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Super defines career guidance as “the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work, to test this concept against reality and to convert it into a reality with satisfaction to himself and benefit to society.” (Super 1957). This much quoted definition highlights two very important foci in career exploration - the development of career self-awareness and the acquisition of an understanding and knowledge of the world of work.  相似文献   

历史小说《张居正》在宏大深厚的历史氛围中塑造了一代名臣张居正的形象,以揭示明代“万历新政”的政治革新及其文化意义。作者以诗性的才情和自具的史才史识还原张居正做人做事的本色,着力于表现他做事的功业和做人的悲剧,这本为一体的二者,在张居正特定性格和命运的演绎中,结果是后者既造就了前者,也毁灭了前者。但它给社会文明带来了永恒的典型性,让人在可歌可泣的历史审美中对自身有一种警醒。  相似文献   

One of Super's most important contributions has been his emphasis onthe fact that careers develop over a life span. He proposed thatcounsellors measure career development through the construct ofvocational maturity, by identifying the coping methods used in facing avocational task at each chronological age. To complement the constructof maturation as the central process in adolescent career development hedevised measures of career maturity, such as the Career DevelopmentInventory – School Form (CDI-SF). Adopting an integratedperspective akin to Super and the specific concepts he identified ascomprising Career Maturity, the author reviewed recent advances inguidance and counselling theories to lay the theoretical foundations forthe design of her Career Development Program: Tu Futuro Profesional– TFP (Your Future Career). This article shows that, althoughthe concept of career maturity has its limitations, the CDI can be usedto measure the outcome of the Program – TFP and to evaluate itseffectiveness. This procedure was used in a pre-post-test research with4991 Spanish students from the 7th to 11th grade.  相似文献   

This paper reports on part of an on-going interview-based study of the eight permanent secretaries who served at the Department for Education from 1976 to 2012. Following a discussion of the relevance of biography to the study of public sector administrators, it presents a portrait of Sir Tim Lankester. Based on his own account and that of relevant others it draws on a four-stage career model to describe his life before and during his time as a civil servant. Centring on his career as permanent secretary in three it considers, inter alia, his working relationship with his Secretaries of State; his view of the role of permanent secretary; his policy contribution; and, his style and achievements. Following an examination of the merits of such research, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the possible contribution of prosopography and a call for ethnographic studies of public administration.  相似文献   

A short celebratory article about the life and career of the English children's book author/illustrator, John Ryan, most famous for creating the eponymous pirate Captain Pugwash. This article documents Ryan's early career at school and in the army, and his rise as a freelance cartoonist, working first for Eagle and Girl comics (and in the process creating Captain Pugwash, Harris Tweed, Sir Boldasbrass, and Lettice Leefe) and then developing his characters for books and television. There is also a brief discussion of Ryan's biblical retellings for children and the recent controversy surrounding the names of Pugwash's crew.  相似文献   

随着大学生职业发展教育的普遍开展,一些现实问题和矛盾现象也逐步显现,大学生职业发展教育的有效性问题日益受到重视。参考借鉴国内外职业发展教育的实践经验,目前解决此问题主要应从三个方面入手:首先,学校要唤醒大学生的自我意识;其次,学校须为大学生构建专业的职业指导体系;第三,学校还须提供具体的操作路径和实践渠道,为大学生的自我探索指明方向。  相似文献   

Cultural preparedness is presented as a conceptual framework that could guide the development of culture-resonant interventions. The Jiva careers programme is presented as a case study to illustrate a method of career and livelihood planning based upon Indian epistemology and cultural practices. Social cognitive environments and career beliefs are discussed as key factors that characterise a group’s orientation to career development. An impact analysis is described. Traditional knowledge is highlighted as an important resource for constructing career guidance programmes to address the needs of clients from different cultural heritages.  相似文献   

职业倾向测评是界定人的社会职业方向的科学手段。职业倾向测评对职业教育具有提升入学新生选拔质量、帮助职业教育院校学生自我认知、促进职业教育院校教学改革和学生就业指导等作用。鉴于此.建议职业教育院校要面向学生提供专业免费的职业测评服务、开展学生职业心理测评后续职业咨询、培养学生职业兴趣、充分发挥基层院系在学生职业规划中的重要作用,以此在职业教育院校中行之有效地落实职业测评工作。  相似文献   

通过自编《大学生职业生涯规划能力现状调查问卷》,对某高校1200名本科生进行的问卷调查,表明大学生对自身职业生涯规划现状的总体满意度一般,大学生自我个性认知、职业发展认知、职业发展规划都较好,但高校职业生涯辅导教师队伍建设需要加强  相似文献   

The author looks back on his career as an academic in Australia, tracing both his own and higher education's descent into pragmatism. In particular, he re‐examines 25 years later the AVCC working party report on Teaching Methods in Australian Universities of which he was a co‐author.  相似文献   

自我认知是指个体关注自己的情感、态度以及对特定情况的行为反应。对于医生来说,自我认知能使他洞察到自己的情绪对医疗服务可能存在的影响。可见,这种洞察力能够提高医生专业服务水平。本文回顾了已发表的关于提高医学生自我认知能力的文献,将针对自我认知能力的教学方法分为直接与间接两类,并对需要进一步研究的问题予以特别关注。  相似文献   

