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本文通过调查分析了学生电大在线资源的使用情况,指出了电大在线资源建设存在的问题,提出了整合精简电大在线栏目的建议。还分析了电大系统资源建设与共享存在的问题,提出了资源建设与共享的对策。  相似文献   

高等学校校德育工作要深入研究德育的内在关系,以基本关系的建设为着力点,构建牢固的情感关系,信任关系,互动关系。在三个基本关系的建设中推进高等学校校德育工作。  相似文献   

考察美国大学课程,主要是以哈佛大学课程的历史发展变化来阐释美国大学课程发展的历史特征,侧面揭示了大学人才培养模式的形成与大学领导人的教育理念的密切关系。  相似文献   

化解挫折与大学生犯罪预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生犯罪逐年增多已引起社会的广泛关注.挫折感沉重是大学生犯罪的重要原因,当代大学生遭遇挫折的可能性增大了,因此,采取各种措施化解挫折,是预防和减少大学生犯罪的有效方法.  相似文献   

采用自编的大学英语教师胜任力调查问卷对541名教师进行团体施测,以考察大学英语教师的胜任力特征.研究结果表明:(1)大学男女英语教师的胜任力没有显着差异.(2)大学英语教师的胜任力存在学校性质的显着差异.(3)大学英语教师的胜任力存在工作年限的显着差异,表现为3-5年>5- 10年>3年以内>10年以上的变化趋势.(4...  相似文献   

依托电视大学建设开放大学是符合我国国情和电视大学特色与地位的现实选择,也是新形势下深入推进电大改革发展的重大举措。在厘清开放大学和电大实质性差异的基础上,提出教学建设、学术研究和社会支持作为开放大学必须具备的发展要素。以无锡开放大学建设为例,提出实现“电视大学”向“开放大学”转型的实践路径。  相似文献   

以滨州学院的489名大学生为研究对象,以大学生学习动机问卷为调查工具,分析大学生的学习动机总体水平及不同群体大学生学习动机水平的差异。结果表明,大学生学习动机处于中等水平;大学生的学习动机存在一定的性别差异、年级差异和专业差异。  相似文献   

大学排行榜不仅是体现一个国家大学总体实力的一个量表,也是考生在填报志愿时所参考的重要依据。本文以比较研究的方法分别介绍了中国与德国两国排行榜的背景与指标体系,以清华大学和洪堡大学2007年在中德大学排行榜上的具体情况为例进行了比较研究,并进一步概括了两国大学排行榜的特点与区别,指出德国大学排行榜按大学类型分组对大学进行排名,多维指标体系并重,评价主体多元化等方面的优点值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

为了研究大学生自尊、社会支持与孤独感的现状、特点及其关系,采用UCLA孤独量表、社会支持评定量表和Rosenberg自尊量表对商洛学院、西安文理学院、咸阳师范学院共300名大学生进行问卷调查。结果发现,大学生在自尊和社会支持方面呈正态分布,虽然有孤独感体验,但程度并不严重;在孤独感、自尊和社会支持三个维度上的得分存在性别、生源、学科性质、年级、是否是独生子女等变量上的差异,但差异的表现是复杂多样的;社会支持各维度与孤独感,自尊与孤独感均存在显著的负相关;各个社会支持维度和社会支持之间均存在显著正相关:自尊与社会支持各维度存在显著正相关。研究结果表明大学生的社会支持和自尊水平越高。被试的孤独感就越低。  相似文献   

The formalization of the university: rules, roots, and routes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines changes in the formal organization of two universities and two schools within these universities, the University of Oslo and Stanford University. We focus on role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking structures and describe organizational developments along these dimensions. We find that both these universities travel similar routes involving greater role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking activities. Both universities more explicitly function as organizational actors influenced by a global environment that favors the more socially embedded and the more managed university. However, we also find persistent differences in how these universities respond to the global environment, differences that reflect the different historical roots of different universities. A tradition of professorial self-governance at the University of Oslo, for example, fosters greater resistance to the managed university ideal. The latter emerges earlier and develops to a greater degree at Stanford University. We conclude that university routes are influenced both by common (now globalized) rules of the game and by their different organizational roots. We use ideas from the neo-institutional and path dependency perspectives to make sense of both growing commonalities and persistent differences.  相似文献   

The author, Leona E. Tyler, is a now retired Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. She is well known for her career‐long research and writing on individual differences. The reviewer, Richard E. Snow, is Professor of Education and Psychology, Stanford University. His research interests center on individual differences in aptitude and learning.  相似文献   

