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浅谈竞技运动与体育教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
竞技运动是一种具有竞争性、挑战性、规则性、公平性和不确定性的身体活动。这种身体活动并不追求身心完美,它所追求的只是比赛最后的胜利,即夺标,争冠军,是一个具有文化性和社会性的复合体。长期以来,竞技运动在体育教学中占有很重要的比重,而围绕竞技运动进行的教学,由于过分强调动作技术的精细化、规范化,而背离了体育教学的根本目标,所以只有将竞技运动加以改造、整理后使之有利于增强学生体质,符合现代教育全面发展人才的需要,才能实现现代体育教学的根本目标。  相似文献   

Scholars have sought to identify the complexity and multidimensionality of the phenomenon of sexual identity formation since the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 (Bayer, 1981). This article addresses the manner in which the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer [LGBTQ] students can be addressed against the backdrop of Kleinman's phenomenological objectives of physical education. I argue for expanding the movement landscape in physical education to include alternatives to sport that lead to self-realization and acceptance of self. I promote the spirit of the content of significant movement including heightened awareness, sensitivity and acceptance, and realization of self as opposed to the spirit of sport. In this sense, LGBTQ students can come to know self as subject through meaningful movement experiences rather than power and performance sports. I also argue that the physical educators examine teaching practices that promote hegemonic masculinity and femininity, as well as individual views toward LGBTQ students.  相似文献   

Physical education has a rich tradition of concern for the development of fully functioning individuals, but this tradition is in danger of being marginalized by the dominant technocratic and competitive structures of today's physical education. The purpose of this paper, in seeking to readdress the value of the experiential dimensions of sport, is to provide the instructor with insight into a specific domain of sport—challenging outdoor activity, or risk sport—that holds particular value for Bain's (1988) alternative approach for humanistic physical education. Employing the model of risk-sport involvement (Robinson, 1992) as an analytical framework, the paper attempts to promote an understanding of the complex nature of the risk-sport experience and the potential value such experiences hold for personal growth, meaningful social interaction, and social change.  相似文献   

This paper begins to develop the concept of gender-relevant physical education, combining the work of Pierre Bourdieu and his notion of the habitus and feminist philosopher Iris Marion Young's analysis of feminine motility. It draws on data generated from a study of young people's articulation of the relationships between muscularity, physicality and gender. The social construction of the body has been of central importance to the construction of femininities and masculinities, and has formed an enduring meta-theme through much of the research on physical education and gender. We build on the young people's insights to argue that Bourdieu's notions of the habitus and the exchange of physical capital provide a useful means of conceptualizing issues of embodiment and gender in school physical education and sport. We conclude by sketching an outline of gender-relevant physical education as a process of interrupting the habitus.  相似文献   

Education,Movement, and the Rationality of Practical Knowledge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Curriculum models in physical education are rarely discussed in relation to the school curriculum as a whole. The purpose of this article is to examine the initiation view of education, which is essentially a knowledge-cum-ethicalaccount of education. It will be found that the type of knowledge prescribed is predominantly of a theoretical kind and as a consequence allows little or no room for physical pursuits. It is argued that this account of knowledge is limiting and reductionist, and that if rationality in a broader sense is to be a central concern of education, then practical knowledge in the form of such activities as sport and dance should form a necessary part of a balanced education.  相似文献   

Enhancement of “social vision and moral understanding” is currently an important agenda for professional education in higher education. Furthermore, sociocultural studies of sport, exercise, and the body have gained academic respectability in the last two decades, and presently numerous scholars in the traditional social science and humanities disciplines are engaged in research focusing on these phenomena. Sport, exercise, and the body are of central concern to physical education. Furthermore, one of physical education's goals is the preparation of professionals to provide services centered on exercise and sport. Given this trend in higher education and the focus of our field, it seems important to consider devoting increased attention to sociocultural studies of sport, exercise, and the body within physical education. Maintenance of a small but excellent cadre of sociocultural scholars in physical education is called for, and an exchange system for outstanding sociocultural graduate students is suggested as a means of assuring continuation of such a cadre.  相似文献   

In this article, the roles of individuals' expectancy beliefs and incentives (i.e., task value, outcome expectancy) in sport and physical education are examined from expectancy-value model and self-efficacy theory perspectives. Overviews of the two theoretical frameworks and the conceptual and measurement issues are provided, followed by a review of developmental and gender/racial differences and the influences of sport and physical education on children's motivational beliefs.  相似文献   

