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As Einstein's portrait comes increasingly to resemble an icon, we lose more than detail--his writings and actions lose all reference. This is as true for his physics as it is for his philosophy and his politics; the best of recent work aims to remove Einstein's interventions from the abstract sphere of Delphic pronouncements and to insert them in the stream of real events, real arguments. Politically, this means attending to McCarthyism, Paul Robeson, the Arab-Israeli conflict. Philosophically, it means tying his concerns, for example, to late nineteenth-century neo-Kantian debates and to his own struggles inside science. And where physics is concerned, it means attending both in the narrow to his responses to others' work and his reactions to his own sometimes misfired early work on, for example, general relativity and to the wider context of technological developments. Einstein remains and will remain a magnet for historians, philosophers, and scientists; the essays assembled here represent a strong sampling--but only a sampling--of a fascinating new generation of work on this perennial figure.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes Einstein's relativity revolution as part of a long-term development of knowledge in which the knowledge system of classical physics was reorganized in a process of reflection, described here as a "Copernican process." This process led in 1905 to the introduction of fundamentally new concepts of space, time, matter, and radiation. On the basis of an extensive historical reconstruction, the heuristics of Einstein's creation of the general theory of relativity, completing the relativity revolution, is interpreted as a further transformation of the knowledge of classical physics, starting from conceiving gravitation as a borderline problem between field theory and mechanics. The essay thus provides an answer to the puzzle of how Einstein was able to create a theory capable of accounting for a wide range of phenomena that were discovered only much later.  相似文献   

Various spatial metaphors related to cyberspace suffer from two major deficiencies. First, they do not take into account that cyberspace is not a preexistent territory, but an entity that emerges in the process of its development. Second, cyberspace is not a metric space, so that most of the ready-made constructs, like the topologic spaces, cannot be of much use. An interpretation of Blake's works helps one to understand that cyberspace is not a purely spatial entity; it also involves time, but not in the sense of Einstein's special relativity theory. The cyber space-time continuum is not a void waiting to be filled, but an aggregation of places (sites) that, similarly to Blake's plates, are multimedia architectures resulting from the blend of space and time.  相似文献   

爱因斯坦创建的相对论引领了20世纪初的物理学革命,他在科学研究中所遵循的方法论原则也成为现代科学的一大财富。坚定的信念是爱因斯坦进行科学研究的坚实基础,怀疑态度和批判精神是爱因斯坦科学方法的内在精神,而唯理论的哲学倾向和简单性的美学原则也是爱因斯坦取得伟大科学成就的重要因素。研究爱因斯坦的科学方法论思想对当代科学的发展与进步有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

论述了“一”的聚集即裴波纳契聚集是产生层次波的自然结构,聚集是有形有象的物质与无形无象的特质的聚集,无与有在不同层次的相互转化就形成了层次波。波动理论与元极图理论是相似的。  相似文献   

通过“光电效应”社会化案例的研究,发现在科技发展模式中,存在被长期忽视而又十分重要的概念——工程。正是具有“造物”指向的工程,不仅使基础研究具有实践性和应用性,而且为科学与技术提供了物质性和社会性的互动舞台。  相似文献   

王丽娜  孙庆丽 《现代情报》2013,33(8):147-151
电子文献检索图标通常应用在一站式资源检索系统中,在国内外著名图书馆主页和大型数据库中较为常见。文章通过对国内外18所大学图书馆和5家数据库产品进行调研,主要针对电子文献类型的图标表示方法进行研究,通过对检索图标进行分类归纳,分析了检索图标的含义,为图书馆资源揭示、应用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Several replicas of Watson and Crick's demonstration model of DNA built at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge in 1953 exist, but where is the original? Once the object of intense discussion but soon superseded by more refined models built at King's College London, it slowly fell to pieces and was eventually disassembled. Twenty years after it was first constructed, some of its pieces resurfaced at Bristol. By that time, the value attached to the original incarnation of the double helix had changed substantially, and the Science Museum in London commissioned a replica of the model, with some of the original parts built into it. The model was hailed as 'the nearest there is to the original'. It has since served as prototype for further replicas. Meanwhile the spidery model of DNA has become the ultimate icon of 20th-century life sciences, and more pieces supposedly belonging to the original continue to appear at auction.  相似文献   

