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以学生为中心推进地方高校一流课程教学,在教育教学思想上,要着力解决相互关联的三个问题:首先是“为谁教”与“为谁学”的问题,协同育人,是课程教学的定位原则;育人渗透,是课程教学的难点之处;师范示范,是课程教学的主体特征。其次在“教什么”与“学什么”的问题上,注重内外兼修,解决学习的广度问题;注重学以致用,解决学习精度问题;注重因材施教,解决学习难度问题。最后需处理“怎么教”与“怎么学”的问题,以培育学生学习主动性、学习个性化、学习的创造性为目的,构建师生学习共同体,有效运用现代教育技术,切实改进教学评价方式。  相似文献   

This conceptual article explores teaching as design work, arguing that a critical thing teachers do is design systems that enable their students to learn. Designing occurs when teachers generate new learning activities or modify curricular programs to create coherence for themselves and their students. Nonetheless, few teacher education programs include instruction in learning how to engage in design thinking. Here, designing is explored as a means to help pre-service teachers develop their facility for adaptive teaching practice by incorporating design thinking at an early stage in their teacher education programs. Literature is drawn from traditional design fields to articulate design capacities and to describe design studio pedagogy practices often used in the education of designers. As an illustrative example is presented of such practices were incorporated throughout one 15-week educational psychology course embedded in an undergraduate elementary-education program to support pre-service teachers development of design thinking. The goal was not to prepare students to use particular instructional innovations, but to collaboratively design such innovations themselves.  相似文献   

诺丁斯的关心教育思想认为:“关心是一切成功教育的基石”,教育的目标是培养会关心的人。新课程改革要求建立师生互动、民主平等、和谐融洽的新型师生关系。本文以诺丁斯“关心理论”为理论指导,提出了立足“关心理论”建立新型的“关心型”师生关系。  相似文献   

1993年美国国际教育技术协会颁布了《美国国家教师教育技术标准》第一版,经过三次修订,共颁布了四版。梳理美国国家教师教育技术标准的演变历程,分析其成功经验,对我国教师教育技术标准升级有启示:提高教师教学设计与实施过程中融合现代信息网络技术能力;促进学生应用信息网络技术辅助学校课程学习,帮助学生提高学习效率;教师自身树立创新意识,培养学生创造性,鼓励学生参与创新实践活动;形成以学生为主体,教师为主导,师生良性互动的教育教学共同体。  相似文献   

Service-learning is defined as a teaching/learning method that connects meaningful community service with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility. In this study, conducted at an American University, we describe a cascading model of integrating early childhood teacher education and service-learning for preservice teachers who then implemented the combined model in their field classrooms with young children. Examples of the projects from the two cohorts of 25 and 26 undergraduate students are provided. We demonstrate that service-learning projects provide an instructional avenue for preservice students to teach in an integrated and/or experiential manner in their field classrooms and discuss why service-learning is an appropriate and meaningful strategy to use with preservice teachers and children.  相似文献   

英国的学校教育注重把学生培养成为有教养的人,教学过程中强调学生与教师进行面对面的交流。当然,英国学校教育特点的形成与其文化有着密切的关系,但我们可以借鉴英国教育的长处来改进教学,提高教育质量。  相似文献   

In England, little research has been carried out into how pre‐service secondary English teachers transform what they know as they learn to teach. They are seldom asked to reflect explicitly on the connections between the pedagogy of their undergraduate studies and their pedagogical experiences as student teachers. The initial teacher education committee of the National Association for the Teaching of English decided to explore these connections by asking student teachers on English Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) courses in five different university departments of education to respond to a series of questions at the start and end of the academic year 2004–2005. The questions fall into four broad areas: student teachers' experiences as learners at undergraduate level and developing ideas about teaching; the nature of the subject English; tensions encountered during the PGCE course; new learning about teaching. The purpose of this article is to discuss some patterns emerging from the research. The most prominent of these is student teachers' realisation that good teaching comes from teachers seeing themselves as learners. We argue that ‘reflexivity’ ( Moore, 2004 ) is a valuable way to help student teachers begin to understand this transformation from learner into learning teacher.  相似文献   


