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This paper explores the versions of language and of childhood which implicitly underpin the official National Curriculum for English at Key Stages 1 and 2. It considers the politically charged context of debates about ‘grammar’ and ‘standards’ within which a standardised curriculum is imposed, and the assumptions about language, learning and children which are involved in assessing children's talk. Finally, the article draws on an empirical study of the informal talk of six 8‐ and 9‐year‐old children to present some alternative perspectives on children, language and learning.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of relating distance and scale by way of alternative models of perception taken from the history of science.The intuitive patterns of modern school children in evaluating the Solar System are then compared with those in the history of science. Immediate experience and intuition by children often contradict scientific understanding. The children in this study, for example, do not see the rays of the Sun as being parallel and ignore the curvature of the Earth. The authors argue that children's understanding of the rays of the Sun as not being parallel as well as their ignoring the curvature of the Earth is due to the limitation resulting from the students' `actual activity zone', and not to their insufficient knowledge. This study makes specific suggestions to broaden the scientifically based `actual activity zone' of students. We suggest that laboratory work based on historical experiments using elementary geometry – as, for example, the determination of the radiusof the Earth by Eratosthenes – promotes a scientific understanding of astronomicalmeasurements....The scale of space and time, which we customarily observe on Earth, and which is part of time, we become aware of the vastness of our universe, we are awed and humbled. But if astronomers spent all their time speculating about the immensity of the cosmos and the prodigious interval of time necessary for the evolution of the stars, their accomplishments would be few. The primary concerns of the astronomer when studying the cosmos are physical and mathematical interpretations of observations, predictions of future observations, and the development and refinement of his instruments for such interpretation and prediction. To help him in the conceptualization of his problem, astronomer may, consciously or unconsciously, visualize a small model representing the cosmic system under investigation. Using this method, we can arrive at an understanding of the relative dimensions of the system and an understanding of the time intervals involved.Shklovskii I.S. and Carl Sagan (1966)Intelligent Life in the Universe  相似文献   

本文讨论了北京和底特律之间的两条飞行航线所用时间.对于球形状的假设,建立了两个优化模型.模型一假设地球为球体,利用大圆弧的极小性质,对局部最小航线和全局最小航线进行了模拟;模型二似设球为旋转椭球体,我们根据模型的特点给出了一个较为合理的近似算法.两个模型的结果相当接近,新航线比原航线至少要节约3.94小时.结合实际情况,我们适当地解释了"北京和底特律的飞行时间可节约4小时"的估计.  相似文献   

自丁伯根(1937)开创宏观经济计量模型的先河开始,宏观经济计量模型经历了30、40年代的最初发展,50、60年代的蓬勃发展乃至70年代的衰落,到后来宏观经济计量模型各种理论和应用不断完善的发展过程。本通过介绍宏观经济模型的发展,并结合比较80年代出现的VAR模型和CGE模型,指出经典经济计量模型仍然是目前各国政府和商业部门广泛使用的经济分析和预测工具。  相似文献   

该文讨论了语音意识的概念及其对读写技能的作用,介绍了语音意识的测量方式。通过分析国内外实证研究结果,论证了英语教学改革中强化语音意识训练的必要性。提出了语音意识训练应当遵循的一些基本规律。  相似文献   

历史上曾出现过刑事威吓模式和社会防卫模式,在法治时代的今天,我国应选择刑事威吓与社会防卫相结合的模式,树立犯罪控制模式的新理念--犯罪的相对性与刑法的谦抑性,两种犯罪控制模式的发展趋势为:刑罚威吓在弱化,社会防卫在强化.  相似文献   

English Teachers and the Cox Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introductory section of the Cox Report describes five models of English teaching. Together, it seems, these constitute a broad map of current thinking:
It is possible to identify within the English teaching profession a number of different views on the subject. We list them here, though we stress that they are not the only possible views, they are not sharply distinguishable, and they are certainly not mutually exclusive .
1. A 'personal growth' view focuses on the child: it emphasises the relationship between language and learning in the individual child, and the role of literature in developing children's imaginative and aesthetic lives .
2. A 'cross-curricular' view focuses on the school: it emphasises that all teachers have a responsibility to help children with the language demands of different subjects on the school curriculum
3. An 'adult needs' view focuses on communication outside the school: it emphasises the responsibility of English teachers to prepare children for the language demands of adult life, including the workplace, in a fast-changing world
4. A 'cultural heritage' view emphasises the responsibility of schools to lead children to an appreciation of those works of literature that have been widely regarded as amongst the finest in the language .
5. A 'cultural analysis' view emphasises the role of English in helping children towards a critical understanding of the world and cultural environment in which they live. Children should know abou t the processes by which meanings are conveyed, and about the ways in which print and other media carry values . (DES/WO, 1989)  相似文献   

心智模式与学习型组织   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过分析心智模式的意义及内涵,讨论了在学习型组织的五项修练即系统思考,自我超越,改善心智模式,团队学习,建立共同愿景中,心智模式对于学习型组织构建的重要性,通过对学习型组织两个主要元素,终身学习的组织成员与终身学习的组织环境的分析,论述了心智模式在塑造学习型组织上的运用,提出精练改善心智模式的双环学习,精炼知识学习的三种形态以及精练心智模式的三种学习地图,使自己成为终身学习的个人,使组织成为学习型的组织。  相似文献   

