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当代大学生存在着不同程度的学习心理问题,如学习动力缺乏、学习动机过强、学习焦虑、学习疲劳、考试焦虑、学习自卑等.这些问题严重地影响着他们的学习.因而,必须有针对性地进行调节和疏导,使其树立正确的学习观、建立明确的学习目标、掌握科学的学习方法、培养良好的学习品格,从而培养大学生健康的学习心理.  相似文献   

本文从行政组织理论和学理比较角度,对学习型组织的核心概念:个体学习、组织学习和学习型组织三者之间的区别和联系以及个体学习和组织学习的转化机制、知识传递机制进行了研究和辨析,结果显示:个体学习是构建学习型组织的基础,组织学习是个体学习的系统性整合,学习型组织是组织学习的学习指导理念与奋斗目标.  相似文献   

随着大数据和人工智能等新一代信息技术逐渐应用于教育领域,学习模式的个性化和学习路径的多元化等表征样态越发凸显,由数字化学习过渡到移动学习再到泛在学习进而发展成智慧学习的多模态学习形式备受关注。厘清智慧学习的学习本质观、学习空间、学习内容和学习方式对构建新时代的教学模式意义重大。回溯夸美纽斯的“泛智”论、“泛教”思想及终身学校理念,分析其“把一切事物教给一切人”的主张,发现该思想与泛在学习内涵实质联系紧密,二者共同构成“把一切知识教给一切人”的“泛”教育思想。把握“泛”教育思想的本质,构建以学习力为导向、以学生为中心的智慧学习观可发现:学习观由知识本体论过渡到方法论、学习空间从一维扩展到三维、学习内容变得多而庞杂,继而学习方式需转型。  相似文献   

混合式学习综合利用线上和线下两种学习模式,让学生经历与传统教学截然不同的学习体验。该文在建构主义理论的指导下,构建了“云班课”混合式学习模式,并将该模式运用于英语语言学课程教学。结果表明,混合式学习相较于传统教学模式学习成效更高;学习经验值与期末考核成绩具有显著的高度正相关关系。由于学习经验值源于学习活动的参与,为了改善混合式学习成效,该文提出教师应围绕教学资源、学习活动、学习监控、形成性评价等方面改善教学策略;学生应在学习行为、学习方式、学习动机、学习反思等方面改善学习策略。  相似文献   

智慧学习环境下的教学更加关注学习者的个性化诉求,自适应学习系统能够为实现个性化学习提供技术支持。文章针对传统层状自适应学习系统模型未阐明学习系统内部运行机制的不足,基于自适应逆控制理论研制了一种自适应学习系统动力模型。学习者的学习目标选择促使学习系统开始运行,学习者的初始学习目标与其后的学习成效之间的差值是维系学习系统继续运行的内在动力。学习系统在领域模型、学习者模型、认知诊断和自适应模型四者的协同作用下向学习者不断推送适切的学习资源,旨在消除学习目标与当前学习成效之间的差值,从而使系统重新归于稳定。文章从系统动力机制视角,设计了自适应学习系统包含的领域模型、学习者模型、自适应模型和认知诊断模型。研究将为自适应学习系统的设计与实现提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

随着"教"的课堂向"学"的课堂的逐步转型,教师应该建构适应转型的新教学思维,从知识传递式教学思维转向知识建构式学习思维。在学习过程中,教师不仅要关注知识技能教学,更要引导学生学会学习,提高终身学习能力。建构新思维应主要体现在以下几个方面。过程思维:从"先教后学"到"先学后导";内涵思维:从"知识教授"到"问题学习";模式思维:从流程式的传递型模式到内涵式的建构型模式;方法思维:从"讲授教学法"到"自主合作探究学习法";学习思维:从"被动学习"到"主动学习";角色思维:从"接受者"到"体验者";方式思维:从"单打独斗式学习"到"团队合作式学习";生态思维:从"静态学习"到"动态学习";复习思维:从"线性复习"到"回归复习";期望思维:从"感知学习"到"理解学习"。  相似文献   

通过对92名初中英语学习者进行问卷调查,就所得数据进行定量与定性分析,对初中英语学习者的学习风格倾向以及学习风格与学习效果之间的相关性进行了探讨。结果表明:初中英语学习者倾向于审视型、视觉型和独立型的学习风格,而最不喜欢的是分析型的学习风格;听觉型、独立型、分析型和冲动型的学习风格与学习效果呈显著正相关,而依赖型的学习风格与学习效果呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

