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发展量表是一种考察儿童的指标。教师可以用量表作为观察儿童的指南,也可以作为编制测验方案的根据。发展量表有许多重要作用:(1)它是一般活动的主要原则;(2)它是帮助教师在教育过程中决定下一步骤的依据;(3)对照量表可以了解每个儿童的一般发展情况,有利于对儿童的教育和估价。对四、五岁儿童发展量表应作以下几点说明:(1)此量表是实验研究的结果;(2)此量表的条目是一些经常表现的行为实例;(3)此量表的主要类型(例如社会化、语言等)是与儿童早期教育目标相联系的,(4)按照年月顺序排列的阶段内容是大致的水平,任何一个儿童的发展水平可以比同龄儿童所达到的一般水平早或迟几个月;(5)此量表中的内容不是按特定的发展理论(如皮亚杰理论、格塞尔学说等)提出的,而是简单的、常见的、经常用来评价儿童发展水平的,(6)此量表是按顺序排列的(译者注:序号越前越重要),它代表4-5岁儿童的一般水平。  相似文献   

目的:了解儿童学习困难儿童(LD)的认知特征及影响因素.方法:采用静进等人编制的儿童学习障碍筛查量表(PRS)对4~7年级共2030名学生进行统一测评和分析.结果:儿童学习困难的筛查率为12.57%,不同类型学习困难儿童认知特征存在显著性差异,不同生源地、是否留守学习困难儿童的认知结构上不存在显著性差异;学习困难儿童认知特征在性别上除社会行为方面女生显著高于男生外,其他方面未达到显著性差异.结论:学习困难儿童的教育与安置要根据其学习困难类型分类进行处理,其中综合型学习困难儿童需要重点关注.  相似文献   

《学前儿童学习能力早期诊断量表》编制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《学前儿童学习能力早期诊断量表》(教师用)是在台湾郑信雄修订的儿童感觉统合检核表(家长问卷)、Achenbach儿童行为量表及其他儿童认知能力测评研究的基础上编制而成的。运用SPSS统计软件包对量表的结构、信度、效度进行了分析,结果表明:量表的结构基本符合了本研究的构想,说明该量表具有较好的构想效度;量表的信度较高;量表的因素分析表明所有项目均具有良好的区分度,且各项目与其所属因子、问卷总分之间达到了较为显著的相关。这些结果表明,《学前儿童学习能力早期诊断量表》是一个比较可靠、有效、理想的诊断工具。  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童在基本的听、说、读、写、算等认知加工过程上存在困难,不同类型的学习障碍儿童在韦氏智力量表上的表现具有特异性,这是由于韦氏智力量表的内在结构与一些特定的认知加工过程有关。为加强韦氏智力量表的临床效应,第四版(WISC-IV)在结构、内容、功能等方面进一步优化调整,更加突出了量表对特殊学习者和情绪及行为障碍儿童的临床辨别力不同类型的学习障碍儿童在韦氏智力量表第四版特定分量表及特定的合成指数和认知加工指数上有特异性表现,这既可以成为临床辅助评估的出发点,同时也可以为不同类型的学习障碍儿童的个体化认知加工训练提供参考。  相似文献   

眼动记录技术是探讨人阅读过程中的眼动行为与心理活动的一种重要技术手段。文章对发展性阅读障碍儿童阅读时的眼动行为指标进行分析梳理,结合正常儿童阅读过程中的眼动行为进行比较,探讨发展性阅读障碍儿童筛查方法、眼动特征,在此基础上分析发展性阅读障碍的发生原因并相应提出提高儿童阅读能力的干预措施。  相似文献   

