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Typically, essays are used as summative rather than formative assessments and students experience them as tasks rather than learning opportunities. Thus, the aim of this study was to see whether providing students with detailed formative feedback and an opportunity to resubmit their essay would improve their essays writing skills. Twenty‐six out of 54 third‐year psychology students resubmitted their essay. Of those 26 resubmitted essays, 18 were awarded higher grades. Although the students observed that their skills had improved, they mainly perceived the resubmission option as a ‘safety net’ and were motivated to use it as a way of improving their grades. Lack of time was the most common reason given for not resubmitting. Therefore, lecturers may be faced with a challenge of finding ways of not only providing formative feedback but also encouraging students to use it as such.  相似文献   


This paper addresses three basic questions about moral motivation. Concerning the nature of moral motivation, it argues that it involves responsiveness to both reasons of morality and the value of persons and everything else of value. Moral motivation is thus identified as reason-responsive appropriate valuing. Regarding whether it is possible for people to be morally motivated, the paper relies on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to show how moral motivation is a likely product of education that is need-supportive in modeling appropriate valuing and engaging students in the kinds of reasoning that are essential to moral motivation. Virtuous motivation that inclines people to engage in morally motivated acts is equated with being morally self-determining or achieving the right kind of integrated motivation. SDT shows how people come to be morally motivated, and the paper concludes that an identified aspiration to be virtuous may play a significant role.  相似文献   

提升大学生思想政治素质一直是思想政治教育工作者的使命与职责,也是我们追寻的永恒目标.一般来说,提升大学生思想政治素质的主要途径是对大学生进行思想政治教育教学,围绕此进行的学术探讨成果也颇多.然而,随着教育对象的不断变化、社会多元价值观的影响、学生价值选择取向的多样化,使得思想政治教育方法受到了严峻挑战.因此,如何应对挑战、改革思想政治教育方法,提升大学生思想政治素质,已成为我们当前面临的重要的和首要的问题了.我们认为无论通过什么样的教育方法都必然要通过使学生经历“从信任到信心”、“从心动到行动”、“从行动到习惯”的三步曲,才能实现人格的真正成长,素质的真正提升.  相似文献   

Many students with learning disabilities find it difficult to acquire basic reading skills. This is even more of a challenge for students who are non-vocal. The purpose of the present study was to pilot the use of Headsprout Early Reading© (HER©), an online reading programme, with four non-vocal students with a severe learning disability (SLD), over the course of a nine-week period. Additional table-top activities were designed and implemented to augment the online instruction. None of the students completed the programme. Three students improved their early reading skills over the course of the intervention. Staff members indicated positive experiences of using HER©, especially mentioning how motivated the students were to engage with the programme. HER© for students with SLD requires one-to-one support and a longer implementation period to achieve completion; these have implications for resourcing in special schools. However, HER© shows promise with non-vocal students with learning disabilities and evidence supports the need for larger-scale evaluation research.  相似文献   

In this content analysis study, researchers explored middle school students’ preference for playing video games and the possible implications for learning environments. During two-week, summer sessions, learners played videos games and answered questions related to their preferences in different settings. Students’ preferences and justifications for playing alone or in company are described. Results shows that middle school students prefer to work in groups motivated by companionship, collaboration, competition, and challenge. The article concludes showing the relevance of using video games to emphasize 21st century skills in learners.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) enrichment programs can meet the needs of gifted students by providing an intellectual challenge, a motivated peer group, and skilled teachers. In the Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP), 40 students (Grades 4–8) explored challenging math topics not typically taught in their schools. Pre and post questionnaires, video documentation of classes, and field notes indicated that students were less interested in the content of their school math classes after participation in SEP. They also reported that SEP provided a more appropriate pace, challenge, and fun. Analysis of classroom videos revealed four major strategies teachers utilized: (a) fostering of a supportive and collaborative environment, (b) developing the identity of a mathematician, (c) open-ended questions for conceptual exploration, and (d) discovery through play.  相似文献   

