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本文介绍了美国家庭识字计划的发展历程和类型,分析了其在促进教育起点平等中的重要作用和不足之处,及其对实现我国教育机会平等,促进我国幼儿教育与成人扫盲运动发展的启示。  相似文献   

促进教育机会平等是当今世界教育改革与发展的重大课题。本文重.点论述了社会主义初级阶段促进我国教育机会平等应遵循的若干基本原则,同时提出了促进我国《育机会平等的内在过程,即“协调机制”、“法制机制”、“参与机制”和“优化机制”等。  相似文献   

美国通过教育政策法规促进教育平等,在一定程度上实现了教育机会均等、教育成就平等、受教育者社会和经济地位的提高,基本实现了社会平等的目标,但是也存在一些问题.美国通过教育平等走向社会平等的发展策略,对我国制定教育政策法规和建设社会主义和谐社会具有一定的借鉴意义与启示.  相似文献   

胡森提出了教育平等的三种含义:起点平等、教育中介性平等和最后目标的平等。为了达到教育结果的平等,胡森要求人们对处境不利的学生给予更多的帮助,即给予补偿教育。为帮助处境不利的学生获得平等的受教育权利,美国制定了一系列的补偿教育计划,这对美国教育产生了深远影响。美国的补偿教育计划对我国健全法制、保障教育平等、促进少数民族教育发展、关注农民工子女文化教育、贫困生助学方式多样化等方面保障教育平等有着很大的启示意义。  相似文献   

从教育公平视角看我国基础教育的均衡发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育公平是一个包含了教育平等并以平等为主要取向的相对概念或范畴,其主要特点是平等、差异和补偿,基础教育均衡发展是教育公平在实践领域中的具体体现。根据教育公平平等、差异和补偿这三大原则,实现我国基础教育的均衡发展必须做到大力推进学校的标准化建设,促进基础教育领域内公办教育和民办教育的和谐发展,以及对弱势区域和弱势学校给予政策上的倾斜和经济上的扶助。  相似文献   

教育公平是2010-2020年我国教育改革和发展的一大重点,性别公平是教育公平的一个方面.然而,外语教学领域中普追存在性别不平等的刻板印象.针对此现象,提出促进外语教学领域中性别平等的建议,提高外语教育质量,促进教育公平.  相似文献   

浅议教育公平、教育平等和教育效率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
追求教育公平,促进教育平等,提高教育效率是构建社会主义和谐社会的主要内容,也是发展教育的主旨所在。教育公平是教育事业的价值追求和永恒理想,是教育平等和教育效率相互促进从而达到的一种理想状态。促进教育平等和提高教育效率可以并行共进,教育公平是教育平等和教育效率二者水平不断提高的和谐发展状态。  相似文献   

完善公共教育政策,促进教育机会均等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育政策作为一项公共政策,其促进“教育机会均等”,是国际教育发展的一般趋势和共同追求,本通过回顾“教育机会均等”的理论历史,结合我国教育实践和有关政策,指出现行教育政策中存在着不平等成份,探讨改善义务教育发展中的不平等现象,我们的教育政策改革应力求最大可能的平等。  相似文献   

教育福利是社会福利的重要组成部分。西方学者根据埃斯平—安德森关于资本主义三个世界的划分研究了不同福利国家类型在教育投入上的情况。自由主义福利国家更重视教育的投入,保守主义福利国家更重视教育之外的其他社会福利的投入,社会民主主义福利国家则两者兼顾,都很重视。这从社会平等的角度来看,就是自由主义福利国家更加重视机会平等,保守主义福利国家更加重视条件平等,社会民主主义福利国家是两者兼顾。权衡论题对我国社会福利发展的启示就是要在教育和其他社会福利的投入中选择更加重视何者。也即要表明我国应更加重视机会平等,还是应更加重视条件平等。根据学术界对积极福利的重视、我国的经济社会发展水平以及教育优先发展的战略,应当更加重视教育的投入,更加强调通过发展教育福利来促进机会均等。  相似文献   

职业教育平等问题是促进教育公平的一个重要方面。但从我国职业教育发展的历史来看,职业教育更多的是一种国家行为,是国家通过各种制度为职业教育的发展提供规范。国家制度在制定时表面上所存在的一视同仁与公平运作可能掩盖了隐匿的不公平。这些制度大致可以分为教育内部制度和教育外部制度。但在近几年,社会制度的影响也在加剧。因此,通过探寻制约职业教育平等的各种制度问题,可以为促进职业教育平等提供思路。  相似文献   

儿童观是教育理念的基础,儿童观的演变必然会导致教育理念的变革。历史上儿童观大致经历了由成人主义儿童观到自然主义儿童观再到人本主义儿童观的发展历程,相应地教育理念也经历了由按照成人的方式教育儿童到教育与儿童的身心发展相一致再到以学生为中心的变革。依据对儿童观发展规律的分析与推论,即将出现并已初见端倪的儿童观是复杂性儿童观,由此应采取丰富的富有弹性的复杂性教育。  相似文献   

