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话语是组织过的语言信息。话语的组织涉及“谁在言说,向谁言说。如何言说”三方面问题。话语不仅传达信息,同时传达特定情绪感染读者。《圣经》借助权威话语建立信徒对基督教的依赖和信任,巩固基督教的社会地位。其权威话语体现在言说主体的权威形象塑造,言说主体与接受者的悬殊地位的设置以及具备教化功能的言语方式。本文以《创世记》为例,探寻《圣经》权威话语建构的踪迹。  相似文献   

<海滨故人>是一部最早以女性视角去反思"五四"思想启蒙的悲情小说,它以五位新女性卷入男性"婚外恋"的不幸遭遇与情感伤害,深刻地反映了新女性对于"恋爱自由"的思想困惑,以及她们对于男性启蒙话语的重新认识,进而传达出新女性欲求自立却难以自立的痛苦心声.这部作品文本的思想与艺术价值是"五四"新女性对于男权话语的理性批判:女性解放是男权话语的时代产物,是男性欲望强烈释放的激情言说;女性解放不是解放女性自身,而是解放男性压抑的生理本能.正是由于<海滨故人>表现出了女性觉醒意识,从而成为中国现代女性文学的经典之作.  相似文献   

<野草>中含有大量的<圣经>因素.文体上有许多共同点,尼采对<圣经>的戏仿之作<查拉图斯特拉如是说>在这之中起了一种媒介的作用.<圣经>把一些文体特点通过<查拉图斯特拉如是说>"传染"给了<野草>,在这方面,能看出尼采对鲁迅的影响.鲁迅曾受尼采的哲学影响很大,崇尚个性精神和意志主义,但他对尼采极端的个人主义却始终保留意见,因为在他的思想世界里人道关怀或救世思想始终都占据着非常重要的位置.  相似文献   

<文心雕龙>可谓中国文章学论著集大成者,研究<文心雕龙>,对汉语文章学话语的构建,必然会起到一定的推动作用.以<文心雕龙>为个案,对其言说方式,以及言说方式下的自身特殊的文化传承与讨论对象基础进行分析可发掘其对现代汉语话语分析的启示.  相似文献   

作为西方基督教的"经书"--<圣经>,曾被许多作家不断借用到作品中.名字本身就具有象征意义的剧本<诺亚方舟>也是借用了<圣经>中的情节和人物.通过对<圣经>在<诺亚方舟>中的情节、人物的构建分析,更能全面的了解作家普拉东诺夫的创作.  相似文献   

基督教于公元一世纪由巴勒斯坦境内拿撒勒人耶稣创立并于公元四世纪成为罗马帝国的国教,取得合法地位的基督教随之在欧洲得以广泛传播.此后,基督教传统和作为基督教经典的《圣经》在西方世界一直占有重要的地位.本文主要阐述基督教传统和《圣经》对西方文学、音乐、绘画和雕塑等方面的影响.  相似文献   

主要通过对希伯来圣经<创世记>中的"创世"神话与中国古代盘古"创世"故事的"跨文本"解读,侧重探讨"混沌"、"分开天地"、"化身"等观念的重要性.目的在于弄清中国文化文本和犹太-基督教信仰的圣经文本之间存在的显著平行和本质差异.  相似文献   

夏金 《文教资料》2008,(5):27-29
<虹>的叙事结构应该和整个<圣经>关于人类堕落与得救的故事相平行,这是因为小说前半部分包含了一个"失乐园"的神化原型.而在小说最主要的后半部分,厄秀拉被塑造成一个女先知的形象.整个小说的结尾是启示式的.这种手法使<虹>成为了英国人的一部现代<圣经>.  相似文献   

"日"字在史传论赞中具有神圣意味,以"日"领起的言论往往预示着是权威话语。殷墟卜辞中"王日"、"王占日"、"王卜日",金文、《尚书》中"王若日"、"周公若日",《左传》"君子日",《论语》"子日"形成一脉相承的言说传统。这一传统中,"日"的各种言说形式都是具有足够话语权的权威话语。《史记》"太史公日"以"日"字作为论赞的提示语,实是对这一传统的自觉承继。受"君子日"启发,《史记》以"太史公"作为论赞主体,是司马迁在史官传统极其微弱的大一统时代条件下,对曾经拥有相当话语权力的史官传统的回归,希冀从传统中汲取话语力量和批判的信心。  相似文献   

语言与文化有密切的关系,语言既是文化的一部分,又是文化的栽体.以<圣经>为核心的基督教文化,对英语有重要的影响.英语学习不仅要学习语言知识与技能,还应理解其深刻的文化内涵.基督教文化影响到英语日常交际语、常见词汇、习语、人名、禁忌语等多个方面.基督教文化对英语的影响要求在英语教学中加强对基督教文化的导入.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine discourse and interaction during Saturday morning religious instruction classes in a Gitano (Spanish Romani) evangelist church. The focus is on adults as literacy mediators for the children in the process of learning ways to use and interpret the Bible. The analysis centres on two aspects: (1) the forms of textuality that are developed around the Bible, and (2) the role that the adult's gender or institutional position play in the forms of interactions and authority relations that are established with the children and the texts. These results should help revise conceptions of Gitano culture as exclusively oral and they also illustrate how the social, institutional and interactional orders of learning and discourse are interrelated in a non-formal religious setting.  相似文献   

