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This article reports on a multi-dimensional model to collection development and licensing applied in our library following a major separation from a joint-licensing venture with another institution. Our model includes the use of several core metrics, including usage and the context in which usage is measured. The model includes three metrics; Research Intensity (RI), Educational Intensity (EI) and Clinical Intensity (CI). These metrics take into account the differences between research and non-research departments, and their disciplinary foci. This model can be used in its entirety or can be customized by selecting the metrics that fits the needs of the library.  相似文献   

Embedded librarian models can assume different forms and levels, depending on patron needs and a library’s choice of delivery services. An academic health sciences library decided to enhance its service delivery model by integrating a librarian into the College of Pharmacy, approximately 250?miles away from the main library. This article describes the embedded librarian’s first-year experience, challenges, and opportunities working as a library faculty in the college. The comparison of one-year recorded statistics on preembedded and postembedded activities demonstrated the effectiveness and impact of such an embedded librarian model.  相似文献   

本文运用层次分析法的理论和方法,结合图书馆计算机管理集成系统的评价指标。对图书馆引进集成系统方案的优选问题进行了定量的系统分析,提出了一个方案优选的层次分析模型,以期探索一套行之有效的图书馆自动化的辅助决策方法。  相似文献   


The model replacing a dedicated off-campus library services (OCLS) unit was one in which librarians provide services to both on- and off-campus students and faculty within their liaison disciplines. A year after this model was implemented, faculty in subjects taught both on- and off-campus were surveyed to assess their awareness of library resources and whether this awareness impacted course assignment design. Findings from this survey combined with a planned review of off-campus course syllabi will help identify areas of concern and lead to ways to strengthen awareness and usage of library resources.  相似文献   

创新型图书馆的概念模型与发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新型图书馆是以创新为核心驱动力的一种图书馆发展模式,由传统图书馆和数字图书馆发展演变而成,是知识经济和信息技术相互融合的一种图书馆演变形态。一般来讲,创新型图书馆必须具备以下四个基本要素:(1)创新主体;(2)创新资源;(3)创新制度;(4)创新文化。在此基础上提出创新型图书馆的概念模型,进而提出了创新型图书馆有三种发展模式:政府主导型、市场主导型和混合型。  相似文献   

智慧图书馆是数字图书馆在物联网环境下的提升与转型,具有当前数字图书馆不可比拟的优势,它将成为未来图书馆的新模式。对智慧图书馆和现阶段数字图书馆进行比较研究,能够为开发适应实际需求的智慧图书馆管理系统、探索未来图书馆发展模式提供一些借鉴,从而推进图书馆向智慧图书馆迈进,完全改变图书馆有限的馆藏和单一的服务方式,为用户提供智慧化服务。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study aims to characterize the appropriate structure of the academic library in the information age according to the perceptions of the faculty members who use the library and the academic librarians operating it. Two main issues were addressed: centralization versus decentralization, and the provision of physical versus virtual services. The study population included members of the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in three academic institutions in Israel and academic librarians working in these institutions. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with 20 faculty members and 15 librarians, while quantitative data was collected through questionnaires filled by 191 faculty members and 50 librarians in the above-mentioned institutions. Analysis of these data reveal that faculty members generally prefer a concentration of materials—rather than decentralization—and they show a similar preference toward a faculty library model, a combined faculty/departmental library model, and a central library model. Similarly, the academic librarians prefer either faculty or combined faculty/department libraries, but their preference toward a central library model is lower than that of the faculty members. The decentralized, departmental library model was the least favored by both groups. In addition, our findings indicate that both the faculty members and the librarians appreciate the virtual services that the library provides as well as its physical presence, although fewer faculty members than librarians perceived the latter as an important role of the library. Taken together it appears that the preferred model for the academic library in the information age is of large, multidisciplinary libraries that contain materials from a variety of fields and provide comprehensive virtual services.  相似文献   

