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激活后增强效应(PAP)已经被证明可以作为运动前的一种激活策略。本文重点关注PAP干预纵跳能力,对纵跳能力的PAP激活策略、PAP产生的机制进行系统综述,得出以下结论:PAP能在短期内提高纵跳能力,可以作为纵跳活动前的一种激活策略,建议采用杠铃深蹲或半蹲跳作为激活手段,负荷强度可定在80%-90%1RM,负荷量为3-5次×1组,间歇时间应充分考虑负荷强度与负荷量的搭配以及个体恢复水平。个体的性别、训练水平以及力量水平不同,其PAP激活程度不同,教练员在采用PAP作为激活策略时,充分考虑个体因素,关注激活程度较高的个体,且注意激活后疲劳的消除。PAP产生的机制主要是肌球蛋白磷酸化、运动单位募集能力增强、肌纤维羽状角的改变。本文通过讨论不同的激活程序与个体因素对PAP干预纵跳能力的影响,旨在探寻最佳激活策略与原理,为PAP理论体系的完善奠定基础。  相似文献   

本研究通过探讨静力性诱导方式下PAP对三级跳远运动员单足跳的运动学影响,分析干预前后摆动腿与起跳腿之间运动学的影响差异。研究方法:选取国家二级三级跳远运动员,以肌肉等长收缩后激活增强效应的诱导方式,1次5秒的超负荷静力性半蹲为干预方式诱导PAP,利用红外高速运动捕捉系统,测力台,采集起跳腿与摆动腿单足跳在不同恢复时间下单足跳高度的、运动学和动力学数据变化特征。研究结果:经过1次超负荷5秒MVIC半蹲的PAP诱导刺激过后,即刻15s时段下显著性极高,起跳腿的增长幅度达到17.52%,摆动腿达到16.35%。研究结论:在PAP诱导刺激过后,有效时段为即刻15s-8min之内,且即刻15s时段到达峰值,主要体现于单足跳高度,峰值地面垂直反作用力,峰值功率。  相似文献   

陈昆 《新体育》2023,(18):32-34
研究目的:探究血流限制训练的后激活增强效应对篮球专项生下肢爆发力的影响。研究方法:本研究采用实验法,招募体育学院篮球专项生18名,随机将其分为实验组与对照组,每组9人,实验组采用40%的下肢最大闭塞压力及30%的最大力量为运动负荷且重复30次;对照组采用下肢最大力量的85%为运动负荷且重复5次;实验前后统一进行立定跳远、纵跳摸高、30m跑的运动指标测定。研究结果:立定跳远测试指标变化,实验组与对照组在实验前后数据比对均未出现显著性差异(P>0.05);纵跳摸高测试指标变化,实验组与对照组在实验前后数据比对均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);30m跑测试指标变化,实验组在实验前后数据比对存在显著性差异(P<0.05),对照组在实验前后数据比对未出现显著性差异(P>0.05)。研究结论:血流限制训练对下肢爆发力具有后激活增强效应,可以作为一种运动训练方法,在专业运动队中应用。  相似文献   

利用单、双腿进行负重纵跳练习是练习下肢爆发力很有效的训练方法,在竞技体育力量训练中广泛应用。本研究以12名男性篮球运动员为研究对象,结合myotest功能性测试仪和表面肌电对单、双腿纵跳爆发力练习进行了综合的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在纵跳起跳阶段,竖脊肌、多裂肌、臀大肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内外侧头、比目鱼肌的激活程度随负荷的增加而相应增加,股二头肌、半腱肌的激活程度先增加后降低。(2)在双腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和臀大肌是主要作用肌肉。在单腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和比目鱼肌是主要作用肌肉。(3)双腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是20%深蹲1RM负荷;单腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是10%到15%深蹲1RM负荷之间。  相似文献   

