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在当前影视创作追求票房的语境下,商业电影角色设计研究显得特别重要与迫切.本文重点探讨了在非儿童电影中儿童形象的设计对于电影商业性的影响.即便是非儿童电影,只要把握住观众的审美期待,适时的融入儿童角色,定会对电影商业性产生重要影响.好莱坞是商业电影的圣地,因此本文特地选取好莱坞热门商业片《铁甲钢拳》为例进行分析,希望能够对我们国产电影人物角色的创作有所启迪.  相似文献   

范小玲  王艳芝 《传媒》2023,(18):34-37
电影创作的中心问题是塑造人物形象,关注人物命运。国产儿童电影中的儿童形象经过不同时期的传播发展,呈现出了不同的样态。这些儿童银幕形象作为电影的表现主体和灵魂,不仅折射出时代的发展变化,也反映了主流意识形态和儿童内心精神世界的发展变化。  相似文献   

1922年中国儿童电影创作实践产生后,开始出现了中国儿童电影理论与批评的实践。因为儿童电影所具备的形象直观性,所以其所承担的教育性被凸显。儿童电影理论与批评从"儿童本位"出发对电影和儿童的教育关系进行了研究,提出了"儿童本位的影片"、"儿童教育的电影片"、"儿童电影的观众细分"等观点。此外,因受到苏联儿童电影创作和理论与批评的影响,中国儿童电影理论与批评界也学习和介绍了苏联的儿童电影创作体制保障、儿童电影创作内容所具备组织动员和教育鼓舞之作用、用儿童电影塑造"社会主义新人"等思想。这些思想虽然在当时没能实现,但在中华人民共和国成立后却得以付诸实践,影响了后来的中国儿童电影创作和理论与批评。  相似文献   

儿童电影的儿童媒介属性,为我们认识儿童电影提供了一个新的角度.传播学界明确了儿童电影的儿童媒介身份,却很少对其作理论阐述与实证研究.本文在儿童媒介视阈中,提出"媒介童年"概念,对儿童电影与儿童文学、儿童电视的媒介特性进行比较,并探讨如何利用儿童电影开展儿童媒介素养教育,以期从一个新的角度丰富对儿童电影的认识.  相似文献   

本文以伊朗电影《一次别离》"纪实美学"的特性出发,看意大利新现实主义电影运动对当今现实主义电影的影响。以选题内容、表现手法、角色形象为出发点探讨伊朗电影是如何将新现实主义电影进行本土化。  相似文献   

陈平 《中国传媒科技》2012,(16):196-197
在电影发展史上,儿童电影已经算是经典的类型片了,美国好莱坞电影工业早在上世纪三十年代就把儿童电影作为重要的电影类型推向电影市场,并成功受到许多电影观众的喜爱.美国电影童星秀兰·邓波尔就是以她主演的儿童电影闯出品牌,成为家喻户晓的电影明星的.  相似文献   

丁果 《传媒》2021,(7):92-94
2012—2020年间,是中国现实主义电影回归本位并持续发力的时期,其在内涵和外延上不断拓展出新的艺术境界.在新时代发展的进程中,中国现实主义电影在坚持以"人民为中心"核心思想的基础上,更加注重对人民"主体性"的呈现;在秉持儒家思想中的"入世"精神基础上,更加注重与主流电影叙事方法相结合.同时,由于全球化进程的加速,国家"一带一路"倡议的持续推进,现实主义电影更担负起建构国家形象和传播中华文化的职责,这对其作品中包容精神、担当精神和创新精神的多维深入呈现,有了更高的要求.  相似文献   

捍卫童年:大众传媒对儿童的消极影响刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马宁 《今传媒》2009,(12):105-107
一、尼尔·波茨曼的呐喊 上世纪20年代的电影普及和50年代的电视普及给关注儿童命运的人带来极大的忧虑,他们认为,电影电视利用其形象手段,将成人社会一览无余地暴露给儿童,会导致儿童过早成人化,  相似文献   

