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《Open Learning》2013,28(3):309-315

Open learning through distance education has come to be accepted as a well-recognised mode of education and training relevant to, and necessary for, meeting the emerging demands of Indian society. Areas hitherto unreached by the conventional education system are now gradually being taken care of by the open learning system in India. One such area is the education and training of local self-government functionaries. Since their number runs in millions, it poses a pedagogical challenge for distance education. This paper argues that education and training programmes offered through the distance mode can effectively meet the training needs of a large number of functionaries, if such programmes are needs-based and give due recognition to the learning styles and preferences of the target group. The author builds his argument around the outcomes of his project in this area of training.  相似文献   

由于新技术的广泛使用使亚洲远程教育对互联网的利用率大大提高。同时远程教育在亚洲的蓬勃发展也促进了新技术的使用。但是,教育质量、资源能否方便地获取、公平参与、新技术的利用以及利用互联网获得知识等方面的问题尚未解决。本文论述了亚洲远程教育在利用互联网方面的新趋势、新挑战、存在的问题以及做出的努力。 在历史背景、目前环境、近期变化以及开放大学的新角色的大环境下开展了亚洲远程教育近期发展的讨论。亚洲远程教育的发展迎合了利益相关者的需求,新技术的使用也促进其发展,亚洲开放大学可望在满足利益相关者需求的基础上进一步发挥其作用。 随着对互联网的使用不断增加,亚洲远程教育的发展趋势将会在教学和学习上进一步增加对互联网的利用,以及为远程学习者提供支持和行政服务的方向发展。亚洲远程教育机构能够向学习者提供各种形式的开放教育资源、混合式学习以及虚拟学习的机会。布卡开放大学(简称UT)提供的简短个案研究说明了该校如何引进新的教学和学习方法,以及新的支持和行政服务模式。该校发起的管理创新是重新把该机构建设成为一个学习型组织的一部分。为确保该机构的不断发展,质量保证已成为一个重要的管理战略。 由于地理位置、人口统计、客户数量的差异,以及语言、文化、技术水平、规范管理等方面存在的地区多样性,使亚洲远程教育在使用互联网方面仍然面临挑战。显然,亚洲远程教育的发展将依赖于新技术的增加和对新的学习资源的利用。亚洲远程教育将不得不重新设计、重新构建和重新发明新方法,以适应远程教学和利用学习资源。要确保亚洲远程教育的可持续性发展,在质量方面也存在巨大的挑战。最后,在介绍教育创新和改进方面,  相似文献   

现代远程教育是一种新型的教育方式。分散学习、开放性学习和自主性学习的现代远程教育正在影响着传统大学教育,给大学教育的发展带来了机遇和挑战。本文分析了现代远程教育的定位,重点论述了现代远程教育对大学的影响。  相似文献   

The development of human capital has been identified as the most important component of all the factors employed in production economics. Since independence in 1960, Nigeria has placed great emphasis on training and education for human capital formation. However, the education process as the primary means of developing human resource has failed, in its conventional mode, to fulfil the needs of the country. This paper therefore examines the impact of open and distance learning on the human capital development processes in teacher education and other areas in Nigeria, presenting an overview of human capital development efforts in Nigeria with a focus on the tertiary education system. The study also maps out the potential benefits and logical justifications for the application of distance learning systems in the training and development of professionals for the industrial and corporate sectors of the economy. In conclusion, a proposal is made for the full‐scale adoption of open and distance learning as a fundamental strategy for human resource development in the country.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育的重要学习方式之一是协作学习.协作学习理论主要建立在人本主义学习理论和建构主义学习理论基础之上.远程开放教育下协作学习有其自身的特点,创设出一个好的协作学习情境需要系统分析影响协作学习质量的各种因素.创设协作学习情境时需要从宏观和微观两方面综合考虑.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育教学系统是以现代远程教育教学理论为指导 ,以信息技术和多媒体技术为支撑 ,融合当代最先进的开放教育理念 ,应用于现代远程开放教育教与学过程的综合服务系统。该系统由教学、教务管理、教学辅助三大功能模块和用户合法性与安全认证模块构成  相似文献   

经济知识化,知识经济化的时代即将来临,社会学习化,教育终身化是大势所趋。新时代呼唤教育加速现代化变革,而现代远程开放教育正以它的开放性,民主性,公平性,多样性,选择性及现代技术,集中体现了现代教育的特点,实践将证明它是学习化社会人们接受终身教育的最佳选择,建构现代远程开放教育体系是世界之交教育创新的时代课题之一。  相似文献   

Sutapa Bose 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):120-134
Teacher education in India, including that offered by the open distance learning (ODL) system to thousands every year, imparts mainly pedagogic knowledge, although the need for integrated teacher education programmes has been underscored. As the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), an ODL institution, will develop an integrated Bachelor of Education programme for secondary-level teachers, a model based on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework has been proposed for developing and implementing it. The model takes cognisance of the systemic challenges to TPACK-based teacher education, but it does not envision radical changes in IGNOU’s teacher education framework for addressing these challenges. It includes propositions with theoretical underpinnings for redesigning the major components of the framework while retaining its basic structure. The model has been described in terms of its rationale, its structure and the way it envisages the progress of teacher trainees from a phase of learning with the help of self-learning material designed for imparting integrated theoretical knowledge to one whereby they apply such knowledge in simulated situations, and finally moving on to a phase of situated learning during internship.  相似文献   

