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文科类少儿报刊如何适应日趋激烈的市场竞争,关键在创新,出路在创新.作为一名文科类少儿报刊的文字编辑,要提高自身的专业能力,注重知识创新,培养强烈的创新意识、敏锐的创新思维,为读者奉献最好的读物.  相似文献   

专业类报刊是相对于新闻类报刊而言的,登载内容相对具有专业性,读者群相对固定。专业类报刊由于其自身的特点,使它与新闻报刊有了很大的区别。新闻报道的范围一般限在本行业、本专业。所以说,专业类报刊的新闻性比新闻类报刊要略差一些。但是,对于本行业、本专业所涉及到的科学,文化知识,报道就要详尽,具有专业性,以体现报纸的特色。 自改革开放以来,由于专业类报刊的发展,许多从未接触过新闻出版的非新闻出版专业毕业的人员加入了新闻出版的队伍,这些编辑、记者,一般都掌握一门(或几门)专业知识,对自己所学专业都有比较深的理论基础,并对相关学科也有一定的了解,尤  相似文献   

本文以我国新闻事业史上著名的报刊,民国时期的新记《大公报》为研究对象,从新闻专业主义的角度考查其办报方针和办报实践,分析《大公报》新闻专业主义的体现,并且把它与同时代的其他报刊进行比较,总结出《大公报》一方面在新闻理念上,更贴近新闻专业主义的思想,另一方面在实际运作中也有背离新闻专业主义的做法。文章旨在通过对《大公报》新闻专业主义的剖析,了解民国时期报刊的生存状况以及新闻专业主义在中国报刊中的发展态势。  相似文献   

行业媒体的融合之路是迭代发展而不是简单地舍旧逐新,应根据不同媒体各自的特点以及行业周期进行科学规划,有序融合发展。必须毫不动摇地坚持自身的行业资源和专业能力这一优势,并通过迭代发展,从单一报刊业态过渡进化到报刊与新媒体相融合的多元业态。要充分利用新媒体的动态、可视化长处,尽可能延展专业资源、放大专业优势,与传统报刊形成互补、差异化发展态势。  相似文献   

韩峭森 《传媒》2000,(11):10-10
报刊审读是报刊管理的一种重要手段.它不同于一般报刊编辑人员对报刊编辑加工性的审读,它具有管理特性与功能.正确认识报刊审读的管理作用,掌握报刊审读的自身规律,是有效地组织审读活动,提高审读工作效益的关键.  相似文献   

陈鹰 《现代传播》2006,(6):134-136
随着中国旅游产业的发展,旅游市场营销理念和手段的更新,特别是由于旅游报刊开始脱离行政依附关系,加上其他报刊全面介入旅游、第三媒体快速发展、读者群体变化等因素的出现,旅游专业报刊的生存和发展受到了前所未有的挑战。如何冲出报刊市场重围,在新形势下谋求更好发展,是所有旅游专业报刊决策者面对的首要课题。  相似文献   

《陕西省报刊志》编纂工作会议,于8月28至30口在西安举行。“借鉴明得失,知情供决策”,编纂一部全面、系统、科学、翔实的权威性《陕西省报刊志》不仅是《陕西省志》80部专业志中不可缺少的组成部分,更是我省报刊界自身总结历史经验、教训,探索报刊事业自身发展规律,更健康地繁荣我国社会主义报刊事业迫切需要进行的重大系统工程。我省是世界上最早出现报刊的地方,又是中国共产  相似文献   

罗树范 《传媒》2005,(6):49-49
我国的基础教育正在发生历史性的变化,广大教育工作者正在以极大的热情和历史责任感,认真落实<基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)>的精神.教辅类报刊一贯服务于中小学师生,以推进基础教育为职责.在当前全面推新课程的进程中,如何积极发挥自身的专业优势,主动和新课程一起前进,这是教辅类报刊面临的重要而紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

山东省专业报刊首次经验交流会,于去年12月中旬在济南召开,全省22家报刊负责同志参加会议。与会代表就如何搞好新闻改革和报刊社自身改革问题进行了交流和探讨。  相似文献   

教育报刊的市场特点观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育报刊是琳琅满目的报刊市场一道独特的风景线,与其他报刊相比,它不仅有独特的内容和读者定位,而且具有不同一般的市场特征.分析和把握教育报刊独特的市场特征,不仅对于丰富报刊市场理论,而且对于指导教育报刊市场开拓的实践都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The enormous changes wrought in the British newspaper industry during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought about a revolution in newspaper reading habits, financing and influence, all aspects of which have been well documented by historians of the press. But what of the contributor, particularly the freelance whose millions of words formed, mostly anonymously, the content of the new mass market press? How did writers negotiate changes in the literary marketplace during this time as editors demanded more ‘news’ and less in the way of whimsical paragraphing, and sketches, the traditional newspaper output of the professional man, or woman, of letters? Through the study of memoirs, correspondence and the fictional output of contributors to the press during this time, it is possible to discern the often fraught relations between writers and their most lucrative market.  相似文献   

阿根廷新闻传播事业发展演变的教训与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成美  孙聚成 《国际新闻界》2005,(3):15-19,76
新闻新自由主义议程主张新闻媒体私有化,在外资引进和市场竞争中放松政府管制。阿根廷经历了政府对新闻媒体绝对控制到完全采用新闻新自由主义议程的彻底转变。这种转型给阿根廷社会发展造成了负面影响,也是导致国家危机的因素之一。第三世界国家应该建立符合自己国情的新闻事业发展模式,规避全球化的发展陷阱。  相似文献   

