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各国政府与教育政策制定者越来越关注对学生、教师、学校领袖、学校及教育系统进行评价与评估(EvaluationandAssessment)。评价与评估正被用作一项更好了解学生学习情况,向家长和社会提供有关教育表现的信息,以及改进学校、学校领导和教学实践的重要工具。评估与评价结果对于了解学校系统的表现以及提供反馈变得越来越重要,而所有这些的最终目标是帮助学生学得更好。  相似文献   

传统的小学自然学习评价(以下简称“评价”)存在着多方面的问题:一是评价目标狭窄,只以自然学科知识和技能为主,忽视促进学生全面、持续、和谐的发展,忽视对学生在问题思考、问题解决以及情感与态度等方面的评价;二是评价内容片面,注重对学习结果的评价,忽视学生的学习过程评价;三是评价方式单一,只强调笔试,夸大考试的功能和作用,压抑了学生学习  相似文献   

先前学习评价是当前国际成人高等教育领域普遍采用的、针对非正式学习的一种评价方式。本研究基于体验式学习理论,选取参与远程高等教育且具有一定工作经验的92名成人学生为研究对象,在广播电视大学教学系统开展了先前学习评价的实证研究。研究发现,测评人员对评价标准的理解与应用存在偏差,学生对先前学习评价的认识有待进一步加强,特别是让学生清楚评估中的相关责任、评估方法等,以及整个先前学习评价工作的评价与监督机制尚不健全。基于此,本研究总结了先前学习评价的一般操作流程,并提出建立申请制度,加强审核学生所提供材料、证据等的真实性,向学生提供申请前的自我测试以及为学生提供反馈和审查评估结果的机会等四个方面的改进措施。研究希望促进两个"成果转化",一是通过先前学习评价的实证研究,对在职人员通过非正式学习获得的知识、能力或技能给予合理的"成果转化",进一步推动我国针对成人非正式学习评价的研究;二是希望将研究成果进行"成果转化",变为学历教育、在职人员教育与终身教育融合的一种推进机制。  相似文献   

童晓红 《贵州教育》2010,(13):38-39
小学数学学习评价是对学生的数学学习过程及其结果做出价值判断,其内容包括知识与技能、过程与方法以及情感态度价值观等方面的评价。《数学新课程标准》指出:"学习评价的主要目的是为了全面了解学生数学学习的过程和结果,激励学生的学习和改进教师的教学。"所以,“应建立评价目标多元、评价方法多样的评价体系”。近年来,笔者一直努力引导学生家长参与学习评价,以完善数学学习评价机制,下面来谈谈笔者关于评价的实践探索与认识。  相似文献   

新课程标准下学生自评与互评方式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中地理课程标准关于教学评价明确指出:注重学习过程评价和学习结果评价的结合。重视反映学生发展状况的过程性评价,实现评价目标多元化、评价手段多样化,强调形成性评价与终结性评价相结合、定性评价与定量评价相结合、反思性评价与鼓励性评价相结合。要重视学生的自评与互评。一、自评、互评在形成性评价中的地位形成性评价又称过程评价,其任务是对学生日常学习过程中的表现、所取得的成绩以及所反映出的情感、态度、策略等方面的发展做出评价。其目的是激励学生学习,帮助学生有效调控自己的学习过程,使学生获得成功感,增强自信心,培养合作  相似文献   

杨海静 《贵州教育》2009,(21):41-42
“体验成功”学生评价正是一种能使每个学生在学习的过程中体验到成功感、最大限度地全方位激发不同层次学生学习潜能的符合新课程改革理念的评价机制。其评价宗旨是:让每一个学生都有成功感。“体验成功”学生评价更多的是考虑评价的教育性,不仅关注学生知识与技能掌握程度以及整体能力发展水平的评价,还强调学生通过学习,在文化修养、情感道德、价值取向等人文素养上获得发展的评价,以及对学生学习过程与个性发展的评价。  相似文献   

一、信息技术课程教学评价理念 信息技术课程教学评价是指研究信息技术课程教学价值的过程,是由判断信息技术课程教学在改进学生学习方面的价值的那些活动构成的结果性评价和过程性评价。结果性评价的主体是信息技术课程教师,它所评价的结果主要是学生,是对学生学习和发展情况的主判断,这一评价常用来衡量教师的工作质量以及学校的教育教学水平,它所采用的方  相似文献   

