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Combining a variation of John Rawls' “veil of ignorance” mind experiment with role-playing and case studies allows instructors to create assignments that engage students in the full range of learning processes, encourage them to consider a wide range of viewpoints, provide them with opportunities to apply the cognitive and the affective components of learning, and make real for them world views competing for influence in the development of policies, regulations, and laws. This article presents three examples of this curriculum innovation in a graduate Human Behavior in the Social Environment sequence, followed by suggestions of its use in practice, research, and policy courses.  相似文献   

Children exposed to institutional care often suffer from “structural neglect” which may include minimum physical resources, unfavorable and unstable staffing patterns, and socially emotionally inadequate caregiver‐child interactions. This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the ill effects of early institutional experiences on resident children's development. Delays in the important areas of physical, hormonal, cognitive, and emotional development are discussed. The evidence for and against the existence of a distinctive set of co‐occurring developmental problems in institutionalized children is weighed and found to not yet convincingly demonstrate a “postinstitutional syndrome.” Finally, shared and nonshared features of the institutional environment and specific genetic, temperamental, and physical characteristics of the individual child are examined that might make a crucial difference in whether early institutional rearing leaves irreversible scars.  相似文献   

Thirty-six wild and 36 domestic Norway rats were compared in two experiments that were designed to investigate behaviors associated with gnawing and platform jumping. Domestic rats exhibited more “spontaneous” gnawing than their wild counterparts. Both stocks increased gnawing activity to gain access to a narrow tunnel. When confined in the tunnel, wild rats were more likely to gnaw their way back to the horne cage. Platform jumping was confined almost exclusively to the wild stock. These findings are discussed in terms of domestication and its effect on the behavior of the Norway rat.  相似文献   

运用文献分析法探究国内外职前教师信息化教学能力培养现状与需求,利用CiteSpace知识图谱对国内外关于职前教师信息化教学能力培养研究热点、趋势与不足进行对比分析。研究结果发现,职前教师信息化教学能力培养在课程设置、技术素养培养与培养途径等方面均存在不足,且目前国内外关于职前教师信息化教学能力培养研究尚未形成核心作者群与机构群,研究缺乏核心凝聚力。根据关键词共现网络分析结果还发现,“教学内容知识”、“信念”、“TPACK”等内容是目前该领域研究热点,在此基础上,国外研究更加关注职前教师的心理体验,如信念、态度和认知能力等。最后预测相关研究发展趋势,并提出提升职前教师信息化教学能力的建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of peer learning teams creating annotated video-based portfolios to improve the quality of teacher–child interactions of undergraduate majors in early childhood and family studies. We used the intentional teaching framework (Hamre et al. in Handbook of early education. Guilford Publications, New York, 2012a) to create a course that moved students through the process of “knowing,” “seeing,” “doing,” and “reflecting & improving.” Forty-four undergraduate early childhood students formed eleven peer learning teams of four. We started the course by teaching the teacher–child interaction skills that are considered to be high-quality and linked to positive child outcomes (knowing). After learning to reliably identify (seeing) high quality instruction using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System, the students created video portfolios featuring their own adult-child interactions (doing). These portfolios, featuring short salient examples of six different dimensions of quality instruction, were posted to a website and shared with their peer learning team. Each team member then commented on the extent to which she or he believed the students’ example was high quality. The portfolios and the peer coaching learning team (PCLT) process have improved our ability to document change in interactions as well as the students’ abilities to see their own growth (reflecting & improving). Further, it allows us to tighten the connection between course content and practical application as well as providing us with an alternative to on-site supervision of practicum students, which can be challenging due to budget constraints. Finally, we hope that sharing this activity will encourage others to integrate video-based technology into their coursework as a means to demonstrate positive change in students’ learning.  相似文献   

