评点式批评"、"社会历史批评"、"内容与形式批评"等等,并把这些批评方法进行一定的现代化改造和融合,创造一套...  相似文献   

新媒体技术掀起的媒介改革对全球传统媒体形式改革有着极大现实意义,其中报纸、电视和杂志等传统媒体开始与新媒体之间产生融合式革命,这被称之为媒介融合。本文着眼于新制度主义,深层分析了新闻生产研究时采用的社会科学理论,且基于社会建构下的新闻是其主要产物,新制度主义注重嵌进社会部门及其领域中媒介组织所体现的政治性及其文化因素,这时则认为新闻生产是必然的,其被各方面文化认可,这也说明组织对于文化规范和始于支配领域压力的遵从。因此,分析新制度主义视野下新闻生产对国内新闻生产可持续发展有着极大现实意义。  相似文献   

第一,误把新闻传播史的研究对象作为媒介批评史的对象加以论列和叙述,将媒介批评的内涵无限扩大,侵入新闻传播史研究领域,使媒介批评史与新闻传播史混为一谈,无法区分其应有的学术边界,以致中国媒介批评史的研究在无形中得到消解。  相似文献   

胡正强 《青年记者》2012,(11):16-18
媒介批评的欲望、动机虽然往往是因传播实践而激起,但支撑在其背后的则是人类传播活动漫长历史的整个过程.媒介批评作为一种精神性活动,其思维方式与新闻传播显然有所区别,透辟的理性解析和文化阐释无疑是其话语实践形态的主要表现形式.随着20世纪90年代媒介批评学从西方引进大陆,中国媒介批评史的研究也渐渐引起国内学界的注意,中国媒介批评的发生和开端自然也就成为其中一个无法绕开的问题.  相似文献   

当下电视传播现象若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下,电视成为传播活动中最重要、最活跃的媒介,电视传播也成为理论界十分关注的研究对象.本文主要针对电视传播中的娱乐化倾向,新闻的客观、真实性、体育节目的商业化以及媒介事件的历史价值等提出新的认识角度和批评方法.  相似文献   

媒介批评学的新架构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘建明 《当代传播》2001,(6):24-27,23
媒介批评学引导人们科学地分析媒体活动,并由宏观层面推进到 对新闻作品的分析,使其更具实践意义。新闻理论是新闻活动的历史性反思,而 媒介批评理论则是新闻活动的现实反思。近几年,我国媒介批评理论形成了新的 学科架构,主要包括媒介批评的对象研究、媒介批评的内容研究、媒介批评的方 法研究和传播政策分析。 媒介批评正在引起新闻界和新闻研究界的注意,一支媒介批评家的队伍正 在聚集。管理部门、受众和新闻从业者对报道的强烈反思,转移到如何分析、评价 新闻作品,如何认识传媒行为,已经深人到媒体的各个领域。媒介批评学引导人 们科学地分析媒体活动,让受众正确地理解媒介和新闻,导致媒介观念的彻底变 革和新闻解释学的诞生。  相似文献   

An almost unheralded, but very important, communications phenomenon of the past couple of decades is the massive shift of Negroes from a “low media use”; pattern to a “high television use”; pattern for information gaining activity. The development is particularly clear with respect to the obtaining of political information by Negroes, as is shown in this secondary analysis of four Survey Research Center national probability samples, from 1952 through 1964. Maxwell McCombs, formerly on the faculty of UCLA, is presently assistant professor in the School of Journalism at the University of North Carolina.  相似文献   


The fact that not everyone may like a given television program isn't news; but the fact that the demographic characteristic of race is associated with selective liking and disliking of network television programs that were designed to appeal to a “mass” audience may be surprising. The following article aroused a great deal of heated discussion when an early version was presented at the 1965 meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism, and should do so again after publication in these pages. James W. Carey is Research Assistant Professor in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

自媒体与公民新闻对原有传播格局进行重构,社会话语和媒介权力在重构中产生转移。本文探讨了自媒体传播中公民新闻带来的媒介权力的补偿性转移。  相似文献   


When radio and television are touted as the “greatest media for education” or the “promoting of social change” that the world has ever known, the need of the developing countries of the world for these media is often cited. It is probable that most citizens of the United States think of “developing nations” as those newly‐formed countries of Asia and Africa whose political, social and economic problems often are featured in the day's news reports. However, there are more than a score of developing nations in the western hemisphere, and one of these is right at the back door of the U. S. This country, Mexico, has been using radio and television effectively for a major literacy program since 1965, and the following article describes that program. Dennis Lowry is a doctoral candidate in mass communication in the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Information for this article was gathered during a six‐week study trip to Mexico in the summer of 1968.  相似文献   

本文是中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心所承担的,国家新闻出版总署委托研究项目——《新闻传播硕士专业学位设置论证》课题成果主报告的一部分。该文通过对当前我国新闻传播业发展和新闻传播教育实践的现实考察,分析了当前我国开设新闻传播硕士专业学位教育的背景,论述了设置新闻传播硕士专业学位的必要性、紧迫性和可行性,并得出了目前我国设置新闻传播硕士专业学位的条件已经成熟的结论。  相似文献   

本文对2010年中国新闻传播学理论研究方面做了扼要的梳理。划分为新传播科技、新闻理论、新闻史,传播学理论等四部分。文章认为,传播科技带来的新的媒介生态和未来发展的趋势,是这年新闻传播学界宏观思考的最大问题;在中观层面,对各二级学科存在的主要问题,已经有所反思。  相似文献   

This study applied the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to 118 political advertisements (television spots, newspaper ads, direct mail, and WWW pages) from 1998. Acclaims (self‐praise; positive statements) were the most common function (84%), followed by attacks (criticism, negative statements; 15%). Defenses (refutation of attacks) were relatively infrequent (1%). There were some differences by medium (WWW pages had the most acclaims, while television spots had the most attacks; no defenses occurred on WWW pages or in direct mail) but these functions are consistent both across media and with prior research on presidential campaign advertising. Incumbents produced more acclaims than challengers, who attacked more than incumbents. Finally, policy utterances were more common than character utterances in all media but www pages. The overall consistency in Junctions and topics across media and across levels of campaigns (presidential and non‐presidential) strongly suggests the existence of important situational influences on political campaign advertising. These findings can be useful for practitioners, theorists, and critics of campaign discourse.  相似文献   

This research examines gender performance expectations of television journalists in the era of social media. A qualitative survey found little to no progress in reducing discourse critical of broadcasters’ appearance in the 20 years since Engstrom and Ferri’s (2000) study, with social media adding another avenue to “correct” rather than challenge gender norms. Nearly all journalist respondents believe viewer criticism has increased with the rise of social media and believe their organizations should provide training and policies addressing this concern. However, 90% of respondents said their organizations provide neither, suggesting news outlets should enhance social media policies.  相似文献   

Often, a series of studies may shed light where a single study from the series will be of minor value. For the past several years, students in the graduate Department of Journalism at the University of California at Los Angeles have investigated facets of the mass communications picture in the Southern California region. In this article, Walter Wilcox, Department Chairman, and Jack Lyle, Assistant Professor, provide a framework and a synopsis of several studies using a variety of methodologies but all concerned with the subject of television news broadcasting.  相似文献   

美国哥伦比亚大学新闻研究生院“卓越新闻研究项目组”在“美国新闻媒体现状”2006年度报告中分析了技术进步和商业成功背景下美国新闻业的困境与变数,提出了美国新闻业未来发展的六大趋势,指出:新闻业将朝着采编更透明、更专业,视野更宽阔的方向前进。新、旧媒体之间融合不可避免,但威胁甚小。  相似文献   

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