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流动儿童、留守儿童与一般儿童社会适应比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用自尊、生活满意度、孤独感、抑郁、社交焦虑和问题行为问卷对五省2134名农村籍流动儿童、双留守儿童、单留守儿童、曾留守儿童、一般儿童进行调查,以考察留守与流动对农村儿童社会适应的影响。结果发现:(1)在总的社会适应方面,一般儿童最好,明显优于三类留守儿童;流动儿童较好,明显优于双留守儿童;(2)在社会适应各指标上,与一般儿童相比,三类留守儿童的自尊低、孤独感强,双留守、曾留守儿童的抑郁高,单留守儿童的生活满意度高,流动儿童的孤独感强、生活满意度高;与双留守儿童相比,流动儿童的自尊高、抑郁低;(3)上述差异在女生和/或小学生中表现明显。这表明,与一般儿童相比,留守对儿童社会适应有不利影响,流动对儿童社会适应无明显不利影响。  相似文献   

本文基于CEPS调查数据,分析比较了14996名儿童中留守儿童、流动儿童和一般儿童在课外时间分配上的差异。研究主要结论为:(1)留守儿童在课外用于学业学习的时间明显少于流动儿童和一般儿童;(2)流动儿童在课外用于学业学习的时间与一般儿童没有显著性差异,但跟随父母双方流动的儿童在游戏娱乐上的时间明显比留守儿童和一般儿童多;(3)无父母陪伴独自留守的儿童尤为值得关注,除了课业学习的时间显著少于流动儿童和一般儿童,他们课外做家务和睡觉的时间都是所有儿童中最多的。基于留守儿童和流动儿童课外时间分配现状,提出以下建议:政府建立留守儿童信息库,关注留守儿童中的困难群体;规范游戏娱乐场所运营,通过社区教育充实流动儿童课外时间;父母要树立正确的教育观念,保持与学校的紧密联系。  相似文献   

流动儿童和留守儿童同属于受人口流动影响的儿童,目前,这两个群体都受到了前所未有的关注;与此同时,在研究和工作过程中又存在很多需要重点关注的问题或注意的事项。流动儿童和留守儿童规模大,增速快,且仍有较大幅度进一步增长的可能,由此带来公共服务需求的增长。我们在研究流动儿童和留守儿童时,要突出重点人群,如:大龄流动儿童、留守女童、学龄前留守儿童、独自留守儿童、跨省流动儿童等;也要突出重点地区,如:主要接受流动儿童的城市、留守儿童的主要分布地区等。同时,要注意流动儿童和留守儿童的内部差异,区别对待,避免把他们“标签化”。未来的研究工作中,要统一确定流动儿童和留守儿童的概念及其内涵,整合研究力量,规范研究方法。  相似文献   

父母爱孩子是毋庸置疑的,但对于留守儿童而言,父母光有爱是远远不够的,还要让这份爱穿越空间距离,传递给留守儿童,让爱流动.换言之,留守儿童原生家庭不缺乏爱,但缺乏爱的流动.湖北省监利县弘源学校"蔡辉雄心理名师工作室"长期致力于留守儿童生命状态和心理维护的研究,认为关爱留守儿童是一项系统工程,这项工程的基础是让爱在原生家庭流动起来,不因亲子分离而让爱的涓涓细流中断、干涸.  相似文献   

从本质上看,考察流动和留守儿童的心理发展就是探讨环境资源对其发展的影响作用问题。流动儿童的家庭社会经济地位、家庭物质资源和教育资源都弱于城市儿童;除经济资本外,农村留守儿童的其他环境资源也弱于非留守儿童。相对于留守,流动对改善儿童的家庭经济资本、人力资本、家庭内社会资本和教育资源状况具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

为调查流动和留守儿童网络成瘾倾向发生率,探讨两类儿童心理健康、人际关系和网络成瘾倾向的关系,使用问卷法测查了3416名流动儿童、留守儿童和农村普通儿童,发现(1)流动儿童、留守儿童和普通儿童的网络成瘾倾向比率分别为12.99%、6.83%和6.82%。(2)初中女生的网络成瘾得分显著高于小学女生,男女流动儿童的网络成瘾得分均显著大于对应性别的留守儿童和农村普通儿童。(3)留守与流动儿童的网络成瘾倾向组与非网络成瘾倾向组相比,均存在较差的心理健康和人际关系。(4)留守和流动儿童中网络成瘾倾向组的心理健康状况比普通儿童的网络成瘾倾向组更差。  相似文献   

