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Diversity in sport, especially in relation to those who hold positions of power in interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional sport, seems to be some what of an oxymoron. There is ample evidence that those who are not similar to the status quo that has long dominated such sport settings (i.e., white, heterosexual, male) are far less represented within positions of power in sport than they are in the population at large (Acosta & Carpenter, 1996; Washington. 1998). Furthermore, some suggest that the maintenance of the status quo goes beyond demographics and that homologous reproduction exists in attitudes. values, and leadership priorities among those in leadership positions in sport (Boutlier & San Giovanni, 1994). Because diversity and valuing diversity have received a greal deal of attention in the corporate world, this paper utilizes the business literature in an attempt to obtain a fresh perspective regarding the lack of diversity in one of the most criticized areas of sport, Division IA intercollegiate athletic organizations. A review of the literature resulted in a framework comprised of three dimensions: 1) noncompliance/compliance. 2) reactive diversity management; and 3) proactive diversity management. The framework is presented and described and its application to kinesiology, physical education. and sport is provided.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the management of the symbolic life of academic organizations, an area strangely neglected in discussions of academic management. The adoption by higher education of the techniques of market-based businesses comes at a time when these businesses are being criticized for lack of attention to organizational culture. Academic institutions may best be understood as value-rational organizations grounded in strong cultures described as ideologies and belief systems. Some thoughts on the management of academic culture, on the management of meaning and social integration, are developed.This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the Fifth International Conference on Higher Education, University of Lancaster, 2 September 1981. I am indebted to Philip Altbach, Tony Becher, Zelda Gamson, and the members of Study Group Six for their constructive criticisms of the original paper.  相似文献   

企业文化是文化与管理的共生体,中西方不同的文化底蕴,决定了迥然不同的企业经营理念和管理方式。 中国的企业文化表现在以人为本、灵性管理等方面,而西方的企业文化体现在科学管理、制度管理等方面。随着 全球经济一体化和跨国公司的不断发展,中国经济的发展会同世界的联系越来越紧密,因此,中西方企业文化的 整合与趋同必然会成为一种趋势。  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which knowledge‐sharing processes mediate organizational cultural factors and knowledge management effectiveness among Korean organizations. The findings show that knowledge‐sharing processes play as mediators in the effect of trust, collaboration, and learning on knowledge management effectiveness. Employees from knowledge management practicing companies in Korea were surveyed. Results from mediation analysis show that knowledge‐sharing processes have both practical and statistical significance to enhance knowledge management effectiveness. Trust and a learning culture are also significant to increase knowledge management effectiveness. We discuss the implications of these findings to facilitate knowledge sharing and make suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The transition of the workforce from brawn‐power to brain‐power has prompted organizations to fixate on the knowledge created by employees, managers and customers. Knowledge Management (KM) involves recognizing, documenting, and distributing the explicit and tacit knowledge resident in an organization. Although extracting, packaging, and distributing information is not new ground for human resources and training professionals, this preliminary study pursued the authors' curiosity regarding how far beyond job aids and documentation, precursors to KM, the profession has come. This initial study investigated the knowledge management practices reported by volunteer respondents and assessed readiness for knowledge management by teasing out evidence of the systems and goals associated with KM. Additionally, we sought to understand the roles professionals reported themselves to be playing in KM, with particular interest in the thought leadership provided by consulting firms and the implications of organizational culture and information technology.  相似文献   

对于普通组织而言,组织文化是控制组织的重要因素之一;对于大众传媒组织而言,组织文化不仅仅是控制组织的重要因素,它植根于大众传媒的信息传播活动之中,潜藏在大众传媒生产的文化产品之内,它是影响社会主流文化构建的关键因素。沙因的组织文化模型自提出以来即被管理界奉为经典,更是学界进行组织文化研究的有力工具。沙因的组织文化模型同样适用于大众传媒组织文化的研究,运用这一模型探讨大众传媒组织文化的结构与功能是认识大众传媒组织文化实质的有效途径。  相似文献   