王丹 《绥化学院学报》2007,27(2):139-141
作为一位学者,教师,创新者,和颇具影响的理论家,尤金.奈达在圣经翻译方面所产生的世界影响无人能及。由于他的功能对等理论的提出,圣经翻译和翻译理论得到了极大的丰富并由此被引入一个引人入胜而具有挑战性的领域。  相似文献   

书中之书《圣经》本是妇女寻求平等自由的福音,但当我们诠释经文时,便会发现菲勒斯中心的文化现象在《圣经》中赫然存在,其中的女性形象或者在履行完父权制功能后从叙述中消隐,或者遭到漠视、歪曲和凌辱,另外还塑造了一些反面女性形象,所有这些都反映了这部作品的男权话语下女性的失语和受歧视的地位.对《圣经》中女性形象的菲勒斯批评解读对于当今世界妇女争取民主、自由和平等,构建两性平等的和谐社会具有极重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Advocates of intelligent design (ID) promote their movement as a democratic, evidence-based undertaking that opens dialogues about religion and civic affairs. However, with pentadic cartography, this study demonstrates how ID closes the universe of discourse to perspectives other than what Kenneth Burke calls an idealistic orientation. To make this case and to offer counter-statements to ID’s idealism, this study maps discourse generated by an adult Bible study (ABS). Hosted by a Protestant church in America’s northeast, the ABS studied and discussed The Case For A Creator, Lee Strobel’s influential book.  相似文献   

《圣经》:西方文学的创作母题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从基督教的二元世界观、文化价值观以及《圣经》本身所具有的艺术魅力和审美价值出发来探讨作为基督教圣书的《圣经》对西方文学所产生的影响,分析了《圣经》成为西方文学创作母题的原因之所在。  相似文献   

《官话和合本圣经》的成功翻译及其对中国新文学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《官话和合本圣经》的翻译取得了很高的成就,是一批对中文颇有造诣的传教士及其华人助手的合作结晶。汉译白话圣经目的虽不在文学,而在于宣传宗教,可是因《圣经》本身是极佳的文学作品,加上其成功的白话语言,因而在客观上对中国新文学的发轫起到了积极的借鉴和示范作用。这一点,得到了包括周作人在内的新文学先驱的肯定。随着新文学的发展,圣经中的意象、语言、精神及文体也在诸多作家作品中得到了体现,从而为新文学提供了丰富的异质资源。  相似文献   

The Bible is the classic work of Christianity.The influence of the Bible on the British and American literature is profound and extensive.Therefore,one of the most profoundly influenced literature works-The Pilgrim's Progress,which was the British pastor and essay writer John Bunyan's representative work couldn't don't be involved.Thus,this paper is going to elaborate the influence of The Bible on The Pilgrim's Progress systematically by the conscientious reading and analysis.Firstly,this paper will introduce the background of The Bible,and its composing parts,and its relation with the British and American literature.Secondly,this paper will also emphatically recommend The Pilgrim's Progress and its author John Bunyan.At last,it will analyze the relation between The Bible and The Pilgrim's Progress.  相似文献   

Translation is not only to transfer from one language to another;it is also a carrier between different cultures.The translators are responsible for transferring the cultural information of the source text for the target readers.The cultural feature can be frequently traced in the Bible.Both domesticating meuhod and foreignizing method have been applied in Bible translation.This paper explores the adequacy of domesticating method and foreignizing method in the re-manifestation of the culture in the Bible.It...  相似文献   

This article investigates the use of the contextual orientation to the Bible—which seeks to understand the Bible as a product of its time, and in the context of historical-critical biblical scholarship—as a deliberate, significant aspect of a teacher's overall approach to reaching Jewish adults in their 20s and 30s. Through classroom observation and qualitative interviews, the authors (one of whom is the teacher in the article) explore how this approach affects student learning and engagement and facilitates a meaningful attachment to and understanding of the Bible. This article also reflects one teacher's examination of his own teaching orientation and its expressions, serving as a possible model for other such investigations.  相似文献   

STEM education has received significant attention in the USA and is largely fueled by rhetoric suggesting the USA is losing its global competitive edge and that there is a lack of qualified workers available to fill growing STEM jobs. However, a counter discourse is emerging that questions the legitimacy of these claims. In response, we employed feminist critical policy analysis as both a theory and a method to further critique the STEM crisis discourse. We argue that the nature of the current discourse is misleading at worst and incomplete at best and show who is fueling the crisis discourse and who stands to win or lose as a result. We reveal how the crisis discourse draws attention away from the multi-layered complexity of the issue and surface what is missing in the discourse to re-center public attention on protracted problems that still need dismantling.  相似文献   

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