目的:研究静态牵拉对优秀女体操运动员跳马运动在不同时段产生的体能和预激活增强效应(PAP)诱导后对完成跳马任务的心理效果。方法:研究对象为6名国家健将级体操女运动员;采用单组多重前后测试研究方法;利用SPSS 16.0统计软件进行数据分析,P<0.05有统计学差异。结果干预后髋关节柔韧度有效提高的同时,屈膝纵跳峰值力具有先衰后增强的轨迹,有效时段为4-16min,8min为最佳PAP时段。结论 :静态牵拉及屈膝纵跳能增加实验对象的柔韧度及下肢力量;预激活增强效应能否有效提高跳马质量尚需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:探究激活后增强效应(PAP)间歇时间对下蹲跳高度影响。方法:检索PubMed等数据库,查找相关随机对照试验,检索时间从建库至2017年11月30日。按纳入与排除标准筛选文献、提取数据和评价纳入文献研究方法质量后,采用Review Manager 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果:共纳入15篇文献286名受试者。Meta分析结果显示:间歇时间为0~3 min[MD=-1.46,95% CI(-2.15,-0.78),P<0.000 1],实验组优于对照组;间歇时间为4~7 min[MD=1.90,95% CI(0.81,2.99),P=0.000 6]和8~12 min[MD=1.46,95% CI(0.78,2.15),P<0.000 1],对照组优于实验组;间歇时间为13 min以上[MD=-0.45,95% CI(-2.26,1.36),P=0.62],对照组与实验组间的差异无统计学意义。敏感性分析提示:改变研究质量差异、纳入标准、统计模型以及效应量的选择等,发现合并结果改变不明显,且受异质性影响的可能较小。结论:诱导方式为杠铃深蹲,诱导强度在85%~93% 1RM之间,重复次数为5~10次,可诱导产生PAP。间歇时间为0~3 min,可以明显提高受试者下蹲跳高度,间歇时间为4~7 min和8~12 min时下蹲跳高度未能显著增加,间歇时间为13min以上时,仍需更多高质量随机对照试验进一步研究证实。在制定诱导PAP方案时,还需考虑诱导对象的年龄与性别、训练经历和力量水平对PAP的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探究等速运动不同速度、模式下花样跳绳运动对女大学生膝关节屈、伸肌肌力、动态平衡的影响。方法:选取遵义医科大学女大学生30名,随机分为实验组和对照组各15人,两组均参与相同体育课活动,另对实验组进行12周跳绳干预。运用Iso Med 2000等速测试系统在干预前后采集受试者角速度为60°/s、200°/s条件向心、离心模式下膝关节屈、伸肌峰值力矩(Peak Torque、PT)及屈、伸肌群峰值力矩比值(hamstring/quadriceps、H/Q)数据;运用YBT平衡测试系统采集双下肢前侧、后内侧和后外侧3个方向最大达到距离及最大达到距离标准化数据,数据处理组内采用配对样本T检验,组间采用独立样本T检验。结果:等速测试中,实验组在60°/s、200°/s条件,向心、离心模式下膝关节屈、伸肌PT值对比均明显大于干预前(P<0.05);实验组、对照组60°/s离心屈肌间、离心模式下伸肌间PT值对比均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。60°/s条件下Hc/Qe值及200°/s条件下He/Qc值对比均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。YBT测试中,实验组双下肢前侧、后内侧、后...  相似文献   

目的:探究间歇性低氧训练对拳击运动员有氧能力和无氧能力的影响,拳击运动员的科学训练提供参考。方法:本研究选取了高水平拳击运动员30人,随机分配为实验组和对照组两组,对两组拳击运动员进行两次相同的拳击训练,实验组在额外训练的基础上在低氧训练室进行常压训练,对照组只在常氧条件下进行锻炼。所有运动员干预6周,每周训练3次,每次45-50分钟。在干预前后对所有运动员进行无氧Wingate测试和有氧分级测试。结果:研究表明在无氧方面,实验组干预前后无氧功率显著提高(P<0.05),由976w提升至1021w,达到峰值功率的时间显著降低(P<0.05),由6.27s降低到5.25s,而对照组无氧功率和达到峰值时间变化并不显著(P>0.05),且干预后实验组和对照组相比,实验组无氧功率和达到峰值时间变化明显更优(P<0.05)。在有氧能力方面,两组拳击运动员干预前后最大摄氧量均没有明显的变化。结论:本研究认为,间歇性低氧训练能有效提高拳击运动员的无氧能力,而对有氧能力的改善并不明显。  相似文献   

田野  戴维  聂金雷 《体育科学》2003,23(2):124-129
目的:观察经皮电刺激对离心运动后延迟性肌肉酸痛,主观体力感觉及肌肉力量恢复的影响。方法:24名男性大学生分别完成10组负荷,每组负荷由15个蛙跳(最大用力)和30外负重跳(10kg)组成。运动后受试者随机分为实验组与对照组。实验组接受电刺激治疗。运动前及运动后分别测定肌肉酸痛程度、主观体力感觉及肌肉等动力量。结果:与对照组相比,实验组在运动后24h,48h及72h肌肉酸痛程度明显降低,但各组间肌肉力量及主观体力感觉无显著差异。结论:经皮电刺激对肌肉酸痛的消除有积极作用,而对肌肉功能及主观体力感觉的恢复无明显影响。  相似文献   

