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一、“邻避情结”与新媒体政治的幻觉 郭小平:环境保护在当下中国具有较高的政治合法性与民意基础,公民基于“邻避情结”的社会抗争与新媒体驱动下的参与式传播,在表达自我的环境生存权益、监督和参与公共决策的同时,客观上也促进了环境公民社会与环保公共领域的浮现与生成,构成环境“善治”的前提。新媒体为公民记者赋权,促进基于新媒体平台的社会与国家的互动,拓展了民主的政治空间。新媒体构成环境善治的重要社会机制,而环境风险的“善治”强调公共参与、多元协商与理性妥协以及民主过程的开放和有效。  相似文献   

由于“人肉搜索”的两面性和相关立法的不完善,对于“人肉搜索”当不当禁以及如何解决隐私权和言论自由权的冲突问题,一直争议不断。作为一种信息搜寻方式的“人肉搜索”,是公民行使言论自由权的重要表现。隐私权和言论自由权是现代社会公民享有的两项重要权利,缺一不可。“人肉搜索”不应当被禁,而应当进一步规范化,并通过行业监管、道德引导和法律规制等多方措施,寻求公民隐私权和言论自由权的平衡保护,建立更为理性、合理、规范的网络传播秩序。  相似文献   

章士钊是近代中国有影响的报刊活动家,同时也是政治活动家和知名大律师。从苏报案到陈独秀案,他的言论自由观经历了从无意识到有明确理念、从强调言论自由的个人权利到重视言论自由的政治取向的发展过程。章士钊的言论自由观以自由主义理论为基础,以个人权利为核心,体现了近代报人言论自由认识的较高水平。其言论自由观的演变对于我们认识言论自由意识在近代中国的发展有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

网民评论的舆论效应——以“杭州飙车案”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖红霞 《新闻世界》2010,(5):164-165
网民借助互联网平台发表评论是公民言论自由的体现。大规模的网民评论常会产生巨大的舆论效应,影响着网络事件的发展。本文以"杭州飙车案"为例,对网民评论的作用与危害作初步探讨。  相似文献   

网络言论自由与隐私权、名誉权保护的冲突   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民的网络言论自由是一项公民的基本人格权利,然而,在保护网络言论自由时,常常会与隐私权、名誉权的保护相冲突。本文首先阐述了网络言论自由的内涵,价值及其弊端,并提出网络言论自由对隐私权、名誉权的影响。在此基础上,笔者详细论述了权衡网络言论自由与隐私权、名誉权的关系。最后,提出规范网络言论自由的建议。  相似文献   

陈霖 《声屏世界》2009,(12):10-12
我国政治改革的目标可以借用政治学者俞可平的“增量民主”的概念来表述,也就是“强调民主的程序;把公民社会的存在视为民主政治的前提;推崇法治;充分肯定政府在民主建设中的重要作用。……建立在这种民主基础上的善治应当是中国政治的主要发展方向”。①新闻媒体在民主政治建设中无疑有着极其重要的作用,本文即从新闻真实、批评报道和突发事件报道这三个层面,考察新中国成立以来民主政治建设中的新闻政策演进。  相似文献   

牛静 《东南传播》2010,(1):50-52
实行公民办报、注册登记制和有效的司法程序保障是国外报纸出版制度的主要内容,这种制度是在“言论出版自由”的理念下创设的,强调公民拥有免于政府干涉的自由。在这种出版制度下形成的媒介垄断实际上有悖于保障公民言论自由权的初衷,仍需要发挥公民个人、社会团体及政府的积极力量,推进报纸出版制度的变革。  相似文献   

传媒从事大众传播活动,满足社会对信息的需求。虽然宪法第三十五条明确了公民享有言论自由,但是单个的公民的言论如何体现它的价值,如何在庞大的社会中体现出公民言论自由的存在?传媒的出现,它承担了传载、汇聚公民言论,更好实现公民言论自由、公民知情权的重任,当传媒的视角转到司法领域,难免在公民言论自由与司法的独立审判、司法公正之间产生冲突。本文仅从一些小的角度对此问题进行一点新思考。  相似文献   

