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国外数字资源许可协议模板研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对国外5种主要的数字资源许可协议模板的内容考察,分析其在数字资源授权使用方面的相关规定,包括数字资源授权使用的范围、授权使用的方式、禁止使用条款、图书馆在确保数字资源合理使用方面所承担的责任等,以期为国内图书馆在数字资源许可协议的谈判和签署方面提供借鉴.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过对电子资源许可协议核心条款的分析,指出其潜在法律风险,为图书馆提供应对策略,以降低图书馆的合同风险并维护其合法权益。[方法/过程] 通过对比和实例分析方法,对许可协议核心条款进行分析并提出应对策略。[结果/结论] 图书馆应全面考虑电子资源可能的授权使用者,尽量避免对授权使用行为进行过多限制;合理分配许可人与图书馆各自的合同责任;增加数据库商对许可资源的质量保证、权利保证和履约保证条款,慎重审查数据库商的责任限制和免责条款;争取将中国法律作为合同准据法或为中国法的适用埋下伏笔,并根据具体情况选择有利于图书馆的争议解决方式。  相似文献   

电子资源许可协议典型研究项目的分析及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对美国耶鲁大学LIBLICENSE项目与加拿大CNSLP项目等具有代表性的电子资源许可协议研究项目的剖析,结合国内在电子资源许可协议方面的研究进展与实践,分析了我国在电子资源许可协议的研究与实践中存在的不足,提出任用法律专业人才从事电子资源许可协议谈判、调研电子资源供应商提供的格式合同和具体协议;重点研究许可协议中的使用、传递与保存限制条款以及强化适应于图书馆的著作权例外研究等建议,旨在为我国图书馆开展更为高效的电子资源采购提供探索思路。  相似文献   

电子资源许可协议模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍电子资源许可协议模型出现的背景,以PA/JISC模型、NESLI模型、Big Easy模型以及加州大学CDL模型为例,深入剖析当前电子资源许可协议模型所关注的普遍问题;并从电子资源许可费用模式、电子资源使用数据、文献传递与馆际互借、电子资源长期保存等问题入手,分析图书馆在电子资源引进谈判中必须加以注意的重要问题,力求为图书馆高效开展电子资源建设提供提供有益的意见。  相似文献   

签订许可使用合同购买电子信息资源的使用权是网络环境下图书馆采购方式的重大变革。许可使用合同的内容包括许可使用数据库的数量、费用、信息提供者和使用者双方的权利与义务等条款。在签订许可使用合同时,图书馆应了解电子资源的著作权状态,明确授权用户、授权使用和使用限制,特别要考虑馆际互借条款、存档与永久使用条款、计价模式和付酬方法条款,避免签订含有对图书馆及其用户不利条款的合同。  相似文献   

国外关于图书馆电子资源许可使用研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许可使用是解决电子环境下图书馆电子资源使用和管理的有效途径.文章阐述许可使用的概念、电子资源许可使用的产生和发展,详细探讨美国、英国、加拿大等国关于电子资源许可使用的研究进展,包括许可使用原则、许可使用项目和许可使用协议模板等.  相似文献   

著作权许可使用是开放存取期刊的法律基础。在分析知识共享许可协议内容与特点的基础上,指出两者的实质都在于更大程度地促进人类知识的传播与利用。知识共享许可协议的授权适用主体、许可范围、不可撤销性满足开放存取期刊授权许可的要求,在实践中被越来越多的开放存取期刊出版者支持并采纳。表2。参考文献20。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对欧洲版权用户平台发布的《数字资源授权许可》风险规避原则进行解读,以期对我国图书馆规避数字资源国际许可使用中的法律风险有所启示。[方法/过程] 分析《数字资源授权许可》原则中针对许可方垄断优势、法定例外、许可权利、合同用语不规范以及争议解决方式等做出的风险提示,以及其采取的一系列行之有效的防控措施,细化许可协议的书写规范,避免签署由数据库商独占权而产生的风险条款等,为图书馆合理规避法律陷阱提供参考依据。[结果/结论] 为规避数字资源许可协议的法律陷阱,我国应增强反垄断的维权意识、制定数字资源许可使用协议法律风险提示框架、适用中国法律由中国法院管辖。  相似文献   

美国研究图书馆协会2010年电子资源评估调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国研究图书馆协会(ARL)2010年电子资源评估调查,总结了ARL成员最新的电子资源采购与许可授权获取方面的实践进展情况。调查从多方面分别对联盟采购电子资源或获取许可授权和图书馆直接采购电子资源或获取许可授权两种采购策略进行了论述。最后总结出存在问题并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

美国国家信息标准化组织(NISO)提出了SERU(Shanng E—Resources Understanding)——共享电子资源谅解备忘录,将没有许可协议就完成了电子资源销售的最佳实践编程案例,在其网站上可以免费获取(http://www.niso.org/committees/seru/)。  相似文献   