对爱因斯坦关于“时间”“空间”论证的理论基础的正确性、论据(数据)的有效性、论证过程的规范性、在“环球航行原子钟实验”中选择定量与定性分析的依据问题、空间弯曲示意图的真伪性、日全食星星偏移照片的有效性等问题提出了相应的疑问,并提出了“不同纬度时钟实验”和“等效日全食实验”,作为验证爱因斯坦“时、空”观点的验证新方法。  相似文献   

Having introduced the theory of relativity from Japan, the Chinese quickly and enthusiastically embraced it during the May Fourth Movement, virtually without controversy. This unique passion for and openness to relativity, which helped advance the study of theoretical physics in China in the 1930s, was gradually replaced by imported Soviet criticism after 1949. During the Cultural Revolution, radical Chinese ideologues sponsored organized campaigns against Einstein and relativity, inflicting serious damage on Chinese science and scientific education. China's economic reforms in the late 1970s empowered scientists and presented them with the opportunity to rehabilitate Einstein and call for social democracy. Einstein has since become the symbol in China of the unity of science and democracy, the two eminent objectives of the May Fourth Movement that remain to be achieved in full. Using the reception of relativity as a case study, the essay also discusses issues involving the historical study of modern Chinese science.  相似文献   

Frank Greenaway 《Endeavour》1979,3(4):138-143
There are many kinds of great men. Berzelius was one, but he was not a Newton, an Einstein, or a Faraday. He set up no world system, he carried out no radical transformation of ideas, he opened up no new vistas through epochmaking experiments. Yet he gathered the whole of the science of chemistry into his intellect, digested it, influenced it in every branch, gave it a notation as elegant as that of music, inspired the next generation, and was superseded by it. He was right more often than he was wrong, and his creative conservatism gave chemistry a discipline it still possesses.  相似文献   

玻尔和海森伯对量子力学的建立做出了重要贡献,但以他们为代表的哥本哈根学派对量子力学做出的解释却引起了爱因斯坦等许多物理学家的长期争论。20世纪50至70年代,在特殊的历史背景下,中国开展过一系列批判哥本哈根学派量子力学诠释的活动,对玻尔的互补原理和海森伯的测不准原理进行了反复的批判。这种活动影响了人们对于这个学派量子力学思想的正确理解,不利于物理学在中国的发展。文章系统地考查了这种批判活动的历史过程,分析了进行这类活动的历史原因,讨论了批判的具体内容及基本情况。  相似文献   

王程韡 《科学学研究》2011,29(3):321-326
 跨国家层面的政策学习是全球化时代的基本特征之一。而原本旨在“解决问题”的政策学习却在造成大规模政策趋同的同时,也不断剥夺着发展中国家的话语权力。拉美国家经济政策和中国技术标准政策学习的两个案例,都表明了传统政策学习理论所信仰的政策知识中立的预设难以成立。引入STS建构主义的视角则可揭示出:一方面政策话语作为一种边界对象,更多是为发展中国家的施政提供了“合法性”;另一方面,发达国家通过话语权力的建构形塑发展中国家的认知和行动。在发达国家过河拆桥地限制真正的“好”政策并通过智库渗透等更加隐蔽的手段宣扬所谓的“好”政策的形势下,发展中国家更应该对政策学习中的话语权争夺提高警惕。  相似文献   

在浩瀚如海的网络世界里,信息资源犹如海洋生物,大大小小,无孔不入,如何能够快速而准确地找到并获取自己所需的信息,成为我们这个时代最需解决的根本问题之一。当然,利用各种搜索引擎可以查找到很多信息资源,但是也有一些信息通过搜索引擎是无法找到的,它们隐藏在这个网络世界的某个角落,因为某种原因而不为大多人所熟知,但是这些信息本身却有着很高的使用价值。美国的Sherman·C等人把这些资源命名为"看不见的网站(Invisible—web)"。"看不见的网站"里拥有信息检索人员难以置信的有价值的资源。本文阐述了"看不见的网站"的含义及价值,指出信息检索人员应该如何有效利用"看不见的网站"资源,最后提供一些查找"看不见网站"的途径与工具。  相似文献   

