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识字教学是阅读与写作教学的基础。注意识字教学中的心理学问题,有助于提高识字教学的质量,发展学生的认识能力。在识字教学中主要应注意的心理学问题是:使学生在识字过程中建立汉字形,音,统一的认知结构;采用多样化的识字方法,激发学生的学习动机和识字的兴趣,只字效率;消除负迁移的影响,对字形和字音形成精确分化,避免错别字的产生。  相似文献   

当前的识字教学在很多方面取得了成功的经验,但仍存在着一些不尽如人意的地方:既有教师"教"的问题,也有学生"学"的问题.造成这些问题的原因主要与教师的汉字学理论素养缺失、识字教学中未遵循教育学规律、识字教学中不重视心理学规律以及学生主动识字的积极性不高、重课内轻课外、重记忆轻理解等因素有关.针对具体原因,可以从提高教师的汉字学理论素养、重视教育学、心理学规律在识字教学中的运用、注重培养学生课内识字与课外识字相结合、重视课后巩固、养成识字兴趣、学会自主识字等方面加以改进.  相似文献   

<正>怎样提高孩子的识字能力,为阅读和写作打基础?在教学实践中,我主要从以下方面做了一些尝试。一.激发兴趣,提高识字能力教师必须调动学生的学习兴趣,把识字融人丰富的游戏活动中,让学生在新奇有趣的识字场景中体验识字的快乐。1."动"中识字心理学告诉我们"动态变化  相似文献   

在低年级识字教学中,怎样才能使学生学得更好呢?在这几年的教学改革实践中,我觉得有两个问题应该引起注意. 一、要在识字教学中培养学生良好的思维品质教学中,学生的思维越活跃,思维的准确性越强,识字能力也随之越强,识字教学的效率也就越高、这种现象告诉我们,在识字教学中,必须注意培养学生良好的思维品质.在这方面,我的做法是: 1.多向交流,培养思维的灵活性.识字教学中,注意使学生就某个问题,进行较为广泛的交流,启发他们从多方面考虑问题,是培养学生思维灵活性的一个重要手段.为此,我在字的“音”“形”“义”教学中都注意有重点地选择一个侧面,为学生创造多向交流的条件.例如,在教《我喜  相似文献   

识字是小学语文教学的重点之一 ,是阅读和写作的基础。成功的小学语文识字教学 ,要研究和把握全体学生的共同特点和单个学生的个别特点 ,在识字教学中注意点面结合 ;要将识字教学贯穿于整个语文教学的各个环节 ;要改革创新识字教学方法 ,优化教学过程 ,激发学生的学习兴趣 ;要加强指导 ,提高学生的自主学习能力  相似文献   

识字写字是低年级语文教学的重点,在教学中,如何提高学生的识字兴趣?如何引导学生主动识字?采取什么方法对学生进行巩固识字效果?学生识字量不足,怎样提高学生课外阅读的效果……这一系列问题都是我们一线教师在识字教学过程中无法避免的实际问题.多年来,笔者通过实践摸索,在教学中借助识字开放式教学法,不断优化低年级识字教学过程,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

识字教学是低年级语文教学的重点。但是,目前的识字写字教学缺乏科学性、艺术性,方法单一,质量低下。在低年级的语文教学中,要进行随文识字教学,让学生在阅读中识字,在识字中阅读,这既是学生识字的主阵地,也是阅读教学的主要方法。随文识字教学,教师要根据文本特点和学生实际确定教学目标;要因"课"制宜,根据目标要求采取集中识字、分类识字、随文识字等方法;同时,要注意识字与写字教学相结合,既注重趣味性又要注重实效性。只有这样,才能提高低年级的识字与阅读教学质量。  相似文献   

识字与写字是阅读和作文的基础,是整个小学阶段汉语教学重点.在小学低年级识字教学中,应创设契机,提高识字兴趣;让识字与生活相连;指导识字方法,提高自主识字能力;引导学生寻找规律,在有趣的造字法中识字;多鼓励、善用激励性的评价语言,从而为学生创造快乐的学习环境,提高学生的识字能力.  相似文献   

识字是提高阅读能力和写作能力的基础.识字教学应针对小学生的年龄、思维和心理特点,激发学生的识字兴趣,营造快乐和谐的教学情境,引导学生在游戏中识字,让其体验到识字的乐趣;讲究识字教学的方法和策略,提高学生的识字量.  相似文献   

王欣 《甘肃教育》2013,(22):71-71
小学低年级语文教学主要是以识字教学为主,识字量大,内容也较为枯燥,教师教得吃力,学生学得辛苦。笔者根据学生的注意规律、爱玩、好动、做事没耐心等特点.在教学中运用多种方法和手段进行识字教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,集中学生的注意力,提高学生的识字能力,巩固识字教学成果。使学生在轻松的气氛中愉快地识字。  相似文献   

山子 《中学教育》2014,(6):26-34
本文探讨了识字的界定及识字规律的问题。本文提出,所谓识字,就是将文字的形音义三者之间在识字者头脑中,建立正确、稳定和自动化的联系;提出了五条识字规律,即"权威性字形、字音和字义配对律""新旧元素交织律""语境及其意义支撑律""经验及其经验背景支撑律"和"运用反复律"。本文指出:识字教学的正确方向,是识字为识词服务,是扩展学生的词汇;积极词汇的拥有量,才是衡量识字教学成功与否的根本标准。  相似文献   

