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电解锰废渣是电解金属锰生产过程中产生的过滤酸渣,其中含有大量有害物质。随着电解锰行业的快速发展,产生的大量电解锰废渣引发了严重的环境问题,对其的处理处置已成为电解锰行业和环保领域的研究热点。在对电解锰废渣特性整理和分析的基础上,对国内外处理方法和资源化综合利用的现状进行了总结。指出用电解锰废渣作建筑材料的是一种工业化利用电解锰废渣的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文介绍了围绕电力、冶金、煤炭工业产生的粉煤灰、钢渣、矿渣、煤矸石和其他工业废渣用作辅助性胶凝材料的利用率和利用量瓶颈问题,发展高掺量复合利用上述工业废渣制备高性能辅助性胶凝材料技术,使工业废渣资源利用率达到70%以上,在混凝土中替用水泥60%以上.通过本技术开发,解决工业废渣综合利用中几个重大的共性关键技术,大幅度提高工业废渣综合利用资源化效率,将煤炭、电力、冶金、水泥混凝土和建筑等行业用循环经济联系起来,广泛用于水泥混凝土和新型墙体材料.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了焦油渣、酸焦油、再生酸、冼油再生残渣、污泥、气化废渣等煤化工废渣的处理和利用等技术问题。  相似文献   

全泥氰化法提金含氰尾矿废渣处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙刚  王雪萍 《青海科技》2007,14(5):43-44
省内全泥氰化法工艺提金生产过程中所产生的含氰尾矿废渣,由于长期堆放,业已成为环境污染、危险事故的隐患。针对这一问题,本文介绍了两种含氰尾矿废渣的处理技术,为环保部门、黄金生产企业处理含氰尾矿废渣问题提供参考。  相似文献   

随着精对苯二甲酸(PTA)行业的快速发展,当前国际上PTA行业已进入新一轮发展时期,发展的重心是亚洲。我国虽然自20世纪70年代起陆续从国外引进了11套PTA装置,但由于聚酯工业跳跃式发展,其主要原料PTA供应仍严重不足,国内每年都需大量进口,进口量占国内需求量的50%。  相似文献   

化工生产会产生大量的废渣,如果不加以资源化利用,那么就会对环境产生严重的污染。本文即分析了化工废渣污染现状,并详细阐述了常见化工废渣资源化的途径。  相似文献   

钒铬废渣和含重金属氨氮废水是钢铁、有色和电池等涉重行业产生的典型污染物,排放强度大、处理技术缺乏,已严重危害环境并制约相关企业正常发展。“工业钒铬废渣与含重金属氨氮废水资源化关键技术和应用”项目紧密结合重金属和氨氮等重点污染物减排和传统产业绿色化升级的重大社会需求,在国家863、水重大专项、自然科学基金等科技计划资助下,针对我国量大面广的钒铬废渣和含重金属氨氮废水,发明了钒铬伯胺萃取分离、药剂强化热解络合-精馏、钒铬废渣高值化清洁利用与污染控制等多项关键技术,研发了新型伯胺萃取体系,研制了热敏易乳化有机相反萃装备、高效脱氨精馏塔等关键大型设备,集成上述原创性关键技术与设备建成世界首套万吨级钒铬废渣高效清洁利用示范工程和含重金属高浓度氨氮废水资源化与无害化示范工程,并推广到稀土、钼、镍、铌钽、锆等行业,建成稳定可靠的废水处理示范工程20套,源头消除重金属和氨氮污染的同时实现了高值化利用。  相似文献   

冲天炉熔炼炼钢废渣,并在送风过程中加入一些铸造粉尘,即可实现对资源的综合利用,同时也是实现铸造废弃物产品化和资源化处理的重要表现形式。本文将对废渣粉尘来源、喷吹粉尘以及对冲天炉的影响等内容进行分析,并在此基础上提出一些熔炼钢铁废渣的设备与工艺,以供参考。  相似文献   

本文分析了铝电解槽大修渣的性质及选址要求,提出了填埋场分区建设、废渣分区堆存、随堆随盖的设计理念,并在此基础上对填埋场工艺系统中临时贮存、废渣运输、防渗系统、排水检漏系统、监测系统、封场等工艺设计进行详尽说明,本设计理念有利于环境保护,减少大修废渣的二次污染,实现企业绿色发展。  相似文献   

