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The early noncry vocalizations of infants are salient social signals. Caregivers spontaneously respond to 30%–50% of these sounds, and their responsiveness to infants’ prelinguistic noncry vocalizations facilitates the development of phonology and speech. Have infants learned that their vocalizations influence the behavior of social partners? If they have, infants should show an extinction burst in vocalizing when adults temporarily stop responding to infant vocalizations. Thirty‐eight 5‐month‐olds were tested in the still‐face paradigm with an unfamiliar adult. When the adult assumed a still face, infants showed an extinction burst. Thus, 5‐month‐olds have learned the social efficacy of their vocalizations on caregivers’ behavior. Furthermore, the magnitude of 5‐month infants’ extinction bursts predicted their language comprehension at 13 months.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the organization of prelinguistic «referential» communication routines and their effects on infant’s progressive mastery of protoreferential communication. Routines are defined here as exchanges where turn-taking and/or topic are repetead and conventionalized. The design compares an experimental group and a control group in a pretest/post test format. In the experimental group, routinized exchanges about a poster are encouraged. Three «training» sessions are devoted to the establishment of routines. The sample was composed of 13 infants aged 12 to 13 months and their mothers. Comparisons between the pretest and the postest for the E group infants show an increase in the time devoted to referential behavior, in the number of infant initiations of dialogue on the poster and in the use of pointing. For the mothers, results show that, during the three «training» sessions, E group mothers, produce more points than C group mothers and tend to «confirm» infants’ pointing plus vocalization as though it was a complete reference. Findings are discussed in terms of conventionalization of protoreferential gestures and vocalizations.  相似文献   


This paper critically analyses the legitimation of exploitative human–nonhuman animal relations in online ‘farming’ simulation games, especially the game Hay Day. The analysis contributes to a wider project of critical analyses of popular culture representations of nonhuman animals. The paper argues that legitimation is effected in Hay Day and cognate games through: the construction of idyllic rural utopias in gameplay, imagery, and soundscape; the depiction of anthropomorphized nonhumans who are complicit in their own subjection; the suppression of references to suffering, death, and sexual reproduction among ‘farmed’ animals; and the colonialist transmission of Western norms of nonhuman animal use and food practices among the global audience of players. Hay Day thereby resonates with the wider cultural legitimation of nonhuman animal exploitation through establishing emotional connections with idealized representations of nonhuman animals at the same time as they inhibit the development of awareness and empathy about the exploitation of real nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

Pre-mobile infants and caregivers spontaneously engage in a sequence of contingent facial expressions and vocalizations that researchers have referred to as a social “dance.” Does this dance continue when both partners are free to move across the floor? Locomotor synchrony was assessed in 13- to 19-month-old infant–mother dyads (N = 30) by tracking each partner’s step-to-step location during free play. Although infants moved more than mothers, dyads spontaneously synchronized their locomotor activity. For 27 dyads, the spatiotemporal path of one partner uniquely identified the path of the other. Clustering analyses revealed two patterns of synchrony (mother-follow and yo-yo), and infants were more likely than mothers to lead the dance. Like face-to-face synchrony, locomotor synchrony scaffolds infants’ interactions with the outside world.  相似文献   