在新形势下讨论创建中国的对外汉语教学模式是很有现实意义的。本文讨论了教学模式及其构成要素、教学模式的层级性和多样性等问题。对汉语教学模式创建的外部条件和内部因素提出了我们的看法。文章强调任何教学模式的改变、创新与创建都必然会在内部寻求突破点,而教学模式的创建可以走"自下而上"或"自上而下"的不同路子。汉语教学模式创建的核心是要"从汉语、汉字及汉语应用的特点出发",体现汉语与汉字的特点,这样才能走出自己的路。  相似文献   

Nonlinear models are effective tools for the analysis of longitudinal data. These models provide a flexible means for describing data that follow complex forms of change. Exponential and logistic functions that include a parameter to represent an asymptote, for instance, are useful for describing responses that tend to level off with time. There are forms of nonlinear latent curve models and nonlinear mixed-effects model that are equivalent, and so given the same set of data, growth function, distributional assumptions, and method of estimation, the 2 models yield equivalent results. There are also forms that are strikingly different and can yield different interpretations for a given set of data. This article discusses cases in which nonlinear mixed-effects models and nonlinear latent curve models are equivalent and those in which they are different and clarifies the estimation needs of the different models. Examples based on empirical data help to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

模式理论和模式方法已被越来越广泛地接受和运用 ,文章从模式理论的角度探讨教师的模式意识培养问题 ,指出其重要性并提出几点良性关系模式  相似文献   

信息技术与教学模式的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构主义认为,个体的知识是通过对知识的发现而由大脑建构起来的东西.为了有效利用媒体来建构知识。学生必须能在媒体的特殊符号系统下有能力进行操作.现代媒体的棱心是信息技术,是计算机.教育技术被越来越看作是计算机和基于计算机的系统.计算机可以作为教学工具、信息工具、交流工具、建构工具(合作建构工具)和情境工具来改变教与学.新的教育理念不是外在于信息技术的,而是与后者相整合,计算机成为我们把许多教学理念转化为实践的工具.  相似文献   

物理中所研究的对象大都是理想化模型,所以解题的关键在于建立模型。模型的建立分为物理建模与数学建模两种情况。近年来的考试很注重这两种能力的考查。下面分别就2001年理科综合24题和温州市二模的压轴题作一分析,以此来探讨这两种建模方法的合理构建。  相似文献   

自上个世纪以来,教育领导力的研究一直被教育学界所关注,出现了数十种教育领导力模式。每一种教育领导力模式在彰显其优越性的同时也暴露出局限性。伴随着教育领导力模式研究的发展和变迁,新的教育领导力模式的完备性逐渐增强,呈现出统整其它模式的趋势。我国教育领导力模式的研究应该紧跟国际潮流,加强本土化开发,注重理论联系实际。  相似文献   

20世纪前半期,苏联之所以“兴”,社会主义各国之所以要学习苏联,是由于“苏联模式”(社会主义计划经济)顺应了战争和革命的时代潮流。20世纪后半期,苏联之所以“亡”,社会主义国家之所以要改革,则是由于社会主义计划经济不适应和平与发展的时代潮流;而中国改革开放之所以取得巨大成就,则正是由于“有中国特色的社会主义”(社会主义市场经济)顺应了和平与发展时代的世界潮流。如今,只有坚持关于社会主义两种模式的理论,坚持社会主义是与时俱进的观点,才能合理解释苏联和社会主义各国的历史演变。  相似文献   

促进成人学习的三种教育模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在促进成人学习上,北美和欧洲成人教育存在着行为主义、人本主义和批判主义三种模式。行为主义模式认为成人学习是行为变化的结果,是向着预定目标连续前进的过程;人本主义模式强调成人学习是一个分析的过程,重在寻找和满足自身需求和兴趣;而批判主义模式则认为成人学习是对行为结果的反思,旨在显示个体生命意义和价值。这三种模式都有深厚的哲学基础与心理学基础,在一定程度上反映了成人学习的客观规律。但是它们也分别存在难以解释的局限:成人学习能客观量化吗?满意度是否就是成人学习成功的唯一标准?学习是中性、无价值的过程吗?由此启示人们,成人学习是复杂的、多元的,没有一成不变的教育模式。  相似文献   

较为系统地介绍了法律模式中的政治经济因素、和谐状态下的法律模式的传播过程、和谐社会理念、法律文化要素以及文化在争议解决过程中所起的作用等内容,穿插着介绍了多位学者的学术研究成果和多个国家及地区的实践做法,从多个角度较为详尽地对和谐模式和法治建设问题展开论述。  相似文献   

论研究生培养模式多样化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刘鸿 《江苏高教》2002,(6):116-118
研究生培养模式多样化是世界研究生教育发展和改革的重要趋势,它是培养目标多样化,个人价值取向多元化及研究生培养模式自身完善的结果。多维质量观、不同类型的大学、多层学位类型是实现研究生培养模式多样化的重要条件。就我国目前的现实而言,在由“单一”向“多样”变革的过程中应注意避免“固守多样化将有损于质量提高”的认识误区,“重蹈单一化”的操作误区和“追求大而全”的发展误区。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,网络教学已成为现实.在调查网络课程现状的基础上,对网络教学的模式进行了分类,并分别讨论了各种网络教学模式的特点,信息流程,教与学的关系,对加强网上教学的实践与应用提出了见解.  相似文献   

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