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任弘 《体育科研》2023,(1):31-36
运动处方是基于准确的体质与健康评估结果,结合个人生活方式而制定的精准化运动健身指导方案。制定运动处方需要遵守一定的标准流程,在安全性原则、有效性、个体化、专门性、全身性、可行性、循序渐进和周期性等重要运动训练原则的指导下,全面评估运动处方对象的各方面情况,按照运动处方构成要素设计一个完整的运动处方。就制定运动处方需要遵守的8项基本原则进行了详细解读,并以运动处方实例进行解析,力图明确制定个体化精准运动处方的基本要求,为指导运动处方的制定与实施提供具体参照。  相似文献   

目前原发性高血压的运动疗法越来越为人们所重视。本文就长期运动训练对血压的影响、运动训练的降压机制及运动处方的制定原则进行了阐述,旨在为科学有效的制定高血压运动处方提供理论参考。  相似文献   

通过对广东省东莞市后街中学等学校的新生进行测量分析,发现在高中生中肥胖和隐性肥胖男、女生都占有一定的比例,组织隐性肥胖者进行为期3个月的特定运动处方训练,证明通过运动处方训练,大部分隐性肥胖者可转为标准体重,降低其脂肪含量,并能提高其部分身体素质。由此说明,高中生肥胖可以通过早发现并采用相应的运动处方即时进行预防。据此,为研讨中学生的体质健康和预防肥胖提供一定的参考资料和依据。  相似文献   

中老年运动处方的特点及制定方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
笔者在对运动处方概念的分析和归纳基础上 ,进一步对运动处方进行了分类 ,按应用的目的和对象可分为四类 :竞技训练运动处方 ,体育教学中的运动处方 ,预防保健运动处方 ,临床治疗运动处方。并且指出制定中老年运动处方的步骤、注意事项以及有关的生理和运动机能特点。  相似文献   

耐力训练对骨骼肌重量的影响相对较少,而力量训练可显著诱导运动肌发生肥大。不同的训练方式诱导适应的分子机制是不同的,激活和表达各自特异的信号通路和相关的基因。力量和耐力进行组合训练时,在分子水平存在一个干扰现象,不同训练方式可诱导细胞内信号通路产生拮抗,从而抵消骨骼肌对不同运动方式产生特异性适应。当前,一些训练学上的对策已经被证明能够有效降低力量和耐力组合训练产生的干扰。对这一问题的认识有助于我们理解骨骼肌疾病的病因、老龄化时维持其新陈代谢和功能以及运动员的运动训练。  相似文献   

运用运动处方原理对老年运动处方的概念、运动项目、运动强度和制定运动处方的原则进行了论述。  相似文献   

抗阻训练运动处方研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗阻训练作为全面身体锻炼的一部分,可以显著增长肌肉力量和体积及发挥慢性病防治作用。抗阻训练运动处方的内容主要包括训练强度、组数、频率、方式、顺序、间歇时间、肌肉收缩速度和训练量等方面。根据运动人群和运动目的不同,其中每一方面都可以制定出多种不同处方方案。正确合理的处方制定和使用涉及到不同的运动效果,对于专业运动人群和普通大众合理科学地安排运动和锻炼十分有必要。  相似文献   

当前,人体和动物研究表明,运动对大脑功能有良好的影响。各种类型的运动开启了生长因子信号的交互式级联,其具有刺激结构上变化、改善行为、诱导分子水平上的净效应。目前,研究主要集中在耐力运动方式,尚不清楚其他的经典的运动方式,如力量训练对脑部的功能产生的影响,也尚不清楚最佳化训练剂量,需要进一步研究。相关的实证研究,可为精准运动处方的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