为推进图书馆学科知识服务的发展,使用户拥有一个良好的学术交流与知识共享氛围,文章分析了目前图书馆学科知识服务存在的不足;在深入讨论了学术博客应用于图书馆学科知识服务可行性的基础上,利用学术博客自身特点,构建了基于学术博客的图书馆学科知识服务模式,建立了图书馆学科知识服务的网络社区,包括学术博客网络社区与图书馆学科知识服务网络;并阐述了基于学术博客的图书馆学科知识服务的具体应用实现,以解决图书馆知识服务中存在的不足,为全面提升图书馆专业化、特色化、个性化的知识服务能力提供参考.  相似文献   


This research was aimed at developing a university library management model that would support students’ learning. The research was conducted in three phases: 1) an investigation into the requirements of a university library service of instructors; 2) an investigation into the attitudes of librarians, libraries’ administrators, and university’s administrators toward the roles of library and policy concepts relating to university library management that promote students’ learning; and 3) the development of a university library management model for students’ learning support. A mixed research method was applied comprising qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The findings have led to a proposal of a university library management model that supports student learning, which is comprised of five components: 1) management policy and system; 2) learning resources; 3) learning support services; 4) learning environments; and 5) the competency and roles of information professionals. It can be stated that studies into Thai university library implementation, strategic plans, and self-assessment reports under the quality assurance system showed that even though libraries have updated resources and services following changing situations in policies, technologies, and users’ needs, there is no clear indicator that Thai university libraries have any strategy for acquiring roles to support students’ learning with practical outcomes. Through reliable research work, this study into a model for university library management would result in a means of developing university libraries that truly supports university student learning based on information from instructors, library administrators, and librarians.  相似文献   

图书馆信息服务评价的核心是图书馆信息服务质量评价。图书馆信息服务质量评价要依据用户的知觉和用户对服务的期望,才能准确衡量服务提供者的表现。国外图书馆界运用服务导向质量理论建立LibOUAL+评价模型,可以准确评价用户的满意率,改进图书馆的服务工作。目前,国内已经有图书馆借鉴LibOUAL+的评价思路和方法,通过用户调查评价图书馆服务质量,这预示了我国图书馆服务质量评价的发展方向。  相似文献   

战略目标是公共图书馆战略规划的核心,是图书馆为特定时间内所制定的全局性、方向性的发展奋斗目标,具有协调性、可行性、发展性、简洁性等特点。本文从战略目标的层级、模式、内容等方面探讨了如何制定公共图书馆战略目标,以期为我国公共图书馆战略实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Utility, library priorities, and cataloging policies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper seeks to provide a philosophical framework for choices made about library priorities and cataloging policy, the contexts in which they are made, and the consequences they have for users. The authors invoke the notion of utility as a philosophical backdrop for dealing with competing library choices and the fallout from those prioritizations. They then look at how general utilitarian principles can contextualize the layers of wants, needs, and resource allocations in the research library environment. Finally, they examine issues and recent developments at the Cornell University Library as a case study with which to illustrate some of these principles.  相似文献   

This article contains a list of core veterinary serials that the Veterinary Medical Libraries Section of the Medical Library Association feels should be in any veterinary medical library serving an institution accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association. It is a list that can serve as a nucleus from which the collection can be further developed as determined by the research thrust of the institution that the library is serving. An adjunct list of important human medical and general science serials is also included to help guide the librarian in developing the collection.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从高校图书馆用户出发,引入图书馆焦虑的前因变量学业压力和后果变量到馆行为,构建理论模型并进行检验。[方法/过程]通过问卷调研获得226位高校图书馆用户数据,并采用标记变量法控制潜在的共同方法偏差,利用偏最小二乘结构方程(PLS-SEM)验证新的图书馆焦虑量表的结构,并检验图书馆焦虑与其前因变量和后果变量的关系。[结果/结论]验证5个维度18项的图书馆焦虑量表并发现共同方法偏差对图书馆焦虑测量的影响,说明利用标记变量法控制共同方法偏差适用于图情领域的实证研究。在控制共同方法偏差的影响后,发现学业压力对高校图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑产生显著负向影响,并间接影响用户到馆频次。同时,图书馆焦虑直接影响高校图书馆用户到馆频次并间接影响其到馆停留时间。这说明了高校图书馆用户图书馆焦虑的前因变量和后果变量,揭示了图书馆焦虑产生的内在机制,为理解我国图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的实证依据,也为图书馆缓解用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的思路。  相似文献   