This article explores the potential contribution of modern genetic methods and findings to education. It is familiar to hear that the “gene” for this or that behavior has been discovered, or that certain skills are “highly heritable.” Can this help educators? To explore this question, we describe the methods used to relate genetic variation to individual differences in high‐level behaviors such as academic skills and educational achievement. These methods include twin studies and genome‐wide association studies. We address the key question of what genetic data imply about the ability of educators to optimize educational outcomes for children across the range of abilities.  相似文献   

Various factors oblige today's parents to entrust their children to a child-care worker (CCW), providing services in the domestic sphere, either at the child's parental house or at the day-care worker's (DCW's) own home. Taking this into account, this paper examines job offers and applications for DCWs published in a regional Swiss newspaper as well as other job offers and applications published on a website called bestnounou.ch. The parents often tend to use a variety of terms, which do not point to the child-caring or rearing activity itself, but rather emphasise sociological characteristics of the CCW (age, gender, civil status), requesting, for example, a “lady”, a “grandmother”, a “student”. Thereby, the parents present the child-care work as: (1) a secondary and temporary activity in relation to another major stable activity (motherhood, apprenticeship, retirement); and (2) an activity that does not require professional skills but inborn aptitudes. Moreover, employers use as synonyms distinctive terms, which refer to various categories of CCW and domestic workers, whose schedules of conditions and salaries are regulated and differ. The parents' inclination to use terms designating the most precarious and underpaid CCW underscores the importance of child-care in the domestic sphere. It leads also to a public image of child-care workers as being a fragmented, unstable, little qualified and economically inconsistent workforce, in contrast to the stable and structural need for their specific services, allowing parents to face their familial and professional responsibilities.  相似文献   


Dominant maternal ideologies impinge upon the career progression of academic mothers and non-mothers. Using “narratology” as a theoretical lens, this article offers insights into the working lives of academic mothers and non-mothers by drawing upon narratives collected by phenomenologically interviewing Palestinian women academics working at Palestinian universities. The analysis of the emerging persistent narratives shows that, as women, both mothers and non-mothers are influenced by socially constructed notions of “motherhood” and are accordingly put at a disadvantage within academia. In Palestine’s conservative, patriarchal context, academic non-mothers are expected to shoulder the burden of care within their families and to extend their mothering capacity to their students and co-workers. Furthermore, this study contributes to the contemporary debates on the tensions that exist between the prevailing discourses of the “altruistic mother” and the “career woman,” as well as the institutional demands that restrict women’s ability to simultaneously fulfill their work expectations and domestic roles.


In some recent studies, researchers have measured teacher implicit bias and some have shown that teacher bias predicts student academic outcomes. Currently, however, how bias is portrayed to individual students is largely unknown. In this exploratory qualitative study, observations totalling 4 h per participant were undertaken with ten secondary, six intermediate, and four primary teachers in New Zealand. We utilised a thematic analysis approach to identify three themes: “differential nonverbal behaviours”, “differential academic interactions” and “differential reactions under the same conditions” that captured teachers' classroom interactions. Our findings suggested that teachers’ differential behaviours were mediating teacher bias. This was because teacher bias was recorded in every classroom; however, teachers displayed biased behaviours to varying degrees. Bias was displayed through various nonverbal and academic interactions, and some teachers portrayed their bias by treating some students differently when the situation for all students was the same.  相似文献   

采用完全双列杂交试验设计,对8个玉米自交系的10个主要性状的配合力和群体遗传参数进行分析.结果表明,组合及10个性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达显著或极显著水平.穗粗、穗行数、千粒重3个性状的狭义遗传力超过了80%,可以在早代选择,而单株产量、行粒数、穗长的狭义遗传力较低,受环境影响大,不利于早代选择;对亲本间的GCA效应和杂交组合间的SCA效应分析表明,自交系L103在降低株高、穗位高,提高结实性,增加穗行数、提高出籽率等性状上优于吉853,自交系L102-2在降低株高、穗位高,提高结实性,增加穗长、穗行数、行粒数,提高产量和出籽率性状上优于4F1,是综合性状相对较好的玉米种质.  相似文献   