The use of technology to support learning is becoming ubiquitous in Africa. However, technology is more often used to distribute information rather than as a tool to mediate learning. The work presented here on a programme for Zambian community school teachers (non-traditional students) illustrates how learning design allied to appropriate theoretical concepts make use of technology to mediate learning. The objective of this course was to support Zambian community school teachers, with little formal teacher education, to use interactive methods to support their teaching practices. The research makes use of a constructivist-hermeneutic-interpretivist-qualitative paradigm to critically evaluate the learning design by experts. A social constructivist framework for learning design and technology mediation was used to create and evaluate learning resources. The work illustrates how a distance education paper-based course design is enhanced by the use of contemporary learning theory and digital technology to model good interactive classroom practice.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的深入,博客作为一种新型的交流媒体被引入到课程教学,给个人学习、教学与管理等提供了新的发展思路。开放教育课程体系强调学生自主学习为主,教师引导为辅,在教师、学生、资源、平台的四维互动中,形成良好的交互作用。基于此,从课程博客的构建、模式和具体案例应用三个方面,对开放教育课程博客进行探讨,并对在开放教育课程教学管理过程中,如何运用好这一技术应做的几方面工作进行了一定的总结。  相似文献   

英语是当今世界应用最广泛的语言,也是大中小学生必学一门语言课程。"教师如何去教、学生如何去学、学习效果如何"也就成了教师、学生、家长、社会共同关注的焦点。尤其是在新课程背景下,英语教师该如何改进教学方式、提高教学效果呢?笔者以中职英语阅读教学为例,谈了一些自己的方法和策略。  相似文献   

《解析几何》多媒体CAI软件适合高等院校的教师、学生及成人教育选用,根据解析几何的教学基本要求确定教学内容,按照正常的教学规律:预习→听课→复习→作业→答疑→小结等作为学生掌握课程内容的学习路线.软件在页面设计、内容导航、学习自查、答疑、以及师生交互、生生交互等方面均充分利用了网络技术的特点,便于学生进行网络学习.软件有多种应用形式:可供教师在多功能教室进行群体教学,显著提高教学质量;可供个体远程上网学习、测试、评估、互动;它是一个丰富的高校师生数学学习资源库.  相似文献   


While higher education teachers are able to use information in sophisticated ways to learn and communicate within their disciplines, they may not be accustomed to teaching their students to use information creatively and reflectively to support their work in a course. This article introduces informed learning design, a curriculum design model by which teachers specifically enable students to learn course content through intentional engagement with information. Drawing from informed learning pedagogy and the variation theory of learning, the design model outlines an instructional pattern for enabling student awareness of critical aspects and features of the object being studied related to both information use and course content.  相似文献   

学科教育技术课程是培养教师实施信息技术与学科教学深度融合能力的重要载体.为了探讨如何建设深入学科的教育技术课程,采用内容分析和深度访谈等方法研究了英属哥伦比亚大学的一门在线教育硕士项目课程--"运用技术教数学与科学".研究发现:该课程以TPACK理论和有意使用技术的教学思维框架为指导,其课程特色是以融合为导向,以问题为纽带,以探究为核心,以作品为中心,以协作为形式.这充分体现了整合性STEM教育的5个关键特征:STEM多学科融合,基于问题的学习,基于探究的学习,基于设计的学习,基于协作的学习.研究启示:(1)以学科教育技术为依托培养教师的信息化教学能力;(2)以学科交叉融合为导向培养教师的跨学科教学能力;(3)以信息技术支持的跨学科教育为切入点培养社会需要的创新型人才.  相似文献   

Action research assumes the active engagement of the stakeholders, such as the community, in the research, and a multiple‐level process of reflection in order to evaluate and monitor the actions taken. This makes action research a suitable methodology to increase the critical understanding of the participants. In this paper we describe the challenge of teaching action research within the context of an undergraduate community health psychology module. The module was designed using principles from transformative learning, critical pedagogy and action learning. The module took place over one semester; and 15 students (13 females, two males) took part in it. We discuss the background to the module development and the alignment of the learning objectives with the teaching and assessment methods, and reflect upon the students’ experiences in the module and the learning outcomes. We conclude by addressing the major challenges involved in teaching action research to increase critical understanding: the ability to engage in deep learning of undergraduate psychology students; our role and expectations as tutors on the course; and the current higher education system in which action science yet has to find a place.  相似文献   

