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Students have been slow to adopt e‐textbooks even though they are often less expensive than traditional textbooks. Prior e‐textbook research has focused on adoption behavior, with little research to date on how students perceive e‐textbooks fitting their needs. This work builds upon Task‐Technology Fit (TTF) and Consumer Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) theory to present a student‐perspective model of e‐textbook usage. By contextualizing TTF and UTAUT2 to e‐textbooks, the research fills a gap in the literature and provides guidance to researchers and practitioners. The goal of the research is to understand how students perceive their task of learning to fit with e‐textbook technology, and how that fit influences e‐textbook usage and expected performance in their classes. To achieve this goal, the research develops a model to test the relationship between perceived TTF of e‐textbooks and UTAUT2‐defined user characteristics that encourage adoption behaviors, thus facilitating student learning. The findings show that four factors impact a student's perceived TTF: substitution, habit, hedonic motivation, and facilitating conditions. Furthermore, perceived TTF positively correlates with students’ e‐textbook usage and expected performance in classes when using e‐textbooks. While price value exhibits a measurable effect on e‐textbook utilization, it is a minor factor.  相似文献   

This research describes a DuPont Model activity used in an introduction to business course. An in‐class activity stimulated students’ confidence in their ability to apply the fundamental accounting principles building upon students’ knowledge of a lemonade stand. Accounting is often viewed by students in introductory courses as “a foreign language,” with common reactions by students of fear and anxiety about financial statements and financial ratios (Borja; Brazelton; Deer, Gohn, and Kanaya; Eber and Parker; and Goh and Scerri). The DuPont Model was developed to visually connect an income statement and the balance sheet to five common financial ratios. Using a preactivity and a postactivity questionnaire and 76 matched pairs of student responses, changes or differences in two student self‐efficacy measures were found. Over one‐half of these student pairs showed increases or improvements in these two self‐efficacy measures from preactivity to postactivity, implying that the DuPont Model positively influenced these self‐efficacy measures. Correlation analysis also showed meaningful, positive correlations among students’ self‐efficacy differences and their attitudes toward accounting. Furthermore, students’ perceived characteristics of the DuPont activity are significantly and positively correlated with students’ attitudes toward accounting. Finally, the results of the study are encouraging to the authors to continue using the DuPont Model activity.  相似文献   

Faculty and students are increasingly faced with the opportunity to use electronic versions of textbooks (e‐texts). Despite the advantages of e‐texts and recent advances in technology, evidence suggests that students are still reluctant to adopt and use e‐texts. This situation leads us to investigate two research questions: What factors contribute to students’ acceptance of e‐texts? Are there differences between hardcopy texts and e‐texts when it comes to course grade? We draw on a variety of perspectives (i.e., psychology, management information systems, economics, environmental studies) to build a framework that allows us to determine the motivations of students for adopting e‐texts, and the learning outcomes of e‐text adoption. Data was collected via a survey administered in the business school of a metropolitan university with approximately 20,000 students, located in the western United States. Results suggest that perceived ease‐of‐use and the price of e‐texts relative to hardcopy texts are two key motivators in e‐text adoption, while perceived usefulness, Internet self‐efficacy and environmental concerns are not significant motivators. However, there was no significant difference in the grades of e‐text adopters compared to hardcopy adopters. We conclude this paper by discussing the implications of our findings for educators.  相似文献   

抗日战争全面爆发后,日军快速进击并迅速建立伪政权“以华治华”,中共出兵华北、华中地区并建立起了敌后根据地,中国出现了国民政府统治区、中共领导根据地和日伪控制沦陷区三种政权并立的局面;为防止经济与文化资敌,国民政府出资并倡导工厂、高校内迁大西南诸省,形成了中国社会与经济重心西移的景观;日本侵华打断了中国社会近代化进程,但西南诸省却在厂校西迁和抗战救国的建设中,形成了近代化工业的最初形态。  相似文献   