力量训练是运动训练的核心环节,负荷安排是力量训练的首要因素,如何配给“剂量负荷”来实现输出功率的最大化是力量训练实践中经常遇到的问题。为进一步明晰不同力量训练手段的最佳功率负荷(Optimal Power Load,OPL),对现有相关研究成果进行量化与总结,发现不同力量训练手段具有不同的OPL。通常,半蹲跳OPL为0%~30%1RM,半蹲起为50%~70%1RM,卧推为30%~50%1RM,卧推抛为30%~55%1RM,高翻为70%~90%1RM,高位高翻为65%~80%1RM。同时,从运动训练实践角度阐明OPL力量训练对提高运动员基本运动能力、专项竞技能力以及促进训练效应向比赛效应转化方面的启示,并为推进OPL力量训练的实践化提供建议。  相似文献   


This study aimed to analyse whether increasing the eccentric overload (EO) during resistance training, in terms of range of motion and/or velocity using an electric-motor device, would induce different muscle adaptations than conventional flywheel-EO resistance training. Forty physically active university students (21.7?±?3.4 years) were randomly placed into one of the three training groups (EX1, EX2, FW) and a control group without training (n?=?10 per group). Participants in the training groups completed 12 sessions (4 sets of 7 repetitions) of iso-inertial single-leg squat training over 6 weeks for the dominant leg. Resistance was generated either by an electric-motor device at two different velocities for the eccentric phase; 100% (EX1) or 150% (EX2) of concentric speed, or by a conventional flywheel device (FW). Thigh lean tissue mass, unilateral leg press one-repetition maximum (1-RM), unilateral muscle power at different percentages of the 1-RM and bilateral/unilateral vertical jump were assessed before and after the 6-week training. There were significant (p?<?0.05–0.001) main effects of time in the 3 training groups, indicating increased thigh lean tissue mass (2.5–5.8%), 1-RM load (22.4–30.2%), vertical jump performance (9.1–32.9%) and muscle power (8.8–21.7%), without differences across experimental groups. Participants in the control group did not improve any of the variables measured. In addition, EX2 showed greater gains in eccentric average peak power during training than EX1 and FW (p?<?0.001). Despite the different EO offered, 6 weeks of resistance training using flywheel or electric-motor devices induced similar significant gains in muscle mass, strength, muscle power and vertical jump.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to: (1) assess the reliability of various kinetic and temporal variables for unilateral vertical, horizontal, and lateral countermovement jumps; (2) determine whether there are differences in vertical ground reaction force production between the three types of jumps; (3) quantify the magnitude of asymmetry between limbs for variables that were established as reliable in a healthy population and whether asymmetries were consistent across jumps of different direction; and (4) establish the best kinetic predictor(s) of jump performance in the vertical, horizontal, and lateral planes of motion. Thirty team sport athletes performed three trials of the various countermovement jumps on both legs on two separate occasions. Eccentric and concentric peak force and concentric peak power were the only variables with acceptable reliability (coefficient of variation = 3.3–15.1%; intra-class correlation coefficient = 0.70–0.96). Eccentric and concentric peak vertical ground reaction force (14–16%) and concentric peak power (45–51%) were significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the vertical countermovement jump than in the horizontal countermovement jump and lateral countermovement jump, but no significant difference was found between the latter two jumps. No significant leg asymmetries (–2.1% to 9.3%) were found in any of the kinetic variables but significant differences were observed in jump height and distance. The best single predictors of vertical countermovement jump, horizontal countermovement jump, and lateral countermovement jump performance were concentric peak vertical power/body weight (79%), horizontal concentric peak power/body weight (42.6%), and eccentric peak vertical ground reaction force/body weight (14.9%) respectively. These findings are discussed in relation to monitoring and developing direction-specific jump performance.  相似文献   

