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问题解决(Problem solving)是近年来国际上提出的数学教育的研究热点,是国内外数学教育发展的趋势,也是我国新课程改革的重要内容之一。数学问题解决是一种积极探索和克服障碍的活动过程,更是一个发现和创新的过程。达尔文说过,最有价值的知识是关于方法策略的知识。因此,儿童在数学问  相似文献   

儿童朴素理论认为,儿童原有的观念与科学理论之间有着相似性与内在的一致性。这些是在儿童早期在观察周围世界的过程中,存在于在大脑中的原始性的表象与思维。这一理论告诉我们一个朴素的道理,儿童在学习某知识前,就已经从生活中形成了对某知识的表象认识。因此,《课程标准》要求:现代小学数学教学要重视培养学生的逻辑思维能力和空间观念。能够运用所学的知识解决简单的实际问题,进行判断、推理,逐步学会有条理、有根据地思考问题,同时要注意思维的敏捷性和灵活性培养。  相似文献   

数学能力是基础性的认知能力,包括数量、空间和逻辑推理等认知能力。早期数学教育有助于在儿童发育和发展的关键期为儿童奠定认知和神经基础,从而培养儿童抽象而精确的数学思维能力与问题解决能力。脑与认知科学研究表明,儿童生来具有数的概念,体现在两个独立的数的核心表征系统,一是大数系统,模糊估计、粗略表征物体的数量幅度;二是小数系统,精确计数、清晰表征每一个物体。早期数学教育可以借鉴当前丰富的脑与认知科学研究成果,将科学理论和教学实践相结合,利用儿童先天具备的数学潜质,逐渐深入而广泛地培养儿童的数学技能。培养儿童的早期数学能力需要家庭、学校和社会的共同努力。  相似文献   

家庭生态环境与儿童早期数学认知能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭生态环境是一个包括家庭社会经济地位、父母对儿童发展的认识以及对儿童的知识传递行为等多个方面的复杂系统。运用访谈、问卷、结构观察等多种方法对家庭生态环境与个体早期数学认知能力发展关系的研究表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位、母亲对儿童数学认知能力发展的认识、母亲对数学任务的知觉水平以及母亲对儿童数学知识的传递行为与儿童早期数学认知能力的相关显著;(2)家庭生态环境与儿童早期数学认知能力的多层次关系模型是合理的、可接受的;(3)家庭生态环境中各因素对儿童早期数学认知能力发展的作用方式、作用程度不同,母亲对儿童数学知识的传递行为对其早期数学认知能力发展的作用最为直接、有效。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》指出:小学数学教学必须从儿童的现实生活中取材,注重学生的主体性探索,注重儿童对知识的发现过程,要在儿童做数学的过程中,理解知识、掌握求知方法、学会思考问题、懂得交流经验、获得情感体验、解决实际问题。  相似文献   

正儿童探索的天性之中潜藏着数学的"创造",数学发展的过程与儿童学习数学的认知过程高度相似。因此,笔者提出"儿童数学"的教学主张,其内涵是"数由童生,童由数长"。如何激发儿童对数学的好奇与探索,创造基于儿童生活的数学活动课程,促进儿童积极参与,提升儿童的数学素养是"儿童数学"教学主张所着力探索和解决的问题。基于这样的认识,笔者不断反思和改进数学教学。"认识1~5各数"的教学便是其中的一个典型课例。  相似文献   

汤卫红 《辽宁教育》2013,(12):33-35
儿童探索的天性之中潜藏着数学的创造,数学发展的过程与儿童学习数学的认知过程高度相似。因此,我提出的“儿童数学”教学主张的内涵即是“数由童生,童由数长”。如何激发儿童对数学的好奇与探索,创造基于儿童生活的数学活动课程,促进儿童的积极参与,提升儿童的数学素养,是“儿童数学”教学主张所着力探索和解决的问题。基于这样的认识,我们不断反思和改进日常的数学教学。“认识1~5各数”的教学便是其中的一个典型课例研究。  相似文献   