采用儿童心理虐待与忽视量表、儿童自我意识量表和儿童孤独感量表调查了324名小学生遭受心理虐待与忽视的基本特点,并探讨了自我意识在儿童心理虐待与忽视和孤独感之间的作用。结果表明:(1)儿童中存在一定比例心理虐待与忽视现象,心理虐待与忽视阳性组儿童和阴性组儿童在自我意识总分及其分量表行为、智力与学校情况、焦虑、合群和孤独感上均存在显著性差异;(2)儿童心理虐待与忽视与自我意识总分及其分量表行为、智力与学校情况、焦虑、合群与孤独感总分均存在显著相关,并且自我意识在儿童心理虐待与忽视和孤独感之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨创伤后应激障碍与自我意识的关系,为创伤后应激障碍的治疗方向提供依据。采用分层整群抽样的方法用儿童自我意识量表和创伤后应激障碍17项筛查问卷对舟曲县的596名学生进行问卷调查。结果显示:男、女生在行为、焦虑和合群分量表均存在极其显著性差异;除躯体外貌和属性分量表与PTSD无显著性相关外,其余分量表均与PTSD总分之间存在极其显著的负相关关系;除智力与学校情况和躯体外貌与属性分量表在PTSD等级上无显著性差异外,总分和其余分量表得分在PTSD等级上均存在极其显著性差异。加强对自我意识各维度的关注与改变,将有益于PTSD的预防和治疗。  相似文献   

本研究将国内新近翻译修订的“学习能力障碍儿童筛查量表(PRS)”试用于呼和浩特市蒙古族小学生。结果表明,该量表各项得分均值分布与原量表结果基本相符;呼和浩特市区蒙古族小学生中学习障碍儿童筛出率为16.5%,高于日本,接近欧美,且高于广州市;男高于女,与国内外有关报道一致。研究表明,PRS量表在筛查和甄别LD儿童方面确实效价很高  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍是儿童认知发展过程中较常发生的一类特异性障碍,对学生的学习和心理行为发展均有重要影响。依据认知模块化的观点,发展性计算障碍可以分为不同类型,目前主要有按阶段与按表征两种分法。近年来,有关研究在脑与认知科学领域取得较大进展,有关结果表明发展性计算障碍不仅与脑的单侧化有关,同时也与特定脑区在代谢与结构上的异常有关。目前在我国,研究者与广大教育实践工作者尚未对此引起足够的重视,有关研究尚未充分开展,为此,我国应加快在该方面的科学研究、干预与教育培养工作。  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍是一种阻碍儿童算术能力获得的特殊学习障碍。它有多种不同的类型,目前主要有3种分类标准。发展性计算障碍类型的多样性主要在于其成因的复杂性。文章从遗传、脑机制、个体认知因素及环境与教育因素4个方面,系统地总结了发展性计算障碍的成因,最后指出现有研究存在的问题以及今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

心理教育评定量表中修订版简称(C-PEP),是一种新型的发展量表,最适用于自闭症及相关发育障碍儿童的个别化评估。作为评估工具,它能提供患儿在模仿、知觉等7项功能领域的发展信息;作为诊断工具,它能识别在情感、感觉模式和语言等领域中的病理行为及其程度。此外,从量表中获得的“中间反应”项目还可作为个别化教育计划制订的依据。它所具有的优点及在诊断与教育方面的成效已被世界所公认,相信中版PEP在未来会发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

从世界范围内来看,残疾儿童的教育安置是一个不断发展的话题与不断变迁的实践,对这个问题的思考和探索贯穿了整个特殊教育的发展历程。整体来说,它经历了制度化特殊教育之前的个别教育阶段、独立设置的隔离式特殊学校阶段、由单一到多元的融合运动阶段。而全纳教育的出现,则为残疾儿童教育安置提供了一种新的转向。  相似文献   

This study examined a population of children with multiple disabilities to investigate whether functional, developmental, or perinatal factors could differentiate children reported and substantiated as maltreated from those not so reported. Data were collected from medical records of a cohort of 500 children evaluated between 1973 and 1984 at the Kennedy Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Maltreatment reporting was documented through the State of Maryland Abuse Registry and the counties of residence of all study children. Results indicated that the profiles of demographic and family characteristics associated with child maltreatment reporting in this population are consistent with the literature, but child functional and developmental characteristics were not confirmed as risk factors for substantiated maltreatment reports. Indeed, contrary to investigator expectations, the more severely disabled children, in terms of functioning, appeared at less risk of maltreatment than did disabled children functioning at more age-appropriate levels.  相似文献   