Although classroom cheating violates academic standards of behavior, it occurs frequently. Although the research on cheating is extensive, few researchers have interviewed students directly involved in cheating behaviors. We explore interview responses gathered from a cohort of graduate accounting students, some of whom colluded on an assignment, whereas others did not. We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a powerful text mining algorithm, as our primary tool to explore the underlying topical structure of the interviews and to demarcate subtle differences among students’ reactions to and explanations of their experience. Because LDA does not impose or require a priori theories, we use it to provide ideas for future research rather than to test extant theories about classroom collusion. We identify five primary topics that emerged from the accounting students’ reflections: (1) general course context (including honor code), (2) the rigor of the assignment, (3) student teams as support mechanisms, (4) the perceived repercussions of cheating (colluding), and (5) personality differences between the tax and audit track students. We find subtle language differences between colluders and noncolluders. Colluders considered the nature of the assignment and the difference between tax and audit majors more significant than noncolluders did. Additionally, the role of teams and the general institutional context were somewhat less relevant for colluders than for noncolluders. We conclude by exploring ethical and pedagogical implications of structuring courses as heavily team based for teaching and future research purposes.  相似文献   

We describe our process for transforming a traditional, core operations management/supply chain management (OM/SCM) course into an experiential, integrated, and coordinated course. We developed a vison to create a course that all business majors would find engaging and relevant and that faculty would teach consistently and at the same level of rigor. A primary result was three new learning outcomes that focused on concept integration across operations, the supply chain, and the business. We specifically focused on decision trade‐offs and the effects of OM/SCM decisions on other parts of operations, the supply chain, and the business. The redesigned course has been implemented for three semesters. Our experiences offer new insights for redesigning and coordinating an OM/SCM core course and a process that can be implemented in other redesign efforts.  相似文献   

Understanding bottlenecks is an in‐class experiential learning exercise designed to improve students’ understanding of production system capacity issues. After an introductory teaching session on capacity and constraint management, students are formed into groups of six to assume the roles of one raw material handler, four production workers, and one finished goods receiver and are asked to produce 20 units of product beta. Prior to the start of the exercise, the students are asked to predict the completion time of the 1st, 10th, and 20th units of product beta. When all 20 betas are completed, students compare their predicted completion times to the actual completion times. The results of the game show that while students can easily identify the system's bottleneck, they often have difficulties distinguishing the practical implications of the process time of the system versus the process cycle time; thus, their predicted completion times of the 10th and 20th units are typically overinflated compared to actual completion times. A debrief session is then used to solidify students’ understanding of the relationship between bottlenecks and capacity. The exercise is well‐received and highly rated by students; furthermore, it is not resource‐intensive, requiring 40‐45 minutes of classroom time, 20‐25 strips of paper per group, and a visible stopwatch.  相似文献   

我国教育技术学科经历前期的快速发展以后,当前遭遇了瓶颈期。越来越多的教育技术学者开始重新审视教育技术这门学科。文章通过比较的研究方法,借鉴日本教育技术发展的一些基本思想,试图提出“教育技术”是一个不可拆分的词语,是作为一种解决教育教学问题的独特方法而存在的一门学科,其未来会走向“器物”之学,发展之终点可概括为“无为”;教育技术是一门实践之学,因此可看成是一门行动科学,落脚点是人的“行为”,其哲学基础是行为科学的人类观;未来的教育技术研究需要走向更加多元化的发展路径,以更加宽广的国际化视野和逐渐增强的本土化意识,在深刻体悟学科特长与特短中寻找新的平衡点,在反思之中加强学科的历史研究。  相似文献   

通过对贵州省贫困地区中小学校长基本信息、个人素质、教育思想的调查与分析,发现部分校长存在一些不容忽视的问题,主要是基本条件不达标,选拔方式单一、敬业精神不够、学校管理流于一般、知识功底较薄弱,教育技术运用较困难、缺乏现代教育观。  相似文献   

潮汕地区历代私家藏书是潮汕历史文化的重要组成部分,是潮汕传统文化的核心与积淀,是一种成熟文明的标志。  相似文献   

黔西北彝区基础教育与发达地区基础教育比较 ,自然环境和社会经济、历史等方面存在的差距有主观和客观上的原因 ,应采取有效的对策措施 ,充分重视在西部大开发中黔西北彝区基础教育的重要地位。  相似文献   

