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This paper provides a comparative analysis of European gymnastics systems in the nineteenth century against the context of today's World Gymnaestrada, the purely non-competitive, official world event of the International Gymnastics Federation. Framed by the central question ‘Who did what kind of gymnastics for which purposes?’, the paper discusses the original purposes, issues of participation and key principles of several gymnastics systems in nineteenth-century Europe. The paper particularly addresses not only two major gymnastics concepts emerging at that time, namely German Turnen and Swedish gymnastics, but also their adoption and adaptation in Denmark and the Czech region. This comparative, historical analysis provides valuable insights into the essence of the largely under-researched World Gymnaestrada in general, and into one of its core aims, specifically, namely the celebration of the diversity of gymnastics. In spite of dramatic social change, there seems to be a rather stable core in this respect. Yet, different from the original ideas of the nineteenth century, at today's World Gymnaestrada, the different gymnastics concepts are no longer the object of political struggles, but they are celebrated and complement each other.  相似文献   


Salvador López Gómez was a great exponent of gymnastics in Spain in the nineteenth and the twentieth century. His role as a teacher, a writer and even as a law developer who promoted gymnastics deserves a detailed study. For that reason, through primary sources of this era and, specially, papers from López Gómez himself, this paper depicts his long professional career, his conception of gymnastics and the constant efforts, not always properly rewarded, that he made for its social respect and acknowledgement during that time.  相似文献   

体操教材是体操教学的载体,是教学的依据。本研究在系统查阅和分析建国以来中小学体操教材及其研究资料的基础上,通过对体操教材的素材——体操文化系统和典型的分析,依据新世纪教育改革的基本理念,提出体操教材建构论。  相似文献   

杨红  路云亭 《体育与科学》2011,32(5):11-14,34
新中国成立后,国家相关部门于1951年12月1日颁布并推出了第一套广播体操。进入新世纪以来,由于礼仪学、教育学和意识形态学等因素的介入,国内各相关机构开始出现恢复广播体操的呼声,广播体操现象再度受到媒介的关注。近期关于广播体操的研究融合了大量民间性观点,而广播体操在新世纪的任务则是力图凸现国家的规训力量,并针对青少年的信仰真空状况,重新建设国家的礼仪制度。广播体操则可看做是新式礼仪教育的动作性标杆。广播体操本身就蕴含了较为严格的肉身操练的意义,体现出身体的规范性价值。作为体育形态的广播体操已是尽人皆知,且已逐渐淡出历史舞台,但广播体操所固有的意义鲜明的仪式性、象征性和身体规训的特性,仍然具有新礼仪建设和改良的参照价值。  相似文献   

王锐 《浙江体育科学》2010,32(2):106-108
19世纪体操运动在欧洲大陆的兴起,以及普法战争的失败,导致法国体操社团在发展过程中始终深受军国民思想影响。社团的活动、规范、组织都体现着军事化特征。“学校部队”是军国民思想影响的又一例证。随着体育的普及和社会背景的变化,军国民思想虽在第一次世界大战期间有所反复,但终于在第二次世界大战期问退出法国体育舞台。  相似文献   

我国竞技体操科学研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过文献资料调研、逻辑分析、数理统计等对竞技体操科学研究进行了系统的回顾与展望,结论虽然我国竞技体操技术水平已处于世界领先地位,但竞技体操的科学研究还应多样化、规范化、制度化。  相似文献   

规则与竞技健美操难度动作的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
竞技健美操比赛中,难度动作是成套动作比赛的重要组成部分。国际体联2001年规则的提出对难度动作有了新的要求。本文根据1997年和2001年规则,对竞技健美操成套动作中关于难度动作的有关问题进行探讨,从竞技健美操中难度动作的级别和类别以及难度动作的选择等几个方面进行论述。试图找到国际健美操难度动作发展的主要方向,为健美操的教学、训练提供点滴参考。  相似文献   

通过对第九届全运会男子自由体操比赛中,技术完成情况的分析,对新评分规则执行后,我国男子自由体操项目存在的不足进行探析。  相似文献   

“新兴体育项目”这一概念虽然在国内刊物上屡次被引用,但至今界定尚不明确,本文采用文献资料法对此概念在我国体育教育中的历史发展进行探究.在高校体育课程进一步改革完善的背景下本研究将“新兴体育项目”界定为:相对于20世纪末已经开展的体育项目(田径、足球、篮球、排球、乒乓球、武术和艺术体操等)来说,娱乐性强、普及程度较差、使人感到新奇的且教学大纲中没有明确的,在大学校园中尚未开展或开展时间较短的项目.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the introduction of statistics in the field of gymnastics and its effect on the institutionalisation of physical education as a fully fledged academic discipline. Soon after Belgian independence, Adolphe Quetelet's research already resulted in large-scale anthropometric statistics – indeed, he developed an index that is still being used and is better known under the name of the body mass index. His insights were applied by promoters of gymnastics who wanted to make physical education more scientific. Thus, Clément Lefébure, director of the Ecole Normale de Gymnastique et d'Escrime in Brussels, set up a comparative experiment (with pre- and post-test measurements) by which he intended to show that the ‘rational’ method of Swedish gymnastics produced much better results than the ‘empirical’ method of Belgian/German Turnen. Lefébure's experiment, which was cited internationally but which was also strongly contested by opponents, was one of the factors that led to Swedish gymnastics being officially institutionalised in 1908 at the newly founded Higher Institute of Physical Education of the State University of Ghent, the first institute in the world where students could obtain a doctoral degree in physical education. Although it rested actually on very weak scientific foundations, the bastion of Swedish gymnastics built in Belgium in that pre-war period collapsed only in the 1960s. From then on, sport science could develop fully within the institutes for physical education.  相似文献   

