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为明确不同吸烟机对卷烟主流烟气检测的差异,选取了4个牌号的试验卷烟,分别用直线吸烟机、转盘吸烟机对其卷烟主流烟气指标进行了分析评价。结果表明:直线吸烟机、转盘吸烟机在测定卷烟烟气焦油量、烟气烟碱量、烟气一氧化碳量虽存在一定差异,但并不显著。  相似文献   

为掌握滤棒添加剂对卷烟主流烟气中苯酚和巴豆醛等有害成分释放量的影响,采用不同比例的三乙酸甘油酯、活性炭和植物颗粒成型滤棒和卷制卷烟,通过标准方法进行相关评价。结果表明:(1)滤棒中三乙酸甘油酯施加量达到10%时,苯酚释放量最低;滤棒不同添加剂对巴豆醛释放量的影响不明显。(2)随着三乙酸甘油酯施加量的增加卷烟感官质量逐步增大,当施加量达到8%时达到最大;随着活性炭和植物颗粒施加量的增加卷烟感官质量逐步增大。  相似文献   

我国吸烟人数为3.5亿,居世界各国之首。除了数量庞大的烟民队伍,不久前中国卫生部发布的《2007年中国控制吸烟报告》将视线聚焦到了另一个深受烟草毒害的群体———被动吸烟者,这个曾被忽视的群体的规模更为庞大。该报告指出,根据研究推算,目前我国遭受被动吸烟危害的人数高达5.4亿,其中15岁以下的儿童有1.8亿。这里所说的被动吸烟,是指每星期至少有一天以上,至少15分钟暴露于烟草烟雾环境中。而近年的全国吸烟行为流行病学调查数据更让人忧心:城市和农村人群接触二手烟的比例分别达到49.7%和54.0%,有近半数的国人正遭受着二手烟的毒害。其中有20个省份50%以上的人接触二手烟,在青海、甘肃、山西、陕西、吉林、内蒙古等北方地区这一比例甚至高于60%。  相似文献   

为了研究不同比例梗丝对卷烟烟气特征及感官质量的影响,本次实验制备了5种比例不同样品,分别对其焦油量、烟气烟碱量和烟气CO量这三项烟气指标进行了检测,并对感官质量进行了对比评价。实验结果表明,梗丝对感官质量的影响阈值在12%掺配比例,每增加百分之一梗丝可使焦油下降约0.12mg。  相似文献   

为了解不同搭口胶施胶量对卷烟质量的影响,在相同条件下试验了3种不同搭口胶的施胶量。结果表明:试验条件下,(1)卷烟搭口胶施胶量对卷烟感官质量有一定影响,施胶量越小,卷烟的感官质量越好。(2)随着卷烟搭口胶施胶量的变化,卷烟的物理质量和主流烟气成分变化不明显。  相似文献   

基于UVE—SPA的卷烟味觉烟气成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,运用组合各方法长处的思路,通过应用无信息变量消除法(UVE)和连续投影算法(SPA)对卷烟烟气中影响卷烟味觉特征的有效成分进行了选择,从而分别确定了影响卷烟甜味、酸味和苦味的主要成分,并以所选成分作为输入变量建立偏最小二乘(PLS)回归模型;然后,分别与采用所有烟气成分或仅采用UVE方法所选的烟气成分作为PLS模型输入的结果进行了比较。结果表明,通过采用UVE—SPA组合方法而选取的变量所建立的PLS模型具有更好的预测能力,从而证明了它在卷烟味觉烟气成分分析中有效性,并为卷烟烟气的进一步研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

赵平 《中国科技纵横》2014,(5):267-267,269
目的:了解大学生吸烟行为现状,初步探析大学生吸烟行为的影响因素,从而有针对性的采取措施,为高校大学生控烟工作提供依据。结果在1683名调查对象中,存在吸烟行为的学生有289人,占17.2%。将单因素分析中有统计学意义的6个变量为自变量,引入Logistic回归模型,结果表明性别因素、年级因素、未来吸烟意向、同伴因素是大学生吸烟行为的影响因素。  相似文献   

正通过对烟气和内在感官质量指标的检测、分析与评价,"泰山"Y的感官质量以及烟气中的焦油、烟碱和CO含量变异系数均较小、属于正常波动,产品质量较稳定,为卷烟配方维护和质量控制提供参考。卷烟生产过程中,受叶组、香精香料、三丝配方以及接装纸、卷烟纸等原辅材料的变动可能会引起卷烟质量的波动,  相似文献   

赵娜 《今日科苑》2009,(22):176-176
"吸烟有害健康"已成为人人皆知的口头标语,吸烟产生的烟雾,含有诸多有毒成分,其中尼古丁和自由基是危害人体健康的顽凶。一部分吸烟者不以为然,仍旧对吸烟偏爱有加。人们了解一些吸烟的危害就显得很有必要。  相似文献   

赵娜 《金秋科苑》2009,(22):176-176
"吸烟有害健康"已成为人人皆知的口头标语,吸烟产生的烟雾,含有诸多有毒成分,其中尼古丁和自由基是危害人体健康的顽凶。一部分吸烟者不以为然,仍旧对吸烟偏爱有加。人们了解一些吸烟的危害就显得很有必要。  相似文献   

