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人体一些器官是成对的,按照左右方位来命名,如左脑与有脑、左耳与右耳、左脸与右脸等。不过,左右器官的不同绝不只是方位上的差异.实际上还蕴藏着不少生理机密。  相似文献   

1836年,科学家们通过大量的研究发现,语言与左脑功能有关系。后来,又有研究人员通边割裂脑实验,证实了大脑不对称性的"左右脑分工理论"。从此以后,人们对大脑功能的了解越来越清晰了。人的左脑是理解语言的中枢,主要负责语言、分析、逻辑思维,以及对数字的认识和思考等。左脑进行的是  相似文献   

右脑形象思维与思维本质的再探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然界的重大发现是推动科学前进的巨大动力。60年代美国科学家斯佩里(R.W.Spery)发现,大脑的半球功能不对称的许多事实,即右半球在音乐、形象等功能上存在优势,左半球在语言、书写、计算等功能上具有优势。这就是时下流行的右脑专司形象思维,左脑专司语...  相似文献   

智力三维关系理论可以陈述为:一条假设--智力是人脑对自然界和人类社会各种关系的发现,转换与建构;三维关系--关系发现维度,关系转换维度和关系建构维度;三个标准-单位时间内关系发现,转换与建构与数量,质量和速度;五个特征--简单性特征,知物的智力与知人的智力相契合的特征,智力与创造力一体性特征,分析型智力与联想型智力的整合特征,智力的可训练性特征。  相似文献   

实验教学与仪器-2002-06九年义务教育初中物理第一册P162(人教版)中有一个简易的验证大气压存在的小实验(如图1所示)。但在教学过程中,有很多学生对该实验提出质疑,认为纸片没有掉下来是因为纸片被水粘住了。为此,本人对该实验作如下改进:a.在一只硬质塑料茶杯底钻一个直径为1~2mm的小孔;b.用右手握住茶杯(食指按住小孔),在杯中装满水;c.用光滑的硬纸片盖住杯口,再用左手压住硬纸片把杯子倒过来,松开左手,发现硬纸片不会掉下来(如图2所示);d.若松开压住小孔的食指,硬纸片和水都会掉下来。经过改进…  相似文献   

21世纪中国少数民族地区的社会─经济发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了当前影响少数民族地区社会-经济发展的主要问题.少数民族地区社会一经济发展问题对中国现代化进程的影响,社会-经济发展亟待解决的主要问题.探讨了21世纪少数民族地区社会一经济发展道路,认为应当协调好人与自然环境的关系,保护资源和生态,鼓励农牧业人口向工业人日转移;协调好人口与社会-经济发展的关系,因地制宜,鼓励人口适当集中,在自然条件较好的地方发展大中型城市,以利于教育、科学、文化的发展和提高社会-经济综合效益;协调好地区发展与全国发展的关系,调整产业政策,发挥地区优势.  相似文献   

1981年,诺贝尔生理医学奖获得者R·W·斯佩里和他的同事经过20年的实验与研究,发现两个分离的大脑半球都具有高度发达的意识,而且在对空间的认知能力与对复杂事物的理解能力方面右脑优于左脑.而目前中国教育偏重左脑教育,右脑大多因闲置而酣睡.  相似文献   

(1) Bush got something wrong with his brain.After medical examination,doctor tells him,“Your brain has two parts:one is left,and another is right.Your left brain has nothing right,Your right brain has nothing left.”布什的头有点痛。医生检查过后,告诉他:“你的大脑有两部分:一部分是左脑,另一部分是右脑。你的左脑没有任何问题,你的右脑什么都没有留下。”  相似文献   

“全脑阅读法”的探索广州四中徐自强1981年,美国医学博士斯佩里提出了“左右脑分工”理论,获得了诺贝尔奖金。他用实验证明:人的左脑是抽象思维的中枢,右脑是形象思维的中枢,左右脑具有不同的功能,从而推翻了“左脑是优势脑,右脑是劣势脑”的传统观念。接着,...  相似文献   

人的右脑以知觉思维为主,与人文活动密切相关,它的记忆量是左脑的100万倍.因此,在历史教学应以利用和开发右脑为主.文章针对如何利用右脑的“优势”来进行教学,提出了几点意见.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability to infer the meaning of novel made-up words that appeared in 16 short narrative texts, presented in two modalities—reading and listening. Hebrew-speaking 4th grade students (N = 54) were asked to infer the meanings of the made-up words in both modality conditions. In this cross-group design, students were randomly assigned to one of two order conditions: reading first or listening first. Regardless of condition, participants were better able to infer the meaning of the made-up words in the listening condition than in the reading condition. Individual differences in word reading, vocabulary, and reading comprehension mediated novel word learning but working memory did not. Results are discussed in relation to the challenges faced by 4th grade Hebrew readers in the transition from reading a fully pointed (vowelized) shallow orthography to an unpointed, deep orthography. The ability of 4th grade readers to infer novel words appears to be enhanced when listening to animated narration, and is mediated by extant vocabulary knowledge and higher-order comprehension processes, but also by basic decoding skills.  相似文献   