This research builds a new model by drawing upon e‐textbook adoption models developed in two recent publications, which share similarities but have different findings. Although they both achieve positive results, these two prior e‐textbook studies employ different methods and background theories. This research bridges these earlier models and develops a third, parsimonious, blended model for e‐textbook adoption. Using a survey of undergraduate students, the authors first assess each model independently. Broadening the diversity of the sample population yields results that are similar, yet slightly different from those found in the prior two studies. Next, this study develops a single blended, parsimonious model that explains a higher proportion of the variance than the prior studies with just three constructs: perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation, and habit. In addition to developing and testing a new parsimonious model, this research provides theoretical and practical guidance for e‐textbook usage.  相似文献   

我国西部民族地区基础教育由于地理环境制约、民族宗教文化影响和师资严重不足等原因发展相对落后,严重阻碍了当地社会的发展。"农远"工程加快了西部民族地区基础教育的发展。这一工程的实施关键在于"应用",教师应在认识和技能方面改变和提升,教育机构应在激励和制度方面予以保障,以充分体现"农远"工程在教学改革、教师专业发展、学生学习成绩和民族地区社会发展等方面的优势。  相似文献   

在全面提高农村中小学教师质量加快城乡教育统筹发展的背景下,重庆市实施的“代转公”政策并不意味着重庆市的代课教师问题得以真正解决。对“代转公”教师发展性融合问题的提出及对其价值的分析,对于有效处理“代转公”教师发展,偏远贫困地区义务教育师资水平提高,偏远贫困地区义务教育发展三者之间的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An important component of corporate training is executive education. A sample of 90 open enrollment executive education programs in the areas of management development and leadership was reviewed to better understand the structure of the offerings. In today's marketplace, the majority of executive education offerings are of the traditional face‐to‐face classroom‐style format. More recently, the impact of rapid technological advancements is becoming more apparent in the executive education market as online learning becomes more prevalent. There is no lack of participants for either traditional or online executive education programs, which has expanded the market. While both types of program offerings are viable, the future of executive education may be a merger of the two whereby traditional programs incorporate online components to reduce students’ time away from the job and capitalize on technology to enhance their interpersonal interactions. There is no doubt that executive education will survive and thrive as its future will be the nexus of traditional and online delivery that combines the key advantages of both approaches using a hybrid model that is beginning to be more widely deployed.  相似文献   

Fact‐based decision making is changing job functions within organizations more than any other technology. Analytics, once the purview of the data scientist, is now spread throughout organizations. No longer is there a single job title, job function, or set of required skills and credentials for an analytics career. Companies have moved away from seeking applicants with a specific degree to now recruiting analytics talent based on required skill sets. For more than a decade, business schools have been developing new programs in analytics in response to industry's needs. However, in developing meaningful career‐ready professionals, business programs must understand the skills required across different analytics job functions. In this article, the authors present a comprehensive assessment of the skills sought by employers when considering a candidate for an entry‐level analytics position. The authors describe the demand for various types of analytics professionals, identify the job titles and functions with the most significant demand, and then draw a comparison of the job requirements of hard skills, soft skills, software skills, and credentials between three of the most sought‐after analytics areas: data science, data analytics, and business analytics. The authors conclude by providing faculty and administrators with recommendations on how to adapt their courses and programs to provide students with the fundamental preparation necessary for careers in data science, data analytics, and business analytics.  相似文献   

本对长白山区易混的树木进行了鉴别,减少误采,误伐树木现象的发生。  相似文献   

对民族地区大学生加强人文素质教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐静 《宜宾学院学报》2006,6(10):108-110
人文教育与科学教育属于两种不同的思想体系,但它们都是素质教育的重要内容。实行人文教育和科学教育的深度融合,能有效地克服和避免功利主义带来的一系列问题。本文结合民族地区高校教学改革的实际和人文教育方面存在的一些明显不足,对人文教育与科学教育融合问题进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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