国内外不同大学矿产普查与勘探专业硕士生课程体系既有相同点,也有诸多差异。本次研究结合中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院油气勘探与开发地质学系“优化教学体系,提高教学效果”的教学研讨活动,通过对国内外三所大学矿产普查与勘探专业课程体系的对比,针对目前国内大学课程体系中存在的问题,提出相应建议。  相似文献   

This article tries to compare the difiererices between the Amarican and Chinese culture mainly through the comparison of a joint performance presented by the showcase of Birgham Young University,Haiwai and the music department of the Central China Normal University regarding the differences of its tempo,form,and Characters of the performers and further analyzes the cause of the differences and comes to the conclusion that although there are some melting phenomena in the process of cultural exchantge,the differences Would always exist.  相似文献   

对义务教育实验教科书中概率内容的评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从频率出发引出概率概念和把统计与概率相互融合的处理,比较符合信息时代的概率定义,能够体现《九年义务教育数学课程标准》的要求.北师大版与华东师大版两套中学数学新教材,在处理理论概率与实验概率的关系、统计与概率的联系这两个根本问题上,存在着差别.北师大版统计初步内容靠近描述统计学,统计与概率是分开的,联系不密切.华东师大版统计初步内容靠近推断统计学,统计与概率是密切联系、相互融合的.关于统计与概率教材可按如下原则处理:(1)以数据处理为主线,将统计和概率结合起来.(2)教材中出现的统计数据,尽可能不用或少用固定的记录数据,多用随机实验或随机抽样所得数据.(3)比较固定数据的平均值与随机数据的平均值,注意它们之间的本质区别.  相似文献   

文章以实地调研为基础,将贵州大学体育教育专业和英国拉夫堡大学运动锻炼科学专业的课程设置进行了比较研究.比较两校专业课程设置的差异,分析了各自课程设置的特点,对国内体育教育专业的健康发展提供对策建议.  相似文献   

This study involved an analysis of faculty trust in a large southwestern institution. After reviewing the literature, we identified a valid and reliable instrument, the Higher Education Faculty Trust Inventory, to measure higher education faculty trust in administrators, colleagues, and students. We then used this instrument to gauge various aspects of faculty trust, and we found significant trust differences among professors of varying academic ranks (i.e., adjunct, assistant, associate, and full professor). We found, however, no significant trust differences in regard to race. Finally, we discuss the findings within a context of implications for future research and practice in higher education. Page A. Smith received his B.S. in Education from Wright State University, M.S. in Educational Administration from the University of Dayton, M.A. in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University and his Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership from The Ohio State University. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research pursuits include organizational climate and health, institutional trust, workplace aggression and bullying, and leadership development. Alan R. Shoho received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from California State University at Fullerton, M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and his Ed.D. in Secondary Education from Arizona State University. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His research interests include aspiring principals, high school reform, and organizational trust.  相似文献   

Towards understanding adult distance learners   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We are all aware that adults who return to study at a distance may approach their studies in very different ways. The reasons for such differences, and their relation to students' personal contexts, are not well understood. In this paper, Mavis Kelly of the School of External Studies and Continuing Education, University of Queensland, and Margaret Shapcott of the Distance Education Unit, Deakin University, present some of their findings from research into this area. Analysing interviews with external students of the University of Queensland, at two distinct levels, has enabled them to identify both attitudes to study common to all those interviewed and two basic kinds of study orientation. These differences are closely related to the students' personal background and experiences.  相似文献   

高校学前专业实验室的建设与使用现状在很大程度上反映着该专业的人才培养取向。文章选取国内三所高校为研究对象,一定意义上一所高校代表着这一类高校在人才培养取向上的相似性及与他者的差异性。可知,A校重理论素养积淀,B校重实践技能培养,C校重艺术技能训练。而基于全实践理念的高校学前专业实验室建设突显实践取向,以不断加深准教师职前"爱"的职业情感为归宿点,符合职前准教师实现类生命的专业发展需求。  相似文献   

以面向21世纪素质教育为主题,以我校职业教育的培养方向为标准,结合我校体育教育改革中所取得的成果与经验,通过对海淀走读大学大学城校区2001级学生体育选修课上课状况进行调查分析,进而提出体育选修课发展的思考。  相似文献   

本文对普林斯顿大学和南京大学的物理学本科课程设置进行综合介绍和比较,归纳出两者的基本特征,分析两者的主要差异。并在此基础上,找出了目前我国研究型大学物理学课程设置中存在的不足和差距,并对南京大学物理学课程改革提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   

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