王壮  刘晓晔 《出版广角》2021,(15):26-29
儿童图画书是儿童喜闻乐见的读物,也是儿童爱国主义教育的重要资源.原创儿童图画书出版承担着为儿童读者建构国家形象,培养儿童爱国情感的重任.文章基于国家形象的政治、经济、社会、文化和地理五个维度,对当前我国原创儿童图画书对国家形象建构的内容和方式进行分析.在此基础上,文章从建构内容、建构均衡程度、建构方法三个方面概括原创儿童图画书对国家形象建构的主要特征,并对未来我国原创儿童图画书应如何更好地建构国家形象提出建议.  相似文献   

本文从新中国电影发展格局中考察儿童影像纪录片六十多年的演变,指出其严重滞后的生存状态并分析其成因.作者将建国六十多年来的纪录电影发展分为两波冷热互现的浪潮.从建国至“文革”结束为第一波,由于受“形象化的政论”“典型”“好人好事”等观念羁绊,儿童影像纪录片数量少、艺术性低.从“新时期”至新世纪为第二波浪潮,纪录片主创人员的代际并未发生明显的更换,但是由于从“形象化的政论”中解放出来,开始重视对儿童个性的刻画,对儿童生活常态进行捕捉,将儿童影像纪录电影推向高潮.90年代中期以来,纪录电影萎缩,儿童影像在电视纪录片中获得新的生机.新世纪新技术革命使以电视技术手段拍摄电影作品成为可能,《小人国》酝酿着儿童纪录片的新一轮蓬勃.  相似文献   


This paper addresses some to the problems associated with the ability of elementary school children to successfully retrieve material in the school library media center using either the card or computer catalogues and presents some alternative methods of classification which may help to alleviate these problems. Primary objectives of the paper include inquiry into the need for an alternative method of classification for children, whether children of elementary school age have the ability to successfully use a system of classification, the extent to which the use of colors and/or symbols as search aides may facilitate children/s search efforts and the steps involved in the evolution of such an alternative classification system. Several case studies are examined and a detailed case study of The Common School Library in Amherst, Massachusetts is presented. Findings of this study indicate that children do have the ability to use a classification system which is designed in keeping with their developmental level and that the use of colors and/or symbols as supplementary search tools does facilitate children/s search efforts. The author also presents recommendations regarding the use of alternative systems of classification with other segments of the population who may have difficulty using standard means of library classification.  相似文献   

To determine children’s ability to interpret in medical settings, 100 dyads of low-income, Spanish-speaking parents and their bilingual children who interpret for the parents were surveyed. Seventy-four children demonstrated adequate health literacy in English. Three theoretical perspectives (social cognitive theory, role-reversal theory, and the team-effort model) guided hypotheses about how parent and child characteristics influenced child health literacy. Structural equation model results supported the team-effort model. Children were more health literate when they were older, had better English abilities, had higher self-efficacy, and had parents with lower self-efficacy and better English language abilities. Children and parents may work as a team in medical interpreting settings, with children simultaneously compensating for and learning from parents.  相似文献   

做好少儿阅读推广工作,是公共图书馆的一项重要任务。为了发挥馆藏资源的作用,培养少儿早期阅读的良好习惯,图书馆往往引入少儿活动来提高少儿阅读兴趣。参考儿童心理学理论、方法和研究成果,可组织策划行之有效的少儿活动。以重庆图书馆阅读推广活动为例,论述了儿童心理学在少儿活动中的实际运用。  相似文献   


This research explores the competing discourses and relational tensions that emerge in intergenerational communication in immigrant families with undocumented parents through in-depth interviews with undocumented Latino/a parents and their children living in New York City. Through the articulation of three themes, we illustrate how material realities affiliated with a lack of legal status incite unique discursive tensions in family relationships that manifest in family narratives. This study lends scholarly insight into the ways undocumented immigrants and their families communicatively navigate their uncertain life terrain through conversation about immigration status, conflicting career dreams, and hybrid cultural values. Using these findings as guidance, we offer practical applications related to communal coping and family advocacy for professionals and volunteers working in immigrant-serving community organizations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine which of the following factors influence children's online communication: parent–child communication (PCC), social self-efficacy (SSE), and unwillingness to communicate (UTC). To examine children's online communication, the researchers obtained survey data from 425 elementary school students in South Korea and tested a hypothesized structural model using EQS/Windows. The findings suggest that open communication between parents and children is associated with higher levels of SSE and lower levels of UTC among children. According to the two variables, open PCC has an indirect influence on interactive communication in online communities. Overall, this study offers meaningful results indicating that children's interactive online communication is influenced by their characteristics of interpersonal communication resulting from open PCC.  相似文献   