Selden Lamoureux   《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):281-287
As libraries continue to increase the amount of content purchased in electronic format, the convention of signing a license agreement for each electronic product has become overly burdensome for both libraries and publishers. The delays inherent in this process have also created barriers to access for patrons. The NISO Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU) working group was formed in 2006 to develop a best practices alternative that will allow libraries and publishers to avoid licenses for some types of electronic resources by agreeing to the “Statements of Common Understandings for Subscribing to Electronic Resources” outlined on the NISO web site (http://www.niso.org/committees/SERU). This report summarizes the history of the project and outlines next steps for libraries and publishers.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对大数据背景下数据挖掘所面临的版权政策问题,作为高校科研院所文献信息中心的研究型图书馆应当构建灵活的数据挖掘版权政策。[方法/过程]综合分析研究型图书馆面临的版权政策环境,从国家立法和出版商政策两个角度,分析版权许可和法定例外这两种政策构建方式。[结果/结论]我国研究型图书馆应该积极推动建立数据挖掘版权例外制度,同时完善内容采购的版权许可机制,提高与出版商的谈判能力;从宏观和微观的角度为科研人员开展数据挖掘提供灵活全面的政策支持。  相似文献   

This study investigates the current status and attitudes towards academic e-book publishing by mainland Chinese academic publishers through an online survey. This study collected survey data from 49 authoritative academic publishers in China, focusing on their e-book sales profiles and their perceptions of how e-book sales affect publishers and libraries. The data reveals that China's academic e-book industry is still at an early development stage and has a relatively small market. The findings show significant differences in the willingness and attitudes towards e-book publishing between SSH publishers and STEM publishers, and also demonstrate that the enhancement of the demand for e-books by academic libraries promotes the process of the digital transformation of academic publishers. This study then argues that Chinese academic publishers need to further improve the quality of academic e-books, accelerate the transition from academic content providers to academic content service providers, and strengthen their cooperation with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The responsibility for and the initiative to preserve electronic journal content is neither clear nor easy, and knowing the preservation status of an e-journal is not a basic step within the NASIG Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians life cycle of electronic resources management. Columbia and Cornell University Libraries secured funding for a project to specifically evaluate strategies for expanding e-journal preservation. A wide range of e-journal categories are evaluated within the scope of the project, including: content direct from publishers, small and society publishers, Open Access e-journals, full-text content from third-party content providers, and university generated e-journals. Discussed are techniques for identifying at risk e-journals, integrating preservation into license negotiation with publishers, tracking the preservation status of e-journals, and developing relationships with existing preservation agencies. The quality of future of scholarship and teaching hinges on the preservation of the scholarly record.  相似文献   

For publishers and librarians to work well together it will help for publishers have a good idea of the circumstances and challenges currently facing libraries. This includes but is not limited to budget; libraries also struggle with a complex technology environment, quickly changing licensing, pricing and content options, and incomplete adoption of standards by publishers and software vendors. This paper is a short introduction to these issues and includes a brief overview of what publishers can do to help librarians, and what librarians can do to help publishers.  相似文献   

The advent of electronic resources brought about the need for license agreements between libraries and publishers. Many librarians today are new to licensing and negotiating with publishers, or have received limited training and education. Based on her years of licensing and negotiation experience, Clair Dygert of the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) provided librarians with practical advice and tools for working with licenses and negotiating with publishers, as well as encouragement for entering into these new areas. She included examples taken directly from FLVC’s licensing guidelines and negotiation proposals and encouraged attendees to use those documents in creating their own local documents. She also drew on the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury to describe principled bargaining as the most effective and constructive method of negotiation.  相似文献   

Kenneth Frazier's call for avoiding the “Big Deal,” an aggregation of journals that publishers offer as a one-price, one-size-fits-all package, has won some converts. Concerns exist over the inclusion of titles in aggregated packages that are neither wanted nor used by library patrons and the financial impact those titles are having on library budgets. Most libraries, particularly smaller and medium-sized institutions, perceive great benefit from the aggregated packages. OhioLINK has succeeded in negotiating license agreements that allow for annual reductions by selecting titles in the packages for discontinuation. The Big Deal is continuing to evolve, even as it begins to fade away.  相似文献   

Internet Protocol (IP) technology has played an important role in the management of access to scholarly work within institutions since the advent of electronic publishing in the late 1990s. Despite recent efforts to explore alternative modes of authentication, the ubiquitous use of IP address authentication within the systems of libraries, publishers, and third party vendors around the world suggests it will continue to play a significant role for the foreseeable future. However, recent studies show that a large amount of the IP address data held within publisher systems is incorrect, improperly assigned, or requires clarification. Poor source data carries significant risks—not the least of which translates into unreliable usage reporting for libraries and publishers. The IP Registry is designed to help mitigate these challenges by creating a Registry of cleaned data that libraries and publishers can interact with in a centralized fashion thereby helping to ensure accuracy and reducing the level of resources necessary to manage and communicate changes to existing data. The database of more than 60,000 academic, corporate, and government libraries was created through the amalgamation of raw source data from more than 170 scholarly publishers. In addition to cleaned IP address data, the Registry includes standardized English naming, aliases, local language naming (and characters), hierarchies, and organizational IDs for each record. The importance of accurately understanding current usage and how libraries utilize published content is clear. Regardless of what the future holds, the need for a clean and stable source of IP address data is real for libraries, publishers, and vendors alike.  相似文献   

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