含盐有机废液及含盐废渣如果不经过处理而直接排放到环境中,那么不仅会危害人类的身体健康,还会对生态环境造成极大的破坏,因此含盐有机废液及含盐废渣在排放前必须经过相应的处置来减轻其对环境的危害。含盐有机废液及含盐废渣的焚烧处理工艺随着科技的不断发展而处于不断完善之中,这要求我们相关工作者不断总结经验和教训,为舍盐有机废液及含盐废渣的高效、经济且低污染处理贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

Hepcidin is a small peptide with a critical role in cellular iron homeostasis, as it regulates utilization of stored iron and antimicrobial defense in inflammation (bacterial and fungal). Since it was isolated in 2000, and especially in the last decade, numerous studies aimed to evaluate the clinical use of plasma and urine hepcidin as a marker of anemia, especially anemia of chronic disease and post-transplant anemia (PTA). Hepcidin regulation is delicately tuned by two inflammatory pathways activated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) and bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) and iron regulated pathway sensitive to circulating transferin-iron (TR-Fe) complex. BMP-mediated pathway and TR-Fe sensitive pathway seem to be connected by hemojuveline, a BMP co-factor that interacts with transferine receptor 2 (TRF2) in cases of high TR-Fe circulatory concentration. In addition to these regulatory mechanisms other regulators and signaling pathways are being extensively researched.
Hepcidin has been identified as an important contributor to morbidity and mortality in end stage renal disease (ESRD) but no such association has jet been found in case of PTA. However, there is an association between higher doses of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) and mortality in the posttransplant period and the assumption that hepcidin might play a role in ESA resistance in PTA. Thus the review’s main goal was to summarize papers published on the association of hepcidin with PTA, give up-to-date information on hepcidin regulation and on potential therapeutics that optimize hepcidin regulation. We also compared the performances of tests for hepcidin determination and reviewed research on immunosuppressants’ (IS) effect on hepcidin concentration.Key words: hepcidin, kidney transplantation, post-transplant anemia, iron homeostasis  相似文献   

模拟火灾现场,制备了聚酯树脂油漆稀料在不同载体上燃烧不同时间用喷雾水扑灭后萃取的样品,通过对样品进行气相色谱分析,找出了聚酯树脂油漆稀料的特征峰,利用质谱确定了特征峰对应的物质,为利用聚酯树脂油漆稀料放火火灾的调查提供了一种准确的技术鉴定手段。  相似文献   

During a crisis such as COVID-19, governments ask citizens to adopt various precautionary behaviours, such as using a voluntary proximity tracing application (PTA) for smartphones. However, the willingness of individual citizens to use such an app is crucial. Crisis decision theory can be used to better understand how individuals assess the severity of the crisis and how they decide whether or not to adopt the precautionary behaviour. We propose a research model to examine the direct influence of perceived crisis severity on intention to use the technology, as well as the indirect impact via PTAs’ benefits for citizens. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirm the two dimensions of the benefits, namely personal and societal benefits. We used PLS-MGA to evaluate our research model. The results confirm the influence of the perceived severity of COVID-19 on the intention to use the PTA, as well as the mediating effects of personal and societal benefits on this relationship. Our findings contribute to the technology adoption literature and showcase the use of crisis decision theory in the field of information systems.  相似文献   

国内外废旧家电回收处理的进展与对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
家用电器的更新换代使得废旧家电成为新的城市污染源;但是从另一种角度看,废旧家电又是一种可回收利用的资源.日本、美国和欧盟等发达国家和地区已经制定实施了关于废旧家电回收处理的法规,日本、芬兰和德国等国家已成功开发了先进的废旧家电回收处理技术,并且详细介绍了日本的废旧家电回收处理系统.我国的废旧家电产生量非常大,但是目前还没有关于废旧家电回收处理的法规以及先进的回收处理技术,因此现有的废旧家电回收处理技术的效率都比较低.最后针对我国的废旧家电产生和回收处理现状简要地进行了对策分析.  相似文献   

旅游城市餐饮消费者食物浪费行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游消费的快速发展,旅游成为驱动城市餐饮食物消费的重要动力,然而旅游城市食物浪费问题日益突出,成为制约中国食物可持续消费和粮食安全的重要问题。为探究旅游城市餐饮消费者的食物浪费行为,本文构建了消费者在外就餐食物消费与浪费模型,利用北京、上海、成都和拉萨4个旅游城市159家餐饮企业2293份消费者餐桌食物浪费现场调研一手数据,实证分析了旅游城市消费者食物浪费行为特征,尤其是旅游者和非旅游者的食物浪费行为及差异。研究结果表明:总体上餐饮消费者每餐人均浪费量为79.52g。从消费者类型分析,旅游者人均每餐食物浪费量(96.54g)高于非旅游者人均每餐食物浪费量(73.79g);从就餐原因看,当就餐原因为朋友聚餐时相比其余就餐原因容易造成更高的食物浪费量;消费者的个人特征是影响其食物浪费行为的重要因素,其中受教育水平和年龄结构对食物浪费行为的影响呈“倒U型”特征,即随着教育水平和年龄的增加,消费者人均每餐食物浪费量呈现先增长后下降的趋势。另外,收入越高的消费者越容易产生食物浪费行为,不同消费时间、不同就餐频率群体的食物浪费同样呈现出显著差异。减少餐饮食物浪费,倡导低碳、绿色和可持续消费模式需要政府、餐饮企业、消费者等各利益相关方的共同参与和行动。  相似文献   