Children aged 3-12 years (n = 184) with typical development, deafness, autism, or Asperger syndrome took a series of theory-of-mind (ToM) tasks to confirm and extend previous developmental scaling evidence. A new sarcasm task, in the format of H. M. Wellman and D. Liu's (2004) 5-step ToM Scale, added a statistically reliable 6th step to the scale for all diagnostic groups. A key previous finding, divergence in task sequencing for children with autism, was confirmed. Comparisons among diagnostic groups, controlling age, and language ability, showed that typical developers mastered the 6 ToM steps ahead of each of the 3 disabled groups, with implications for ToM theories. The final (sarcasm) task challenged even nondisabled 9-year-olds, demonstrating the new scale's sensitivity to post-preschool ToM growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the limitations of standard scores of achievement tests commonly used in diagnosing learning disabilities. The consideration of these limitations is an important factor in attempting to decide whether a marked discrepancy exists between ability and achievemen, a requirement for the diagnosis of learning disabilities under Public Law 94–142. The phrase “standard score scale” is ambiguous because it can refer to both status score scales and developmental score scales. Unfortunately, many school psychologists seem unaware of the distinction between these two types of standard scores and the ramifications of this distinction. Many standardized achievement tests commonly used in the assessment of learning disabilities use status standard scores despite their severe limitations (noncomparability across grade levels and subjects, and failure to reflect changes in variability across grade levels). While developmental standard scores are to be preferred over status standard scores in diagnosing learning disabled children, their value is significantly lowered because they require greater growth for below-average students than for average or above-average students. Moreover, developmental scores are nonequal interval and they assume that subject matter is normally distributed within age or grade groups. Although we recommend the use of developmental standard scores over status standard scores, we urge that they be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

Oral precursors underlying competence with literacy activities are approached through a review of studies on narrative comprehension and production in children identified as language learning disabled (LLD). Areas addressed include a general overview of narrative types, the kinds of narrative knowledge that are acquired, the nature of story organization, and developmental acquisitions in story recall and generation. Nine studies on the oral comprehension and production of language learning disabled children are then compared with respect to methodological issues and patterns of performance. Implications from these studies are discussed in terms of their potential insight for subtypes of a LLD including the value of oral narratives in identifying precursors for competence with written language.  相似文献   

我国残疾儿童教育存在不公平的现象,造成这一现象的主要原因有如下几点:(1)在法律法规方面,残疾人教育法律法规不完备、执法不到位,导致残疾儿童受教育权没有得到充分保障;(2)在经费方面,残疾儿童教育经费投入不足,并且残疾儿童教育教师薪酬水平比普通儿童教育教师低;(3)在教育管理方面,不仅残疾儿童教育管理体制不健全,而且残疾儿童教育督导不力;(4)在社会、文化方面,社会支持保障体系不健全,传统文化对残疾人的偏见也对残疾儿童教育存在着消极影响。  相似文献   

The relations of stress and coping over time were investigated among mothers of children (N=36) with mild neurological disabilities and mothers of matched non-disabled (ND) children (N=36). Separate stress groups were formed with respect to changes in adaptational outcomes for the mothers of disabled and ND children. Mothers of disabled children with better adaptational outcomes had considered their self-esteem higher and used problem-focused coping and social support more often than mothers of disabled children with worse adaptational outcomes. Decrease of negative affects seemed to presuppose use of problem-focused coping more often mothers of disabled children than for those of ND children.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether the phonetic regularity of a language can significantly influence the prevalence and pattern of developmental dyslexia. Demographically matched samples of fifth-grade children in Italy (N = 448) and the United States (N = 1,278) were evaluated to identify children with specific reading disabilities. Reading disabled children with average intelligence were compared to normal controls on a series of neuropsychological tests to evaluate specific cognitive deficits associated with reading disorders in each country. The findings suggested that (a) dyslexia is more prevalent in the United States than in Italy, (b) reading disabilities are strongly associated with disorders of verbal processing in both countries, although some American dyslexics also show visual-motor deficits, and (c) there is a greater dissociation between reading comprehension and decoding in Italian than in English.  相似文献   

残疾儿童干预的一个主要宗旨是帮助他们尽可能参与社会,游戏具有这方面的功能。成人应意识到残疾儿童不同于正常儿童的游戏特征,考虑到可以利用游戏干预残疾儿童,促使他们尽可能健康发展。基于游戏的干预策略包括:选择有效策略合理干预残疾儿童的游戏过程、创设适宜残疾儿童的游戏环境、开发适宜技术提高残疾儿童的游戏质量等方面。  相似文献   

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