Information communication technologies are rapidly finding a niche in practical work in science laboratories in both schools and tertiary institutions. This paper reports on a project investigating students' learning processes when video analysis and data logging practical work were used in a first-year undergraduate physics course. Student volunteers were group interviewed. Preliminary findings suggest that students were motivated by the tasks and perceived that the tasks helped them understand their physics concepts. The manual movement of the cart and the freeze-frame element of the video analysis were viewed positively by the students. Further analysis indicates that students used elements of the video analysis and data logging practical work to reinforce already existing ideas rather than challenge the robustness of their existing ideas.  相似文献   

Online tutors play a critical role in e‐learning and need to have an appropriate set of skills in addition to subject matter expertise. This paper explores how digital badges can be used to encourage the development of online tutoring skills. Based on previous research, we defined three digital badges, which are examples of essential tutoring skills. These skills were self‐assessed during two weeks by online tutors in K‐12 mathematics, who also wrote a self‐reflection based on their experience. The digital badges motivated tutors to reflect on online tutoring practices. The tutors described that they gained a more detailed understanding of the tutoring process when continuously analyzing ongoing conversations. However, it was a challenge for the tutors to balance the private activity, reflection on tutoring skills, and the social activity, communication with the K‐12 students. It is essential to take into account when tutors will have time to reflect, for example, by scheduling time for reflection or enabling opportunities for reflection that is flexible in time. A challenge for further research is to better understand the potential benefits of different types of badges.  相似文献   


Three community college students participated in a collaborative student/professor research project to experiment with new ideas in teaching. Under the direction of the instructor, the students studied the South African riots in Soweto, 1976, and how issues of language and power were connected to this event. This investigative process began with video information to introduce students to the key issues, and was then followed by student research and discussion. The students, who were particularly motivated to understand the conflict by relating it to their own linguistic circumstances, worked individually and together to find articles and video sources to support their personal interests and ideas. By reflecting on their experiences and perceptions about language and communication, students were able to become engaged in an unfamiliar historical topic, discover relevant academic information, evaluate sources, and formulate insightful responses.  相似文献   

Shadow education contributes to the learning and academic careers of Korean students. It benefits, in particular, gifted students who are strongly motivated and who outperform their peers academically. In this study, we explored the innovative characteristics of shadow education curricula for gifted students in terms of curricular programmes, methods, and teaching-learning materials. Also, we explored how shadow education practices meet the academic abilities and needs of students. Informed by a literature review and qualitative research methods, the results reveal how common shadow education is; effects of shadow education; and innovative elements used in shadow education for gifted students in Korea. Overall, we found that shadow education plays a crucial role in gifted education; it is a necessary component for understanding academic excellence among students in Korea. The findings are helpful for teachers, curriculum developers, and policymakers as they explore how public schooling can help to support strongly motivated and academically advanced students.  相似文献   

章认为,运用比较教学法能有效地解决音乐教育专业学生的钢琴集体课教学问题。钢琴集体课教学不仅不会影响、限制学生的个体发展,相反,更有利于学生通过比较,发现自身本质上的一些素质差异,并通过集体的智慧和力量,不断地改善与提高自身的学习素质,从而更好地发挥学生的学习主动性,提高集体课的教学质量。  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted with 29 part-time taught postgraduate (TPg) students to determine forms of teaching and curriculum which motivated their learning. The study was conducted in an open exploratory manner to investigate the aspects of pedagogy or curriculum design which particularly motivated the TPg students which were in any way distinct from typical undergraduate teaching. As most of the TPg students were mature professionals working in a field connected to the course they had enrolled in, they were able to identify relevant knowledge, skills and abilities which ought to be included in the content or curriculum. This distinguishes them from typical undergraduate students. The TPg students appreciated in-class discussion so that they could share experiences and expertise. The interviewees preferred assessment tasks that related to their professional practice. Teaching and learning for TPg students should recognise the expertise of the students and draw upon it as a valuable learning resource.  相似文献   

Are some methods of instruction more suited to some students than to others? Do students who seem to be motivated to achieve through independent action actually do better in classes that reward independent behavior? And do students whose orientation is more one of conformity actually do better in classes that reward conforming behavior? This study found some of the anticipated results — and the authors discuss how their findings can be applied in college settings. Results at variance with earlier findings also are discussed.  相似文献   

Ethnographic fiction is a technique for educating counseling students about the relationship of social justice to counseling practice. Preliminary data indicate it is an effective tool, with counseling students (N= 48) reporting an increased understanding and appreciation of clients’ life experiences from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, students reported that they were more motivated to address social justice issues in counseling.  相似文献   

