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陈慧洁 《文教资料》2013,(30):165-167
近年来,随着新课程改革的深入推进,理解性教学理念得到广大师生的认可,其以理解为目标的理性精神,张扬师生的生命意义,是理想的教学的发展方向。口述历史以理解性教学理念为指导,将理解性教学的生成性主题、理解性目标、理解性实作和行进中的评价运用于高中教学中,促使口述历史教学向着更全面更优质的方向发展。  相似文献   

走向理解的教学评价初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新世纪,教学评价的未来发展是理解,其主要任务是以理解为基础,对已有的教学评价全面改造和重组,即要重视评价标准的生成性、强调教学过程的评价、注重多样化的结果信息和在理解中开展教学评价  相似文献   

在新课标形势下,高中化学教学更加注重学生在学习过程中的主体性作用。教师要根据学生的实际情况,开展形成性评价,这样可以较为全面地把握和理解学生在学习发展时的更多情况。恰如其分的形成性评价成为了课堂教学的主要部分之一,它在整个中学化学教学的各个环节都有极为具体的表现。这样的评价方式可以富有成效地评价学生的进步和学业发展实况,还可以为中学化学教师进一步提高及时的教学反馈,从而不断地改进化学教学实践。  相似文献   

近年来,有关形成性评价的讨论很多。为了更好理解形成性评价,并在教学实践中有效使用形成性评价,笔者从校图书馆借来《英语课堂教学形成性评价研究》,开始认真学习。书上说形成性评价是为了通过评价促进学生形成有效地学习策略。它的目标是在教育活动过程中不断了解活动进行的状况以便及时对活  相似文献   

英语课程改革需要英语教师深入理解教学评价设计理念,学习与评价有关知识,发展评价设计的专业技能。本文结合评价发展的特点和时代的要求,分析我国现行中等职业学校英语课堂中教学评价存在的问题,说明形成性评价的内涵,结合教学经验探讨英语教学实践中形成性评价的途径。  相似文献   

论理解性教学   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
理解性教学是教学人员借助一定的教学条件在相互理解与自我理解的同时使自己生命意义得到更好地实现的过程。它以理解为教学目的 ,实现教学人员生命意义的多种可能性 ;发展教学人员善解人意的素质 ,使主体性与主体间性协调起来 ;凸现道德要求 ,使做人与为学水乳交融 ;调适感情生活 ,实现“情”“知”协调发展。它以理解价值观和生活世界观为基础 ,主要由心理准备、沟通理解、反思理解与跟踪理解四个环节组成。在理解性教学过程中 ,综合运用多种理解策略甚为必要  相似文献   

高勇军 《广西教育》2014,(47):166-167
运用文献资料、专家访谈和逻辑分析等研究方法,对现阶段高校体育教学评价的现状和价值进行了研究,针对存在的问题,提出了加强对体育教学评价目标的理解,总结性评价、形成性评价与诊断性评价相结合,建立学生个人评价档案,建立适应多元化发展的体育教学评价体系等对策。  相似文献   

诠释学视野下的理解教学:特征及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理解既是一种教学方法,又是一种教学精神。理解教学是充盈理解精神的教学,是交往、合作的教学,是源于生活的教学,是意义动态生成的教学。因而,理解教学是对传统教学的超越,它追逐师生生命意义的实现与超越,注重师生与被理解对象间和谐的“视界融合”,强调师生间诚挚的交流与对话。其教学评价是走向理解的发展评价。  相似文献   

理解是个体内部的心理现象,可根据个体所表现出来的外部行为衡量理解的特征与水平。为了促进理解,需要构建基于核心概念等理解的表现性评价质量框架,进而使评价活动变得有效与可靠。表现性评价质量框架包括表现性目标、表现性任务、表现性规则及表现性教学,教学实施中应设定理解目标,关注评价的整体性;紧扣理解要素,凸显评价的针对性;着眼理解层级,发挥评价的发展性;贯穿理解过程,促进评价的一致性。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈和逻辑分析等研究方法,对现阶段高校体育教学评价的现状和价值进行了研究,针对存在的问题,提出了加强对体育教学评价目标的理解,总结性评价、形成性评价与诊断性评价相结合,建立学生个人评价档案,建立适应多元化发展的体育教学评价体系等对策。  相似文献   

Today people call those who teach in schools "teachers," and they call what they do "teaching," and they call the methods they use "teaching methods," as though teachers are people who do nothing but teach the students a little book learning. Apart from teaching, they seemingly have no other ability; apart from what is in books, they have nothing else to teach; and the students in this kind of school, apart from receiving instruction, have no other assignments. Teachers only concern themselves with teaching, and students only concern themselves with receiving instruction, as though the business of learning could be completely transacted by the act of teaching. If we are talking about names, such schools are of course "institutions of learning," but if we are discussing the reality, they are more like "institutions of teaching." This is because we have emphasized teaching too much. Without knowing it, we have caused teaching to become separated from learning, though learning and teaching really cannot be separated and should be united.  相似文献   

西方教育界的女性主义教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义教学,西方备受关注的教育理论与教学模式,并没有受到中国教育界应有的重视,中国教师对它的理解与定位也存在一定的模糊性。20世纪末期以来的女性主义教学已经跳出了女权运动的巢窠,发展为强调教师对学生的授权、重视知识产生的过程、以DPE(对话、参与、经验)为核心的教学法。  相似文献   

测试与评价是高职英语分层教学中的重要环节,也是影响分层教学实施的重大问题。当前,高职高专英语分层教学中存在分层测试形式单一、试卷信度效度低、评价不合理等问题。分析B级考试的反拨作用、改革测试方式、完善评价体系有助于提高分层教学实施的有效性。  相似文献   