There is a major debate in the scholarly literature on whether early vocalizations imitate the mother tongue (L1) and whether prosody is an emerging feature of intentional communication. This longitudinal study explores the combinatory patterns of gestures and vocalizations of four Basque children aged 0:7 to 1:1 in the protoconversational stage. A total of 1,043 communicative acts were labelled (noting the kind of communication, the eye contact and the type of gestures), in which a total of 581 vocalizations were pragmatically and acoustically codified (marking the length and tonal range). The results showed that before they produce their first words, the children show a predominant pattern, tending to combine the deictic gestures with eye contact with the interlocutor. Furthermore, the children are capable of choosing specific prosodic signals — such as length and tonal range — to expression the intentionality of their vocalizations. This suggests that some prosodic features work as procedural antecedents in the process of constructing oral compositions.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating roles of three types of child aggression in the relation between harsh parenting and Chinese early adolescents’ peer acceptance as well as the moderating role of child gender on this indirect relation. 833 children (mean age = 13.58, 352 girls) with their parents were recruited as participants from two junior high schools in Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China. The results showed that paternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ aggressive behaviors and maternal harsh parenting was only associated with boys’ and girls’ verbal aggression. Adolescents’ verbal and relational aggressions were negatively associated with their peer acceptance. Verbal aggression was more strongly and negatively associated with girls’ peer acceptance. The results imply that in the Chinese cultural context, paternal harsh parenting may compromise boys’ peer acceptance through boys’ verbal and relational aggression as mediators, whereas maternal harsh parenting may impair children’s peer acceptance through children’s verbal aggression as a mediator, especially for girls. These results provide a theoretical basis for ameliorating the negative effect of harsh parenting on early adolescents’ peer acceptance by reducing their aggressive behaviors, with different strategies between boys and girls.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of male and estrous female rats was observed in a large cage through three ejaculatory series. Movement, 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations, sexual behavior, and distance between animals were studied during the postejaculatory interval (PEI) to help establish how copulatory contact is maintained and reinitiated for successive ejaculations. Females moved more than males throughout the three series. The duration of vocalization by the male during the PEI increased in the presence of an experienced female. During the male’s vocalization, the rats exhibited a period of immobility that usually began with the experienced female’s terminating contact by moving away from the male and ended when the female reinitiated contact by moving toward the male. Virgin females did not show this pattern of movement. Experienced females maintained a greater distance from the male during the PEI than did virgin females. We conclude that the behavior of the experienced estrous female assures both considerable spatial separation during the male’s refractory period and the reinitiation of contact.  相似文献   

Affect or emotion for nature can prime environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviors, but for one’s love of nature to grow she must physically experience and communicate about nature with others. This study aimed to identify urban park designs that could increase affect for nature in park visitors by stimulating their desire to communicate about and experience nature. Participants included 33 visitors at four urban parks in a mid-sized US city who were interviewed on location. Social network theory (SNT) served as the methodological framework for interpreting why, how, and with whom visitors’ communicated their nature experiences, as well as the design elements that led to increased love for nature. Analysis of the interviews confirmed findings from similar studies, while contributing new insight to how visitors’ use mobile technology to communicate about nature and build bonds with their social network. The conclusion offers ways for scholars and practitioners to improve urban park design so as to increase visitors’ affect, communication about, and action for nature.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that children may encounter aggressive behaviour during the transition from preschool to school. Yet, relatively few longitudinal studies have been conducted on children’s perceptions of aggressive behaviour in the transition from preschool to school. This study aims to fill a major gap in the literature by exploring Chinese children’s perceptions and experiences of aggressive behaviour, and their ways of coping with aggression, at three points in time: during the last month at preschool (Time 1), the first three months of Year 1 at school (Time 2) and the last month of Year 1 (Time 3). The present study also examines the role gender plays in 79 Chinese children’s perceptions of aggressive behaviour, as depicted in their drawings and accompanying narratives. The children mainly reported physical and verbal aggression rather than relational aggression. The findings provide robust data for understanding how children cope with aggression at school.  相似文献   

试论黄遵宪的日本观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄遵宪是中国近代著名政治家、外交家、思想家,是近代中国最早系统了解和介绍日本的人。他仰慕日本明治维新式的西化运动,明确提出以"日本为师"的政治主张,并积极推动实施;他对日本的侵略性有一定认识,警惕日本对中国的侵略威胁;主张加强中日友好往来。黄遵宪的日本观,对近代中国产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