Eccentric strength training is thought to be important for improving functional performance. A form of training that may enhance the eccentric training stimulus is the attachment of a rubber bungy to the strength-training apparatus in such a way that the return velocity and, therefore, the force required to decelerate the load at the end of the eccentric phase are increased. To determine the effects of elastic bungy training, we performed two studies. In the first, we examined the electromyographic (EMG) and kinematic characteristics of three different squat techniques: traditional squat, non-bungy jump squat and bungy jump squat. In the second study, we examined whether jump squat training with and without the attachment of a rubber bungy to an isoinertial supine squat machine affects muscle function, multidirectional agility, lunge ability and single leg jump performance. The EMG activity of the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius muscles was recorded. An instrumented isoinertial supine squat machine was used to measure maximal strength and various force, velocity and power measures in both studies. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a control group and two weight-trained groups, one of which performed bungy squat jumps and one of which performed non-bungy squat jumps. The two experimental groups performed 10 weeks of ballistic weight training. The kinematic and EMG characteristics of the bungy and non-bungy squat techniques differed significantly from those of the traditional squat on all the variables measured. The only difference between the bungy squat and non-bungy squat training was greater EMG activity during the later stages (70-100%) of the eccentric phase of the bungy squat condition. The 10 weeks of bungy squat and non-bungy squat jump weight training were found to be equally effective in producing improvements in a variety of concentric strength and power measures (10.6-19.8%). These improvements did not transfer to improved performance for the single leg jump and multidirectional agility. However, bungy weight training did lead to a significant improvement in lunge performance (21.5%) compared with the other groups.  相似文献   

通过对30名普通健康成年男性进行10周的渐进性力量训练,力量训练前后测试实验对象的力量和有氧能力对比研究。结果表明力量训练后,实验对象的最大蹲起负重(Loadmax)、60%最大蹲起负重下的蹲跳功率(P60)、最大摄氧量、相对最大摄氧量以及最大工作功率都有了显著性增长。与训练前相比,在最大摄氧量测试过程中,随着工作功率的提高,通气量呈下降的趋势,摄氧量呈上升的趋势,氧差有增大的趋势。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of adding a weekly eccentric-overload training (EOT) session in several athletic performance’s tests, 18 team-handball players were assigned either to an EOT (n?=?11) or a Control (n?=?7) group. Both groups continued to perform the same habitual strength training, but the EOT group added one session/week during a 7-week training programme consisting of four sets of eight repetitions for the bilateral half-squat and unilateral lunge exercises. The test battery included handball throwing velocity, maximum dynamic strength (1RM), countermovement jump (CMJ), 20?m sprint, triple hop for distance, and eccentric/concentric power in both the half-squat and lunge exercises. Data were analysed using magnitude-based inferences. Both groups improved their 1RM in the half squat, 20?m sprint time, and CMJ performance to a similar extent, but the EOT group showed a beneficial effect for both right [(42/58/0), possibly positive] and left [(99/1/0), very likely positive] triple hop for distance performance. In addition, the EOT group showed greater power output improvements in both eccentric and concentric phases of the half-squat (difference in percent of change ranging from 6.5% to 22.0%) and lunge exercises (difference in per cent of change ranging from 13.1% to 24.9%). Nevertheless, no group showed changes in handball throwing velocity. Selected variables related to team-handball performance (i.e. functional jumping performance, power output) can be improved by adding a single EOT session per week, highlighting the usefulness of this low-volume/high-intensity training when aiming at optimizing dynamic athletic performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of bovine colostrum on peak vertical jump power (VJpeak), peak cycle power (CPpeak), alactic anaerobic work capacity, resistance exercise one-repetition maxima (1-RM) and plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentrations. Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design, 51 males completed 8 weeks of resistance and plyometric training while consuming 60 g x day(-1) of bovine colostrum (n = 26) or concentrated whey protein powder (n = 25). Peak vertical jump power, peak cycle power, alactic anaerobic work capacity, 1-RM and plasma IGF-I were not different between groups at baseline (P > 0.33). Peak vertical jump power and peak cycle power were still not significantly different between groups by week 4 (VJpeak: bovine colostrum, 7231 +/- 488 W; whey protein, 7214 +/- 530 W; P = 0.99; CPpeak: bovine colostrum, 1272 +/- 202 W; whey protein, 1232 +/- 208 W; P = 0.99). By week 8, however, peak vertical jump power (bovine colostrum, 7370 +/- 503 W; whey powder, 7237 +/- 481 W; 95% confidence intervals, 54 to 170 W; P < 0.01) and peak cycle power (bovine colostrum, 1400 +/- 215 W; whey protein, 1311 +/- 192 W; 95% confidence intervals, 20 to 61 W; P < 0.01) were significantly higher in the bovine colostrum condition. Alactic anaerobic work capacity and 1-RM increased (P < 0.001), but the increases were not different between groups (P > 0.08). Plasma IGF-I did not change in either group (P = 0.55). We conclude that bovine colostrum supplementation during training significantly increased peak anaerobic power, but had no effect on alactic anaerobic work capacity, 1-RM or plasma IGF-I.  相似文献   

