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我刚和一位女友共度了四天。她嫁给了一个有钱人。他送给她的订婚礼物是价值35,000美元的红宝石戒指。母亲节时,他送给她价值25,000美元的翡翠项链。他给她250,000美元来重新装修他们占地五公顷的豪宅。她的浴室就花费了120,000美元来建。甚至连她的庞物狗都用刻有他名字的镀银餐盘进食。  相似文献   

在妹妹6岁生日那天,她收到了许多礼物,但在这么多礼物当中.妹妹最喜欢的是外公送给她的一个黑头发、黑眼睛、扎着辫子穿着黄色旗袍的中国娃娃。据外公说,这个中国娃娃是他到中国旅行时,导游先生送给他的。  相似文献   

春天来了,豆豆要去旅行。出发前,奶奶拿出一个包裹送给豆豆,并对他说:“这是一件你意想不到的礼物。 它很长,但很轻,出门在外可能用得着的。” 豆豆旅行回来了,他想做的第一件事就是亲亲奶奶,感谢她送给自己的这件特殊礼物。这件礼物在旅途中帮了他的大忙。  相似文献   

相关课文:《给予树》“弟弟”送给老师的“新年礼物”可让人意外了,竟然是他这段时间以来认真完成的作业!《给予树》讲的是“妹妹”送礼物的故事,她拿着妈妈给她买礼物的钱买了一个穿裙子的洋娃娃和一把梳子。可是,你们一定想不到,她不是为自己买的,她把这些礼物送给了需要救助的小女孩,她的爱心让她的妈妈都感到钦佩呢!  相似文献   

四月故事 春天里的旅行 春天来了,豆豆要去旅行。出发前,奶奶拿出一个包裹送给豆豆,并对他说:“这是一件你意想不到的礼物。它很长,但很轻,出门在外可能用得着的。” …… 豆豆旅行回来了,他想做的第一件事就是亲亲奶奶,感谢她送给自己的这件特殊礼物。这件礼物在他旅途中帮了他大忙。 (注:请小朋友续编故事的中间部分。可围绕礼物到底是什么,在豆豆旅行途中发挥了什么作用来创编。)  相似文献   

春天来到的时候,大地妈妈有了一个新孩子——一棵小树苗,大地妈妈亲切地叫他树娃娃。树娃娃第一次睁开眼睛的时候,就看到自己身上有许多嫩绿的树叶,大地妈妈告诉他,那是她送给树娃娃的礼物,是春姑娘为他做的新衣裳。树娃娃非常喜欢大地妈妈送给自己的礼物。当然,他也喜欢为自己  相似文献   

曾经有一个人,她说她送给了我一份礼物;然而,当我看到这份礼物,我的心仿佛也在那一刹那融化了……——题记  相似文献   

一天下课,敏敏跑来对我说:“老师,我要请我爸爸买一样礼物送给你。”我觉得奇怪,就问:“为什么要买礼物送给我呢?”她说:“前天,佳佳也送东西给程老师的。我爸常出差,我也要他买礼物送给你。”这时,我记起那天程老师见佳佳小朋友项链上有个漂亮的小瓷猫,就向她要了一个。没想到这件事被幼儿记在了心里。我思索着怎样做才不伤孩子的心,又能及时挽回这不良影响呢。上课了,我对小朋友说:“刚才,有位小朋友说要叫爸爸买个礼物送老师,我很高兴。但是,礼物要用钱买,你们会攒钱  相似文献   

太阳公公要过生日了 云妈妈送给他雪花当礼物 雪花像奶油 落到地上 大地变成了一个奶油蛋糕 太阳公公一到 不一会儿就把蛋糕吃光了 嘴馋的月亮 只能等着晚上,云妈妈重新给她 做一个  相似文献   