问题是数学的心脏,数学课程的实施过程就是一个个问题不断呈现、解决的过程;问题解决不仅是数学学习的主要方式,而且是数学学习的目的,学生的数学素养是在问题解决的过程中发展起来的。本文按照知识的分类。从尽可能把问题设计成程序性知识的形式、在程序性知识的基础上及时提升,提炼为更高层次的陈述性知识等方面谈了复习课中怎样设计问题。  相似文献   

解决问题教学是新课程中数学教学的一个重要内容,也是新课程数学教学的一个重要目标。解决问题教学过程同其他知识教学过程一样,是一个多因素、多功能、多层次的完整过程,是学生在教师的指导下掌握解决问题数量关系知识,形成逻辑思维能力,同时进行思想品德教育,不断提高分析问题、解决实际问题能力的过程。作者从多年教学经验浅谈如何解决小学数学中的问题教学。  相似文献   

引言知识是智力与能力的基础,儿童的智能是在理解与运用知识的过程中获得不断发展的。如果让小学生一入学就接触较多的数的基础知识和四则运算的知识,并运用它去认识和分析问题、指导计算,那末,他们的思维将获得丰富的材料,从而使他们的智力获得较佳的发展。因此,在低年级数学教学中,“早期孕伏知识,促进智能发展”是一个很有意义的研究课题。  相似文献   

数学问题解决中的模式识别的研究视角,可以分为基于数学解题认知过程与解题策略角度、基于"归类"的视角、基于数学问题解决中模式识别与其他因素的关系的视角等,具体研究领域涉及几何解题中的视觉模式识别、几何问题解决中的模式识别、解代数应用题的认知模式、数学建模中的模式识别等.由于在知觉领域与问题解决领域"模式识别"的表述存在一定的混乱性,将基于数学问题解决的模式识别界定为:当主体接触到数学问题后,与自己认知结构中的某数学问题图式相匹配的思维与认知过程.并进一步通过其与"归类"的区别与联系、与"化归"的区别与联系使"基于数学问题解决的模式识别"的概念得以澄清.在范围上,把问题解决中的模式识别界定为一种思维过程的阶段或者思维策略,认为它是解题的重要组成部分,但并不是解题的全部.对于未来的展望,期望系统的理论研究、期望对学生问题解决中模式识别的认知过程与机理的实质性的研究以及对学生问题解决中模式识别的教学实验研究.  相似文献   

This study offers a view on students’ technology-based problem solving activity through the lens of a theoretical model which accounts for the relationship between mathematical and technological knowledge in successful problem solving. This study takes a qualitative approach building on the work of a 13-year-old girl as an exemplary case of the nature of young students’ spontaneous mathematical problem solving with technology. The empirical data comprise digital records of her approaches to two problems from a web-based mathematical competition where she resorted to GeoGebra and an interview where she explains and describes her usual problem solving activity with this tool. Based on a proposed model for describing the processes of mathematical problem solving with technologies (MPST), the main results show that this student’s solving and expressing the solution are held from the early and continuing interplay between mathematical skills and the perception of the affordances of the tool. The analytical model offers a clear picture of the type of actions that lead to the solution of each problem, revealing the student’s ability to deal with mathematics and technology in problem solving. By acknowledging this as a case of a human-with-media in solving mathematical problems, the students’ efficient way of merging technological and mathematical knowledge is portrayed in terms of her techno-mathematical fluency.  相似文献   

近年来,学生的"数学问题解决"能力越来越受到重视,我国已将学生的数学问题解决能力作为数学的教学目标之一。在信息技术迅猛发展的今天,如何借助信息技术和人工智能更好地帮助学生提高问题解决能力成为我国研究者亟待解决的一个问题。文章介绍了在美国取得较好反响的两个问题解决系统——贾斯珀系列和IMMEX系统,并分析了这两套系统各自的特点,最后为建设更加完善的数学问题解决系统提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