余雯 《大观周刊》2011,(23):42-43
西方国家推崇“言论自由是第一性自由”,这一观点看似绝对,但从哲学角度出发,世界上是不存在绝对的事物,所有绝对都是相对的绝对。正是基于这一点,本文开头分析了言论自由的绝对性价值,然后从美国这一言论自由高度发展的国度入手,探寻其背后的相对性,即将言论自由上升为第一性自由所需要的、潜在的政治、文化内涵,继而比较中国文化,得出“言论自由为第一性自由”在目前的中国是行不通的结论。  相似文献   

新闻自由对于现代民主政治具有不可或缺的重要意义。新闻媒体是广大公众了解国际国内大事的信息来源,是技术、商业、文化进步的推动器,是各种观点交流的平台,是各种意识形态和政治主张交锋的战场。各民主国家都非常重视维护新闻自由的重要性,并逐步形成了一些成熟的制度。我国宪法规定:“中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。”这是新闻自由的基础。言论自由和出版自由及其引申出来的新闻自由是民主国家与法治社会的基础,也是公民实现知情权和对政府权力进行监督的根本保障。但我国宪法同时又规定:“中华人民共…  相似文献   

When does decentralization lead to adaptive governance? This study proposes a conceptual framework of the necessary conditions in which decentralization may result in adaptive governance. We thereby consider two distinct forms in the context of multi-level democratic governance: central and local governments. Based on prior findings that local governments are more sensitive to democratic influences than central ones, we point out that decentralization may hinder the process of adaptation if the considered policy embodies entrepreneurial politics (i.e., if the adaptation generates widely distributed benefits but narrowly concentrated costs). To support our analyses, we use the example of the recent rise of the sharing economy, as manifested by Airbnb, and present qualitative evidence suggesting that higher-tier (central or federal) governments are relatively more favorable to such sharing services than lower-tier (local or city) governments.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于整体性治理理论,探究各省级政府互联网服务能力均衡化发展的影响因素,对于推动地方政府数字化均衡建设、促进政府治理能力现代化、构建服务型政府具有理论意义与实践价值。[研究设计/方法]从统筹压力与数据驱动能力两个维度出发,构建省级政府互联网服务能力均衡化发展的计量模型,依托2018年和2019年全国27个省级行政区的各类数据,运用回归分析对该模型进行实证检验。[结论/发现]省级统筹压力能够促进省内各地级政府互联网服务能力的均衡发展,尤其在地方政府通过信息技术回应公众需求时,较强的统筹压力更能促进地区之间的协调发展,而数据驱动能力则通过与统筹压力的交互作用增强了政府互联网服务能力的均衡化发展程度。[创新/价值]从均衡化视角探析政府互联网服务能力的发展,丰富了“互联网+政务服务”的相关研究,加深了地方政府运用政策规范和信息技术协同建设省域内政府互联网服务能力的理解和认识。  相似文献   

图书馆治理与图书馆管理具有显著区别。在图书馆管理中,政府是图书馆事务的决策者和直接规制者,而在图书馆治理中,政府是政策制定者和经费提供者。图书馆治理需要法人治理结构和行业管理的体制基础。法人治理结构的特征是决策、执行和监督三个环节相分离,做到分权制衡,目的是为了实现法治化管理。实行图书馆行业管理是图书馆自治和自律的根本表现,它需要建立有图书馆行业协会。建立图书馆法人治理结构,培育图书馆行业协会组织,是我国图书馆治理走向"良好治理"的必由之路。参考文献17。  相似文献   

Local governments are increasingly establishing functional decentralized agencies, such as autonomous organizations, public companies, foundations and public business entities to provide public services. Furthermore, they are also introducing the private sector, contracting out public services to a private company and creating mixed companies. Our aim is to analyze the effect of functional decentralization and externalization (outsourcing or contracting out) processes on public transparency levels, since theoretically, they are aimed toward good governance and accountability. To do so, we use a sample composed of the 110 largest Spanish cities for the period 2008–2010. The results show that decentralized agencies, especially public companies and foundations, impact positively on levels of public transparency. However, there is no evidence that suggests that the introduction of the private sector, using outsourcing and mixed companies, affects the transparency of local governments.  相似文献   

