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正一、农村初中生阅读理解能力的现状语言的掌握需要阅读大量的语言材料。阅读是人们进行交际、获取信息所需的基本语言技能之一,也是英语学习的主要目的之一。阅读是主动地、积极地获取信息的创造行为,是培养学生通过视觉感知书面文字符号并获取信息能力的途径,更是提高听、说、读、写能力的有力杠杆,它在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用。阅读是增长知识、获取信息的主要途径,阅读能力是英语教学的重点。阅读理解能  相似文献   

阅读是英语学习的重要环节,是初中英语教学的主要内容,是学生扩充词汇量、丰富语言和提高语言运用能力的重要途径,某种程度说阅读支撑了整个英语学习过程。如何最大限度地提高学生的阅读能力是值得每一位教师思考的问题。  相似文献   

阅读是语言学习的重要手段。阅读训练是中学英语教学的主要内容。通过阅读不仅能够吸收积累,强化巩固语言知识,而且能够培养阅读技巧,提高阅读能力,扩大知识面。因此在英语学习中,应充分重视阅读,科学地进行阅读。那么,怎样进行阅读,才能收到良好的学习效果呢?  相似文献   

傅娇 《中小学电教》2009,(11):71-71
<正>阅读是英语学习的重要环节,是初中英语教学的主要内容,是学生扩充词汇量、丰富语言和提高语言运用能力的重要途径,某种程度说阅读支撑了整个英语学习过程。如何最大限度地提高学生的阅读能力是值得每一位教师思考的问题。  相似文献   

英语阅读是语言输入的主要途径,也是衡量语言学习成果的重要标准。积极地使用阅读策略,能够促使英语学习者的阅读能力的提高。在英语教学的过程中策略教学是必要的,高校教师应有意识将阅读策略教学纳入课堂教学。  相似文献   

阅读是英语四种基本技能之一,在语言学习过程中,“读”的言语有两个目的。阅读的中心主要是理解,阅读理解能力是外语学习主要培养的能力。阅读能力主要包括语言能力、阅读速度、阅读技巧等几个方面。  相似文献   

阅读是英语四种基本技能之一,在语言学习过程中,"读"的言语有两个目的.阅读的中心主要是理解,阅读理解能力是外语学习主要培养的能力.阅读能力主要包括语言能力、阅读速度、阅读技巧等几个方面.  相似文献   

仪垂和 《考试周刊》2015,(10):75-76
对于我国学生来说,学习英语是非常不容易的,首先没有英语语言环境,只是在课堂上有限地学习英语;其次长期的汉语语言模式导致学习其他语言有一定的障碍;最后没有一种有效的学习英语的方法。在学习英语的过程中,英语阅读能力的练习对于学好英语的作用是非常大的。学好阅读,最重要的是可以更好地了解英语语境,只有明白英语语境,才能更好地学习英语,掌握英语语言能力。本文主要介绍了如何在初中英语阅读教学中使用语境理论,旨在提高初中英语教学水平和学生学习英语的能力。  相似文献   

学会学习首先要学会阅读,数学阅读是学生主动获取信息、汲取知识、发展数学思维、学习数学语言的重要途径.由于数学语言的符号化、逻辑化及严谨性、抽象性等特点,数学阅读有不同于一般阅读的特殊性.现在的中学生,都或多或少地存在阅读困难的问题,数学阅读障碍往往导致学生学习上的困难.初中生阅读行为对数学阅读障碍的影响主要表现在数学阅读材料识别、材料理解、材料转换等方面.  相似文献   

高中英语教学的目的之一是培养学生的阅读理解能力。然而,中学英语教学由于受语言学习环境的限制,主要教学形式为课堂教学,主要教学材料来自课本。长期以来,英语阅读课堂教学更多地注重语  相似文献   

本通过阐释阅读原理,剖析种种影响阅读速度的原因,提出一整套克服发声读,摇头读,指读,倒读及心读等阅读陋习的方法,从而在理解的基础上提高阅读速度,培养阅读能力。  相似文献   

图书馆工作的中心任务是读者工作,要想做好读者工作,就必须探讨读者心理。本文重点阐述了读者在阅读过程中的阅读需要、阅读动机、阅读兴趣。这些内容属于读者个性心理倾向的一部分。通过对读者心理理论的探讨,在实践中尽可能做到有的放矢地为读者服务。  相似文献   

Elevated levels of anxiety have been associated with students’ poor academic performance. Research on domain-specific anxiety patterns in reading has demonstrated that reading anxiety is associated with, yet distinctive from, general anxiety. Reading anxiety is an unpleasant emotional reaction experienced by students when reading; it is a specific phobia, situational type. Although reading anxiety has been largely studied in the context of second language acquisition (L2), there is a lack of new research on reading anxiety related to first language learning (L1). In this article we investigate the concept of reading anxiety, as well as the instruments that have been used to evaluate it. Finally, we present the repercussions of reading anxiety upon students’ reading performance and discuss the importance of evaluating reading anxiety as a route to better understandings of reading disabilities.  相似文献   

