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古代交通民俗与物质生产和消费生活密切相关.古代字书民俗史资料证明,早在夏商时代,我国就有了“车马“和“舟楫“等交通工具,而且建立了“驲传“制度.我国古代道路的开辟、桥梁的建筑、车舟的制造、交通的管理,在世界交通史上长期居于领先的地位.  相似文献   

基于Session技术的购物车的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电子商务网站中,购物车是相当重要的部分,它用来装载购物者购买的商品,本文给出了Web平台的购物车系统的功能描述,以及对购物车进行设计的总体规划扣设计思路,分析了基于JSP+Session技术的购物车的设计实现,并且给出了重要部分的源代码。  相似文献   

In this paper modelling of the translational motion of transportation rail-guided cart with rope suspended payload is considered. The linearly moving cart,driven by a travel mechanism,is modelled as a discrete six degrees of freedom (DOF) dynamic system. The hoisting mechanism for lowering and lifting the payload is considered and is included in the dynamic model as one DOF system. Differential equations of motion of the cart elements are derived using Lagrangian dynamics and are solved for a set of real-life constant parameters of the cart. A two-sided interaction was observed between the swinging payload and the travel mechanism. Results for kinematical and force parameters of the system are obtained. A verification of the proposed model was conducted.  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化的时代,在信息服务业成为主导产业时电子商务得以产生并迅速发展。电子商务影响了人们的购物方式。主要介绍电子商务系统中购物车的地位、作用以及实现方式,探讨如何设计功能更完善、界面更友好、更人性化的购物车。  相似文献   

跨中持续下挠和梁体开裂是大跨PC连续刚构桥存在的两个主要问题。文章从预应力混凝土梁桥长期挠度的计算公式出发,从力学本质上分析了截面上、下缘平均纵向正应力比与梁高之比沿桥轴线分布的均匀性对大跨度梁桥主跨跨中持续下挠的影响,以供工程设计人员参考。  相似文献   

研究了磁浮车辆与三跨刚构桥之间的耦合振动.考虑主动控制电磁悬浮力的作用,建立了磁浮车辆-桥梁耦合振动分析模型.使用数值方法对车辆通过时桥梁的动力反应进行了分析.结果表明桥梁的梁墩线刚度比宜在2.0到3.0之间.桥梁的动力反应随着桥梁刚度的降低、车速和跨度比的增加而加剧.建议桥梁动力设计中以控制桥梁的冲击系数和振动加速度为主.移动荷载模型和移动质量模型在磁浮桥梁动力设计中均不适用.所得结论可为高速磁浮三跨刚构桥设计提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Moving from homestead to homestead, in a horse and cart, to bring schooling to isolated children in Queensland's outback was the role of itinerant teachers at the turn of the century. Later, the horse and cart was replaced by motor cars and motor bikes, but the harsh conditions of the ‘bush’ were never really conquered. The Itinerant Teacher Service was no longer in existence by the Thirties, being replaced by the Primary Correspondence School which offered a service itinerant teachers could not. The travelling teachers, however, were significant in bringing a degree of literacy and numeracy to ‘bush’ children and in preparing the way for the smooth inception of the Primary Correspondence School.  相似文献   

四川雅砻江卡拉至杨房沟水电站交通专用公路洪水沟大桥上部结构为2跨T型钢构桥。施工中采用挂蓝施工工艺,缆索吊吊运箱梁混凝土,塔吊配合缆索吊吊运钢材、设备,顺利地完成箱梁施工任务,保证工程质量,加快施工进度。该技术对其他类似工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

四川雅砻江卡拉至杨房沟水电站交通专用公路洪水沟大桥由于地形限制,在桥墩施工时,施工便道无法修至各桥墩处。要在比桥墩承台高96 m的0#桥台附近开挖施工平台,安装混凝土拌和设备,采取特殊措施将混凝土输送到桥墩附近的施工平台,再用高压混凝土输送泵泵送混凝土到桥墩上。项目采用混凝土输送泵结合缓冲溜管,成功解决混凝土垂直向下、水平、向上输送问题,保证工程质量,加快施工进度。该技术对其他类似工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

1.Go along zhongshan road,and turn right at the second crossing.co across the bridge(L.65)  相似文献   

在总结当前国内环卫车辆现状的基础上,讨论了基于NX平台的后压缩垃圾车智能化设计系统架构,通过系统运行实例指出基于NX平台设计开发产品的优势.  相似文献   

U.S. trade policy has always been shaped, usually quite transparently, by Washington's geopolitical interests. In the case of trade with China, however, there is no telling the cart from the horse.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Afuzzyneuralnetworkcontrollerbasedonthecombinationoffuzzylogicsystemandneuralnetworkhasuniquecharacteristics.Itnotonlyhasthefunctionoflearningandassociativememorybutalsoclearlyrepresentsakindofstructuredknowledgeanddoesfuzzyinferen…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Lanzhou Xiaoxihu Yellow River Bridge is one of few partially cable-stayed bridges. It is con-sidered a partially cable-stayed bridge because beams are under both axial loads and flexure loads. The cables are arranged in semi-fan configuration in a single plane so that they can be easily anchored to the tower. The cable-stayed portion is a 136 m center span with two 81.2 m side spans. The width of box girder’s top flange is 27.5 m, and the bottom flange’s width is 15.…  相似文献   

李贺的诗歌,在艺术上存在明显的缺陷:一是感情不动人,二是意境不完整,三是风格幽冷险怪。究其原因。是由于他在诗歌创作中,颠倒了生活和艺术的关系,本末倒置,使其诗歌产生了形式主义和唯美主义倾向。  相似文献   

Though many programs for undecided students focus on the “developing purpose” vector, Mika Galilee‐Belfer argues that putting purpose before competency is putting the cart before the horse. Here she shares practical strategies she has used to help her students at the University of Arizona reach competence in understanding the academic world.  相似文献   

针对织物设计时工作量大、周期长的问题,利用VB程序编制了织物组织的计算机辅助设计软件.利用该软件不仅可以快速地绘制织物的基本组织,还可以通过改变经纱或纬纱的排列顺序来形成各种不同的变化组织,并能够准确、快速地绘出织物的上机图.采用该软件可减少设计人员的工作量,缩短产品设计周期.  相似文献   

在西方文化传统中,女性被认为是拥有新生力量的"圣母",是能拯救文明的天使.本文也正是从西方文化中的"天命理想"入手,具体地分析了艾略特<荒原>中的女性形象.本文认为,<荒原>中的女性都堕落成了毁灭文明的恶魔,唯一的天使"风信子女郎"也只不过是人们脑海里破碎而美好的回忆,于是荒原的继续荒芜成了资本主义时代人类永恒的必然.  相似文献   

德治与法治作为上层建筑领域的组成部分,都是维护社会秩序、规范人们思想和行为的重要手段,它们相互联系、相互补充,交互渗透、融为一体,如鸟之双翼,车之双轮,覆盖了公民日常生活范围的绝大部分,为我国社会主义现代化建设保驾护航。  相似文献   

陈波的逻辑学著作《逻辑学导论(第二版)》为读者探究中国古代教育名著中所出现的逻辑错误提供了许多新的思路。仅《论语》、《孟子》、《荀子》这三部中国古典教育名著,就分别出现了“因果倒置”、“论据与论题没有必然联系”、“论据不足”的逻辑错误。这些探究有助于人们更好地理解中国传统文化与教育。  相似文献   

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