西方国家文化管理体制的特点主要表现为:注重分权管理,即政策、决策、执行三个环节相分离;注重间接管理,即权力下放并在资金分配上遵循“一臂间距”原则;注重绩效管理,即在绩效评价上强调结果。西方国家的公共图书馆治理也形成了相应的特点,如在服务供给上,追求全面覆盖和普遍均等;在管理主体设置上,普遍采取理事会制;在经费投入上,以地方政府为主,中央政府予以大力支持;在治理评价上,普遍强调结果为重。西方国家公共图书馆治理的特点对我国具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Various authors have highlighted the potential contribution of the internet to enhance the interactivity, transparency, and openness of public sector entities and to promote new forms of accountability. The search for new styles of governance which promote higher levels of transparency and the engagement of citizens is viewed as a way of improving citizens' trust in governments. As the social media are becoming ubiquitous, both academics and practitioners need some initial and reliable background data about the deployment of this kind of technology at all levels. The aim of this work is to provide an overall view about the use of Web 2.0 and social media tools in EU local governments in order to determine whether local governments are using these technologies to increase transparency and e-participation, opening a real corporate dialog. In addition, the paper tries to identify which factors promote the level of development of these tools at local level. Our results show that most local governments are using Web 2.0 and social media tools to enhance transparency but, in general, the concept of corporate dialog and the use of Web 2.0 to promote e-participation are still in their infancy at the local level.  相似文献   

Civil libertarian doctrine which was dominant during the twentieth century argued that the main goal of freedom of speech was to ensure that the public would be well-informed and actively engage in public deliberation. A literal extension of this claim to the Internet age often justifies the regulation of online speech under the assumption that harmful communication undermines the public interest. This study challenges civil libertarianism and proposes a new thesis of freedom of online speech, which posits that online speech should be understood in terms of a democratic culture where every individual participates freely and without restraints in the process of meaning making that constitute her/him as an autonomous individual. Based on such a theoretical concept, this study identifies three important aspects of online speech freedom – unfettered speech, anonymous speech, and participatory speech – and then compares the status of online speech between South Korea and the United States. This research suggests that a society should understand the unique nature of online speech and then arrange the legal system to fit into it.  相似文献   

Individuals in five European countries—Finland, France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom (n = 1184)—completed a survey exploring the relationship between organizational dissent and workplace freedom of speech. Results revealed workplace freedom of speech is positively correlated with dissent among the entire sample in France and in Germany. Results in Spain were nonsignificant. In the United Kingdom, there was a negative relationship between workplace freedom of speech and dissent. There was a negative relationship between workplace freedom of speech and articulated dissent and a positive relationship with latent dissent in Finland. Moreover, MANCOVA testing showed nationality to have a significant effect on organizational dissent and workplace freedom of speech. Germans scored the highest on dissent and workplace freedom with Spain scoring the lowest.  相似文献   

Social media have become a common organizational resource of governments and public administrations in different contexts. Previous authors have stated that social media institutionalization encompasses a process including stages from experimentation to complete command of the innovation. However, an understanding of barriers to social media institutionalization in public administration needs to be developed. In this article we focus on exploring what factors operate as barriers of the social media institutionalization process. Methodologically, we use a mixed-methods strategy combining different sources of data for triangulation purposes, including a survey on social media conducted to Spanish largest local governments. Based on this data, and following the literature on social media institutionalization, we construct a Social Media Institutionalization Index (SMI). Our SMI is founded on a set of variables measuring to what extent social media have been embedded in public sector organizations. Also, we conducted a case study in a city council based on semi-structured interviews. Our results suggest that social media institutionalization has not been fully developed in our sample of local governments. In addition, different variables (including security, lack of resources for maintenance, control and evaluation, organizational culture, or absence of governance framework) are perceived by public managers as institutionalization barriers, whereas the governance scheme of social media seems to be the critical variable. At the same time, we emphasize that some inhibitors might be overvalued by public employees. This article encourages future avenues of comparative research and practical recommendations to public managers leading social media in the public sector.  相似文献   

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