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本文基于美国排名前10的iSchools院校档案学课程设置的调研,从课程内容、教学方式、课程体系与课程制度等维度,分析其档案学课程主题设置、教学方式、体系编排、选课制度的特点,并针对我国档案学课程设置创新性差、跨学科专业课程资源开发不足、专业课程资源共享共建理念缺失、实践课程比例小、选修课少、课程设置与培养目标关联性差等共性问题,结合美国iSchools档案学课程设置的经验,从档案学课程内容建设、教学方式改革、课程体系编排与课程制度建设等维度,探讨了其对我国档案学课程建设的启示。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,档案学本科教育面临着来自社会各个方面的冲击和影响,旧的档案学本科教育的内容已经无法与现今的档案学发展趋势相融合,档案学专业本科教学内容、课程体系的改革迫在眉睫.本文从档案学专业的课程设置入手,阐述了理论教学课程、实践教学课程和能力培养的基本内容、设置要求及实施途径.  相似文献   

档案学专业导学课程是新时代实施课程思政的新思路与新举措。通过探析档案学专业导学课程思政的内蕴逻辑,结合档案学专业导学课程思政的特点和目标,推动档案学专业导学课程思政的建设,有利于档案学专业推进立德树人和教育教学的深度融合,从而实现“知识传授”与“价值引领”的有机统一。  相似文献   

档案学课程资源的开发和利用是改变学生学习方式、优化档案学课程体系和教学内容的必然要求,必将在一定程度上提升档案学人才培养的质量。档案学课程资源的开发与利用可以从社会资源、信息资源和人文资源等方面入手,逐步扩大开发与利用的渠道,遵循档案学课程资源开发与利用的原则,寻求最佳的开发与利用途径,以期让学生得到最大发展。  相似文献   

计算档案学是近年来在国外兴起的一项跨学科研究,随着计算档案学研究的兴起,如何将计算机领域的计算思维融入档案学教育框架中引起了国外相关学者的广泛关注.本文从课程建设基本理念、教学内容、授课方式、技能要求四个方面分析了马里兰大学计算档案学课程开设的特点,并据此提出我国档案学高等教育改革可参考借鉴的经验,即立足需求优化课程体...  相似文献   

通过对美国排名前三位的档案学专业硕士研究生课程设置的介绍,分析美国档案学专业硕士研究生课程设置的特点,并在借鉴美国档案学硕士研究生课程设置的基础上,结合我国实情提出我国档案学专业硕士研究生课程体系构建模块的设想。  相似文献   

文章以中国人民大学信息资源管理学院为例,从档案学硕士研究生专业培养目标、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价五个方面对档案学硕士研究生课程体系进行研究。并对档案学硕士研究生课程体系提出建议,从重视课程体系构建的意义及重要性、制订科学合理的专业培养目标、提升课程内容前瞻性、加强课程设计的多元价值取向、完善调整课程结构及课程内容、创新课程评价机制六个方面入手,进一步完善、发展档案学硕士研究生课程体系。  相似文献   

武青艳  冯甫  刘燕 《档案管理》2023,(1):90-91+94
在“双一流”建设背景下,需着重思考高校档案学课程思政教学模式应如何调整和创新,使档案学专业人才符合国家和社会的知识、能力和价值需求。本文首先提出了档案学课程思政的建设原则,并建立了教育模式的创新架构,从逻辑建构、资源建构、互动建构和师资建构开发档案学课程思政的创新路径,以期为新形势新背景下的档案学课程思政的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

后现代主义理论作为当今国际教育课程改革的支撑理论之一,为我国档案学课程改革提供了新的视角,有着重要的指导意义。本文针对当前档案学课程教学现状及原因分析,通过对后现代主义有关思想的了解把握,结合两者,提出后现代主义对我国档案学课程改革中有关问题的启示和思考,以期为档案学课程改革和发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

课程思政是新时代我国高等教育落实立德树人根本任务的一种教育理念与实践活动。本文以《档案学概论》课程为例,在分析该课程思政现实意义与育人目标的基础上,从顶层设计、思政元素、教学方法与技术应用四方面提出《档案学概论》课程思政的推进路径,以期为档案学专业课程思政建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the nature of curriculum material centers in academic libraries and relation to the type of university in which the centers were located. Data from twenty-nine surveys from curriculum material centers in doctoral-granting universities was analyzed using Pearson correlation resulting in significant data describing the curriculum centers. Significant correlations between the nature of curriculum centers and the universities were not found due to the inconsistent methods of recording statistics in the centers and the lack of a clear definition of curriculum material centers affecting the nature and location of curriculum materials.  相似文献   


The National Curriculum for England and Wales, implemented following the 1988 Education Reform Act, has had a profound impact on learning resource needs in schools. Whereas in many other countries the centralization of decision making over the content and delivery, of the curriculum is well established, the education system in the U.K. has, until recently, been characterized by fragmentation and a lack of central political direction. Teachers and librarians in the U.K. had previously worked within a culture which allowed considerable autonomy, with school library services provided by the local education authority as an additional resource for schools. School librarians are now being faced with the need to provide for a centrally directed curriculum, and to support specific information skills teaching in schools, increasingly without the support of a school library service, the service provided by public libraries as agents of the local education authority, to supplement libraries within schools. The use of information technology, has also become more significant.