目的:探讨各种轻负荷条件下半蹲起力-时间曲线特征和力增加速率与各种肌肉收缩运动表现的相关性;分析轻负荷抗阻练习与等长、等动及纵跳动作的下肢发力特征间的内在生物力学联系。方法:募集日本筑波大学9名男子运动员,在测力台上进行不同负荷的半蹲起(Half-squat,HS)以获取地面反作用数据(GRF),进而计算出力增加速率(RFD)。进行最大负荷(>1RM)的静力收缩以测得最大力量(Fmax),进行各种纵跳练习(SJ、CMJ、RJ)以测得跳跃能力参数;采用多关节等速测力系统测取不同角速度下的膝伸展峰力矩(Peak torque,PT);采用Pearson相关系数反映不同负荷半蹲起RFD值与最大力量、跳跃能力和等速膝伸展峰力矩间的相关关系。结果:1)轻负荷半蹲起动作的平均发力时间在0.2 s以内,RFD值在0~60 ms区间内相近或相等;2)20 kg、40 kg和60 kg半蹲起RFD值与Fmax之间无相关关系(P>0.05),60 kg半蹲起RFD值与300°/s条件下的膝伸展PT存在显著性正相关(P<0.01);3)CMJ-JH和RJ-JH显著高于SJ-JH(P<0.01),而RJ的RFD值显著大于SJ和CMJ(P<0.01);4)40 kg半蹲起RFD值与SJ-JH、CMJ-JH之间存在显著性正相关(P<0.05);5)RFD与Fpeak和T-Fpeak之间分别存在显著性正相关和负相关(P<0.05),但Fpeak和T-Fpeak之间未存在相关关系(P>0.05)。结论:轻负荷半蹲起可以作为短跑、游泳等项目运动员起动力量训练手段,以减少起跑和起跳入水的反应时,强化起点技术;在20~60 kg负荷范围内,RFD值在短时间内保持相对恒定;轻负荷半蹲起在保持高输出功率的同时,具有更加高速的发力特征,可作为提高优秀运动员纵跳能力的有效练习手段。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of load on lower body performance variables during the hang power clean. Fourteen men performed the hang power clean at loads of 30%, 45%, 65%, and 80% 1RM. Peak force, velocity, power, force at peak power, velocity at peak power, and rate of force development were compared at each load. The greatest peak force occurred at 80% 1RM. Peak force at 30% 1RM was statistically lower than peak force at 45% (p = 0.022), 65% (p = 0.010), and 80% 1RM (p = 0.018). Force at peak power at 65% and 80% 1RM was statistically greater than force at peak power at 30% (p < 0.01) and 45% 1RM (p < 0.01). The greatest rate of force development occurred at 30% 1RM, but was not statistically different from the rate of force development at 45%, 65%, and 80% 1RM. The rate of force development at 65% 1RM was statistically greater than the rate of force development at 80% 1RM (p = 0.035). No other statistical differences existed in any variable existed. Changes in load affected the peak force, force at peak power, and rate of force development, but not the peak velocity, power, or velocity at peak power.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the effect of exercise-induced muscle damage on knee extensor muscle strength during isometric, concentric and eccentric actions at 1.57 rad · s -1 and vertical jump performance under conditions of squat jump, countermovement jump and drop jump. The eight participants (5 males, 3 females) were aged 29.5 - 7.1 years (mean - s ). These variables, together with plasma creatine kinase (CK), were measured before, 1 h after and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 days after a bout of muscle damaging exercise: 100 barbell squats (10 sets 2 10 repetitions at 70% body mass load). Strength was reduced for 4 days ( P ? 0.05) but no significant differences ( P > 0.05) were apparent in the magnitude or rate of recovery of strength between isometric, concentric and eccentric muscle actions. The overall decline in vertical jump performance was dependent on jump method: squat jump performance was affected to a greater extent than countermovement (91.6 - 1.1% vs 95.2 - 1.3% of pre-exercise values, P ? 0.05) and drop jump (95.2 - 1.4%, P ? 0.05) performance. Creatine kinase was elevated ( P ? 0.05) above baseline 1 h after exercise, peaked on day 1 and remained significantly elevated on days 2 and 3. Strength loss after exercise-induced muscle damage was independent of the muscle action being performed. However, the impairment of muscle function was attenuated when the stretch-shortening cycle was used in vertical jumping performance.  相似文献   

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