Although international students are an important source of income to universities in the UK, the emotional impact of their experiences may be ignored and unacknowledged. This study explored the personal experiences of international students studying for an undergraduate degree in the UK. Semi-structured interviews with five participants were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis, which aimed to capture the personal perceptions of these participants. Two analytical themes are presented: “adaptation and identity”, which reflects the difficulties in acculturation, adaptation and development of identity in a foreign country; and “us and them”, which pays close attention to the perception of disconnectedness, unfairness and exclusion encountered in trying to integrate into a different way of life. Findings are discussed in relation to the impact that participants’ experiences have had on their self-worth, confidence and ability to engage with domestic individuals.  相似文献   

This study compares the effects on Mental Rotation Test (MRT) performance of instructions that stress the importance of (a) personal effort, and (b) genetically driven ability. A total of 120 high-school students were assigned to three groups, and administered two sub-tests of the MRT. Between the first and second sub-tests, the groups received one of the following instructions: effort (“anyone can succeed in this task by putting in effort”), ability (“performance on the test depends on genetic determinants”), and neutral for control (“this is an important test used in many countries”). We predicted that effort but not ability instructions would affect performance. Results confirmed the prediction and showed that, after controlling for baseline performance, the effort group outperformed the ability and control groups, which did not differ from each other. Discussion focuses on the mechanisms implied in believing ability to be genetically determined or experientially driven.  相似文献   

幼儿园教育质量评价标准的编制具有重要的理论与实践意义。中国学前教育研究会组建了一个包含了来自国内6所高校的专家的跨学科研究团队,遵循严谨的测量学研制程序,经过两年扎实的研究,编制了《走向优质——中国幼儿园教育质量评价标准》(简称《优质标准》)。为验证该标准的有效性,课题组采用分层抽样的方法,在位于我国不同区域的5个省区抽取了不同性质与等级的城乡幼儿园共计100所,采用《优质标准》进行质量评价,同时从300个样本班级中随机抽取了1670名儿童(男女各半),对其语言、数学认知、情感社会性发展水平进行测评。基于幼儿园教育质量和儿童发展水平测评数据,课题组对《优质标准》进行了信效度分析。结果显示,《优质标准》总体及其各领域内部一致性均达到较高水平;绝大部分项目具有良好的区分度;《优质标准》具有良好的结构效度,包含两个潜在的质量因子,分别是课程教学与学习环境、管理支持与师资保障;幼儿园教育质量评价结果与儿童发展水平测评结果总体上呈显著相关,不同质量领域与儿童不同发展领域之间的相关性存在一定差异。综合以上证据表明,《优质标准》是适用于我国幼儿园教育情境的有效评估工具,其评价结果是可靠、可信的。  相似文献   

达尔文生物进化论认为:物种是地球本身自然产生的,是一个简单到复杂,由低级到高级自然进化结果,进化是渐近的线性过程,是通过自然选择和遗传变异逐渐实现的。这个观点面对自然界生物诸多的现象显得矛盾重重,150多年来质疑之声此起彼伏,特别是近年来分子生物学的迅猛发展,物种基因被大量破译,生物进化论的观点已经不符时宜。我们在"宇宙胚种论"基础上首次提出"生物分化论"观点:地球生命是在环境诱导下一级一级分化出来的,物种起源于地球以外的"宇宙文明","文明种子"随彗星来到地球,地球物种都来自于同一祖先,物种按照"宇宙文明"预设基因程序不断分化,根据不同环境形成千千万万个物种。所有物种都遵循"生死法则、生存技能平衡法则、种群纯正法则、物种可分化法则"。人类是宇宙文明的继承者。  相似文献   