阅读是人类学习前人优秀文化的一种最有效最迅速的方法。阅读广泛地运用在各门学科的教学上,但阅读作为小学生品德养成的一种方法,还没有普遍开展开来,因此需要教育人士在观念上进行改变和接受。目前,对于阅读成为小学生品德养成的方法要取得良好成效,主要是阅读内容的把握和阅读方法的适当。分级阅读标准目前来说在我国虽然尚未达成标准共识。由于我国开展分级阅读的进程比国外晚20多年,但就阅读研究所推荐书目,以及中国儿童分级阅读研讨会研讨的标准具有很强的代表性。对于阅读方法方面,主要是分级阅读、分享阅读、亲子阅读以及响应国家的“全民阅读计划”的号召,学校、社会、家庭积极开展各种阅读活动。阅读作为品德养成的方法,虽然在理论上有科学的理论依据,在实践中有教育家的大力实践并取得惊人成效,但开展起来还是遇到各种问题。面对这些问题我们都必须通过紧扣阅读内容和阅读的有效方式来解决,并且还要在应试教育的大环境下找到与阅读相适应的平衡点。当然,阅读作为一种小学生品德养成的方法,它也只是众多品德养成方法中的一种,不能将其与其他方式硬性割裂,它们是统一和交融的,在品德养成过程中,可以采用其中的几种综合一起使用。  相似文献   

Prominent models of word reading concur that the development of efficient word reading depends on the establishment of lexical orthographic representations in memory. In turn, word reading skills are conceptualised as supporting the development of these orthographic representations. As such, models of word reading development make clear predictions of bidirectional relations between lexical orthographic knowledge and word reading skill. We test these predictions in a longitudinal study of 112 English-speaking children in Grades 2 and 3. At two time points, we assessed lexical orthographic knowledge and three aspects of word reading skill: word reading accuracy, word reading efficiency, and phonological decoding. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we found that earlier word reading accuracy, word reading efficiency, and phonological decoding predicted gains in lexical orthographic knowledge. Contrary to theoretical predictions, lexical orthographic knowledge did not predict gains in any of our measured word reading skills.  相似文献   

This paper charts our thinking about engagement in reading. It begins where we began, which is inside a single classroom. The paper ends where we have arrived now, with a model of context for engaged reading. During this pursuit, we asked three major questions. Those questions serve as a framework for this paper, and are the following: (1) How can we increase long-term reading engagement in the classroom? (2) Is our approach for increasing reading engagement and motivation more effective than traditional reading instruction? (3) What are the critically important features of a classroom context that fosters long-term reading engagement?  相似文献   

通常认为只要凭借对经验的探讨就能教好阅读课。然而,要科学地回答“为何阅读课要这样上或那样上?”的问题时,经验就无法给出一个明确的答复。作者认为:运用语言学理论知识,就能深化对语言的本质、语言的学习、语言的阅读以及语言的传授的认识,就能对阅读教学作出科学的评价,从而促进阅读教学。  相似文献   

阅读是聋学生形成和发展汉语言能力的一个重要途径,但阅读的持久进行必须依靠阅读时产生的愉悦。手语故事形象生动,容易理解,受到聋学生的喜爱,是引导和帮助聋学生找到阅读乐趣的有效方法。在教育教学中,通过手语故事引导和帮助聋学生自主阅读,又通过自主阅读引导他们讲好手语故事,形成良性循环。这一方法使学生的阅读始终伴随着丰富生动的故事情节,有效地改变了聋学生阅读低效或无效的状态,帮助他们获得了阅读的快乐,使他们逐步形成了自主阅读的习惯和能力。  相似文献   

Research on multi‐modality has expanded our understanding of reading: as well as reading written text, the social semiotic perspective of Kress and van Leeuwen suggests that we read images, and the work of Moss explores children watching television in terms of reading practices. Research in the New Literacy Studies has expanded both the notion of what counts as reading and where we look for reading practices. In this case study I will examine the reading practices of an unemployed teenage boy in an Australian farming community. I will show how one of his ruling passions, the weather, leads him to engage in a variety of reading practices (and associated writing practices) in a variety of semiotic modes, drawing in different ways on numeracy knowledge. These range from reading (and recording) rainfall levels, reading weather charts and weather reports on television and indeed reading the signs of weather changes in the environment surrounding the farm where he lives with his family. None of these are reading practices in the conventional written‐text‐oriented sense, yet all of them contribute to his ruling passion for reading the weather. I conclude this case study by arguing that both research on multi‐modality and the New Literacy Studies point in a similar direction: towards expanding our notions of what counts as reading and the contexts where reading occurs.  相似文献   

Reading ability is very important in our daily life and studies. As most people know, reading ability refers to the reading skills that a reader brings to the text. It is a basic skill for college students including foreign language learners. Reading ability generates learning power that helps students know themselves and others better as well. It is necessary to improve their reading abilities. So the first thing we meet when we are reading is the vocabulary, that is, how to deal with the unfamiliar words will be a very important aspect in our discussion. Next, we must eradicate bad habits and form good ones. Only after this can we go further on critical reading with a higher speed. Finally, there is some advice for teachers, for proper ways of teaching will give great help to students for their improvement of reading abilities.  相似文献   

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