在线学习过程中由于学习者缺乏实时指导,其学习效率与最终的学习效果难以得到保证。自动评测学习者的学习效率是实现及时干预、提高教学质量的重要基础。文章以“课工场”平台上“WEB前端开发”课程为例,选取参与该门课程的14名学习者的1011个学习回合,以8种学习活动特征来表征学习付出,以回合成绩表征学习成果,并采用层次聚类法进行分析。研究结果表明:案例课程的学习回合可以划分为4类,分别对应不同的学习效率,即低效型、低中效型、中高效型和高效型;评测学习效率可以反映学习者的全程学习状态,并与线下的教师记录相对应。因此,教师可以利用自动评测的结果了解全体学习者的情况并及时调整课程,而学习者可以根据自身的学习状态调整学习方式。学习效率的自动评测还可以作为个性化学习分析的依据,成为自适应学习系统的重要部件。  相似文献   

自我调控学习与主体性教育   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
自我调控学习是指学习者为了保证学习的成功、提高学习的效果、达到学习的目标,主动运用元认知、动机和行为的过程。自我调控学习与主体性教育具有内在的一致性。主体性教育的核心是要培养学生学习的独立自主性,从而使自己成为自身学习与发展的主体。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,建立终身学习体系,构建学习型社会已经成为世界教育与发展的共识。移动学习作为一种新兴的学习模式,弱化了时空限制,利用移动学习技术可以构建出理想的学习环境、可以为全民学习、个性化学习、有效学习提供强有力的支持和保障。但作为一种全新的学习模式,移动学习还处于发展与完善阶段,还存在许多问题需要解决。在新形势下如何完善移动学习的不足,利用移动学习技术更好的为构建学习型社会、终身学习型社会服务是一个值得广大教育工作者和社会工作者研究的课题。  相似文献   

Many studies have identified web-based cooperative learning as an increasingly popular educational paradigm with potential to increase learner satisfaction and interactions. However, peer-to-peer interaction often suffers barriers owing to a failure to explore useful social interaction information in web-based cooperative learning environments. This easily leads to learners being unable to seek appropriate learning partners for facilitating effective cooperative learning. This problem frequently causes poor learning effectiveness in web-based cooperative learning environments. Generally, instructor assigned or learner selected learning peers cannot ensure to compose suitable learning partners for individual learners in cooperative learning environments. A suitable learning partner can help the learner, who is learning in the personal way and encounters the difficulty, to solve problems. Inappropriate learning partners cannot only easily lead to poor learning interaction and achievement, but can also lead to the meaning of cooperative learning being lost. Although many web-based learning systems have already been developed to assist cooperative learning, supporting peer-to-peer interaction in computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) is still immature. As a result, this study presents a novel scheme for recommending appropriate learning partners for individual learners utilizing mining of learning interactive social networks in a cooperative problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Results of this study show that the proposed scheme helps encourage learners to interact with learning peers more actively and positively, and facilitates learning performance in a cooperative PBL environment.  相似文献   

自由学习和学习自由属于学习者两种不同性质的学习权利。自由学习是学习者的自由意志在学习场域中的积极投射,是学习者主体性在学习情境中的积极表达,属于积极自由;学习自由是保障学习者自由学习权利不受剥夺或被限制的学习制度设计或外界条件,是一种不涉及具体内容的个人自由,其保障基础是《学校法》,属于消极自由。本文在对比分析自由学习和学习自由之内涵的基础上,阐述了自由学习和学习自由二者之间的辩证关系,提出实现个体自由学习的可能途径,以及如何通过《学校法》的制度设计保障学习者自由学习的权利,得出自由学习和学习自由在促进学习者自身转变历程中的教育价值和课程意义。  相似文献   

当前应用技术型本科院校大学生的学习现象表现为学习内容选择的多元化、学习思维方式的碎片化和学习目标实现的功利化。他们的学习动力困境集中于近景直接动力和远景间接动力等两方面,造成的原因是学生个体对学习行为的狭隘认识、社会支持系统对学习认知的引导缺失、“反智主义”思潮对学习价值的消解否定。对此,应用技术型本科院校应当从引导学生树立正确学习观、加强学业发展规划指导工作、开展常态化学风建设活动入手,以期更好地解决大学生学习动力问题。  相似文献   

Much has been written about the relationships between learning styles and learning preferences with the aim of tailoring teaching methods to the ways that students prefer to learn. This study used a sample of 201 management undergraduates to examine the relationships between Kolb's four learning styles and four learning types, and 12 different learning preferences. Only three significant relationships were found. It is suggested that large individual differences in learning preferences within each style and type, and small differences in learning preference mean scores show that, overall, there are weak linkages between learning styles and learning preferences. It is recommended that researchers control for Type I error rates and present effect sizes when statistically significant relationships are found to prevent chance and trivial findings from influencing educators. It is recommended that educators use a variety of learning methods and encourage students to be receptive to different learning methods rather than try to link specific learning methods to specific learning styles.  相似文献   