矮身材儿童身高助长运动处方的探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探索矮身材儿童身高助长运动处方功效,采用人体实验和动物实验方法,对矮身材儿童和大鼠进行了研究。结果发现,矮身材儿童实施6个月身高助长运动处方后,身高平均增长3 5cm,大鼠骨组织中胰岛素样生长激素因子—1对骨纵向生长有关键性作用。实验证明,采用接近无氧阈中等强度,以跑、跳训练为主要运动方式的运动处方,对矮身材儿童增高最为有效。  相似文献   

从运动训练学视角对"韦德健美训练原则"的发展及其科学内涵进行分析,发现"韦德健美训练原则"包含了健美训练的基本原理、基本技术、训练方法和训练计划的制定等方面.借助运动训练学的相关知识和理论,对"韦德健美训练原则"的科学训练内涵和实质进行系统深刻的诠释,为健美运动的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对文献资料查阅和训练负荷分析,结合比赛成绩、生理测试结果和国内外教练员的问卷调查,从体能、技能和心理能力3个角度探索皮划艇激流回旋的项目特征,搭建皮划艇激流回旋的专项能力结构,并挖掘各专项特征对训练的启示.研究结论表明:皮划艇激流回旋是一个集体能、技能和心理能力手一体的复杂项目;体能训练应以有氧耐力、力量多样性和核心力量为主,技术训练应以提高有效性和稳定性为目标,心理训练应得到应有的重视.  相似文献   

论力量专项化训练的结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专项化是力量训练的基本原则。然而,对于力量专项化训练的结构认识不清会造成专项训练效果低、转化率不佳、损伤及过度训练等现象。能量代谢、动作力学、神经-肌肉系统特征共同构成了力量训练专项化的内在结构。通过对力量专项化训练结构的分析,有助于处理好三者间以及专项训练与过程训练的关系,切实发挥力量专项化训练的效益。  相似文献   

沈帅 《体育科技》2014,35(4):95-96
运动训练的生理监控与生理学分析是运动训练计划制定的科学性和运动训练实施有效性的保障.文章从分析运动训练的生理监控的方法和运动训练生理监控的基本原则入手,全面探讨了运动训练的生理监控与生理学分析的设计要点.  相似文献   

Research remains unclear on the impact of physiological load on perceptual-cognitive skills in sport. Moreover, no study has examined the training of perceptual-cognitive skills under physiological load. The current study comprised two phases. Firstly, we examined the impact of badminton-specific physiological load on anticipatory skills in expert badminton players (n = 13), including key underlying mechanisms, such as gaze behaviour. Under high physiological load, participants displayed less efficient visual search behaviour and showed a reduction in response accuracy. Secondly, we examined the effects of combining perceptual-cognitive simulation training with the high physiological load. Ten of the expert badminton players were assigned to a combined training group, where the simulation training and the physiological load intervention occurred simultaneously or an independent training group, whereby the two components were completed independently. The combined training group showed a positive change in the efficiency of their visual search behaviours compared to the independent training group, but no significant performance improvements were found. Overall, findings demonstrate that high physiological load is detrimental to experts’ anticipatory skills. However, combining perceptual-cognitive simulation training with high physiological load can potentially negate these debilitating effects.  相似文献   

Current information and evidence indicate that for most activities free weight training can produce superior results compared to training with machines, particularly when the free weight training involves complex, multi-joint exercises. A number of reasons can account for the superiority of free weights; the major factor deals with mechanical specificity. Mechanical specificity is concerned with appropriate movement patterns, force application and velocity of movement. Considering the available evidence that adherence to the concept of specificity of exercise and training can result in a greater transfer of training effect then free weights should produce a more effective training transfer. Therefore, the majority of resistance exercises making up a training programme should include of free weight exercises with emphasis on mechanical specificity (i.e. large muscle mass exercises, appropriate velocity, contraction type etc.). Generally, machines should be used as an adjunct to free weight training and, depending upon the sport, can be used to a greater or lesser extent during various phases of the training period (preparation, pre-competition, competition).  相似文献   