Job rotations have existed as a means of developing individual knowledge and skills since the industrial revolution, and in today's dynamic global workplace, they afford organizations an opportunity to manage changing psychological work contracts and employee desires for self‐managed careers. Through the systematic mining of psychology, business, management, and educational databases, this literature review provides a summary of job rotation practices, individual and organizational benefits, likely costs associated with job rotations, and implications for practitioners. Findings indicate that while employees seek learning and marketability over job security and stability, organizations strive to maintain continuity and internal growth and development of their workforce. Job rotations can appease both individuals and organizations through enhanced knowledge and skills, facilitation of greater job satisfaction, and identification of individual strengths for optimal organizational performance. However, these benefits come at a price to the individual and the organization in the form of increased work/life conflict, potentially higher training costs, and possible lower work unit morale. Conclusions are presented on the practical implications and recommendations for implementing job rotations and integrating the practice into performance improvement models.  相似文献   

习近平总书记把提升组织力作为加强基层组织建设的重点,并围绕基层组织力提升做了重要论述,这些论述成为加强和彰显基层组织战斗堡垒作用的科学指南。从方法论的角度探析习近平总书记关于提升基层组织力的重要论述所彰显的核心要义,着重从突出政治功能、加强党性教育、优化队伍建设、扩大基层民主、做好党内关怀等方面阐释其方法论意蕴,总结归纳出具有一般意义上的以领导力、感召力、战斗力、公信力和凝聚力等五大内生驱动来加强基层组织建设的方法,进而为我国基层组织力提升提供智力支撑。  相似文献   


Although workforce aging is among the major challenges facing developed countries, organizational communication about this issue has received little scholarly attention. Drawing on a content analysis of corporate media, we reconstruct how Dutch organizations (N = 50) framed older workers’ employability during the period 2006–2013 in diagnostic (problem-definitions) and prognostic (solution-definitions) terms, and we trace the influence of corporate media types and organizational characteristics on these frames. Results reveal that organizations frequently highlight problems on the macrolevel (societal) and the mesolevel (organizational), while most solutions are located on the microlevel (individual). Using multilevel modelling, we found support for the expectation that the issue is more strongly problematized in internal compared to external corporate media, and that problems related to individual older employees are most pronounced in public sector organizations’ communication. Our findings highlight diverse ways in which organizations can communicatively address factors that hamper older workers’ employability.  相似文献   


This paper takes as a starting point the interest in organization theory in the idea of ‘learning organizations’ and the practical implications for conceptualizations of academic development. In doing so, it analyses epistemological and methodological complexities associated with the concept of academic development from a perspective that focuses on organizational learning. The contention of the paper is that an appropriate theoretical basis for academic development in the current times is provided by a broad organizational learning perspective. It is argued that an organizational learning methodology for the practice of academic development has the potential to provide powerful learning and feedback structures well‐suited to institutional inquiry and adaptation that will assist universities to meet the turbulence and challenges of an unpredictable future. A vignette from The University of Melbourne describes a prototype for such a methodology.  相似文献   

Based on a review of research and the realities of performance information utilization in public organizations, this article defines the use of performance information as an organizational routine in management control. The theoretical implications require scholars to focus on organizational routines in performance measurement research. To practitioners, it suggests that they should focus more on daily performance information use and view it as continuous organizational learning and an organizational behavior modification process.  相似文献   

While research has focused on the effects of diversity on individual and group level outcomes, there has been little inquiry concerning the organizational level. Cox (1994) states that the most frequently asked question by executives regarding workforce diversity involves how it affects the performance of organizations. In order to manage the growing diversity of the workforce, organizations need to implement systems and practices so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized and the potential disadvantages are minimized (Cox, 1994). While the goal of these programs is organizational success, from a human resource perspective they introduce unique challenges. In particular, these challenges relate to activities such as the socialization of culturally diverse employees. Therefore, in an effort to increase understanding of the effects of cultural diversity on organizational performance, this paper examines the moderating impact of socialization tactics on the relationship between cultural diversity and firm performance.  相似文献   