文章调查了少数民族预科学生汉语听力社会/情感策略的使用情况以及社会/情感策略与听力成绩的相关关系,讨论了高分组学生与低分组学生、文科学生与理科学生在听力社会/情感策略使用上的差别。对调查数据进行定量和定性分析,得出了有效结论。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to measure and compare reading disabled and nondisabled readers’ semantic and syntactic knowledge about derivational suffixes as a function of modality (reading versus listening) and as a function of the “neutrality” of the derivative (neutral versus nonneutral). In the present study, neutrality refers to how straightforward and productive is the relationship between the root and derived form, with “completeness” qualifying as a neutral derivative and “completion” a nonneutral derivative. Two experimental tests were designed for the study. The Semantics test measured ability to extract lexical-semantic information from suffixed words, and the Syntax test measured knowledge regarding the part-of-speech contribution of derivational suffixes. In each test the target words were divided equally between neutral and nonneutral derivatives and between items that were either read or listened to. Participants included 20 sixth-grade reading disabled students (6RD), 20 fourth-grade normal readers (4N), and 20 sixth-grade normal readers (6N). In both the Semantics test and the Syntax test all groups scored better on neutral than on nonneutral derivatives while listening and reading, and the RD students were no more affected by neutrality than the nondisabled readers. In the Semantics test all groups scored better in listening than in reading, but the RD group showed the greatest oral-reading difference. The RD group also scored better in listening than reading in the Syntax test (real words), whereas the two nondisabled groups scored better in reading than in listening. Thus, the RD students were better able to demonstrate their knowledge of suffixed words in oral language measures than in reading measures.  相似文献   

本研究采用三因素混合实验设计,比较了人工耳蜗儿童(CI)与助听器儿童(HA)在不同信噪比条件下(SNR=10,5,0),对不同难度材料(双音节词和短句)的选择性听取能力.研究结果表明:(1)在重建听阈与补偿听阈相似时,人工耳蜗儿童与助听器儿童的选择性听取能力的差异不显著;(2)两类儿童对词语和短句的选择性听取能力差异显著;(3)在不同信噪比条件下两类儿童的择性听取能力差异显著.本研究结果提示,若助听器能补偿到最适宜水平,则没有必要进行人工耳蜗植入.  相似文献   

专业四级英语测试中的听力理解部分对考生而言,一直都是比较困难、难于获得高分的部分。如何提高这一部分的成绩,长期以来都是大家探讨的课题。笔者在教学过程中发现,这些听力材料中出现了大量的衔接词。由于衔接词有助于听话者快速把握听力材料的重点和句子间的关系,因此,在平时的听力训练中,我们应加强这方面知识的传授和训练。  相似文献   

Children with hyperlexia read words spontaneously before the age of five, have impaired comprehension on both listening and reading tasks, and have word recognition skill above expectations based on cognitive and linguistic abilities. One student with hyperlexia and another student with higher word recognition than comprehension skills who started to read words at a very early age were followed over several years from the primary grades through high school when both were completing a second-year Spanish course. The purpose of the present study was to examine the foreign language (FL) word recognition, spelling, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, and listening skills of the two students and another high school student without hyperlexia. Results showed that the student without hyperlexia achieved higher scores than the hyperlexic student and the student with above average word recognition skills on most FL proficiency measures. The student with hyperlexia and the student with above average word recognition skills achieved higher scores on the Spanish proficiency tasks that required the exclusive use of phonological (pronunciation) and phonological/orthographic (word recognition, spelling) skills than on Spanish proficiency tasks that required the use of listening comprehension and speaking and writing skills. The findings provide support for the notion that word recognition and spelling in a FL may be modular processes and exist independently of general cognitive and linguistic skills. Results also suggest that students may have stronger FL learning skills in one language component than in other components of language, and that there may be a weak relationship between FL word recognition and oral proficiency in the FL.  相似文献   

大学非俄语专业学生普遍听说能力较差、听不懂,说不出。听说是听、说、读、写、译五项基本技能中的重点和难点。只有扎实地掌握正确的语音、语调、语法,记忆大量的单词,讲究训练方法,把听说与语言知识和背景知识有机地结合起来,才能有效地提高听说能力。  相似文献   

研究以某外语学院英语专业二年级和四年级学生为受试,考察焦虑与英语听力理解的关系,以及性别和英语水平对焦虑程度的高低和焦虑与英语听力理解的关系的影响。结果显示:(1)性别和英语水平对EFL学习者的听力焦虑没有独立和交互作用。(2)在二年级学生中EFL听力焦虑与语音识别负相关,在四年级学生中无相关。(3)EFL听力焦虑与听细节、听大意、推测和听力总体能力之间有负相关,并且性别和英语水平不会改变这一关系。(4)EFL听力焦虑与听大意、听力总体能力、推测、听细节、语音识别的相关程度依次降低,听力技能难度越高,相关程度越密切,这一结论不受性别和英语水平的影响。  相似文献   

在听力教学中,造成学生听力理解障碍的因素很多,如生词、复杂的句子结构、内容熟悉度、语速、背景杂音和语音语调的变化等.仔细分析学生英语听力理解普遍存在的一些问题,找到引起学生英语听力理解能力障碍的成因,采取正确的解决途径和教学策略是解决问题的关键.  相似文献   

Context is very important factor that can't be ignored in speech communication. Context contributes much to understanding the meaning of words. The exact and thorough interpretation of words and utterance results from contexts. The relation is discussed between context and listening comprehension, and the functions of context are analyzed in listening. It is pointed out that the analysis of contextual clues is useful in understanding listening materials and also introduces some ways on contextual clues in listening so as to improve listening comprehension.  相似文献   

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