远程开放教育作为一种新型的教育形式,能够在信息技术的基础上结合现代的教育技术来构建的教学模式。在这种教育模式中,教师与学生需要在协作的前提下共同对系统性的学习资源以及模式进行探究。大多数学校的远程开放教育资源都依靠教师方来提供,而学生没有意识主动参与学习资源的建设当中,一直以来都是被动接受资源,或获取资源。那么,实施远程开放教育学习资源师生共建,首先要做的就是引导学生加入学习资源建设进程。  相似文献   

俄罗斯在远程开放教育教学过程中十分注重教育技术手段的运用,强调教学组织形式的多元化和实效性。笔者浅析了中俄远程开放教育教学组织形式,从中得到启示并指出俄罗斯远程开放教学组织形式之可借鉴之处,进而提出要加大先进的技术与资源支持,为今后远程开放教育个性化学习、自主学习、终身学习的研究提供参考,进一步促进我国远程开放教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,以网络化、多媒体化、智能化为特征的现代信息技术飞速发展,成为现代远程教育必需的基础,也是电大进行远程教育的重要技术手段。从学科发展的现状和当前应用环境,特别是从适应电大现代远程教育的目标出发,构建一个全新的课程体系,使两在新的水平上结合成一个整体,已成为电大开放教育工作思索和研究的课题。  相似文献   

在现代远程开放教育环境下,由于情感交流机会少、情感抑制因素多等原因而导致的情感缺失一直是困扰开放英语教学的一个难题。而情感又是语言学习的原动力,如何寻找应对策略,因势利导,突出以人为本,重视语言教学中情感交流,利用情感因素为教学服务,值得开放教育工作者重视和研究。  相似文献   

现代远程教育是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育方式,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主导手段,本根据远程开特点,从认知因素和非智力因素两个方面分析了学生产生学习心理障碍的因素,并提出了克服这些学习心理障碍的措施。  相似文献   

开放与远程教育是构建终身教育体系和促进学习化社会进程的重要适径。卫星、电视、微波电网、双向视频等现代教育技术手段在远程教学中的应用,使开放与远程教育更好的为我国现代化建设服务。  相似文献   

Alan Tuckett 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):160-163
This case study relates to distance learning students on open access courses. It demonstrates the use of predictive analytics to generate a model of the probabilities of success and retention at different points, or milestones, in a student journey. A core set of explanatory variables has been established and their varying relative importance at different milestones identified. The explanatory variables, milestones and reference points when the model is run will be different at other institutions but the approach may be generalised to distance learning institutions and, more broadly, to any HE institution. Institutions, and especially distance education institutions which do not have the advantages of frequently seeing students, need to make full use of any recorded information they hold to try and identify students who are, or become, at potential risk of leaving. The importance of different factors, at different milestones, may help tailor student support to individual students and therefore improve low retention in open access distance education.  相似文献   

The success of any open and distance learning course depends on how well it is designed, executed, and evaluated. Evaluation of a course not only demonstrates its strengths, but also points out any inherent shortcomings in the course. This is why course evaluation constitutes an important function in an open and distance learning system. The present paper aims to evaluate a distance education course ‘Instruction in higher education’ from the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE) offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India. Feedback on this course was obtained from 230 respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. The data collected from students were analysed using percentages. Findings from the study provide an understanding of the operation of the different components of the course. While the majority of the respondents were satisfied with self‐instructional materials, assignments, the extended contact programme, and delivery mechanisms, a sizeable number of respondents were dissatisfied with academic counselling, and the use of audio‐video programmes. Generally, the respondents provided useful feedback and suggestions which will help the faculty in course revision.  相似文献   

优质资源建设在远程教育中具有十分重要的意义,它不仅仅是改革人才培养模式的需要,也是构筑终身教育体系,形成学习型社会的需要。资源是远程教育中不可缺少的因素。这个命题无论在实践中还是在理论上都应是不争的事实,或者说是已经达成了共识。分析了远程教育资源的知识结构和控制结构中的各个因素及其重要性,提出了远程教育教学资源的制作要求和建议。  相似文献   

云南省现代远程教育中心是我省远程教育管理和服务中心,承担规划和管理云南省现代远程教育工作。并为各试点高校设立在我省的校外学习中心提供服务,在建设全民学习的网络平台,推动优质资源整合与共享,构建数字化学习支持腿务创新体系,探索终身化、网络化和开放式的继续教育发展新模式中承担着重要责任。  相似文献   

加拿大土著远程教育体现了教育家和政策制定者的教育理念。他们相信,远程教育课程不仅可以使边远地区的学习者不必离开自己的居住地就可享受到更多的平等教育选择机会,而且还是一个更为划算的教育传播体系,因为它可以大大地降低教育成本。加拿大的土著远程教育由来已久,发展独具特色,对于我国少数民族地区开展远程教育具有启示作用。  相似文献   

在构建终身教育学习体系中,远程开放教育具有不可替代的作用。终身教育具有不间断性、开放性、教育内容与生活内容紧密相连的特征。远程开放教育为实现终身学习提供了现代教育技术手段和丰富的学习资源,改革了学习方式,适应了社会和个人发展需求,在终身教育学习体系建设中发挥着重大的作用。  相似文献   

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