智慧社会发展背景下智慧图书馆内涵、服务与建设路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]“智慧社会”作为创新型国家的发展新目标之一,对图书馆的发展提出了新的要求,智慧图书馆作为新一代的图书馆形态有利于促进智慧社会的建设。[方法/过程]立足智慧社会的发展背景,从内涵、服务与建设路径3个方面对智慧图书馆进行探讨。[结果/结论]首先,提出“四四一一三三”的智慧图书馆内涵结构体系、智慧图书馆服务理念模型以及智慧图书馆建设的概念模型;其次,对智慧图书馆的建设原理和原则进行梳理;最后,从新技术应用、资源建设和服务拓展及馆员队伍建设等方面提出智慧图书馆建设的建议。  相似文献   

The University of Wollongong (UOW) in New South Wales, Australia, has undertaken an innovative and collaborative research project to demonstrate the value that can be provided by academic libraries through a tool called the “library cube”. The library cube consists of two major components: a backend system containing a multidimensional data warehouse linking student borrowing and use of electronic resources to students' academic marks (grades); and a frontend system that allows users to quickly and easily create cross tabulated data views, such as average student marks by frequency of library resource usage and gender. The project is different from the efforts of other institutions to link usage to student outcomes, in that the library cube is not an isolated research project, but is now an ongoing part of UOW's systems and performance reporting. The library cube represents a fundamental shift in evaluating the student experience through the integration of discrete systems and datasets. It has revealed a very strong relationship between student library usage and academic performance. This information will improve UOW library's ability to demonstrate value to clients and stakeholders. The library cube has also delivered some anticipated and unexpected findings on the relationship between social variables, such as gender, age, and citizenship, and library usage behaviors; and in doing so has also identified potential target audiences for library promotions and engagement strategies.  相似文献   

数字图书馆服务登记系统数据模型设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现有服务多维度描述思想的指导下,以IESR数据模型为基础,设计了数字图书馆服务登记系统数据模型。它包括服务、业务、机构、资源和方法5个核心实体,使数字图书馆服务能够被有效地发布和发现。由DLSR数据模型向UDDI散据模型的映射,可以为DLSR的建设提供一种基于UDDI注册中心的直接的解决方案。  相似文献   

基于情感分析的移动图书馆用户生成内容评价效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]通过对移动图书馆用户生成内容的情感分析,预测用户情感倾向对移动图书馆资源的评价效果,从而更好地实现移动图书馆资源推广和精准推荐服务。[方法/过程]基于情感分析提出移动图书馆用户生成内容评价效果分析过程,以获取的"掌阅图书馆"中15部年度畅销书籍的用户生成内容为研究样本,对数据进行预处理,在此基础上从领域词典构建、情感分类、评价效果3个过程入手进行分析。[结果/结论]数据分析结果表明,移动图书馆UGC用户情感倾向具有多元性和一致性,中性评价具有重要性,能够较为准确地预测移动图书馆资源的得分情况。将情感分析相关理论和方法引入移动图书馆UGC研究,能够为移动图书馆完善其服务措施、提高其服务质量提供参考意见。  相似文献   

云计算环境下图书馆信息服务创新的基本路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算是分布式处理、并行处理和网格计算的发展,是一种基于互联网的超级计算模式。图书馆通过创新发展环境、创新信息资源共建共享模式、创新图书馆业务流程和信息资源安全策略等措施,应用云计算技术为用户提供了一个泛在的能随时更新资源的信息服务平台,从而推动云计算环境下信息服务创新。  相似文献   

Library historians can learn a great deal from studying the gender of authorship and institutional affiliation of a scholarly journal. The focus of this study is to examine these two aspects of journal production in library history to see who is producing published research in this field. Twenty-three years of Libraries & Culture were chosen as the target volumes. The study reveals that more men than women published in library history as well as locating which institutions were represented. This type of information is usedful to the library historian engaged in the analysis of published scholarship, and more generally to scholars with an interest in patterns of literature production in fields closely related to the social and behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

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