The application of theories to understand concepts and issues in sport and physical education is viewed as a useful research strategy. Two theories addressing subjective phenomena relevant to sport experiences are presented. Concepts proposed in Martin Buber's I-Thou philosophy of relationship and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow model exploring the psychology of enjoyment are delineated and compared. Sportrelated research using these constructs is then presented. It is concluded that careful application of theories is a viable and valuable approach for studying complex, elusive phenomena in sport. Further, knowledge derived from such research facilitates understanding and awareness of subjective meaning in sport, and therefore opens individuals to the potential of relationship and flow.  相似文献   

This paper examines the content and context of changes in the dominant discourses of physical education. It begins with an analysis of the role of language in publicly defining a role for new professions and defining the nature of that profession's expertise. It then briefly traces the reconstruction of university physical education as sports studies, sport sciences, and sport management and situates these discourses in a political and historical context. The final sections proceed to deconstruct the languages of sport science and sport management, to connect these with struggles to redefine the profession, and to point to some issues for professional education if physical education is to retain any of its traditional humanistic meanings. The argument is grounded in an interview study of technical and administrative professionals in Canadian high performance sport.  相似文献   

在对健康体适能理论分析的基础上,审视了当前我国高等学校公共体育存在的问题.大致有:选项教学等同于运动训练;体育教学内容重实践轻理论;体育教学评价指标以技能与竞技体适能为主忽视健康体适能;课余体育以竞赛类为主而忽视健身类活动;场地器材多以竞技体育为主.在健康第一思想指导下,依据健康体适能理论,未来高校公共体育改革与发展将呈现以下趋势:教学内容注重健身娱乐与生活化;俱乐部将成为主要教学模式之一;体育理论课受到重视;评价注重健康体适能测评技术;课余体育竞赛更加注重健身性与全体性.  相似文献   

采用文献资料及比较分析等研究方法,分析了中国体育界对体育一词的翻译主要集中在sport、physical education、training等词汇,普遍认为sport主要用于竞技体育或大众体育,physical education主要指的是学校体育,training主要是指体育训练。其中代表体育本质的词应属sport和physical education。  相似文献   

The following is a one-act play containing a dialogue between two physical education and sport science professors (Metzler, 1994) as they travel back from the 1995 NAPEHE Conference, “Beyond Scholarship Reconsidered: The Mosaic of Scholarship in Physical Education.” The play's dialogue is drawn from three major sources: the authors' biographies, their personal opinions regarding Scholarship Reconsidered, and the published professional literature in physical education and the sport sciences. The characters represent two cohorts in faculty: those who are early in their careers and those who have canied out the first half of their careers under the current model of scholarship in higher education.  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory, as an attempt to explain the factors that influence motivated behavior, has received signiticant attention from youth sport researchers, sport psychologists, and educators since its proposal in 1980. This papr reviews the basic tenets of achievement goal theory and outlines potential problems through its usage in attempting lo understand student behavior and attitudes in physical education. Specifically, I argue this reductionist and decontextualized research treats the physical education student as a motivational problem, the teacher as the solution, and the social context of physical education and sport as nonproblematic. This positivist approach to knowledge construction may indirectly act to perpetuate inequitable power relations and dominant idenlogies found in physical education. Ironically, this could dissuade certain youth from participating in sport or physical education, the antithesis of the activity promotion objectives of many achievement goal theorists. I conclude by suggesting to enhance physical education practice, research should employ critical and reflective methods of knowing and continue to seek out student and teacher voices to help create responsive leaming environments for diverse student needs.  相似文献   

Competition is an essential part of youth sport. But should it also be part of the curriculum in physical education? Or are competitive activities incompatible with the educational context? While some researchers have argued that physical education should embrace the sporting logic of competition, others have criticized the negative experiences it can create for some students in school. In this article, we draw on insights from the philosophy of sport as well as educational philosophy, with the aim of questioning and critically examining the integration of competitive activities in physical education. We present and discuss four normative arguments (AVOID, ASK, ADAPT, and ACCEPT) that can each in their own way inform and guide future talks on the topic.  相似文献   