课程的核心是内容,内容的核心是知识。清末民国的拼音知识经历了“从方音混杂到独取京音”、“从汉字到字母”的飞跃,课堂教学建构路径更是错综复杂。但正是读音的统一引发国语运动的深入,国语运动与白话文运动相得益彰,有力地推动了整个20世纪语文教育现代化的进程。鉴古成今,对当今拼音的发音、定位及教学仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. This three-year study on adult learners of English from the People's Republic of China shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition. Using and reading children's literature is an initial step to developing literary competence, critical thinking, increasing knowledge, and multicultural understanding as well as exposing learners from developing countries to effective innovative educational methodology. Despite the limitations of children's literature—identification with child protagonists—it paves the way to developing literacy in adult literature.  相似文献   

Art education exists between technology and literacy, that is, between the methods social groups use to equip themselves with material objects, to shape and control their environment, and the mastery of specific technologies used to communicate ideas and values. Technology and literacy also function as metaphors, implied comparisons between the visual arts and realms of contemporary education generally seen as possessing higher status in Western cultures. My intent in this historical essay is to examine both terms in historical contexts grounded in North American art education in order to reveal elements of political and social control in these metaphors. While art‐making is a means to technical literacy, responding to visual images has been used as a means to maintain social groups and continue particular cultural traditions. Art education itself can be considered one of many technologies useful in managing a complex society, at the same time as it is perceived as a means of human liberation.  相似文献   

李燕  孙振华 《海外英语》2012,(15):72-73
大学英语教学中,尤其在课文讲解过程中,不仅要教授学生知识和技能,更要注重提高学生的人文素养,教会学生做人,思考,学习。目前很多大学英语课堂,主要教授语音,词汇,语法,文体和结构;而对教育对象人文思想方面重视不够。因此,应该培养全面发展的人才,高素质的人才,满足社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

"右文说"源流、价值考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“右文说”是一种从声旁推测字的意义的注释方法,它的因“声”求“义”使人们看到形声字的声旁除了标音之外,还可以为字义的解释和来源作出提示,为字的形、声、义的研究提供了新思路,但长期以来语言学界大多忽视了这一点,本文拟从该角度对“右文说”的价值作新的认识  相似文献   

本文分析了当代大学生母语素养存在的问题,并提出普通话培训是提高大学生母语素养的有效途径。实践表明普通话培训可以在较短时间内使学生掌握相关汉语言知识,帮助学生准确掌握字音字义及用法,培养良好的朗读习惯,提高朗读能力以及口语表达能力。  相似文献   


This paper draws on sociological and critical educational frames, particularly Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence, in order to contest the dominant model of literacy education that is driven by the premise of a ‘knowledge economy’. Instead it foregrounds the political, social, and economic factors that marginalise learners. Data from two projects: an ethnographic study in a Further Education (FE) College in England and a study of community-based literacy programmes in Scotland, are probed to show how literacy classes can offer spaces to challenge symbolic violence and facilitate learners to reclaim identities of success. These changes are illustrated from the learners’ views of the contrasts between their experiences of school education and literacy programmes that use transformative and emancipatory approaches. Our research demonstrates how critical education can open up spaces for a more equitable approach based on the co-production of knowledge. It is argued that making changes to policy and practice could inform and shape the literacy curriculum and its pedagogy if adult literacy can disentangle itself from instrumental approaches driven by neoliberal fusion and instead create critical space for contextualised and emancipatory learning.  相似文献   

The science education literature demonstrates that scientific literacy is generally valued and acknowledged among educators as a desirable student learning outcome. However, what scientific literacy really means in terms of classroom practice and student learning is debatable due to the inherent complexity of the term and varying expectations of what it means for learning outcomes. To date the teacher voice has been noticeably absent from this debate even though the very nature of teacher expertise lies at the heart of the processes which shape students' scientific literacy. The research reported in this paper taps into the expertise of (participating) primary teachers by analyzing the insights and thinking that emerged as they attempted to unravel some of the pedagogical complexities associated with constructing an understanding of scientific literacy in their own classrooms. The research examines the processes and structures within one primary school that were created to provide conditions to allow teachers to explore and build on the range of ideas that presently inform the scientific literacy debate. The research reports these teachers' views and practices that shaped their actions in teaching for scientific literacy.  相似文献   

开展信息素养教育是高校图书馆的一项重要任务,为此,图书馆开展了文献检索与利用课、专题讲座、在线信息素养教育、新生入馆教育以及其他多种信息素养教育活动,取得了一定成绩,但也存在文献检索与利用课不受重视、专题讲座信息宣传不到位、在线信息素养教育网站不完善、新生人馆教育效果不佳等问题,为了提升信息素养教育效果,图书馆应该争取学校重视、拓宽宣传渠道、加强网站建设、实行人馆教育测试、重视馆员教育培训.  相似文献   

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