Understanding how children experience life in educational settings should be an imperative for educational practitioners, evaluators, and researchers. Listening to children’s points of views would facilitate the development of educational settings that meet the needs of children and contribute to their wellbeing and development so that their experiences are both joyful and meaningful. A total of 56 children between the ages of 5 and 7 in 65 educational settings located in central Sweden were included in the study. Amongst the 56 participating children, 29 were identified as having special educational needs. The children’s views were collected from 2012 to 2015 using drawings and interviews, and these were analysed using a thematic analysis. Nine themes that reflected matters of importance for the children, both those with and without special educational needs, are described. These themes are discussed and linked to previous research, educational evaluation models, and theories of values and needs.  相似文献   

教育公平可分为教育机会、教育过程、教育结果的公平,我国残疾儿童教育在上述三方面均存在令人担忧的问题。在教育机会上,与普通儿童相比,残疾儿童义务教育入学率、学前教育入学率相对较低,辍学率则高于普通儿童;在残疾儿童内部,不同残疾类型、不同性别、不同经济发展水平地区的残疾儿童之间也存在受教育机会不均衡的现象。在教育过程上,残疾儿童随班就读质量较低,残疾儿童教育师资比较薄弱,残疾儿童受教育质量难以保障。在教育结果上,六年级以后残疾儿童在校生人数急剧下降,残疾儿童职业教育发展非常薄弱,造成了教育与就业之间的断层。所以说我国残疾儿童教育公平事业还面临诸多挑战,任重道远。  相似文献   

This study investigates the educational attainment of children of immigrants in the United States. By employing a more detailed classification of children of immigrants, we examine whether a foreign place of birth of either parent or child affects the child's educational attainment. Our results indicate that the full-second generation (U.S.-born children with both foreign-born parents) achieves the highest educational attainment, while the full-first generation (foreign-born children with both foreign-born parents) achieves the second highest educational attainment compared to the other groups of children of immigrants and native children. Full-first and full-second generation females also achieve higher educational attainment than their native female peers. The results support the optimism theory of assimilation in which the educational attainment of children of immigrants relies on the combination of their foreign-born parents’ strong values on education and the children's English proficiency.  相似文献   

Previous research on home–school relationships and blame has concentrated on the experiences of parents with children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD). This has led to the voices of educational practitioners, as well as parents of children with other special educational needs, being neglected. This article, by Karen Broomhead of Lancaster University, details part of a larger study examining socio‐emotional aspects of home–school relationships between parents of children with special educational needs and educational practitioners. The study reported in this article explored perceptions of blame via semi‐structured interviews with 15 educational professionals and 22 parents of children with various special educational needs. The findings reveal that parental experiences of blame and guilt were influenced by the nature of their children's special educational needs, which consequently influenced parental focus on obtaining ‘labels’ of special educational needs for their children. The implications of these findings for educational practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

The Federal Communications Commission is considering whether to strengthen the implementation of the Children's Television Act of 1990, which requires broadcasters to air educational and informational programs for children. Some broadcasters have opposed such measures, arguing that not enough children will watch educational programs. This argument assumes that children distinguish between educational and non‐educational programs, find educational programs less appealing, and consequently are unlikely to watch them. The present study tests these assumptions directly, through a comparison of two animated programs set in prehistoric times, Cro (an educational program about technology) and The Flintstones (a non‐educational program). Results indicated that Cro’s technology content was salient to children but, contrary to the above assumptions, children did not distinguish between the programs on the basis of their educational content, and both programs were highly appealing.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature examining the perspectives of children with special educational needs related to their experiences of Physical Education (PE). The extent to which literature addresses inclusion in PE was determined and emerging themes arising from consultation with children with special educational needs regarding PE were examined. Qualitative studies, concentrating on consultation with special educational needs children, were reviewed and six key themes were identified: children's experiences of PE; their experiences of PE teachers; discrimination by others; feelings of self‐doubt; barriers to inclusion; and empowerment and consultation. Findings indicate children with special educational needs enjoy PE when fully included; however, participation is restricted by discrimination, limited teacher training and material barriers to inclusion. Consequently, teacher training in special educational needs and the education of non‐disabled children about special educational needs requires extensive consideration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the early numeracy of low‐performing young children. The mean age of the children was six years and four months. The 511 participants belonged to three groups: multi‐language children, children with special educational needs and children with average performance. The results showed that there were significant group differences in early numeracy: the children in the reference group had better relational and counting skills than those with a multi‐language background and those with special educational needs. Some differences were found in counting skills between the children with multi‐language background and those with special educational needs. Finally, (special) educational support for low‐performing children is discussed.  相似文献   

康安峰 《中学教育》2009,(10):30-33
教育选择权是一项重要的人权。义务教育是根据法律规定,适龄儿童和青少年都必须接受的国民教育,教育公平是社会公平与和谐的基本要素。父母及其子女教育选择权的行使对教育公平的实现可能带来双重影响。本文主张在法律上确认教育选择权,在实践中引导和规范父母及其子女教育选择权的行使,以促进教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

从父母特质的三个角度即父母职业、受教育程度和养育观念分析父母特质对子女受教育程度的影响.结果表明,在对子女教育施加影响的过程中,这三者不是孤立的,而是相互交叉、相互融合发挥作用。父母特质对子女受教育程度的影响会在一定程度上影响到教育公平。  相似文献   

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