One outcome of the increasing interest from philosophy of education circles in the work of Giorgio Agamben has been the possibility of apparently small alterations to enact a radical emancipatory change. This ‘weak utopianism’ (Lewis, 2013) found in Agamben's work means that traditionally radical changes are viewed with skepticism, as grand alternative designs often merely result in the operationalisation and actualisation of new ordering rather emancipation. In a recent commentary on Agamben's philosophy of education, Igor Jasinski (2018) argues that the theory of weak utopianism means that innovative classroom designs ‘should not be considered’ examples of Agambenian philosophy of education at work. In this article, I respond through an analysis of the case of active learning classrooms. Despite existing as a form of innovative classroom design, I argue that they nevertheless abide Agambenian principles in the philosophy of education as spaces open to—without demanding—study. The active learning classroom is not the ideal‐type studious space but a paradigm, the case that stands outside of (while standing in for) the rest of the set. Situated in‐between inspiration and implementation, I argue that active learning classrooms are the paradoxically strongest form of weak utopianism, leaving educational potentiality open while also representing a significant rethinking of the spatiality of the classroom. Active learning classrooms thus pose significant questions both for Agambenian philosophy of education in particular and critical pedagogy in general.  相似文献   

The training of positive social behavior in children and youth holds particular significance in contemporary culture. One setting that holds great appeal for implementing social behavior interventions is public school physical education in which sport education is a part of the curriculum. This study describes the changes in a number of positive social behaviors of a cohort of at-risk adolescent youth during the implementation of a sport education season. Twenty 7th- and 8th-grade boys from a small rural school in the south participated in an experimental subject matter curriculum consisting of a 20-lesson unit of "kangaroo ball." During the latter part of the season, 2 specific fair-play interventions were introduced, and changes in student compliance, interpersonal behaviors, and leadership behaviors were measured. Results indicated that exposure to the curriculum model produced increased student positive peer interactions, as well as accurate self-monitoring by students of their social interactions. Implications for the importance of providing specific prosocial objectives in physical education are discussed in light of this study's findings.  相似文献   

Some philosophers of education think that there is a pedagogically informative concept of training that can be gleaned from Wittgenstein's later writings: training as initiation into a form of life. Stickney, in ‘Training and Mastery of Techniques in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy: A response to Michael Luntley’takes me to task for ignoring this concept. In this essay I argue that there is no such concept to be ignored. I start by noting recent developments in Wittgenstein scholarship that raise serious issues about how we should handle the translation of Arbrichtung and arbrichten. I then concentrate on the substantive philosophical issues about the very idea that training can have a pedagogically productive role in education. I show that what work training does is a function of the prior skill set of the trainee. This means that we have to endorse some form of rationalism and acknowledge that the learner can only respond to training if they already possess sufficient mental equipment to generate the appropriate responses.  相似文献   

As sport is a highly child-populated domain, the establishment of child-protection measures to reduce the potential for child maltreatment in sport is critical. Concern for the protection of children in sport has a history that is as old as modern sport itself; however, it is only recently that concern has been established about children's experiences of relational forms of abuse and neglect in this domain. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to review current developments in sport with respect to child-protection policy, education, and research. It is the authors' supposition that an athlete-centered philosophy of sport is perhaps the best way to address the protection of children in sport. The philosophy of an athlete-centered sport model is described, and through the integration of an athlete-centered approach to sport, recommendations are made for future implementation of child-protection measures.  相似文献   

This paper reviews selected recruitment resources to physical education based on Lortie's (1975) paradigm of occupational choice and the anticipatory socialization process. Based on data from physical education entry studies (Mulling, 1981; Pooley, 1970; Woodford, 1977; Templin, Note 1), examples of how selected resources both attract and facilitate entrance into the field are presented. Such resources as the interpersonal and service dimensions of teaching, a desire for continued association with sport, time compatibility, job security, eased entrance, and various socializing agents are shown to have some degree of influence on one's decision to enter physical education. Finally, various implications of the data are discussed in relation to the professional preparation process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to review the literature about young people’s meaningful experiences in physical education and youth sport. We reviewed 50 empirical peer-reviewed articles published in English since 1987. Five themes were identified as central influences to young people’s meaningful experiences in physical education and sport: social interaction, fun, challenge, motor competence, and personally relevant learning. These themes provide future direction for the design and implementation of meaningful physical education and youth sport experiences. We also highlight the need for the development of pedagogies that facilitate and promote meaningful engagement in physical education and youth sport settings.  相似文献   

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