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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):19-34

The world of the reference librarian is changing. As more and more patrons go to the Internet first to meet their information needs, libraries must be there to help them locate and obtain relevant information. Libraries have been experimenting with virtual reference tools for some time. This paper will provide a brief overview of the development of virtual reference services, examine the need for and provide lessons learned from implementing virtual reference services in a major research library.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(66):213-221

The academic information environment is changing greatly as we enter the millennium. These changes are affecting libraries and, specifically, reference services. In the past and even in recent times librarians have been concerned with library orientation, library instruction, and bibliographic instruction. Now they have to worry about teaching students and others viable information and computer skills to cope effectively in the information society. Reference work as practiced this century will undergo major changes in the electronic information environment, and the teaching of effective information skills will become a very important component of reference services. The challenges thus presented to academic librarians will be great but success in this area will mean effective professional survival.  相似文献   

With staffing and funding shortages and rapidly changing expectations from patrons, what is actually happening at the reference desk in today’s libraries? Understanding the needs today’s reference librarians face can be useful in developing ways to support those needs. Asking them to make some predictions on the future of public library reference work gives Library and Information Science (LIS) students, and libraries preparing for the future, a valuable look at the expertise provided by experience. This understanding will help make some realistic decisions about reference staffing and service needs and provide some guidance for those aspiring to careers in public library reference.  相似文献   

Mobile Internet applications and service innovations are changing people's way of life. At the same time, they are also changing the way that people communicate and access information. People who visited libraries to find specific information in the past are now able to find the same information online. As the spectrum of human need grows, the opportunities for librarians to meet these needs are also growing. Libraries will need to be designed to accommodate the changing needs of their users. Mobile library services can meet users' information needs in a fast-paced society. In this investigation we identified 39 university libraries supported by the Ministry of Education's “Project 985” and evaluated their status as mobile library service providers.  相似文献   

研究图书馆2020:嵌入式协作化知识实验室?   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究图书馆正面临着价值质疑、贡献边缘化等危机,而解决危机必须从重新认识研究图书馆支持科技创新的目标与需要出发。通过对科技创新工作流中新的关键知识瓶颈进行分析,认为当前和未来科技创新需要宏知识、科研数据管理和基于知识的交互协同创造能力。图书馆服务应抓住机遇,建立支持战略性知识需求的新型知识服务范式,建立覆盖综合科技创新资源和覆盖科研过程的新型知识管理模式,建立支持合作创新、群组学习和交互传播的协同知识服务能力。以中国科学院文献情报体系为例,提出要建设综合数字知识基础设施,完善科技发展态势监测分析服务,构建嵌入科研一线的科研知识服务,建立虚实结合的协同知识服务机制。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(33):191-205
Busy reference desks in academic libraries have more than enough to do to try to meet the information and reference needs of the students, faculty and staff in their own institutions. Any college or university library, however, that is located in an urban or suburban environment will undoubtably face a demand for service from high school students and their teachers, particularly in locations where increased emphasis is placed on research and independent study in the secondary school curriculum. The University of Waterloo Library responded to this need by working cooperatively with secondary school libraries and public libraries in the community through the creation of a Librarians' Liaison Committee. The ongoing work of this committee has resulted in the delivery of a highly successful service to this segment of the local population.  相似文献   

Home to almost 600,000 people, Glasgow is a vibrant city with a long history of public library provision. Today, the city boasts Scotland’s largest public library service. However, over the past ten years it has become increasing apparent that libraries in Scotland and indeed worldwide must adapt in order to stay relevant to society’s changing needs. Glasgow Libraries’ comprehensive Vision for Glasgow Libraries, developed through detailed research and consultation, seeks to address these challenges to ensure that the city’s vital, life changing library service remains integral to the needs of the people of Glasgow for years to come.  相似文献   

The technical services function of libraries is due for immense changes. The roles it plays will be needed more than ever, but the skills needed to fulfill those roles will be changing drastically. It is not unlikely that the research library of the future will have an increasing need for the technical services function, especially during the transition period when libraries are doing large amounts of both physical and online access of information.  相似文献   