宗成  陈磊 《科教文汇》2012,(4):188-189
目前,在我国烟民数量逐年递增的大环境下,大学生的吸烟数量也在大幅度增加,同时引起更多的社会关注.作者结合辅导员工作实际情况,以高校大学生吸烟的现象为出发点,分析大学生吸烟的动机及危害以及高校实施控烟对学生工作的积极意义.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to understand the cigarette smoking-induced alterations in hormones and the resulting changes in platelet serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) activity in chronic smokers. Human male volunteers aged 35 ± 8 years, were divided into two groups, namely controls and smokers (12 ± 2 cigarettes per day for 7–10 years). Results showed that cigarette smoking significantly (p < 0.05) elevated plasma triiodothyronine (T3), cortisol and testosterone levels with significant (p < 0.05) reduction in plasma tryptophan and thyroxin (T4). Moreover, smokers showed reduced platelet 5-HT levels and MAO-B activity. In smokers, plasma cortisol was negatively correlated with tryptophan (r = −0.386), platelet MAO-B (r = −0.264), and 5-HT (r = −0.671), and positively correlated with testosterone (r = 0.428). However, testosterone was negatively correlated with platelet MAO-B (r = −0.315), and 5-HT (r = −.419) in smokers. Further, smokers plasma T3 levels were negatively correlated with platelet MAO-B (r = −0.398), and 5-HT (r = −0.541), whereas T4 levels were positively correlated with platelet MAO-B (r = 0.369), and 5-HT (r = 0.454). In conclusion, our study showed that altered testosterone and cortisol levels may aggravate behavior, mood disturbances and symptoms of depression by decreasing platelet 5-HT and MAO-B activity in smokers.  相似文献   

目的:了解桂林市乡镇居民的吸烟及居民对烟草的健康危害认知状况,为控烟策略的制定提供参考。方法:2012年12月份到2013年2月份,采用随机抽样调查的方法对桂林市的临桂县4个地区的自然村、镇居民进行了面对面的问卷调查。结果:共调查了184人,总吸烟人数为110人(59.78%);其中,男性吸烟有106人(84.80%),女性吸烟有4人(6.90%);在所有吸烟者当中,15~25岁占绝大部分,且基本上为初中以上文化,开始吸烟的年龄为12~18岁,第一支烟的来源为同学和朋友。调查的居民中46.74%知道吸烟对自己的健康有害,43.48%知道吸烟对别人的健康造成危害。结论:需进一步加强吸烟有害健康的的宣传教育,提高居民对吸烟有害健康的认识,加强以学校为单位的控烟宣传工作,杜绝第一支烟,减少青少年吸烟,降低全民吸烟率。  相似文献   

余书勤  单世明 《科技通报》1995,11(5):324-328
应用耐缺氧试验、光镜及扫描电镜等方法探讨了四味润肺中药对小鼠被动吸烟的保护作用.结果表明,被动吸烟可导致小鼠耐缺氧时间缩短,气管内膜上皮可见光镜及扫描电镜下病理性改变.太子参及川贝对吸烟所致损害的保护作用较强,玉竹的作用较差.  相似文献   

Aresearch group led by Prof. ZHAI Qiwei from the Institute for Nutritional Sciences under the CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences has discovered that even relatively low doses of resveratrol--a chemical found in the skins of red grapes and in red wine--can improve the sensitivity of mice to the hormone insulin, according to a report in the October,2007 issue of Cell Metabolism. As insulin resistance is often characterized as the most critical factor contributing to the development of Type 2 diabetes, the findings“provide a potential new therapeutic approach for preventing or treating” both conditions, the researchers said.  相似文献   

This study examined how students who had no prior experience with videoconferencing would react to the use of videoconferencing as an instructional medium. Students enrolled in seven different courses completed a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. Students at the origination and remote sites did not differ in their reactions toward videoconferencing but there was a significant difference for gender. Women reacted less favorably to videoconferencing. Compared to the beginning of the semester, students reported significantly less positive attitudes toward taking a course through videoconferencing at the end of the semester. There were no significant differences in students' attitudes toward videoconferencing across courses at the beginning of the semester but there were significant differences across the courses at the end of the semester. The results suggest the need for better preparation for both students and instructors.  相似文献   

Ajoint study by Prof. ZHANG Zhibin from the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers from Norway, US and Swiss have indicated that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold spells, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease the pest's numbers. The study was published in Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences on 17 September, 2007.  相似文献   

Active biological molecules and functional structures can be fabricated into a bio-mimetic system by using molecular assembly method. Such materials can be used for the drug delivery, disease diagnosis and therapy, and new nanodevice construction.  相似文献   

A computer-mediated group is a complex entity whose members exchange many types of information via multiple means of communication in pursuit of goals specific to their environment. Over time, they coordinate technical features of media with locally enacted use to achieve a viable working arrangement. To explore this complex interaction, a case study is presented of the social networks of interactions and media use among members of a class of computer-supported distance learners. Results show how group structures associated with project teams dominated who communicated with whom, about what, and via which media over the term, and how media came to occupy their own communication niches: Webboard for diffuse class-wide communication; Internet Relay Chat more to named others but still for general communication across the class; and e-mail primarily for intrateam communication. Face-to-face interaction, occurring only during a short on-campus session, appears to have had a catalytic effect on social and emotional exchanges. Results suggest the need to structure exchanges to balance class-wide sharing of ideas with subgroup interactions that facilitate project completion, and to provide media that support these two modes of interaction.  相似文献   

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