合作学习是主要学习方式之一,合作学习开展是否有效,关键在于学生的合作兴趣是否高涨,合作过程学生是否参与,评价方式重过程还是结果,评价的结果看知识还是能力。本文就从这四个方面——兴趣的激发、过程参与、过程性评价以及结果看能力等,谈谈初中历史教学中合作学习的自我看法和观点。  相似文献   

刍我导向的学习:概念与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我导向的学习是指由学习者自己评价学习需要、确立学习目标、寻求学习资源、选择学习策略和评鉴学习结果的学习活动。它是一种独特的学习形式,其学习策略包括:明确的目标、必要的认知策略以及相应的动机策略等。教师的教学水平与风格、学生已有的学习经验以及无意识认知、情绪等都是对自我导向的学习产生重要影响的环境因素。在学生自我导向的学习活动中,教师应该成为互动的伙伴和学习环境的设计者。  相似文献   

科学的教学评价是实现课程目标的重要条件。《义务教育地理课程标准(2011年版)》的理念之一是"建立学习结果与学习过程并重的评价机制"。如何才能建立学习结果与学习过程并重的评价体系呢?下面笔者结合自己的教学实际就地理教学评价谈几点做法:一、评价目标多元化从知识、能力、行为等方面评价学生。案例一:在学习"巴西"一节时,让学生观察巴西的地形图.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide insight into the interplay between student perceptions of competence-based assessment and student self-efficacy, and how this influences student learning outcomes. Results reveal that student perceptions of the form authenticity aspect and the quality feedback aspect of assessment do predict student self-efficacy, confirming the role of mastery experiences and social persuasions in enhancing student self-efficacy as stated by social cognitive theory. Findings do not confirm mastery experiences as being a stronger source of self-efficacy information than social persuasions. Study results confirm the predictive role of students’ self-efficacy on their competence outcomes. Mediation analysis results indicate that student’s perceptions of assessment have an indirect effect on student’s competence evaluation outcomes through student’s self-efficacy. Study findings highlight which assessment characteristics, positively influencing students’ learning, contribute to the effectiveness of competence-based education. Limitations of the study and directions for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

简要分析建构主义教学的特征,并从建构主义教学的角度,对目前英美等国许多大学普遍采用的大学生学习评估方法以及各种方法的利弊进行阐述和比较。同时,对提高中国高校学习评估的可靠性和有效性提出建议。  相似文献   

Social work programs undertake to educate competent professionals and to promote critical thinking among students who are expected to become lifelong learners. In addition, programs are called on to develop reliable and valid measures for assessing student learning outcomes and to use assessment results to reflect upon and strengthen curriculum. This study explores the use of a graduate integrative seminar to accomplish these goals. The authors describe the learning and assessment processes of the seminar. The authors used a mixed-method research design to analyze data from students over a 3-year period regarding the effectiveness of the seminar as well as from graduate faculty regarding student achievement of curricular objectives. Results indicate that formative assessment processes promote student learning in a manner that mobilizes students to strive for excellence, and that an embedded measure of learning outcomes in the form of a final integrative project may serve as a rigorous assessment tool.  相似文献   

While outcomes assessment has become a focus for institutions of higher education, assessment in academic support units remain sparse. Traditionally, assessment has been comprised of one-time student satisfaction surveys and/or supervisor evaluations tied specifically to job criteria. Although informative, these methods fail to account for or measure specific student learning outcomes completed by students via their interaction with faculty and staff. This article presents the development and implementation of a program of outcomes assessment at a 4-year public university in the northeast. Results indicate that students come to college with varying expectations of the role of academic advisors and range on a continuum of academic and social preparation to meet the demands of higher education. A majority of students are meeting the stated learning outcomes. Feedback from this assessment model is being used to improve the quality of services provided to successive cohorts of students at this institution.  相似文献   

形成性评价对学习的促进作用在我国各学段的教育教学中受到重视。在实际教学中,该评价方法引起教师角色的变化和具体的评价实施策略是实现形成性评价促学价值的关键。教师需要改变传统教学中知识传授者的角色,转变为教学与评价活动的设计者和组织者,学生表现的观察者和诊断者,以及提高学生学习的推动者。通过师生共设与分享学习目标和评价标准,全面收集和准确解读学生信息,做出学生乐于接受并据此调整学习的有效反馈等策略,提升学生学习效果和促进其终身学习能力的发展。  相似文献   