A virtual reference service is likely to attract both on-campus and off-campus students and providing one service for all users can extend the hours of availability to all students. The needs of these two student populations may differ and off-campus users may present some specific challenges to the reference staff. While some libraries do have a specified distance education librarian, it is unlikely at many institutions that there will be reference staff dedicated only to answering questions from off-campus students. Reference services for off-campus students do present special issues about which general reference staff may not be aware. With awareness of these challenges and proper training, an existing virtual reference service can be extended (or improved) to help off-campus students, or a new chat service can be developed with the objective to assist all user groups with equal success.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the information-seeking behaviour of academics in relation to the productivity of academics in South African Universities, with particular reference to the University of Zululand, through a survey of 105 academics. It was established that the nature of the discipline and the rank of the academic, which normally corresponds with the academic qualification, experience, exposure and research productivity level, largely determine the information-seeking behaviour. Academics mainly need information for career development, and occupational and professional needs. Furthermore, university libraries, which currently face budget cuts on acquisitions, still play a pivotal role in information access by the academics. It is confirmed that the use of “local environment” is dominant for intra- and inter-university information access network and system. It is recommended that avenues that work colleagues can use to interact should be supported, and career challenges that stimulate productivity by academics, such as research and publication, should be maintained and sustained.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the information-seeking behaviour of academics in relation to the productivity of academics in South African Universities, with particular reference to the University of Zululand, through a survey of 105 academics. It was established that the nature of the discipline and the rank of the academic, which normally corresponds with the academic qualification, experience, exposure and research productivity level, largely determine the information-seeking behaviour. Academics mainly need information for career development, and occupational and professional needs. Furthermore, university libraries, which currently face budget cuts on acquisitions, still play a pivotal role in information access by the academics. It is confirmed that the use of “local environment” is dominant for intra- and inter-university information access network and system. It is recommended that avenues that work colleagues can use to interact should be supported, and career challenges that stimulate productivity by academics, such as research and publication, should be maintained and sustained.  相似文献   

E-learning时代高校教育环境、学术交流的新发展对高校图书馆原有的工作和服务模式提出了新挑战。基于对ACRL未来研究报告的解读,分析高校图书馆未来15年可能要面对的新变化,对高校图书馆如何结合环境变化和用户需求,确定业务定位,制定战略目标,规划教学、科研信息服务的未来发展,调整组织结构、工作模式等提出参考意见。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]参与机构科研信息管理是图书馆潜在的服务模式,梳理科研信息管理相关内涵与外延,分析图书馆参与科研信息管理的相关理论,旨在为图书馆参与机构科研信息管理提供借鉴。[方法/过程]利用文献调研法、比较分析法及典型案例分析法进行研究,分析科研信息管理的意义、应用,分析图书馆参与科研信息管理的优势以及对图书馆的意义,解读图书馆在科研信息管理中的角色,以部分国外图书馆为例,介绍其参与所属机构科研信息管理的实践。[结果/结论]机构科研信息管理系统建设需要高效整合分散分布于科研机构内外不同部门、不同系统的科研信息,是一项需要跨部门协同合作的系统工程,国内高校图书馆在参与机构科研信息管理系统建设时,应利用自身的信息管理专长,向各利益相关方传递科研信息管理的本质及理念,构建基于科研信息管理系统的多元化数据应用及服务体系。  相似文献   


Citizens, including those living in poor and developing countries, need equitable access to information daily to satisfy their diverse and multiple information needs. In this information age and information economy era, easy and instant access to information and knowledge, which are inevitabilities for socio-economic development, cannot be overemphasised. With rolling out of public libraries even in disadvantaged rural communities due to the library conditional grant in South Africa, the study is aimed at investigating factors influencing the Internet access and use in public libraries in Limpopo. The study adopted a qualitative research approach. The twenty four users of three rural, semi-rural and urban public libraries were selected through convenience sampling. A well-placed government official of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture was purposively selected. All informants were interviewed face to face to collect data. The study found that, although public libraries studied have networked computers for the Internet access and use, there are many challenges. The officials of the relevant department need to study the recommendations of this study to ensure that the people have digital access in public libraries to mitigate the diverse socio-economic challenges they are facing to improve their lives.  相似文献   