The Situated Nature of Preschool Children’s Conflict Strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the peer conflict strategies of preschool children are situated and therefore vary across different conflict situations. Hypothetical conflict interviews were administered through a series of puppet shows. Participants were 178 preschool children. Results indicate that preschool children’s conflict management skills are situated in peer conflict, because their strategies are to a greater or lesser degree influenced by the opponent’s strategies. When the opponent’s conflict strategy is non‐aggressive, aggressive conflict strategies are atypical and low in frequency. When the opponent behaves with physical aggression in the conflict situation, most of the subjects respond to this aggressive conflict strategy with physical aggression. The findings confirm neither a static individual view nor a situated determinism, but a situated action view in which both individuals’ cognitions and distributed cognitions interact.  相似文献   

Visual signals convey emotions and intentions between individuals. Darwin underlined that human facial expressions represent a shared heritage between our species and many other social mammals. Social play is a fertile field to examine the role and the potential communicative function of facial expressions. The relaxed open-mouth (or play face) is a context-specific playful expression, which is widespread in human and non-human mammals. Here, we focus on playful communication by applying Tinbergen’s four areas of inquiry: proximate causation, ontogeny, function, and evolution. First of all we explore mimicry by focusing on its neural substrates and factors of modulation within playful and non-playful context (proximate causation). Play face is one of the earliest facial expressions to appear and be mimicked in neonates. The motor resonance between infants and their caregivers is essential later in life when individuals begin to engage in increasingly complex social interactions, including play (ontogeny). The success of a playful session can be evaluated by its duration in time. Mirroring facial expressions prolongs the session by favoring individuals to fine-tune their own motor sequences accordingly (function). Finally, through a comparative approach we also demonstrate that the elements constituting play communication and mimicry are sensitive to the quality of interindividual relationships of a species, thus reflecting the nature of its social network and style (evolution). In conclusion, our goal is to integrate Tinbergen’s four areas of ethological inquiry to provide a broader framework regarding the importance of communication and mimicry in the play domain of humans and other social mammals.  相似文献   

刑事和解中的人民调解模式,实现了刑事和解制度与人民调解制度的对接,体现了刑事和解的价值意蕴,既可以避免公检法机关在主持和解时的尴尬位置,又有利于节约司法资源,提高司法效率,贯彻能动司法。人民调解制度与刑事和解具有天然的契合性。人民调解模式应当成为我国刑事和解模式的首选。  相似文献   

Cyberbullying is the deliberate and repeated misuse of communication technology by an individual or group to threaten or harm others. Guided largely by the communication skills deficiency model and previous research on cyberbullying, this study examins the effects of several predictor variables (i.e., verbal aggression, sex, risky behaviors, parental monitoring, parental limits, technology use, and scope of Internet activities) on cyberbullying perpetration. A total of 1,606 incoming freshmen at a large southwestern university completed an online survey measuring all predictor and dependent variables under investigation. Overall, 35% of these individuals reported that they had cyberbullied at least one person during their senior year of high school. Results indicated that verbal aggression, risky behaviors, and cyberbullying victimization emerged as significant predictors of cyberbullying perpetration. These results have important theoretical and practical implications for those interested in developing cyberbullying prevention interventions.  相似文献   

If children are to be heard in research and pedagogy, we need to find ways to listen to them. But how do we listen to young children when words are not their primary means of communication? Drawing on research investigating children’s perspectives of outdoor spaces in pedagogical settings, this article discusses the use of pedagogical documentation as a way of listening to young children. This listening involves children and adults working together in a relationship of co-experimentation which requires suspension of judgment, openness and preparedness to be affected by the ‘other’ [Davies, Bronwyn. (2014). Listening to Children: Being and Becoming. London: Routledge; Rinaldi, Carla. (2006). In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, Researching and Learning. London: Routledge]. The article explores ways in which pedagogical documentation can not only lead to insights into children’s thinking, but also to questioning of taken-for-granted assumptions about children, learning and the wider world. Furthermore, the article highlights the way in which the materiality of pedagogical documentation strategies also actively contributes to the research. The study’s findings suggest that in thinking with pedagogical documentation, children, adults and nonhuman elements all work together in an interconnected and ever-changing assemblage which does not result in definitive conclusions but instead leads to more questions.  相似文献   