本文借助对“有效发行”这只“麻雀”的剖析,探讨中国报刊改革的演进与得失,认为非经济性效能目标与经济性效能目标的混合是困扰“有效发行”解读的原因。本文认为,完整的市场经济体系是市场和政府协同的结果,市场主要解决效率问题,而政府主要解决公平问题,在市场失灵的社会传播空间内,正是政府的管理价值凸现的地带。市场与非市场的分离是走出上述体制迷局的可能性路径。  相似文献   

姜鹏 《出版科学》2016,24(5):38-41
作为参与市场竞争的主体,Y出版社采用平衡计分卡与关键绩效指标相结合的方式进行编辑考核评价体系的构型。Y出版社根据平衡计分卡考核评价指标,从财务、读者、内部运营、学习与成长四个维度,结合企业战略目标和具体情况,确立详细的关键绩效指标,主要包括基本利润、社项目、出书品种、编校工作量、过程管理、重点出版物、单项奖罚等体系化的编辑考核评价内容。该考核评价体系在实践过程中效果好,可行性高,可操作性强,值得同行企业借鉴。但是,该体系执行过程中在编校工作量与品种、利润的衔接,以及过程管理等方面易受人为主观因素影响,仍有进一步探索优化的空间。  相似文献   

In this article the author addresses the abandonment of the mid-list trade book market by commercial publishing houses and the development of that market niche by entrepreneurially oriented but beleagured university press directors in the 1970s. How many presses are issuing trade books? Hard statistical data is difficult to obtain. Yet a review of university press catalogues reveals a surge of interest in this book area. However, this niche does not belong exclusively to university presses. Intense competition is now surfacing from new, small but aggressive publishing houses interested in this market. This means that university press directors will be compelled to develop and utilize sophisticated marketing strategies if they plan to remain active and successful in this potentially lucrative but hotly contested market.  相似文献   

大众传媒在德国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者基于对德国大众传播的深入考察 ,从体制定位、市场性操作等角度论述了德国大众传媒运作的一整套体系———社会共识、法律定制及新闻自由等 ,说明了德国大众传媒运作不仅受到法律保护 ,而且成为德国文化产业中一个强大支柱。作者还就德国政府对该行业的高度重视及由此建立起来的产业化运作机制等方面 ,为我们提出了启发性思考  相似文献   

An interactive system of expert evaluations of offers made by the Russian and foreign information market of scientific literature issued in both printed and electronic form is described. The system supports the database of experts and the periodically updated database of offers of the information market. An expert evaluation is carried out over the internet from a special division of the LNS RAS site, access to which is available only to authorized users, i.e., experts. Expert selectors make decisions about ordering various editions for funding from the centralized library system by analyzing tables formed based on processed results from expert evaluations with the help of specially created software tools.  相似文献   

University press books play a pivotal role in the transmission of knowledge among academics and to serious readers outside universities. Yet the market for these books underwent substantive changes and posted lacklustre increases in net publishers' revenues and unit sales between 1985 and 1999. In this article, statistical data on university presses' net publishers' unit and dollar revenues, covering the years 1985 through 1999, are analysed to ascertain: (i) shifts in the channels of distribution; (ii) the future demand for university press books for the years 2000 through 2004; and (iii) the price elasticity of demand for these titles. Other issues addressed briefly include competition from commercial academic publishers, consolidation in the publishing industry, the rise in importance of the global market for university press books, and financial issues.  相似文献   


The press in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is closely tied to its communist sociopolitical structures. The North Korean press finds its modus operandi in the ‘Soviet Communist’ theory for its relationship with its government. This study examines the press laws and regulations in North Korea, pursuing three questions: (1) What is the status of the press as a sociopolitical institution in North Korea?; (2) What is the constitutional and statutory scheme relating to press freedom in North Korea?; and (3) What is the impact of the statutory mechanisms on the press in North Korea?

The press and other mass media in North Korea are totally controlled by the Korean Worker's Party. No dissenting voice is permitted in the news media. North Korea recognizes freedom of the press as a Constitutional right of their citizens. Nevertheless, there is a considerable disparity between the constitutional guarantee of press freedom and its practical application. In the name of ‘collective good’ as defined by President Kim II Sung and his party, the basic right to a free and independent press as understood in its libertarian sense is denied to North Koreans. While there are no separate specialized laws relating to the rights and/or responsibilities of the North Korean press, several indirect press laws are on the books. Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether they have any noticeable bearing upon the functions of the state‐controlled press. The impact of the statutes upon the North Korean press is negligible in that the press does not (or to be precise, need not) feel any statutory constraint. This is because there is no room for conflict between the North Korean press and law enforcement authorities.  相似文献   

SWOT智能情报分析系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱丽红  赵燕平 《情报学报》2005,24(3):318-323
SWOT分析方法可以对企业在行业中的位置,竞争对手以及市场进行一个客观的评价。但目前还没有能自动进行分析处理的软件,针对这种情况本文提出了一种基于神经网络专家系统的SWOT智能情报分析系统。该系统将企业的自身优势、弱势以及外部机会与威胁因素的定性问题全部转换为神经网络可识别的代码,进行不确定性推理得到的结果经过输出转换处理,将定量数值转换为实际问题的定性描述,分别形成针对企业的SO策略、ST策略、WO策略及WT四种策略,可为企业提供参考性的建议。经过初步测试表明系统具有较好的推理效率及容错性。系统可通过不断积累和学习新案例来提高系统的推理能力和解决实际问题的能力,同时具有人工分析所不可比拟的高时效性  相似文献   

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