单元学习过程设计是单元教学设计的重要组成部分,是在单元教学内容分析和学情分析的基础上,为了实现单元学习目标而把一系列由简单到复杂、由浅入深的学习事件组织起来的系统规划。基于学习进阶设计单元学习过程包括大概念与大思路的形成、学习方式转变等。单元学习过程设计应建构学习进阶假设,从整体上规划学生核心素养的发展。  相似文献   

The article describes a study that attempted to characterise Portuguese students’ conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. A sample of university students answered open questions on the meaning, process and context of learning. Results, derived from content analysis, replicate most conceptions of learning described by phenomenographical research (i.e. distinction between learning as memorisation and learning as comprehension). Moreover, new variants of known conceptions of learning emerged (e.g. learning occurs through: exploratory practice; learning to learn; motivation) and an apparently new conception (i.e. learning as understanding and application). The same sample answered a questionnaire which attempted to measure motivation and learning strategies. Through factorial analysis of results it was possible to confirm the presence of three well-known approaches to learning: surface, deep and achieving.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the relevant literature on organisational learning and offer a preliminary conceptual framework as a basis to explore how the multi-levels of individual learning and team learning interact in a public healthcare organisation. The organisational learning literature highlights a need for further understanding of how the multi-levels of organisational learning interact and a broadly accepted theory of organisational learning has not yet emerged. Organisational learning is a multi-level concept and while there has been some multi-level research, more is required to understand the mechanisms that facilitate the flow of learning between the levels. This paper explores multi-level learning, using action learning as a basis through which we consider how individual learning and team learning interact. The preliminary conceptual framework seeks to contribute to our understanding of the interaction between the individual and team levels of learning and the processes and conditions that facilitate or hinder the flow of learning. As this framework provides a means of exploring individual learning in a team setting it has the potential to develop understanding as to how to enhance the effectiveness of learning interactions in the healthcare sector and other sectors. In turn this exploration could lead to enhanced understanding of the mechanisms involved in the flow of learning.  相似文献   

家庭学习环境是幼儿成长初期最早接触的学习环境,对幼儿学习品质发展具有重要作用。为考察家庭社会经济地位、家庭学习环境与幼儿学习品质的关系,本研究随机抽取来自宁波50所幼儿园的1131名幼儿样本,由幼儿父母报告家庭社会经济地位和家庭学习环境,由教师报告幼儿学习品质。描述性分析、验证性因素分析和中介模型检验的结果显示,年龄较大幼儿的学习品质整体及各维度表现较好;女孩的学习品质整体表现较好,特别是在注意/坚持和学习策略维度上;家庭社会经济地位对幼儿学习品质的总效应显著;家庭学习环境显著正向预测幼儿学习品质;家庭学习环境在家庭社会经济地位与幼儿学习品质之间具有完全中介作用。父母应重视家庭学习环境的作用,并提高实际创设家庭学习环境的能力,促进幼儿学习品质的积极发展。  相似文献   

Learning persistence in a cyber-learning environment is not only an index determining the success or failure of individual learners but also a source of important information to establish the management direction of educational programs in an organization. Accordingly, learners need to be motivated to continue to grow in order to ensure both qualitative improvement and quantitative growth of cyber learning. However, previous research on successful and continuous learning has considered the factors relevant to learning persistence independently from satisfaction and only investigated the correlation and prediction, rather than examining the comprehensive causal relationships. Accordingly, the current study established self-regulated learning as an exogenous variable, and learning flow, satisfaction, and learning persistence as endogenous variables. We investigated the structural causal relationships among these variables by using structural equation model (SEM). We collected data from 594 students in W Cyber University and conducted surveys regarding self-regulated learning, flow, satisfaction, and learning persistence. In the study results, the self-regulated learning ability of cyber-university students directly affected learning flow (β = .420), learning flow directly affected satisfaction, and learning flow (β = .464) and satisfaction (β = .354) directly affected learning persistence. The SEM results showed that learning flow intermediated between self-regulated learning ability and satisfaction and between self-regulated learning ability and learning persistence. In addition, satisfaction intermediated between learning flow and learning persistence. In the concluding remarks, we suggest the necessary strategies for planning and managing a successful learning process for effective cyber education.  相似文献   

适应新的发展取向的学习类型多样化探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国现行的学习概念主要是指“书本知识学习”,这种单一的学习类型观造成学生身心发展极端片面。为适应新课程改革倡导的新的发展取向的要求,我们应建立学习类型多样化的观念。区别于心理学主要从学习的结果和机制划分学习的类型,我们可以根据人的生活所面对的活动对象或领域的不同,将学习划分为符号学习、交往学习、操作学习、观察学习、反思学习等类型。不同类型的学习对于学生身心发展具有不同的价值,同时也存在各自的局限性。为了促进学生身心素质的全面发展,应该实现学习类型的多样化,以达到不同类型学习发展功能的互补和配合。  相似文献   

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