A British Library funded project, undertaken at Loughborough University's Department of Information and Library, Studies, has investigated the ways in which English secondary, school libraries are meeting these new challenges as the U.K. education system undergoes profound cultural and organizational change. The management of change within school libraries was a major task, and it was here that strategies for planning mirrored those being undertaken in the schools as a whole. Applying the principles of school development planning to the library emerged as a major feature of effective school libraries.  相似文献   

The availability and content of on-line bibliographic records for curriculum materials are evaluated in this study. Records were selected from the OCLC OnLine Union Catalog, the predominant on-line bibliographic network providing cataloging to all types of libraries including school libraries and others supporting curriculum material collections. Based on a sample of shelflist cards for curriculum materials from the Instructional Materials Laboratory collection of the University Libraries at California State University, Northridge, a quantitative assessment is made of the content of the matching OCLC records. Study results suggest that the availability and content of OCLC catalog records for curriculum materials may satisfy the bibliographic information and access requirements of curriculum materials collection librarians.  相似文献   

Librarians at four different academic institutions concurrently completed curriculum mapping projects using varying methods to analyze their information literacy instruction. Curriculum mapping is a process for systematically evaluating components of an instructional program for cohesiveness, proper sequencing, and goal achievement. There is a dearth of documentation of how this process has applied to an information literacy curriculum; however, the benefits of an organized examination of course progression is clear. The librarians explored curriculum mapping using different methodologies and approaches in order to formulate a more strategic approach to teaching students information literacy skills.  相似文献   


This article takes an in-depth look at the Internet mega search engines and their influence on reference librarianship.  相似文献   

博物馆学校作为馆校合作的新模式,是美国中小学教育校内外融合的新视点。本文对美国博物馆学校联盟(NAMS)推广的一套K-5课程,从课程标准、课程内容和课程实施三方面进行了系统分析,发现NAMS课程具有四个特点:构建系统化的K-5课程体系;对接课标设计博物馆特色课程;精选跨学科领域的课程内容;采用以学生为中心的项目式教学模式。基于此,NAMS课程对我国馆校合作工作提供了如下启示:为课程开发与实施建立长期稳固的保障机制;基于课程标准与博物馆资源培养核心素养;设置跨学科领域的馆校合作课程内容;通过基于实物的项目式教学实施课程。  相似文献   

整合课程内容、加强能力培养是目前教育模式改革的趋势,在分析医学信息学专业主要培养卫生相关信息系统开发和维护能力、医学信息处理能力、医学信息服务能力等的基础上,根据能力培养的要求和学科知识结构的特点,提出了对应每项能力进行无重复、无缝隙课程内容整合及综合性、连续性实践教学改革的建议。  相似文献   


Over the past decade, there has been a steady rise in interest among academic librarians in the idea of outreach. Outreach from the academic library can take many forms, but it is often built around a commitment to instruction. At Washington State University, a commitment to information literacy instruction across the curriculum and an organizational structure that includes both an independent Library Instruction department and a network of subject specialists has facilitated the rise of a programmatic approach to instructional outreach that allows librarians and faculty to work together to develop creative approaches to the integration of information literacy instruction across the academic curriculum. This article identifies some of the characteristics of new models for instructional outreach in the academic library and describes two instructional outreach programs at Washington State.  相似文献   

iSchool联盟院校的课程改革及其启示   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
iSchools是由对信息、技术和人之间的关系有兴趣的学院组成的,以承诺探讨与理解信息在人类活动中的作用为其特点。iSchools透露出新形势下美国图书情报教育变革的重要信息。其课程设置具有如下特点:(1)课程设计理念上强调能力导向和未来导向;(2)突出了以职业需求变化为出发点的职业竞争力培养,重视学生的职业兴趣;(3)在强调信息、技术和人之间的关系的前提下,突出技术类课程在课程体系中的主体地位;(4)课程设置与其他学科广泛融合,计算机、远程通讯、网络管理、媒体研究、管理学、伦理学、社会学、法学、政策科学等专业的课程广泛出现在iSchools学院的课程中;(5)与政府、企业等职业领域的广泛合作。iSchools的这些做法对国内图书情报教育改革具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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