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赵石研 《新闻世界》2011,(10):211-212
作为一种社会批判理论,女性主义以其独特的视野诠释着整个社会中女性的生存姿态。20世纪80年代,西方的女性主义伴随着中国改革开放的步伐进入到了大陆学者的研究范围,并于90年代中期被引入到了新闻传播学领域,从而引领着新闻传播学向着更为积极、平衡的方向发展。  相似文献   

传播学本土化的选择、现状及未来发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对80年代初以来,国内传播学研究本土化的发展及趋势做了理论上的初步梳理,并对本土化的意义及目标,本土化所追求的学术个性等问题进行了探讨。作者坚持应该从学术对话的层面上,倡导本土化的实践;在辨识本土化的过程中,加强对西方传播学理论的深入研究,以养育我们化西方传播学理论的能力,从而建构一个带有自身学术个性的理论世界。  相似文献   

在西方,特别是在西欧,运用马克思主义观点(或接近于马克思的观点)研究大众传播学的学者,多数都是西方传播学批判学派的成员,或是赞同和支持批判学派的学者。尽管当前在西方,以马克思主义观点研究大众传播学还远没有达到流行的程度,出版的著作和发表的文章为数不多,突出的研究成果也比较少,但已经形成了独特的方法和观点,并具有一定的科学价值。下面分国家予以简单介绍。(一)法国在西欧,以至在整个西方,法国的传播学研究比较活跃,而且马克思主义的传播学者也在发表意见和文章,他们围绕一个时期的中心课题,和法国其它的传播学流派展开争论。法国传播学界曾长期研究传播媒介的机构问题。从60年代至70年代末,被称为“马克思主义左派”的传播学者,和被称为“新右翼”的传播学家,都集中对法国大众传播媒介进行了“政治批判”,他们围绕  相似文献   

正长期以来,国际传播学研究、特别是西方传播学研究成为我们研究的样板。在各个领域,都不难看到使用西方传播学框架或概念来解释中国现实的案例。但是,在国际传播学界,对已有的概念、理论有诸多反省、批评。本文将以第63届国际传播学年会(ICA)和第56届国际传播学与媒介研究年会(IAMCR)为例1,描述并讨论在国际传播学界正在经历的危机和挑战。  相似文献   

大众传播学是本世纪四十年代到五十年代间,在西方首先兴起的一门多缘新兴学科。近几年来,我国也开始对它进行研究。有些同志认为,党报是传播真理的舆论工具,不能变成传播信息的“信息公司”,担心大众传播学的引入,会使我们一部分新闻工作者对党报的性质、任务、作用观念淡薄。我对传播学中“把关人”的理论作了初步研究,觉得并非如此。现提出来和大家讨论。关于“把关人”传播学理论告诉我们,新闻信息,经过  相似文献   

传播学研究的几块硬伤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏玮 《今传媒》2006,(1):60-61
传播学起源于第二次世界大战时期的美国,经历了七十多年的发展后,在西方国家已形成了初步的理论体系,并出现了一批传播学理论大师。20世纪70年代末传播学概念被引进中国,二十多年来在理论建构等方面取得了长足的发展,成绩不容小觑。但作为一门独立的学科来说,它还稍显幼稚与凌乱。与现实社会中狂热发展的外在形式相比(例如,每年有大批学子选择传播学专业),中国的传播学实质上并未达到表面上所显示的风光,除了反复咀嚼传播学四大奠基人(拉斯韦尔、卢因、拉扎斯菲尔德、霍夫兰)和一个集大成者(施拉姆)的成果外,只有一些较少的、伴随着科技进步…  相似文献   