国外公共图书馆的“关注用户”传统及其研究实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于对公共图书馆性质更为深刻的认识,国外公共图书馆领域对用户的关注不仅停留于观念,更见诸于行动。其对用户需求研究的资源投入较早,并已形成多种研究模式,积累了丰富的研究成果。国外公共图书馆用户需求研究理论与实践并行、研究风格开放、研究方法与时俱进;在我国相关研究匮乏的今天,有必要充分借鉴其成果,更多地关注用户信息生活。  相似文献   

关于《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》的修改建议   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
条例草案所称之“公共图书馆”,应改为“公益性图书馆”,以便包括公共、教育和科研系统的图书馆在合理使用制度下,保证读者对馆藏文献的网上借阅需求。信息网络传播权不应偏离其立法目标,去取消图书馆馆藏作品数字化的权利。公益性图书馆信息网络传播豁免条款是有其理论依据和合理性的。  相似文献   

互操作联邦数字图书馆研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
未来的图书馆将是联邦数字图书馆 ,其目标是向用户提供一个将异构、分布信息源无缝集成的视图 ,实现对数字图书馆资源的透明访问。文中首先介绍了研究数字图书馆互操作的必要性 ,在此基础上重点分析讨论了联邦数字图书馆的实现方法 ,并对当前具有代表性的互操作联邦数字图书馆的研究进行了综述讨论 ,最后简单讨论了目前建立互操作联邦数字图书馆所面临的挑战及进一步研究和解决的问题  相似文献   

STM represents 250 publishing companies and learned societies, and recognizes that the advent of digital networks affects authors, publishers, librarians, and readers. Dialogue between publishers and librarians is essential to creating the sense of partnership and open-mindedness needed to meet the future needs of scholarship and research. Publishers and librarians have complementary roles and responsibilities, serving the same needs and facing similar challenges. The interests of publishers and librarians need to be rebalanced in order to seize the benefits of digital information flow. Legislation provides a framework of copyright, privacy, competition, and consumer law that protects against misuse while facilitating the flow of information from author to reader. If laws need to be amended, such changes should be made on the basis of the mutual agreement of all members of the community. There is much to be achieved without legislative change. Neither publishers nor librarians should shy away from the issues that divide them, especially the scope of fair use and the exchange of copyright information between libraries. A more detailed analysis of the impact of copyright exemptions is needed. The development of a predictable licensing environment and the testing of new business models requires co-operation between publishers and librarians, and leads to better mutual understanding. STM seeks dialogue with libraries and with other members of the research and scholarly communities in order to meet the challenges, opportunities, and expectations created by the digital environment.  相似文献   

集成管理:21世纪图书馆追求卓越管理的新方法   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
CLASSNUMBERG251随着21世纪的临近,图书馆所处的信息环境正在发生巨大的变化:一是以美国为策源地,波及世界许多国家和地区的国家信息基础设施——(NI)信息高速公路的建设热潮。信息基础设施的建设,是图书馆所处信息环境发生变化的重要原因,这是...  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心服务创新模式与空间资源配置以及再造过程,为国内大学图书馆转型和发展提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用典型案例分析法,对北美地区10所大学图书馆构建数字学术中心情况进行比较分析,概括其服务模式和空间变革的主要方式。[结果/结论] 北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心是集服务转型与空间变革于一体,提供数字学术研究支持和服务创新集成的新型图书馆空间,它将是未来大学图书馆中最开放、最有创造力和最具创新精神的服务功能。对我国大学图书馆数字学术支持服务的发展有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

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