Teachers in higher education throughout the world are making use of course-management systems (CMS) to support their courses. None of these teachers grew up with using a CMS; they must themselves learn how to use them effectively at the same time that they are using them with their students. While institutions commonly provide some sort of introductory workshop for CMS use, these workshops have limitations in terms of their transfer value into practice. In this paper we discuss an example of embedded justin-time support within the CMS itself to help teachers learn how to use a CMS efficiently but also so that both they and their students can take on new roles in the learning process. A new form of computer-based support for teaching and learning has emerged since the late 1990s. It is a system of integrated tools that makes use of both database and web functionalities in order to make a web environment available to support a course or learning event. One name for such a system is a course-management system (CMS). Course-management systems are new tools for teachers and thus teachers must learn how to use them in a technical sense as well as in a meaningful sense. By meaningful, we mean not only to increase the efficiency of participating in a course but also to enrich and extend learning processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of peer learning teams creating annotated video-based portfolios to improve the quality of teacher–child interactions of undergraduate majors in early childhood and family studies. We used the intentional teaching framework (Hamre et al. in Handbook of early education. Guilford Publications, New York, 2012a) to create a course that moved students through the process of “knowing,” “seeing,” “doing,” and “reflecting & improving.” Forty-four undergraduate early childhood students formed eleven peer learning teams of four. We started the course by teaching the teacher–child interaction skills that are considered to be high-quality and linked to positive child outcomes (knowing). After learning to reliably identify (seeing) high quality instruction using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System, the students created video portfolios featuring their own adult-child interactions (doing). These portfolios, featuring short salient examples of six different dimensions of quality instruction, were posted to a website and shared with their peer learning team. Each team member then commented on the extent to which she or he believed the students’ example was high quality. The portfolios and the peer coaching learning team (PCLT) process have improved our ability to document change in interactions as well as the students’ abilities to see their own growth (reflecting & improving). Further, it allows us to tighten the connection between course content and practical application as well as providing us with an alternative to on-site supervision of practicum students, which can be challenging due to budget constraints. Finally, we hope that sharing this activity will encourage others to integrate video-based technology into their coursework as a means to demonstrate positive change in students’ learning.  相似文献   

The challenge of preparing novice primary teachers for teaching in an educational environment, where science education has low status and many teachers have limited science content knowledge and lack the confidence to teach science, is great. This paper reports on an innovation involving a sustained simulation in an undergraduate science education course as a mediational tool to connect two communities of practice—initial teacher education and expert primary science teaching. The course lecturer and student teachers role-played the expert classroom teacher and primary students (Years 7/8) respectively in an attempt to gain insights into teaching and learning through authentic activity that models good practice in primary science teaching and learning. Activity theory was used to help frame and analyse the data. Findings from the first trial indicate that the simulation was very effective in initiating science pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development of primary student teachers.  相似文献   

在小学教育本科学生中实施双导师制,主要是根据小教本科的专业特点和社会对小学本科学历教师的要求引入一种“理论与实践相结合”的学习方式,学生在大学四年的学习和生活中,每学期均配备校内和校外指导教师共同指导其学习,并为其提供参与科研和实践工作的机会。校内导师可由学院根据专业特点随机指派,亦可允许师生根据自己的研究方向双向选择,并充分利用本校教育专业博士与硕士研究生资源,参与导师的工作,和班主任、辅导员共同配合指导学生的专业入门、学习计划的涉及和初步的学术研究等方面。校外导师专门负责学生的教育教学技能的训练和培养,并给学生提供各种实践锻炼的机会。不同层次的学生通过共同的导师联系起来,互相学习,合作研究,形成本科生、研究生、教师三者间密不可分的联系。这不仅是对高校智力资源的充分挖掘,而且可以促进学校科研和学术环境建设。  相似文献   

Learning to systematically analyze the relationship between teaching and student learning is an important but difficult skill to engender in teachers. In this study, we examine how pre-service teachers who were introduced to a framework for analyzing teaching in a video-based teacher education course drew on this tool to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course. We conceptualize the framework as a conceptual tool that scaffolds pre-service teachers to learn to attend to particular dimensions of teaching and learning and to analyze how their teaching influences student learning. Using the Portfolio Assessment for California Teachers-Teaching Event of 14 English language arts pre-service teachers, we conducted a qualitative analysis to examine the extent to which they applied this framework to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course, as well as different strategies they adopted as they analyzed their teaching practice. Findings suggest that pre-service teachers made progress in using the framework to study their teaching, but development of sub-skills for all four facets are needed to develop more productive analyses of teaching and student learning. This study has important implications for the design of teacher education that intends to support pre-service teachers in developing tools for learning to learn from their teaching practice.  相似文献   

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