体验式教学在职业生涯规划教育中的应用浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业生涯规划教育越来越受到高校普遍关注,而传统的教学模式已难以满足职业生涯规划的实践性、独特性、连续性及系统性教学要求。体验式教学采用大学生亲身体验的方式,获得自己的经验,提高大学生的生涯发展自主意识和自我学习动力,以增强适应未来社会环境的就业能力和持续发展能力。  相似文献   

随着大学生人数的急剧增长,就业难问题日益突出。如何提高大学生的专业素养和竞争能力,以达到与职业的匹配,成为社会关注的焦点。文章从大学生职业生涯的概念界定出发,分析了当前大学生职业生涯规划中存在的问题,如规划意识淡薄、自我认识片面、缺乏职业目标等。针对这些问题,从树立职业理想、开展自我评估、正确认识职业、分析外部环境、确定职业发展目标、设定职业生涯发展路线、实施和修正职业生涯规划等方面,提出了当代大学生进行职业生涯规划的具体方法和步骤,以及大学生职业生涯规划保障机制的完善措施。  相似文献   

对北京市某中学初中生生涯适应力水平和生涯需求的调查发现,北京市初中生生涯适应力达到中上水平,初二学生的生涯适应力显著高于初一学生,但男女生在生涯适应力各维度上不存在显著差异;有无理想专业对初中生的生涯适应力有显著预测作用.调查样本中,87.70%的初中生认为生涯指导重要,64.30%的初中生希望通过课程的形式开展生涯指...  相似文献   

Joshua Lederberg will surely be remembered for his stellar contributions to microbial genetics and his sage intervention in public affairs concerning exobiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, and bioterrorism. Not so well know is his emphatic mission to spell out that bacteria are cells and not something else. This brief sketch examines some of his contributions to bacterial cytology. Moselio Schaechter (Elio to friends) spent his career studying growth physiology and cell structure of enteric bacteria. Born in Italy, he spent his youth in Ecuador before going to the United States where he chaired the Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at Tufts University in Boston for twenty three years. After retirement he is at San Diego, where he has devoted himself to sharing the excitement of the microbial world, mainly via a blog called “Small Things Considered”. He has authored several influential textbooks and reference works. He succeeded Joshua Lederberg as Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Microbiology. He also authored a book, In the Company of Mushrooms, which deals with his avocation, wild mushrooms.  相似文献   

“双向选择,自主择业”的就业政策,使得一些用人单位要男生不要女生或男生优先的标准能够推行。这样,女大学生的就业面临着严峻的形势。因而,女大学生在校期间,就要更加勤奋努力。增强自我成才意识,强化独立思考,增强社会责任感,严格要求自己,完善自己,提高自己的综合素质。迎接时代的挑战。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of the Botswana study-service scheme (Tirelo Setshaba) in the career development of its participants. Study-service is defined as community service used to educate those who participate in contrast to other service programmes where the main objective is to provide manpower e.g. by providing service to the community. First, the existing career development situation in Botswana for senior secondary school students is reviewed and findings from some recent research in this field in the country are presented. Second, the nature of the one year experience gained by Tirelo Setshaba participants is described including the uniqueness of Tirelo Setshaba as compared to other similar schemes in that service takes place before post-secondary education, but with other policies being similar to those developed for university students. Third, the paper presents a rationale for career development assistance for Tirelo Setshaba participants and describes career development material prepared for them. The nature of the scheme, with two or a maximum of four participants assigned to a village, has made it necessary to design a career service for clients who are so widely scattered that the often-used career talks, conventions or one-to-one counselling are impractical. Finally, the paper argues for a proper evaluation of Tirelo Setshaba's impact on career development as the conclusions drawn in the paper are based on limited observations.Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Development Research and Documentation, University of Botswana. She has served for several years as planning officer with the Ministry of Education in Botswana and as a psychologist (career guidance) in Sweden.Tirelo Setshaba Adviser, Ministry of State President, Botswana. He has long experience from study-service schemes in a number of countries, inter alia Botswana, Nepal and Indonesia.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划有利于连接学校教育与职业社会,但是职业生涯规划教育仍然存在着师资力量欠缺,实践教学不足;职业生涯规划教学方式单一;教学安排不合理等问题。生态教育在职业生涯规划教育中的应用则可以给职业生涯规划教育的继续发展以指导,大学生就业生态位也相应的与生态学上的生态位的各种概念相类似或者接近,主要通过加强实践环节使...  相似文献   

Neil Dorans has made a career of advocating for the examinee. He continues to do so in his NCME career award address, providing a thought‐provoking commentary on some current trends in educational measurement that could potentially affect the integrity of test scores. Concerns expressed in the address call attention to a conundrum that faces today's measurement practitioners, namely, that technology‐driven assessment, while very appealing, is prone to less controlled conditions of measurement. The commentary given here focuses on the message and implications of Neil Dorans's career award address. It discusses some specific points of note, elaborates on the conundrum, gives a view of the future, and makes a call for a dialogue among test developers and measurement practitioners on how to compensate for the loss in controlled conditions of measurement associated with the use of technology.  相似文献   

唐代诗人曹松一生交游甚众,和众多的诗人有着唱和,但仕途坎坷,颠沛流离;而作为封建时代的知识分子,却又关心民间疾苦,厌恶战争;身为唐代才子,创作甚丰,留给后人一百多首诗歌,亦颇见功力。  相似文献   

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