Drawing on a large government commissioned research study, the Queensland School Reform Longitudinal Study (QSRLS), the article confirms the existing research finding regarding the cenerality of teachers’ classroom practices (pedagogies and assessment) to student learning. On the basis of a literature review and classroom observations, analysis of assessment tasks and student work, the article identifies the models of productive pedagogies and productive assessment as being effective in terms of improving both social and academic outcomes for all students, especially students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In so doing, it stresses the need for aligning curriculum, pedagogies and assessment with desired student outcomes and also the need to create teacher professional learning communities so as to enhance whole school effects. However, the article also recognises the significance of family background in terms of students’ learning outcomes and thus argues the need for complementary and appropriate educational system funding and policies. Indeed, the article recognises that claims about teacher practices making a difference cannot be posed innocently and that a focus on individual teachers in policy is a double‐edged sword.  相似文献   

Assessment of student learning outcomes is often discussed in relation to curriculum, standards and even administration practices. However, assessment of learning outcomes is rarely discussed in light of students’ socio-emotional contexts, which might help or hinder learning outcomes. For example, do students’ perceptions of the teacher as trustworthy influence their empathic views on classmates, learning engagement, academic achievement and wellbeing? The present paper reports the results of a theoretically-driven, short-term longitudinal study designed to explore the effects of socio-emotional variables, specifically students’ trust in teachers and empathy towards self and peers on engagement for learning, academic achievement, and wellbeing. Grounded in attachment theory and the LEAFF model, Panel Structural Equation Modeling (P-SEM) results revealed three significant pathways, which provide evidence that student trust in teachers may serve to launch a domino effect of outcomes, predicting students’ empathic views of classmates, learning engagement, academic achievement, and wellbeing.  相似文献   

This study examined student learning outcomes for accelerated degree students as compared to conventional undergraduate students, disaggregated by class levels, to develop strategies for then closing the loop with assessment. Using the National Survey of Student Engagement, critical thinking and oral and written communication outcomes were examined. Within- and between-group learning outcome differences with freshmen and seniors in both instructional formats were tested to determine if instructional goals were met and student learning transpired. A quantitative, single case analysis method was used to determine significance with the items relating to these outcomes. Results indicated that seniors in both instructional formats typically reported greater engagement scores than freshmen, and that accelerated students tended to report more engagement than their conventional counterparts. These findings were most robust for the critical thinking outcome. Ramifications for student learning and relevant instructional formats are then explored, so as to close the loop with assessment.  相似文献   

Students conceive of assessment in at least four major ways (i.e., assessment makes students accountable; assessment is irrelevant because it is bad or unfair; assessment improves the quality of learning; and assessment is enjoyable). A study in New Zealand of 3469 secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment used a self‐report inventory and scores from a standardised curriculum‐based assessment of reading comprehension. Four inter‐correlated conceptions based on 11 items were found with good psychometric properties. A path‐model linking the four correlated conceptions with student achievement in reading, while taking into account student ethnicity, student sex, and student year, had good psychometric properties. The conception that assessment makes students accountable loaded positively on achievement while the three other conceptions (i.e., assessment makes schools accountable, assessment is enjoyable, and assessment is ignored) had negative loadings on achievement. These findings are consistent with self‐regulation and formative assessment theories, such that students who conceive of assessment as a means of taking responsibility for their learning (i.e., assessment makes me accountable) will demonstrate increased educational outcomes.  相似文献   

The efficiency and effectiveness of learning outcomes in groupwork and in peer assessment is well attested in the higher education literature. However, there is little evidence that any quantitative measures of student satisfaction have been undertaken with the group process and peer assessment. In this paper a peer assessment method is explained and a study detailed which was undertaken on a cohort of 261 students to measure student satisfaction of the assessment process. It was found that there were high levels of student satisfaction with groupwork and in the adopted assessment method. Further analysis revealed that there were no effects on the levels of satisfaction of students with the independent variables gender and age. Yet, there was a fairly significant difference in the levels of satisfaction of students having work experience favouring those without. Finally, there was found to be a substantial difference in the levels of satisfaction between Australian and international students with international students expressing higher values. It is recommended that this study be extended to other subjects and disciplines.  相似文献   

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