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刘阳 《图书馆学研究》2011,(16):99-101,98
刘体仁是清初著名文学家、文艺鉴赏评论家,曾官刑部主事、吏部郎中。能诗善画,精鉴赏,被称为清初十才子之一。刘体仁所作诗文颇丰,但随作随丢,不自存稿,晚年自编其诗文集为《七颂堂诗文集》,诗文风格清隽遥深,追求自然。在诗歌创作、诗词理论、收藏鉴赏等方面有较高的艺术成就。  相似文献   

刘阳 《图书馆学研究》2011,(8):99-100,F0003,98
刘体仁是清初著名文学家、文艺鉴赏评论家,曾官刑部主事、吏部郎中。能诗善画,精鉴赏,被称为清初十才子之一。刘体仁所作诗文颇丰,但随作随丢,不自存稿,晚年自编其诗文集为《七颂堂诗文集》,诗文风格清隽遥深,追求自然。在诗歌创作、诗词理论、收藏鉴赏等方面有较高的艺术成就。  相似文献   

廼贤是中国诗史上仅见的葛逻禄诗人,学诗于江浙,长逝于直沽(今天津)军中.文章对其<金台集>、<河朔访古记>的版本,<南城咏古诗帖>的流传等情况进行了考述,并搜集甄辨了廷贤佚诗.对廼贤的文献情况加以考察,有助于正确认识和全面了解少数民族古籍文献,研究元代多民族士人圈的活动.  相似文献   

Alan May 《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(1-2):296-303
Alan May interviews the visionary poet Jake Berry, editor of Outré, Artifact Collective Texts, Anomaly, The Experioddicist, and currently 9th St. Laboratories. In the early 1990s, Berry saw the important role the Internet could play in the world of poetry, long before many well-known and award-winning poets began publishing poetry in blogs and e-zines. In this interview, May and Berry discuss the early days of e-mail and Internet literary publishing, and the art of poetry itself as it survives and thrives in the online era.  相似文献   

陶渊明是中国古代的诗人和思想家,开创了田园诗风,被尊称为隐逸诗人之宗。为了弘扬、传承和发展陶渊明思想文化,笔者探讨了陶渊明文化研究数据库建设的可行性与原则,并从数据收集与选取、库结构搭建、纸质文献数字化、数据加工、数据发布、网络实现六个方面详细探讨了如何构建与实现一个完备的陶渊明文化研究数据库。  相似文献   

陶渊明是中国古代的诗人和思想家,开创了田园诗风,被尊称为隐逸诗人之宗。为了弘扬、传承和发展陶渊明思想文化,笔者探讨了陶渊明文化研究数据库建设的可行性与原则,并从数据收集与选取、库结构搭建、纸质文献数字化、数据加工、数据发布、网络实现六个方面详细探讨了如何构建与实现一个完备的陶渊明文化研究数据库。  相似文献   

John Lee 《Media History》2014,20(1):51-66
This article uses online archives of digitized American and British newspapers to examine the importance of newspaper publication to Rudyard Kipling. Taking ‘The White Man's Burden’ as its particular example, this article recovers the history of that poem's publication and initial reception. That history revises both the poem's date and place of first publication, from Britain to America. In the process, Kipling emerges as a more transatlantic poet than was previously thought, and as a figure who is more influential in America. He is seen to have a sophisticated understanding of the demands and nature of newsprint, of newspapers as a literary and poetic medium, and of newspaper poetry as a journalistic genre. Many agencies and interested parties are seen to be involved in the poem's publication, and the nature of its cultural success offers further evidence for a transatlantic press history.  相似文献   

Jessie Lymn is a PhD Candidate at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and a casual academic in the Information Studies programs at both UTS and Charles Sturt University. Her doctoral research focuses on the archival practices of subcultural communities and how this furthers temporal and spatial understandings of archives.

Building on Eichhorn’s concept of ‘archival genres’, this article considers the recent spate of zine anthologies published in Australia and the United States as examples of these genres. It proposes that the anthologies are archives of content, form and practice, given that they commonly reproduce entire zines as visual material, not just text, and are produced by members of zine communities. This article argues that the anthologies’ narratives, presentation and distribution preserve ideologies of zine culture and that archival genres create spaces for the preservation of practices.  相似文献   

《清人别集总目》订误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《清人别集总目》是第一部全面著录现存清代诗文别集的大型工具书,对于研究清代文学具有重要的参考价值,然因各种原因偶有纰缪之处。本文从总集误为别集、非诗文集误为诗文集、非清人别集而著录、著作与作者不符、作者姓名错讹、人物传记有误等六个方面指出其著录失当之处。  相似文献   