The physiological demands of cross-country skiing require competitive skiers to have high maximal oxygen uptakes and anaerobic thresholds. Anaerobic capacity has a relatively less important role, but may be of greater importance today with the faster race velocities resulting from the new skiing techniques of ski skating. Although use of the ski skating techniques results in faster race velocities than the classical techniques, it has been found that under some conditions the double-pole technique is more economical than other skiing techniques. It is suggested that this results from a more effective storage and recovery of elastic energy, a greater proportion of the forces being directed along the line of travel, and a lower air resistance due to greater trunk and hip flexion with the double-pole technique. The greater economy of the double-pole technique suggests that this may be advantageous in certain race conditions if the upper body is adequately prepared. The greater propulsive forces generated with the upper body with ski skating also suggest that training of the upper body should receive more emphasis. The potential cardiovascular adaptations from cross-country ski training appear to be similar for the classical and skating techniques, yet training specificity is important for optimal performance.  相似文献   

Physiological assessment of aerobic training in soccer   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Physiological assessment of soccer training usually refers to the measurement of anatomical, physiological, biochemical and functional changes specific to the sport discipline (training outcome). The quality, quantity and organization of physical exercises (training process) are, on the other hand, usually described by the external work imposed by the coach on his or her athletes. In this review, we demonstrate that this approach is not appropriate in soccer, as training is often based on group exercises. The physiological stress (internal load) induced by such training often differs between individuals. Here, we present some physiological laboratory-based tests and field tests used to evaluate training outcomes in soccer, together with methods based on heart rate and perceived exertion to quantify internal load imposed during training. The integrated physiological assessment of both training outcome and process allows researchers: (1) to improve interpretation of physical tests used to verify the effectiveness of training programmes; (2) to evaluate the organization of the training load in order to design periodization strategies; (3) to identify athletes who are poor responders; (4) to control the compliance of the training completed to that planned by the coach; and (5) to modify the training process before the assessment of its outcome, thus optimizing soccer performance.  相似文献   

Current information and evidence indicate that for most activities free weight training can produce superior results compared to training with machines, particularly when the free weight training involves complex, multi‐joint exercises. A number of reasons can account for the superiority of free weights; the major factor deals with mechanical specificity. Mechanical specificity is concerned with appropriate movement patterns, force application and velocity of movement. Considering the available evidence that adherence to the concept of specificity of exercise and training can result in a greater transfer of training effect then free weights should produce a more effective training transfer. Therefore, the majority of resistance exercises making up a training programme should include of free weight exercises with emphasis on mechanical specificity (i.e. large muscle mass exercises, appropriate velocity, contraction type etc.). Generally, machines should be used as an adjunct to free weight training and, depending upon the sport, can be used to a greater or lesser extent during various phases of the training period (preparation, pre‐competition, competition).  相似文献   

优秀中长跑、马拉松运动员高原训练探悉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高原训练高原高度的选择、训练的最佳次数、训练的持续时间、下高原的时机、训练过程阶段划分及训练课的安排、高原训练期间运动员身体机能生理和生化指标的评定进行研究。研究认为,高原训练有一个降低训练负荷的环境适应期;与海平面地区的训练相比,高原训练中的训练强度略有下降;在野外的训练多于在田径场的训练;为了确定与某一地区的地理环境相适应,应力争前往某一固定地点进行经常性的高原训练;应根据运动员在高原训练期间生理机能的变化特点和生理指标的变化规律,制定相应的评定方法监控身体机能状况,保障高原训练的效果。  相似文献   

科学的训练方法是提高运动能力、防止过度疲劳、加快体能恢复的关键。运动训练的科学监控是教练员进行科学训练的必要条件,也是科学化训练的重要组成部分,其中生理生化指标对运动员的身体机能检测与评定就显得尤为重要。这主要是应用生理生化方法和相应指标,对运动员承受运动训练负荷的能力、现实身体机能状况、训练的科学性和有效性等进行诊断。  相似文献   

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