The lifetime of polyester resin samples has been determined with the ASTM D2303 inclined plane tracking test method (IPTTM) for different environmental effects. Most of the external factors have a unique degradation effect, hence the tracking image observed on polyester resin highly depends on these factors. The structure and topography of the tracking patterns generated on the surface of polyester resin have been examined using the fractal dimension model. The accuracy and success of the fractal dimension model can significantly improve the possibility of determining the variety of aging processes that an insulator has been subjected to over a long time period. In order to verify the results, the structures have also been analyzed by using Markov random fields (MRF) and cellular neural networks (CNN).  相似文献   

基于风险导向审计模式及其思想,针对工业企业开发风险导向的企业固体废物审计模式,包括界定企业固体废物审计的风险要素,搭建审计风险的概念模型,建立固体废物管理风险识别、评估和应对为关键环节的工作主线。将该模式应用于某电镀企业固体废物环境审计活动,发现该企业存在固体废物管理行为违规和数据错报风险。风险导向固体废物审计可作为环境管理工具,帮助监管部门掌握企业固体废物管理信息,引导企业开展固体废物风险管理。  相似文献   

随着塑料生产和消费的快速增长,塑料资源浪费和环境污染也日益严重,对塑料资源代谢过程的研究对节约资源和保护环境十分重要。本文基于物质流分析方法,构建了塑料物质流分析动态模型,研究了1949—2018年中国的塑料从生产、使用到最终废弃的生命周期代谢过程。结果显示:①1949—2018年,塑料累计消费2205.6 Mt,共产生废塑料1404.8 Mt,其中30.0%被回收再利用,14.0%被焚烧,36.0%进入填埋场,20.0%未经处理直接进入环境;②塑料的使用存量为630.0 Mt,损失存量为870.2 Mt,其中66.7%堆积在填埋场中,33.3%被随意丢弃在环境里;③2018年,消费量为193.1 Mt,塑料消费产生了废塑料140.5 Mt,废塑料后续处理中,回收占32.0%,焚烧占26.0%,填埋占35.4%,废弃占6.6%。研究表明:中国塑料的代谢规模庞大,一次性塑料产品对塑料代谢影响非常大;废塑料是资源损失的关键节点,应加强对其的回收利用;对于已经进入环境中废塑料的污染管控非常重。因此,今后的研究重点应在于环境中废塑料的风险和污染机理以及提高废塑料的回收利用效率,以减少塑料资源损失,降低环境污染。  相似文献   

Presently, the society is facing a serious challenge for the effective management of the increasing amount of produced municipal solid wastes. The accumulated waste has caused a series of environmental problems such as uncontrolled release of greenhouse gases. Moreover, the increasing amount of wastes has resulted in a shortage of areas available for waste disposal, resulting in a nonsustainable waste management. These problems led to serious public concerns, which in turn resulted in political actions aiming to reduce the amount of wastes reaching the environment. These actions aim to promote sustainable waste management solutions. The main objective of these policies is to promote the recycling of municipal solid waste and the conversion of waste to energy and valuable chemicals. These conversions can be performed using either biological (e.g., anaerobic digestion) or thermochemical processes (e.g., pyrolysis). Research efforts during the last years have been fruitful, and many publications demonstrated the effective conversation of municipal solid waste to energy and chemicals. These processes are discussed in the current review article together with the change of the waste policy that was implemented in the EU during the last years.  相似文献   

煤基固废的大规模循环利用,对于中国西北大型能源基地的可持续发展和生态环境保护具有重要现实意义.本文以中国典型能源基地为研究对象,采用区域内固废、产业协同配置的思路,通过煤基固废制备化学品、环保材料、建材等关键技术开发,构建电石渣、气化渣、废催化剂等典型煤基固废循环利用关键产品链.结果 表明:①电石渣、气化渣、废催化剂等...  相似文献   

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