主体教育理论认为教育活动是师生互为主体的活动,根据“教师口语”课作为技能训练课的特点。教师应转变观念,确立师生互为主体的教学观。在“教师口语”师生互为主体的教学中,学生具有学习的自主性、主动性、质疑性和创造性的特征,教师具有选准课程的切入点、理清其知识点、激发学习的兴奋点、培植学习的发散点的特征,课堂具有师生主动参与、合作学习、深化思维、尊重差异的特征。在教学的互动中,学生不断地改造、进化和发展,教师不断得到充实、丰富和提高,双方共处于一个和谐、共进的活动统一体中,从而达到相互促进、教学相长。  相似文献   

Now visualization courses have been taught at universities around the world. Keeping students motivated and actively engaged in this course can be a challenging task. In this paper we introduce our developed interactive learning system called VisMis (Visualization and Multi-modal Interaction System) for postgraduate scientific visualization course at Beijing Normal University. We develop it following the Great Didactic from Comenius and the theory of constructivism on constructing the visual and interactive learning environment to support and challenge the student’s learning. We give a report on our proprietary system including its educational objective, volume visualization module, multi-modal interaction module, and CUDA implementation etc. By the evaluation, we conclude that VisMis is an innovative platform for volume visualization with novel transfer function design and multi-modal interaction. It has more advantage in easiness, speed, layer control, interaction, etc.  相似文献   

Although three articles in this special issue address three very different social groupings—gender, ethnicity, and academic needs—they all highlight why inclusion is important for students’ healthy development. The authors make specific suggestions for how schools might promote a more inclusive and welcoming climate for their students. Ultimately, all of the authors recognized that positive intergroup contact is necessary for students to feel included at school but will not simply occur because students have the opportunity to interact. Rather, it is necessary for teachers to be active in establishing prosocial and inclusive classroom norms. This will likely be both the best way to create inclusive schools and the biggest challenge.  相似文献   

Mature distance education students in Ghana, like part-time students all over the world, need to be motivated in order to enjoy their studies and succeed in what they do. In order to come up with incentives for such learners to join and complete a course, universities have to be aware of the characteristics and the socio-economic background of this group of learners and use an approach that best suits their needs at any given time. Based on Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci’s self-determination theory, the authors of this article investigate the factors that motivate mature students to engage in distance education and how their motivation is sustained throughout their studies. Using a survey questionnaire, the authors collected data from 210 mature distance education students (106 males and 104 females; aged 30+) of the University of Ghana. Interestingly, some of the authors’ findings depart from the norm in terms of adult learners’ motivations and what extant literature holds as typified in the work of Ryan and Deci. Adult learners more generally are described in the literature as being mainly intrinsically motivated (e.g. by the desire to learn for its own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, or the feelings of accomplishment it evokes). Interestingly, this survey reveals that mature distance education students who were enrolled in a higher education programme offered by the University of Ghana were mainly extrinsically motivated, giving career development as their top reason for course selection.  相似文献   

A common finding in the area of motivation and psychological well-being is that internally motivated individuals exhibit greater levels of happiness than externally motivated individuals. In this paper we answer the question of whether internally or seemingly externally motivated students report higher levels of satisfaction than individuals who are conflicted in their motivations or are amotivated. We show that both seemingly externally motivated individuals and internally motivated individuals report higher levels of happiness than non-motivated individuals or individuals who are conflicted in theirmotivations. These findings are consistent with self-determination theory. These findings are important in recognizing that well internalized external motivations are likely not detrimental to the well-being of undergraduate college students. Aspirations which are consistent, regardless of whether they are internal or seemingly external likely result in higher levels of happiness among university students.  相似文献   

开展大学生学习层次性研究,有助于帮助和鼓励大学生深刻而富有成效地学习。基于新建本科院校的实证研究表明,该类院校的学生目标性学习动机明显,学习主体性尚未得到充分发挥,学习投入程度整体不容乐观,学习策略水平普遍偏低,学习自控力总体不强,学习整体上流于肤浅、表层状态。在大学教学中,树立学习责任意识、培养独立思维能力、锻炼学习自控力是当务之急。  相似文献   

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