在美国,枪支射击事件的发生已经不是稀奇的事情。这是因为美国联邦宪法修正第二条对"武器携带权"进行了规定。但是,美国联邦宪法修正第二条在其宪法条款当中被认为是最文脉糟糕,文意不明的。自从该条款确立以来,并且在25年前引起前沿学术界的关注后,至今为止就"州的权利"还是"个人的权利"合宪性问题一直成为争论的焦点。由于民兵和武器携带权的时代背景发生了巨大变化,美国联邦宪法修正第二条所表述的内容对于21世纪的美国来说已经失去存在的意义。  相似文献   

彭加勒与爱因斯坦都是举世闻名的科学家,但彭加勒却一直未接受相对论。虽然有不少学者强调彭加勒对相对论的贡献,但实际上彭加勒的科学目标并不是相对论,而是发展洛伦兹的电子论;而且,两人的哲学思想也存在很大的差异,主要的差别在于他们各自遵循构造性理论与原理理论,这两方面可能是导致彭加勒对相对论保持沉默的主要原因。  相似文献   

This article discusses results of a questionnaire survey of 156 university students in Israel and Austria examining reactions towards the Belated Twins scenario, which entails the artificial twinning of embryos of which one is immediately carried to term while the other one is born later. The scenario resembles a case of human reproductive cloning in terms of result (the creation of genetically identical individuals in a time-delayed manner) but it involves gamete fusion like "natural" reproduction. By means of qualitative text analysis we discuss the core themes mobilized both in support and opposition to the scenario. While Israeli and Austrian respondents held similar general attitudes (about half were in favour of legalizing Belated Twins, while about a third opposed it), they drew partly on different arguments to arrive at their conclusions. In both groups, uncertainty stemming from "novel" elements in the scenario was regularly interpreted as negatively exacerbating existing issues.  相似文献   

Ethical reflection on drone fighting suggests that this practice does not only create physical distance, but also moral distance: far removed from one’s opponent, it becomes easier to kill. This paper discusses this thesis, frames it as a moral-epistemological problem, and explores the role of information technology in bridging and creating distance. Inspired by a broad range of conceptual and empirical resources including ethics of robotics, psychology, phenomenology, and media reports, it is first argued that drone fighting, like other long-range fighting, creates epistemic and moral distance in so far as ‘screenfighting’ implies the disappearance of the vulnerable face and body of the opponent and thus removes moral-psychological barriers to killing. However, the paper also shows that this influence is at least weakened by current surveillance technologies, which make possible a kind of ‘empathic bridging’ by which the fighter’s opponent on the ground is re-humanized, re-faced, and re-embodied. This ‘mutation’ or unintended ‘hacking’ of the practice is a problem for drone pilots and for those who order them to kill, but revealing its moral-epistemic possibilities opens up new avenues for imagining morally better ways of technology-mediated fighting.  相似文献   

中国城市管理创新的一种尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市管理被视为城市发展中问题最多、公众满意度最低的领域之一.传统城市管理的问题根源于"部门化"管理制度以及由此产生的各职能部门"低成本、高效率"与整个城市管理"高成本、低效率"的城市管理悖论.Citi-PODAS模式运用现代计算机和网络技术,进行全新的城市管理流程再造与制度改革,根除传统城市管理弊病,实现中国城市管理的革命性突变和历史性进步,推动中国城市管理由传统走向现代.  相似文献   

Contrary to the "retro" image often awarded them, and despite their continuing enthusiasm and responsibility for the organization of printed materials, librarians are upbeat about the prospects of an information society driven primarily by electronic technologies, but in which libraries can play an important part. Public librarians detect a natural correlation between the historic democratic mission of their institution and the increased accessibility made possible by digitalized sources. The library community's acceptance of the information society idea as a "given" social phenomenon supports discourses that play down historical continuities and herald the dawn of a new age. Such discourses ignore or reject historical evidence that points to the existence of past information societies, revolutions, and infrastructures defined, in part, by the operation of indirect surveillance, constituted by the bureaucratic information systems of modernity. Victorian Britain serves as a good example of an early information society, to which public libraries, themselves micro-information societies, contributed significantly. The role played by public librarians in the Victorian information society, illustrated in this article by evidence drawn from the contemporary library press, is seen in their preoccupation with the surveillance and ordering of knowledge; their adoption for library operations of the businesslike, bureaucratic procedures described recently by business historians; and their panoptic tracking of users and their activities.  相似文献   

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