介绍上海健康医学院在课程思政理念下开展“大学物理”教学改革的经验。组建团队,提升物理教师课程思政教学能力;修订大纲,确立“价值准则、科学精神、职业素养、内涵修养”的“大学物理”课程思政育人目标;集思广益,挖掘物理知识中蕴含的德育元素。以《动量与动量守恒定律》《刚体角动量守恒定律》及《理想流体稳定流动的连续性方程》这三个章节教学内容为例,具体分析如何在物理知识传授过程中实现价值塑造与知识传授的有机结合,实现课程思政育人目标。  相似文献   

定义了更为广义的双列杂交第1类线性模型。根据4种双列杂交设计(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ型)的一般配合力、反交效应、特殊配合力的定义,构造零假设H0,导出4种双列杂交的配合力的限制性方程组(Hβ=L),分别生成3种配合力的指定的假设检验模型,并合成4种双列杂交的配合力方差分析表,从而构造了广义双列杂交模型。然后,根据4种双列杂交类型配合力的限制性方程组(Hβ=L)之间的包容性关系,得到的6个"模板矩阵",双列杂交(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型)的配合力的限制型矩阵可由其"模板矩阵"生成。由于双列杂交(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型)可看成双列杂交Ⅰ型的"缺失型",故可推广到有少量(10%以下)的数据缺失的不完全的双列杂交假设检验。因此,对假设检验模型的结构进行修改,还可以实现广义双列杂交模型的扩充。  相似文献   


This article starts from histoire croisée to develop a genuinely relational analysis of performances of health education in the context of open-air schools. It interrogates, through places, people, and things conceived of as being performatively entangled, the notion of an internationalisation of school hygiene. These places, people, and things – “international” conferences and exhibitions, “figureheads” of the aspiring New Schools and open-air schools movements, and printed, photographed, and designed materials – reveal open-air schools as “practice[s] and movement[s]” unbound by national or otherwise (real-)imagined borders. Fragmentation accompanied their circulation and ensued from their co-constitutive role in the mediation of knowledge and praxis around hygiene. While still underexplored, economic factors were key to this process. Their analysis from within the “meshwork” in which non-/humans were (are) entangled opens up new lines of enquiry.  相似文献   

Dynamic inquiry learning emphasizes aspects of change, intellectual flexibility, and critical thinking. Dynamic inquiry learning is characterized by the following criteria: learning as a process, changes during the inquiry, procedural understanding, and affective points of view. This study compared the influence of open versus guided inquiry learning approaches on dynamic inquiry performances among high‐school biology students. We hypothesized that open inquiry students who engage in the inquiry process from its initial stage, participating in the decision making process of asking inquiry questions and planning all aspects of the inquiry, will outperform students who experienced guided inquiry, in terms of developing dynamic inquiry performances. Students were divided into two groups: guided and open inquiry learning approaches. Both groups were followed throughout their 2‐year inquiry learning process. The data sources included interviews, students' inquiry summary papers, logbooks, and reflections. A quantitative content analysis of the two groups, using a dynamic inquiry performances index, revealed that open inquiry students used significantly higher levels of performances in the criteria “changes during inquiry” and “procedural understanding.” However, the study's results indicated no significant differences in the criteria “learning as a process” and “affective points of view.” The implementation of dynamic inquiry performances during inquiry learning may shed light on the procedural and epistemological scientific understanding of students conducting inquiries. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 1137–1160, 2009  相似文献   

为了解小学生自主学习能力和父母教养方式的基本状况以及二者之间的关系,并为家庭教育提供依据,该研究采用问卷调查了湖北省省委和政府所在社区某重点小学三年级和五年级学生。结果表明:三年级学生的自主学习能力显著高于五年级;父母对女孩积极的教养方式多于男孩,父亲对高年级的孩子采用更多积极的教养方式,而母亲对不同年级儿童教养方式无显著差别;父母教养方式对自主学习能力有一定的预测作用。因此得出结论,自主学习能力和父母教养方式存在相关。所以家长应该积极调整教养方式,以促进孩子自主学习能力的发展。  相似文献   

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