During lectures, some students are continuously focused and attentive, whereas others tend to be bored, jittery, or inattentive. The same might happen when students are given student-activating assignments. Some students simply love one type of instruction, whereas others tend to resent it. Moreover, it is not the context itself, but the context as it is perceived by the student that affects learning. This study sets out to discover how students view instruction, based on their experiences with a particular setting, and aims to investigate the effects of “context-by-student” characteristics, such as students' course experiences, and the effects of “student-by-context” features, such as approaches to learning. The research has a quasi-experimental design and compares a lecture-based setting with student-activating teaching methods (i.e. self-discovery learning by means of authentic tasks with the help of a scaffolding approach); followed by one of four assessment methods: a multiple-choice test, a case-based examination, a peer assessment or a portfolio assessment. Data (N = 579) were collected by means of validated questionnaires, comprising the ASSIST and LSQ instruments and the course experience questionnaire. Results demonstrate that students' appraisal of the assessment method, their course experiences and the teaching methods that are dominant in the setting contribute positively to students' appraisal of instruction. Interestingly, this conclusion applies to both the lecture-based and the student-activating groups and to both conventional assessment methods and new modes of assessment. Moreover, deep approaches to learning, monitoring studying and/or organized studying, as well as preferences for courses that support understanding, positively affect students' appraisal of student-activating teaching methods. In short, both student-by-context and context-by-student features prove to be strong predictors of students' appraisal of instruction and, as a consequence, student learning.  相似文献   

Experts are more proficient in manipulating and translating between multiple representations (MRs) of a given concept than novices. Studies have shown that instruction using MR can increase student understanding of MR, and one model for MR instruction in chemistry is the chemistry triplet proposed by Johnstone. Concreteness fading theory suggests that presenting concrete representations before abstract representations can increase the effectiveness of MR instruction; however, little work has been conducted on varying the order of different representations during instruction and the role of concreteness in assessment. In this study, we investigated the application of concreteness fading to MR instruction and assessment in teaching chemistry. In two experiments, undergraduate students in either introductory psychology courses or general chemistry courses were given MR instruction on phase changes using different orders of presentation and MR assessment questions based on the representations in the chemistry triplet. Our findings indicate that the order of presentation based on levels of concreteness in MR chemistry instruction is less important than implementation of comprehensive MR assessments. Even after MR instruction, students display an asymmetric understanding of the chemical phenomenon on the MR assessments. Greater emphasis on MR assessments may be an important component in MR instruction that effectively moves novices toward more expert MR understanding.  相似文献   

数字布鲁姆、翻转布鲁姆与知识深度布鲁姆是布鲁姆认知目标分类学在信息化教学领域中的新应用。信息时代,分类学在教学层面上由一种分类框架逐渐演变成为一种面向教育信息化的教学法与评价手段,从重视测评到重视学与教,再到对信息化教学过程与方法的关注。哲学层面上,由价值中立转向价值关涉,重视高阶认知,强调深度学习,强调创造、评价、分析。认知层面上不再强调从识记、理解直到创造的累积性的层级关系。总体而言,信息化教学领域中布鲁姆认知目标分类的发展大致保留了原分类学的主要精髓。布鲁姆认知目标分类学依旧彰显出其强大的生命力。  相似文献   

为了解我国高校教师对形成性评价的认识情况,为高校开展形成性评价提供参考,通过问卷调查全国19所高校385位教师对形成性评价的认识、意见和建议.结果显示,93.25%的教师认为形成性评价有助于了解学生的学习情况,75.06%的教师更支持使用形成性评价,尤其是教龄在20年以上、课堂结束会进行小测的教师,71.17%的教师认...  相似文献   

For 3years, I have been teaching neuroscience courses by using computer conferencing to complement the traditional lectures. Typically, the conferencing involved local, on‐campus students, although one semester the class was combined from on‐campus and off‐campus students. For most of my 33‐year teaching career, I had used the teaching approach that most professors use, which is what educational theorists call “instructivist.” Critics call that “stand and deliver.” Lecturing is an efficient way to dispense organized information, but it does not ensure learning nor is it very effective in showing students how to learn on their own.

Instructivism can be enriched by complementing it with “constructivist” approaches. Constructivists argue that there is a direct relationship between the amount of learning that occurs and the extent to which the environment provides a rich source of engaging experiences in which students construct their own knowledge and understanding. I have found that such an environment is readily provided by computer conferencing.

In my teaching of neuroscience, I have used a network software system (FORUM) for small student groups to conduct a variety of constructivist learning activities. Within weekly deadlines, students worked in groups at their own pace and time of convenience. My impression of the advantages of such conferencing for constructivist activities include the promotion of socialization in “cyberspace,” providing an environment for team learning, the reduction of social problems in face‐to‐face instruction, increased teaching and learning efficiency, more comprehensive means for assessing student learning, and improved quality of student work.  相似文献   

英语写作教学要结合素质教育理论,培养学生的英语综合运用能力,教学中用新的英语写作教学模式和评改模式,强调在写作教学中注重激发学生的兴趣,培养学生自主写作能力和自评、互评能力。  相似文献   

物流仿真类课程教学理论和实践兼顾,强调学生综合实践能力的培养,而混合式学习能够整合线上和线下教学的优势,为提高教学效果提供了有力支撑。基于OBE教育理念,以培养学生综合能力为导向,借用线上教学平台和虚拟仿真工具,对“物流系统建模与仿真”课程的实验教学进行层次化、模块化和迭代化设计;合理分配教与学学时,兼顾线上学习的灵活性和课堂教学的互动优势,采用混合模式培养学生的沟通、协作和思辨能力;对课程考核进行持续改进,考核环节贯穿全过程,构建多维评价视角,保证课程目标的实现。  相似文献   

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