The taxonomy described in this paper was developed to investigate the process of mathematical problem solving in terms of definable behaviours. It was also used as an instrument to classify and encode behaviours in their sequence of observed occurrence during the process of mathematical problem solving. It is a behavioural analysis framework formulated to examine the “thinking-aloud” protocols of individuals for comprehensive information about the problem solving process itself, the individual differences in the behaviours of subjects and the strategies applied by each in dealing with non-routine mathematical problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, the relation between Lakatos' theory and issues about mathematics education — especially issues about mathematical problem solving — is reinvestigated by paying attention to Lakatos' methodology of a scientific research programme. By comparing the same findings about mathematical problem solving with the discussion in Lakatos' theory — e.g. research programmes' hard cores, their negative and positive heuristics, and their goals — we establish the correspondence between research programmes and solver's structures of a problem situation, i.e. structures given by a solver to a problem situation. After establishing this, the implications of Lakatos' theory, i.e. the nature of selection from competing programmes and the social origins of the cores of programmes, are applied to the discussion about mathematical problem-solving, with indications of the related evidence in the theory of mathematical problem solving which seems to support the application of those implications. Such an application leads to one view of mathematical problem solving, which reflects the irrational nature and social aspects of problem-solving activities, both in solving problems and in selecting better solutions.  相似文献   

Often mathematical instruction for students with disabilities, especially those with learning disabilities, includes an overabundance of instruction on mathematical computation and does not include high-quality instruction on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. In fact, it is a common misconception that students with learning disabilities are not strong problem solvers in general. This article highlights the inherent problem solving strengths that students with learning disabilities possess; how they use those skills to address everyday barriers and challenges, and how teachers can relate these skills to academic mathematical instruction. Additionally, practical classroom examples, suggested teaching strategies, and questions for further examinations are discussed.  相似文献   

Problem solving is an important yet neglected mathematical skill for students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability (ASD/ID). In addition, the terminology and vocabulary used in mathematical tasks may be unfamiliar to students with ASD/ID. The current study evaluated the effects of modified schema-based instruction (SBI) on the algebra problem solving skills of three middle school students with ASD/ID. Mathematics vocabulary terms were taught using constant time delay. Participants were then taught how to use an iPad that displayed a task analysis with embedded prompts to complete each step of solving the word problems. This study also examined participant’s ability to generalize skills when supports were faded. Results of the multiple probe across participants design showed a functional relation between modified SBI and mathematical problem solving as well as constant time delay and acquisition of mathematics vocabulary terms. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

作为数学教育任务的数学解题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为数学教育任务的数学解题与数学家的解题既有联系又有区别.它触及数学教育的3个基本矛盾,需要回答两个基本问题:怎样解题?怎样学会解题?解题理论建设成为一个独立分支有3个标志.解题研究已初步积累有题、解题、解题过程、解题程序、解题力量、解题方法、解题策略、数学问题解决的基本框架等成果.学会解题需要经历4个阶段:简单模仿、变式练习、自发领悟和自觉分析.  相似文献   

When solving word problems, many children encounter difficulties in making sense of the information and integrate it into a meaningful schema. This is the fundamental phase on which subsequent problem solution depends. To better understand the processing underlying this fundamental phase, this study examined the roles of schema construction and knowledge of mathematical vocabularies in word problem solving. The participants were 139 Chinese third graders studying in Hong Kong. Path analysis showed that there were two kinds of pathways to word problem solving: language-related and number-related. In particular, reading fluency was related to word problem solving in two mediated language-related pathways: one via schema construction, the other via knowledge of mathematical vocabularies. In the number-related pathway, arithmetic concept was related to word problem solving via knowledge of mathematical vocabularies. These findings highlight the specific roles of schema construction and mathematical vocabulary in word problem solving, thereby providing useful implications of how best to support children in understanding and integrating the information from the problem.  相似文献   

数学问题解决的实证研究述评   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
数学问题解决的心理学实证研究主要集中在数学应用问题、平面几何问题、解题中的迁移、解题中的元认知等方面。就目前的研究状况来看,存在研究选题面窄、研究层面较低、研究起点单一等问题。因而,开展深层次的研究,是数学解题心理研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

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