冯·布劳恩1912年3月出生于德国。妈妈是一个业余天文爱好者,她在布劳恩小时送给他一件不寻常的礼物——一只天文望远镜。每当夜幕降  相似文献   

Éric Binet 《Prospects》1999,29(3):444-454
Conclusion Her brief experience of paediatrics and her subsequent discovery of psychoanalysis gave Fran?oise Dolto access to a therapeutic practice enabling her to apply ethical principles that were in conformity with her view of the human person. This path led her to develop a prophylaxis, put to the test in various institutional projects, with a ‘socializing’ or ‘educational’ value. Psychoanalysis thus not only enabled her to bring the light of ethics stemming from it to bear on the therapeutic process, but also stimulated her in her educational and spiritual activity. It was, no doubt, that feature of her thinking that prompted Dolto, in her relations with others, always to use speech for the benefit of the person by calling or recalling each person to his or her archaic desire. This is perhaps the origin of what prompted in her readers and listeners that jubilant enthusiasm so decried thereafter. There is a paradox here between the rejection of any claim to set standards and any imitation, and the power to attract an extensive readership or audience that ‘imitated’ and ‘set standards’, and, above all, was not steeped in the ethical convictions that she alone knew to be essential to any application of her ‘advice’. The very inner distinctiveness of her therapeutic, educational and spiritual action no doubt explains the absence, as Dolto saw it, of pupils to whom she might have taught the essence of her practice, since her subjectivity—the sense of her genius, her faith—is not something that can be taught. Original language: French éric Binet (France) Clinical psychologist in the public child welfare department of the département of Hauts-de-Seine, Paris, and mother and child welfare service for the City of Paris. He is also an instructor at the National Childhood and Family Institute, Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche dans le Champ Social, Paris. He is at present working for a doctorate in the educational sciences at the Université Lyon II, under Professor Guy Avanzini, and completing a thesis on the educational thinking of Fran?oise Dolto. I wish to thank Colette Parcheminier, who is in charge of the association ‘Archives et documentation Fran?oise Dolto’ [Fran?oise Dolto: records and documents], for her invaluable assistance in this work.  相似文献   

鲁四爷并不代表着封建政权对祥林嫂实施迫害,他只是封建思想文化和封建伦理道德的忠实维护者之一;鲁四老爷也不是迫害祥林嫂致死的元凶,他只是对祥林嫂进行精神打击的众多人之一;是鲁镇这个高度思想化的环境联合绞杀了祥林嫂.  相似文献   

In this interview Fiona French discusses her work and career with David Lewis. She describes early influences and stresses her lifelong love of colour and pattern. Amongst other themes she considers the factual basis of most of her books and her lack of interest in fantasy; her preference for clear, simple prose; her constant shifts in style and approach and the increasing freedom of expression she has developed over a long career. David Lewis has been a primary school teacher, educational researcher and teacher trainer. He has written numerous articles on children's picturebooks and is the author of Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. He is a member of the UK editorial board of Children's Literature in Education.  相似文献   

何香凝是中国近代重要的革命家,社会活动家,同时也是仲恺农工学校的创建者,她在15年的办学历程中提出了许多宝贵的教育思想。传承与发展她的思想有着现实的意义。通过回顾何香凝15年的办学历程,总结她的教育思想,并对如何继承与发展她的教育思想做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

Jack 《海外英语》2003,(3):32-33
At thirty-two.Wang AnQi had been marriedto her husband foralmost five years.She loved her husbanddeeply but her husbandseemed to despise her.He would often treat herwith contempt and some—times,even in the presenceof friends and acquaintances.run her down.But An Qi boreit all with a stoic indifierence.Her  相似文献   

爸爸出差回来给莉莉买了一份礼物,但是爸爸没有直接把礼物送给她,而是给她出了道难题。  相似文献   

从前,有一只美丽的海鸟飞到了鲁国。 鲁侯非常喜欢这只海鸟。为了庆祝鸟的到来,他把鸟带到了庙里。鲁侯让下人为鸟演奏音乐,给它肉吃,还给它酒喝。  相似文献   

管同不仅宣扬守节尽孝等封建保守的妇女观,同时赞扬女性在持家教子等方面的作用,歌颂女性的刚毅、机智、勇敢等优秀品质.童年母教对管同这种复杂妇女观的形成影响较大.  相似文献   

In this article David Lewis talks to Posy Simmonds about her career in illustration, cartooning and the writing and illustration of picturebooks. Together they discuss her early experience of working as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines; her first attempt at creating a weekly adult cartoon strip and her subsequent career as a regular contributor to the Guardian newspaper. They consider her approach to writing and drawing picturebooks; the balance of realism and fantasy in her work; her mastery of colour effects; her liking for drawing cats and her attempts to capture the truth of a situation in pictures and words. David Lewis has been a teacher in primary and secondary schools, an educational researcher, and lecturer in education at Goldsmiths’ College, London and the University of Exeter. He has written a number of articles about children’s picturebooks and is the author of Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. He is a member of the UK editorial committee of Children’s Literature in Education.  相似文献   

试析陈子昂对武则天的态度问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈子昂既支持武则天的政治改革,又反对武则天的恐怖政治及佞佛靡财,他不仅是一位卓有成就的文学家,还是一位富有远见的政治家.  相似文献   

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