关于世界女子体操发展格局及实力的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
侯军  邓岚  张军  王莉静 《体育科技》2010,31(1):62-66
通过文献资料法、录像分析法、专家访谈法,以雅典奥运会后国际体操新评分规则实施后的两次世界锦标赛和北京奥运会体操赛为资料,对当今世界女子体操运动的发展和态势进行研究。结果表明:中国体操创造了历史;世界女子体操格局发生重大变化;竞技体操更趋实力化方向发展。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to analyze the careers of women gymnastics directors about the turn of the century in 1900. This is done by means of a collective biographical study of the women’s course at the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics in Stockholm from 1891 to 1893. The study is based above all on unique correspondence between the members of the course, namely a correspondence book circulated among them between 1893 and 1943. This book contained a total of almost 500 letters comprising thousands of handwritten pages with detailed accounts of their professional career and family, as well as life’s positive and negative sides. The study shows that their opportunities of making a career – in Sweden and abroad – in the occupation they had received training in were good. There are several reasons for this success. Swedish gymnastics’ treatment methods were the height of fashion round about the turn of the century in 1900 and there was great demand for their services. They remained faithful to their choice of occupation, even if their career took a back seat for half of them when they married: family life and a professional career could not be combined for them.  相似文献   

以 2 1世纪举行的 3届世界体操锦标赛和 2届奥运会体操比赛为资料 ,对世界男子跳马比赛的发展趋势进行了研究。结果表明 :新北京奥运周期跳马动作难度将会进一步提高 ;多度转体以侧手翻技术连接为主 ,多周空翻以前空翻 2周及其转体为主 ,二者将会均衡发展 ;动作质量稳步提升 ,落地稳定性是制胜的关键因素  相似文献   

牛岭  毛岩峰 《安徽体育科技》2002,23(1):31-32,61,33
以体操的内容为出发点,从逻辑学的角度,对我国现行体操的分类情况进行分析,找出其中存在的缺陷和不足,并在此基础上提出科学的体操分类方法.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对50年代苏联体操和中国体操的现状及中国学习苏联体操经验的原因、成效等进行研究。文章认为苏联体操对中国现代体操的发展具有非常重要的影响,为我国提供了科学的训练方法、先进的体操理论和创新意识的培养等,加快了中国体操向世界体操强国迈进的步伐,客观上为中国体操的现代化进程起到不可磨灭的作用。  相似文献   

Sports started to gain relevance in Spain around the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century as a leisure and health option of the upper classes imported from Britain. Its early development was intertwined with the spread of other kinds of physical activities with much more tradition on the continent: gymnastics and physical education. First played by the ruling classes – aristocracy and high bourgeoisie – sports permeated towards petty bourgeoisie and middle classes in urban areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastián and Santander. This pattern meant that the expansion of sports was unavoidably tied to the degree of industrialisation and cultural modernisation of the country. Since 1910, and mainly during the 1920s, sport grew in popularity as a spectacle and, toa much lesser degree, as a practice among the Spanish population.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实验法等,以体操游戏创编与教学实践作为研究对象,结合幼儿基础体操和体育游戏创编要求,归纳总结了体操游戏的相关理论,创编出符合体操运动风格特色、健身效果明显、趣味性强、易于开展的体操游戏。建议重视幼儿体育理论与实践的研究,建立体操游戏学科体系,以此丰富幼儿教学手段,推动体操游戏教学的发展,促进幼儿体育教学改革。  相似文献   

从历史的发展角度看,体操曾是一种强身健体的有效手段。近代,随着竞技体操运动日新月异的发展,其可观赏性充分表现出来,但体操固有的本质特征被人们渐渐遗忘。体操运动的健康发展离不开群众的参与,离不开大众的普及,本文试图从这方面加以论述。  相似文献   

基于体操理论知识服务于体操教学实践,提出了体操普修课理论与实践相结合教学的思路,利用哲学、教育学有关理论与实践相结合的基本原理,对体操理论知识分类、技术课教学策略等方面进行改进,使体操普修课理论与实践相结合的教学策略在理论上符合教育学基本原理,在实践上具备可操作性。  相似文献   


Germany is both the country of origin of Protestantism and of Turnerism, which has led to a specific concept of national gymnastics. In 2017, the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther´s act of nailing his theses to the door of the Church of Wittenberg (on 31 October 1517) was celebrated. About 300 hundred years later, Ludwig Jahn, son of a Protestant minister, started to run a gymnastics ground at a park in Berlin, where young boys and students were educated in ‘body and mind’ according to Jahn’s slogan (which later became the brand of the German Turner movement) frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei (‘fresh, pious, cheerful, free’). The notion of piety has been widely discussed by contemporary gymnasts, because even then, some regarded piety as old-fashioned and in fact incompatible with a free and enlightened world. The purpose of this paper is to consider the Christian impact on German gymnastics and sport since the beginning of a civil movement of body culture in clubs and societies in the nineteenth century. The paper is based on a wide range of academic research and other selected sources.  相似文献   

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