龙耘(以下简称“龙”):关于韩国1970年代的传播学,您曾经在1994年的一篇文章里提出这样的观点:它不是初创阶段新闻教育和研究的拓展,而是新闻业务教育的学术传统的断代、遗失,甚至是被西方大众传媒研究吞并。您提出这一看法主要是针对哪些问题呢?在韩国,传统的新闻学与目前的传播学是怎样的一种关系?康贤斗(以下简称“康”):我们谈到传播学,传播学在韩国叫言论学,这也是1986年以后的事,之前叫新闻学,韩国新闻学会1986年以后才改称言论学会,我正好任那届会长,为转换这个名字也做了很多努力。改变学会的名称,当然有原因,以前的名称是新闻学会,…  相似文献   

20世纪中期问世至今的发展传播学理论一直都是传播学研究领域的一个重要组成部分,作者尝试着把发展传播学理论的范式转换概括为主导范式和新范式,并参照Silvio Waisbord提出的family tree的概念将发展传播学的范式转化的发展历程构建成形象化的理论树,以期对发展传播学的理论研究领域有更清晰的了解。  相似文献   

黄经纬 《青年记者》2017,(27):28-29
按学界的共识,中国传播学研究肇始于1982年施拉姆访华.施拉姆给当时的新闻研究界带来了具有启蒙意义的美国主流传播学.但是,师承美国传播学的中国传播学带有先天的不足. 从传播学理论“本土化”到传播学科危机 1.“本土化”由来已久.据孙旭培教授梳理,1994年前的中国传播学研究,已经走过了对美国传播学理论“译介-研究-自创”的过程,在此过程中传播学理论“本土化”的问题被提出.1994年《新闻研究资料》更名《新闻与传播研究》,第一期便发布了“讨论传播研究中国化”的启事,“本土化”开始了系统性思考.同期讨论的另一个问题是新闻学的学科建制.新闻学有容纳其他社会科学的宏愿,而传播研究被认为是其实现宏愿的路径.在此背景下,传播研究面临两个议题:“为新闻学服务”和“传播学理论本土化”.“本土化”有两个方向:其一是结合传统文化和西方理论建立本土理论框架;其二是以传播学理论回应本土问题(潇湘,1995).往后的“本土化”工作主要是沿着这两个方向推进,但这个夙愿至今仍没有实现,甚至面临困境.  相似文献   

刘建明 《当代传播》2012,(1):64-66,70
西方媒介批评流派(Genra of Media Criticism)与西方批判学派(critical school)是不同的概念,人们往往混为一谈。西方批判学派包括哲学、政治学、经济学、文化学、科学学、传播学等学科,泛指在否定以往学说基础上创立的社会批判理论,多属于新马克思主义派别。批判传播学否定传播学经验学派,创立了交往行动理论、媒介话语理论、符号编码理论、文本叙事理论等,建构了一套欧洲传播学学说体  相似文献   

Women in middle management continue to face multiple paradoxes arising from their structural and gendered locations that add to the uncertainty of negotiating organizational life. Investigating the lived experiences of women middle managers can illuminate the constraints and paradoxes endemic to organizing, for such experiences foreground tensions at the intersection of structure, identity, agency, and power. Specifically, this contextual investigation of conversational humor explores links between organizational status, gender, and paradox. In so doing, it demonstrates how women can use humor to negotiate managerial identities and to navigate organizational life. This study uncovers nuanced and important communication tactics of middle management women. This study also reveals the value of investigating the complex convergence of humor, gender, and organizational communication theory.  相似文献   

Although traditional mood management theory suggests we use media to deflect sad moods and maintain good moods, various research findings reflect a more complex picture. The present study took a mixed-method, nuanced approach to basic mood management questions and investigated both open and close-ended media preferences among college students (N = 157) immediately following a positive or negative mood induction. Results show that sad (vs. happy) participants showed a preference for viewing a dark comedy or a social drama, whereas happy (vs. sad) participants showed a preference for viewing a slapstick comedy or an action adventure. Women (vs. men) showed an increased preference for romantic genres regardless of mood, whereas men showed a preference for action, suspense, and dark comedy genres. An interaction between gender and mood also emerged; sad men in particular showed a preference for dark comedies. Results are discussed in light of the emotional gratifications that mood-reflecting media may afford men and women.  相似文献   