This article analyzes the role of national bibliographies—with particular reference to the Italian National Bibliography—as relevant tools for national bibliographic control. In the first part of the article, the historical and scientific context of international standards is summarized. The second part describes the role played by the Central National Library of Florence (BNCF) in the realization of the bibliographic control of Italian publications. The limits and the potential of the Italian National Bibliography produced by BNCF are highlighted and compared with the Italian National Library Service (SBN), which is the most important national collective catalog among Italian libraries.  相似文献   

What are the conditions of the sales and purchases of translation rights in the Italian Market? The article summarizes and compares the results of two research studies conducted, respectively in 2003 and 2008 by the Italian Trade Commission as part of the initiatives planned in the Sector agreement stipulated among the Italian Ministry for Productive Activity, the Italian Publishing Association and the Italian Trade Commission. The objective is to optimize synergies between public and private activities in Italy in order to increase the export activity of the publishing industry sector. Both years the survey has been conducted by DOXA, a major Italian statistic research company. The researches focused on three fundamental variables: the geographical area in which a sales-purchases relationship is established, the genre of the books and the size of the companies involved by the phenomenon.  相似文献   

刘晓晔  王壮 《图书情报工作》2016,60(12):104-108
[目的/意义] 少儿图书馆是儿童社会教育的重要机构,对少儿图书馆馆员素质研究有利于提升少儿图书馆服务质量,促进儿童发展。[方法/过程] 从儿童发展观的发展方式、发展目标、影响发展的关键因素出发,对馆员职业素质结构和内容进行分析。[结果/结论] 少儿图书馆馆员要能够以儿童身心发展规律为基础创设阅读环境,以促进儿童发展为目标设计阅读活动;需要在通识知识基础上具备学科专长,并通过阅读活动提升儿童学习品质;能够在阅读文本、阅读活动与社会生活间建立联系,具备与社会相关儿童教育机构进行合作的能力。  相似文献   

This article will discuss propaganda in the press used by the Italian fascist regime to create and disseminate a negative image of France and socialism. The ‘Paris, 1937’ exhibition represented a pretext for the Italian press to attack the Popular Front on both policy and competence. Manipulating information, the propaganda fabricated an idea of ‘otherness’, presenting France as the chaotic antithesis to the orderly Italian regime. France was presented as a country full of drunks and idlers, as a nation descending into chaos due to the social economic reforms of the Blum government; images that were juxtaposed with a state thriving under fascist corporatism. With the use of archive files and press-clippings, this work intends to illustrate the construction of stereotypes to feed the fear of socialism in Italy by the fascist press.  相似文献   

The trial and execution of Sacco and Vanzetti comprised one of the most controversial episodes of the early 20th century. For Italian Americans, the case symbolized their community's marginal status even as it offered them an unprecedented opportunity to challenge institutionalized forms of discrimination. To assess the role of the Italian American press in mediating social change, this essay offers a comparative analysis of how bourgeois, anarchist and communist Italian American newspapers framed their coverage of the Sacco-Vanzetti executions. The press reported these events within various conflict frames; in addition, anarchist papers developed an episodic frame to commemorate the deaths of Sacco and Vanzetti, while bourgeois and communist papers developed thematic coverage that promoted competing political agendas in response to these events. Although this varied coverage encouraged diverse constituencies to rally in support of the two Italian-born anarchists, its opposition of ethnic and class politics inhibited the community from building a cohesive movement to resist anti-immigrant policies and ultimately upheld the very social structures it purported to challenge.  相似文献   

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