沈千运是盛唐诗坛上一位重要诗人。他的诗,气格高古,为士流所敬慕,而且在当时形成了一种独特的诗风。本文把他放在从盛唐到中唐的整个唐诗流变中,试图从他的生平和创作及其创作的艺术成就和影响两方面来评价他对中唐初期的诗歌创作的重要影响。  相似文献   

Nonfiction for young adults is enjoying a rebirth of interest among publishers, librarians, and teachers with the emergence of an approach that uses facts as information to be shared with children trying to make sense of their world. Reading interest studies disclose patterns in young readers' preferences in nonfiction. Suggestions are offered to encourage the reading of nonfiction, to help teachers use these books effectively in classroom discussion, and to help select nonfiction for reading aloud. He has been president of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly on Adolescent Literature. He and Betty Carter edited the 1988 edition ofBooks for You: A Senior High Booklist for NCTE, and the two also publishedNonfiction for Young Adults: From Delight to Wisdom from Oryx Press. Address for correspondence: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204. Betty Carter, a former junior high reading teacher and school librarian, is now an assistant professor at Texas Woman's University in the School of Library and Information Studies, where she teaches classes in young adult and children's literature. She has chaired the American Library Association's Best Books for Young Adults Committee and is president-elect of NCTE's Assembly on Adolescent Literature.  相似文献   

This study compares the circulation rates of recently published monographs and anthologies of literary criticism at libraries at five liberal arts colleges in Ohio. The analysis shows that anthologies tend to circulate at a much higher rate than monographs. Applying these findings to the cooperative development of shared collections, these findings suggest that literary criticism anthologies may merit a greater number of duplicate copies than do monographs in the same subject area in a shared college library system. This subject-specific study may serve as a model for further studies aimed at developing more nuanced duplication guidelines for shared collections.  相似文献   

阿奇博尔德·麦克利什是美国著名的诗人、剧作家,他还是美国国会图书馆的馆长,并曾被誉为"美国国会图书馆史上非图书馆专业出身的唯一著名图书馆馆长"。本文概述了他的生平,他的图书馆任职以及他的图书馆思想和贡献。  相似文献   

周逢琴 《出版科学》2012,20(1):105-108
李宣龚以诗人身份供职商务印书馆,数十年间鞠躬尽瘁,在管理经营、出版古籍、推动商务旗下杂志改革以及刊刻近代诗人别集等方面,做出了独特的贡献。他集经济文章于一身,堪称商务最重要的管理者、出版人和文化守望者之一。  相似文献   

裘沛然先生是我国著名的中医学家、国医大师,他酷爱读书,一生以书为伴,编书写书,著作等身,不仅医术高超,而且还是一个诗人,诗文史哲造诣颇深。他对图书馆有自己独特的理解。他品德高尚,无私奉献,捐书家乡,关心家乡的图书馆建设,值得图书馆界铭记。  相似文献   

《澹游集》成书于元末,为著名诗僧来复所辑,国家图书馆藏有清抄本。该集有着较为独特的文献价值:其一.上编作者中,有94人之诗仅见于此,未见于任何元诗总集、别集,存佚诗数量在200首以上。其二,《澹游集》卷上诗序、书信,卷下文章,有25篇为《全元文》所遗。其三,《澹游集》所载诸人多附有小传,介绍其字号、籍贯、生平履历等,是元末东南诗坛研究的重要资料,可补史志之阙。  相似文献   

This article critically examines the golden age radio mystery-thriller genre in order to rectify the history of the horror genre and contribute to the history of radio horror. An excavation of the mystery-thriller's generic roots and an analysis of the program Dark Fantasy illustrate how this genre included, but was not limited to, horror. It offered a broad variety of narrative types that are not addressed in histories of the horror genre or radio horror. Such generic and narrative diversity suggests fruitful connections with radio's science fiction, noir, and mystery genres, and with fantastic television anthologies like The Twilight Zone.  相似文献   

Studies exploring very young children visiting museums and art galleries are few. The majority of research about museum and gallery visitors explores family group interactions. This paper examines the findings of a study involving three‐ and four‐year‐old children visiting an art exhibition in a national museum on more than one occasion. The children's construction of knowledge about being a museum visitor and exhibitor indicates their ability to develop an appreciation of art and an understanding of the purposes of museums and art galleries.  相似文献   

殷璠是唐代文学家,他辑选盛唐时期广为流传的诗歌,编为《河岳英灵集》,对后世有较大影响。在书中,殷璠表达了独特的论诗观点,对各诗人的评论也较为中肯。《河岳英灵集》在流传过程中,经历了由二卷本演变为三卷本。介绍并列举了现存于世的宋刻本及明、清刻本等古籍版本,对《河岳英灵集》古籍版本的著录也进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

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