Mood management theory has found empirical support but was challenged by gender-typed selections and exposure to negative content. These challenges are addressed with response style theory and the mood adjustment approach. A secondary data analysis and original experimental data serve to test hypotheses. As expected, after a mood-impacting experience, men tend to distract themselves with absorbing messages, whereas women tend to ruminate the experience and thus prefer messages with low absorption potential. When anticipating a mood-impacting activity, men tend to distract themselves right before it by selecting absorbing content, whereas women focus on it and prefer less absorbing messages.  相似文献   

柴菲 《晋图学刊》2011,(3):33-36
20世纪90年代开始,人们开始普遍关注图书馆人本管理问题。笔者结合人本管理理论以及自己的工作实践,围绕图书馆服务器虚拟化和虚拟桌面架构从技术角度对加强高校图书馆的人本管理水平进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

大中型企业是发展社会主义市场经济的主力军。档案工作如何促进大中型企业的快速发展,如何做好大中型企业的档案工作,已经成为我们难以回避的课题。本文作者根据自己的档案实际工作经验对这一课题进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect that mood and message frame has on perceived threat, efficacy, attitude, intention and, ultimately, behavior regarding genital herpes information seeking. A 2 (message frame: negative/positive) X 2 (mood: happy/sad) independent groups experiment examining the interaction between mood and message framing was conducted. A two‐way interaction between mood and message framing on the dependent variable(s) was hypothesized such that persons in a sad mood will be more persuaded (as evidenced by heightened threat, efficacy, attitude, intention and behavior) by a negatively framed message given its mood congruent qualities. And, persons in a happy mood were posited to be more persuaded by a positively framed message given its mood congruent qualities. A main effect for mood was also proposed, given that sad persons are expected to pay closer attention to the message(s) overall. These data were partially consistent with the hypotheses. In the main, frame and mood elicited separate effects. Sadness is positively correlated with severity and susceptibility of genital herpes. Frame increases response efficacy. A path model articulating the relationships among all variables is proposed.  相似文献   


This article describes how the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library implemented a competency-based talent management system across the organization to address organizational, departmental, and individual needs. Success of the implementation was mixed. Designing human resources systems around core competencies made organizational values and goals concrete but proved unsustainable in the long-term. Using core competencies to shape departmental goals, coach staff and library faculty, and onboard new employees proved beneficial at the middle management level.  相似文献   


This conceptual paper is based on two propositions: 1.) An efficient flexibility management is a critical success factor for media companies. 2.) The concept of real options theory (ROT) aims at improving a company's flexibility management. As a consequence, it is analysed how ROT can contribute to the flexibility management in media companies. In this context, two research issues are investigated. First, it is shown that real options as substantiations of flexibility are of great importance for media companies: In doing so, it is outlined that options which focus on a company's fixed costs management and options which aim at improving a company's sales situation are of high relevance for all segments in the media industry. Contrarily, options which focus on a company's variable costs are only relevant for media companies engaged in the print segment. Second, it is illustrated how ROT can contribute to the reactive and proactive management of flexibility in media companies.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):219-247
This paper considers how the Emotion-in-Relationships Model (ERM), a theory designed to predict people's experience of emotion, might explain persuasive messages. A study was conducted in which 248 individuals simulated leaving a date request voicemail message. Consistent with ERM, people's perceptions of interference from partners were positively associated with appraisals of self threat and relationship threat and negatively associated with the fluency of messages. People's perceptions of facilitation from partners were positively associated with identity management strategies, positive politeness, and the affection of messages. These results persisted after covarying relationship satisfaction. Taken together, the findings shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of ERM as a theory of interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

中小型图书馆管理软件的选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对现有图书馆管理软件实际使用中的问题,结合未来的 发展趋势,为中小型图书馆选择管理软件提出有益的建议。  相似文献   

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