明确的概念界定是开展科学研究的前提。“留守儿童”较之“流动儿童”概念更加复杂。“留守儿童”的概念及其内涵与外延的界定,直接关系到留守儿童总体的统计与分析,也关系到决策部门的判断与决策。本文通过对“留守儿童”的六类定义进行梳理与探讨,并试图剖析“留守儿童”的概念。笔者认为要以开阔的视野,从多个层面或多个维度来界定留守儿童的概念。因此,本文从七个维度构建了留守儿童的概念。这对深入研究留守儿童问题具有一定的指导意义,为准确把握全国留守儿童的总体状况,为决策部门制定相应对策提供参考。  相似文献   

@生活是一种修行0:近年来,政府出台了一系列保护留守、流动儿童的法律法规和加强留守儿童工作的政策文件,很大程度上优化了留守、流动儿童成长环境。尽管在某些方面还有不足,但只要以关爱为核心,留守儿童一定会在一样的蓝天下,拥有一样温暖的家。  相似文献   

留守儿童和流动儿童生活方式的质性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
留守儿童和流动儿童是城市化进程中的特殊群体,无论是在农村,还是城市,他们都是处于边缘的弱势群体。本文通过对城乡四所学校留守和流动儿童的访谈,了解他们生活方式的情况.力图为改变他们的现实状况的政策制定与执行提供事实依据。  相似文献   

大规模农民工的流动形成了留守儿童这样一个特殊的群体.留守儿童在道德品质上存在着情感缺失、情感受到障碍以及道德意志薄弱等问题.留守儿童道德品质上存在一些问题的原因主要是亲子关系的失调和道德情感的变异、父母榜样作用的缺失与道德观念的混乱.对此,应该从法律、制度层面去解决.通过教师爱的教育以及建立良好的班集体的学校道德教育,对留守儿童施以正确的教育,促使他们健康成长.  相似文献   

Every day in the US, over 3000 teenagers become pregnant. The US adolescent pregnancy rate is higher than that in most other developed countries and is increasing. About half of the teenage pregnancies result in a live birth, and most of these mothers are unmarried and will not finish high school. The root cause of this problem is that the young women have a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness about their future that makes them establish the relationships that leave them with babies they are ill-equipped to rear. This is creating an ever-growing underclass condemned to poverty, to a dependency on welfare, and to continue the cycle. All of this results in an ever increasing burden on taxpayers. In Missouri, a bill was enacted in 1990 to address a number of school-related issues that are impacted by premature parenthood. Based on research, the bill makes schools responsible for the continued enrollment of pregnant teens. Alternative programs for pregnant and teen parents receive state aid through guidelines established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education which allow local school districts to design their own programs. Nationwide research indicated that the greatest need of the teenage parents is obtaining appropriate child care. Parenting education is also of vital importance as is appropriate prenatal care. These strategies, in addition to intervening in the lives of middle grade students to help them avoid premature parenthood, form the basis of a 5-step program developed by the Committee for Economic Development to address the problem of teen parenthood. In Missouri, emphasis has also been placed on involving teen mothers in the education of their children so that the children are ready for kindergarten. Despite the proven cost-effective nature of these programs for teen parents (which help avoid additional pregnancies), very few states have encouraged such programs, apparently because of the up-front costs. Until Americans decide to devote sufficient resources to this problem, it will continue to place the future of all of society at risk.  相似文献   

For children     
Early Childhood Education Journal -  相似文献   

Changing lifestyles are having an impact on programs for young children. Recently these programs have adjusted to meet the needs of children from one-parent homes, broken homes, and teen homes. Now children of mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds are an ever-increasing phenomenon in programs. He is a parent of four interracial children and lectures on this topic  相似文献   

Female child perpetrators: children who molest other children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about sexual perpetration by females or by young children. This paper describes the sexual perpetration behavior of 13 female child perpetrators between 4 and 13 years of age. These children were treated in a specially designed program for child perpetrators, the Support Program for Abuse-Reactive Kids (SPARK) at Children's Institute International of Los Angeles, California. All of these girls used force or coercion to gain the compliance of the other child or children. Of these child perpetrators, 100% had been previously sexually abused; 31% had been physically abused; 85% were molested by family members; 77% of the girls chose a victim in their family (the other 3 girls had no available family members). The mean age of their first known perpetration was 6 years, 9 months. The average age of their victims was 4 years, 4 months. The average number of victims of these girls was 3.5 with a range of 1 to 15. The girls victimized two times more boys than girls. There was a history of sexual, physical, and substance abuse in the families of these children. Hypotheses regarding the genesis of the sexually abusive behavior in these female child perpetrators are explored.  相似文献   

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