Community colleges are facing a shortage in qualified individuals to fill the projected gaps in leadership roles, as the industry is facing an upcoming wave of vacancies due to the retirement of faculty and administrators. This phenomenological, qualitative study explored leadership readiness perspectives of graduates and advanced doctoral students of a cohort-based educational leadership doctoral program. Five doctoral graduates and five advanced doctoral students constituted the participant group for this study. Five themes emerged from the data analyses which include communication, collaboration, leadership, relationships, and support. The findings from this study indicate that the participants value collaborative action and community relationships, support cohort-based stud,; recognize the value of suppor; hold high confidence levels in their leadership ability to address associated leadership challenges, and consider themselves ready to lead.  相似文献   

This study contributes empirical evidence regarding communicative functions in the pre-grammatical period. The aim was to explore these functions in child-adult dyadic interactions during what in language acquisition research has been called the two-word period. The study draws from the data corpus of a child 19–29 months old and the system of sign categories (gestures, non-verbal vocalizations, verbal vocalizations, uni- and bimodal compositions) developed by Rodríguez & Español. In order to study the communicative functions in this period, an observational code was developed in accordance with Strauss and Corbin’s Constant Comparative Method, which is suitable for encompassing the entire repertoire of a child’s sign use. The study in general allowed some functions absent in adult communication to be identified, and the qualitative analysis in particular revealed a use of semiotic resources that supports the idea of a cognitive processing structure common to gesture and word.  相似文献   

Across the world, people form folkbiological categories to capture their commonsense organization of the natural world. Structured in accordance with universal principles, folkbiological categories are also shaped by experience. Here we provide new evidence from the Wichi—an understudied indigenous community who live in the Chaco rainforest and speak their heritage language. A total of 44 Wichi (6- to 8-year-olds, 9- to 12-year-olds, adults) participated in an induction task designed to identify how broadly they attribute an invisible biological property (e.g., an internal organ) from 1 individual (either a human, nonhuman animal, or plant) to other humans, nonhuman animals, plants, natural kinds, and artifacts. Research Findings: These results (a) clarify the content of the Wichi’s categories and the words they use to describe them, (b) showcase the power of covert (unnamed) categories, and (c) fortify the view that human-centered reasoning is not a universal starting point for reasoning about nature. Practice or Policy: Implications of these findings for early science education are discussed. In particular, we discuss (a) how the Wichi’s construal of the natural world may be best integrated when they reach the (Western science–inspired) classroom and (b) how the current results bear on central issues in early science education more broadly.  相似文献   

《呐喊》、《彷徨》中的回溯性小说在所呈现回忆的风格上有所差异:《呐喊》中的回忆偏重抒情,《彷徨》中的回忆理性色彩则要浓厚得多。而无论哪一种风格的回忆呈现,其意义往往在小说文本提供的当下语境中被搁置或消解。从《呐喊》中痛苦到要去忘却的回忆,到《彷徨》更加决绝地契入回忆,这个过程体现了鲁迅抗争宿命的艰苦卓绝与生命主体意识的强大,而伴随着这一切的却是作家心灵的另外一面:无奈与绝望。鲁迅正是在这生命的两极状态的激烈对撞中执着前行。  相似文献   

基于人工心理和情感计算的网络个性化学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现代网络化学习环境中存在的急需解决的问题,积极探索网络教育效果优化的途径和方法。通过引入基于人工心理和情感计算的模式识别,建立一个以学生为中心,为学生提供适时、有效的学习支持和个性化的自主学习支持系统。通过及时感知学生情感状态的变化,察觉教学效果,有效激励,友好互动,实时调整学习策略,提高教学资源的利用率,调动学习者的主动性及积极性。  相似文献   

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