This survey‐based study compared socio‐cultural values and perceptions of organizational culture characteristics held by more than 3,300 managers and employees in twelve business organizations in Hungary, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and the Kyrgyz Republic. Significant differences were found between the five countries on all socio‐cultural and organizational culture dimensions. The relationship between socio‐cultural values and the organizational culture perceptions was only moderately significant. The paper concludes with implications for professionals seeking to enhance organizations' performance in these countries and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

在当今现实的企业世界里,企业竞争是残酷的。为了在竞争中获得胜利,企业必须因应环境,从战略管理角度不断变革企业文化,才能保证企业的可持续发展。从战略管理与企业文化特质与关联出发,论述了战略管理视角下的企业文化变革途径。  相似文献   

ABET是世界高等工程教育领域最具影响力的专业认证组织。其20世纪80年代末遭遇的组织危机及近20年的组织改革表明,高等工程教育认证必须摈弃绝对、僵化的认证标准,以"变化"为视角,制定新的战略规划和组织目标,才能应对不断变化的社会环境和技术创新的要求。CQI作为一种关键角色,在引导组织建立新的认证哲学、推出新的认证标准、确立新的战略规划,以及塑造有效的组织行为方面发挥着重要的作用,并最终促进组织形成了持续性质量改进的新文化。  相似文献   

Organizations wield great power over the structure of contemporary life. Using the rhetorical method of cluster analysis, we investigated the construction of work/life issues on Web sites of companies on Fortune's 2004 list of “100 Best Companies to Work for.” By identifying key terms and the terms that clustered around them, we uncovered a corporate ideology of work/life: 1) work is the most important element of life; 2) life means family; 3) individuals are responsible for balance; and 4) organizations control work/life programs. We conclude that organizational work/life programs may increase, rather than decrease, the amount of control organizations exercise over personal life. We explore the implications of this finding as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

组织行为学作为一门管理学科在经济建设各领域的重要作用逐渐凸显.本文以从企业人力资源管理现状入手,分析了组织行为学中的激励理论在企业人力资源管理中的应用,探讨了组织行为学在企业人力资源配置中的作用,指出企业管理者还应综合运用组织行为学的理论知识,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

我国当代大学组织变革的理论研究主要包括大学组织制度和组织文化变革研究。大学外部制度变革研究涉及大学领导体制和治理结构,内部制度变革研究则包含大学行政组织和学术组织及其之间权力平衡的变革研究。我国当代大学组织变革的理论研究走向呈现出多学科视角、多维层面融合的趋势。同时也存在诸多问题,如理论研究有待深化、应急式发展研究路径的转变、面临理性选择和制度约束难题以及研究方法亟需多样化等问题。  相似文献   

This study expands conceptions of organizational membership by examining individuals whose relationships with their organizations are traditionally characterized as involuntary in nature. Data from inmates and prison employees in four U.S. and Norwegian correctional institutions was examined using structuration theory as an emergent interpretive lens, and five primary ways in which involuntary membership is constructed in communication are identified: physical environment, mobility, relationships, engagement, and body. These facets are presented as the foundation of a continuum-based theoretical perspective on (in)voluntary membership and are discussed for their applicability to future research and theorizing across organizational communication studies.  相似文献   

企业文化的变革是企业可持续发展的重要保障。查尔斯.汉迪说企业的变化分为渐进性的和突发性的两种。企业文化的变革是突发性的彻底的企业变革。当代管理学认为看待企业有三种视角:以计划为重的视角、以经验为重的视角和以思想观念为重的视角。要实现企业文化的变革,需要从以思想观念为重的视角来看企业。  相似文献   

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