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袁薇  郭鸿 《继续教育》2012,(7):10-13
Web 2.0技术强调共享、参与、个人化和去中心化,在教学中能够满足成人学习者个性化和协作式学习的需求。借助Web 2.0技术和互联网络,开放学习、共享资源、教学互动将成为继续教育的有效途径。在介绍Web 2.0技术和主要应用的基础上,结合教学实践,论述Web 2.0技术对传统继续教育带来的教学内容、资源建设、策略选择、活动设计、教学评价等方面的教与学转变。对于Web 2.0技术合理、有效的应用,可为解决传统继续工程教育教学过程中的诸多难题提供新的思路与途径,为继续教育人才培养提供新的探索空间。  相似文献   

一、国内外教育资源共享现状 1.国外教育资源共享的经验与启示 在2007年国际开放与远程教育理事会(ICDE)常设校长会议上,荷兰开放大学校长弗莱德·穆德详细介绍了英国“开放学习”计划、荷兰“开放教育资源”计划和欧洲远程教育大学协会“服务于自主学习的多语言开放教育资源”等三大项目的进展,为我国教育资源共建、共享提供了很有价值的参考。截至2007年6月,  相似文献   

以用户参与为特征的Web2.0技术与服务为数字化学习提供了新的契机,教学法革新是技术有效整合于教学的关键要素.共享教学法(Contr0ibution-based Pedagogy)作为一种新兴教学法,考虑Web2.0时代用户的学习特征,强调学习者充分利用数字化技术创建和共享学习制品,鼓励学习者尊重与评价其他学生者共享制品,以促进同伴间相互学习.该文通过分析数字化学习环境中用户的学习需求,结合Web2.0学习环境的开放、共享、参与、交互特质,系统分析了共享教学法的内涵及其所蕴含的教学理念,比较了这一新兴教学法的教学论特征,从实用层面论述了共享教学法的技术支撑及具体的三阶段六步骤教学活动流程,结合典型案例分析了共享教学法的价值及意义,为技术有效整合教学提供了方法论层面的支持.  相似文献   

基于网络的教育资源环境经历了开放教育资源运动、在线教育与社交分享到智慧学习环境的发展.教育资源环境在为学习者提供丰富的学习资源的同时,对学习者的学习方式产生了重大影响,其发展追求是:开放与共享、协作与互动、融合与创新.教育资源环境须以学习者为中心,实现学习者与技术、资源最为自然和谐的交互,使其把注意力集中于学习过程,进而落实教育技术的宗旨:促进学习者学习,推动人的全面发展.  相似文献   

Web 2.0技术的蓬勃发展及其"个性化、社会性、开放性"的鲜明特性,为基于个人学习环境的学习变革带来前所未有的挑战。从知识共享的视角审视,Web 2.0个人学习环境的学习实质是学习者借助各种Web 2.0工具,经由寻求知识、供给知识、互通知识、享有知识等活动建立起的关联与交互。为顺应国家教育信息化"推进网络学习空间建设"的迫切需求与高等教育信息化"知识开放共享环境建设"的发展目标,本研究旨在探索构建支持知识共享的Web 2.0个人学习环境,尝试依托课程学习深度剖析Web 2.0个人学习环境中知识共享方式与策略,并采用个案研究法对其效果进行评价验证。研究发现,为实现对知识共享的支持,Web 2.0个人学习环境需要从学习者、学习共同体、学习工具、知识库等基本要素出发进行整体构建;交互是支持知识共享的核心机制。由此,促进Web 2.0个人学习环境知识共享的方式与策略主要有三种:连通性交互、传递性交互和认知性交互。个案研究表明,这三种方式与策略对学习者的知识共享文化与态度、知识获取与整理能力、知识表达与传递能力、知识内化能力有着积极的作用与影响。  相似文献   

发展中国家高等教育入学人数在可预见到的未来将持续快速增长。公立高等学校的面貌将改变。一些快速扩大的私立、营利性教育机构会更多地利用以技术为媒介的教育形式。远程教育的扩展会真正使学习变得更加开放。怎样确保更广泛地使用电子学习不会给学习者带来困难,以开放教育资源的利用活动来保证高质量、低成本的学习资料的供给,是开放大学在新世纪所要面临的问题。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛推广,以开放、共享为理念的开放教育资源网络覆盖城乡各地,越来越多的高校和教育机构利用高度发达的信息化手段,将自己大量的课程比如国家精品课程、网络公开课等放在网上供人们免费学习;特别是被称为"MOOC之年"的2012年,各国教育机构纷纷开发大规模网络开放课程,以在线课程为核心的互联网公司纷纷涌现并获得飞速发展,开放教育资源这一领域的学习方式和方法又取得了突破性创新。  相似文献   

由于新技术的广泛使用使亚洲远程教育对互联网的利用率大大提高。同时远程教育在亚洲的蓬勃发展也促进了新技术的使用。但是,教育质量、资源能否方便地获取、公平参与、新技术的利用以及利用互联网获得知识等方面的问题尚未解决。本文论述了亚洲远程教育在利用互联网方面的新趋势、新挑战、存在的问题以及做出的努力。 在历史背景、目前环境、近期变化以及开放大学的新角色的大环境下开展了亚洲远程教育近期发展的讨论。亚洲远程教育的发展迎合了利益相关者的需求,新技术的使用也促进其发展,亚洲开放大学可望在满足利益相关者需求的基础上进一步发挥其作用。 随着对互联网的使用不断增加,亚洲远程教育的发展趋势将会在教学和学习上进一步增加对互联网的利用,以及为远程学习者提供支持和行政服务的方向发展。亚洲远程教育机构能够向学习者提供各种形式的开放教育资源、混合式学习以及虚拟学习的机会。布卡开放大学(简称UT)提供的简短个案研究说明了该校如何引进新的教学和学习方法,以及新的支持和行政服务模式。该校发起的管理创新是重新把该机构建设成为一个学习型组织的一部分。为确保该机构的不断发展,质量保证已成为一个重要的管理战略。 由于地理位置、人口统计、客户数量的差异,以及语言、文化、技术水平、规范管理等方面存在的地区多样性,使亚洲远程教育在使用互联网方面仍然面临挑战。显然,亚洲远程教育的发展将依赖于新技术的增加和对新的学习资源的利用。亚洲远程教育将不得不重新设计、重新构建和重新发明新方法,以适应远程教学和利用学习资源。要确保亚洲远程教育的可持续性发展,在质量方面也存在巨大的挑战。最后,在介绍教育创新和改进方面,  相似文献   

“开放大学”的共同特征是运用领先的远程教育技术,突破时间和空间的限制,共享教学资源,促进开放学习,从而带来教育对象、教育观念、教育资源和教育过程全方位的开放。“2003世界开放大学校长会议”由上海远程教育集团主任张德明教授与联合国教科文组织教育助理总干事  相似文献   

开放共享、社会交互:网络课程中借鉴Web2.0理念的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
聂竹明 《现代教育技术》2010,20(6):87-89,114
网络课程已经成为一种技术存在与教育教学相融合的实践范例,是教师、学生在网络这种具体的技术支持下展开的教育交往与经验共享。在网络课程建设中借鉴Web2.0,就要借鉴其适应学习者不断增长的个性化与社会化需求的理念。这种理念,在个性化上体现的特征是"开放共享",在社会化上体现的特征是"社会交互"。通过开源软件系统Joekoe CMS、OBlog的整合设计,可在网络课程中实践Web2.0理念的融合  相似文献   

The factors affecting the adoption of open educational resources (OER) in higher education have become a research topic of great interest as OER continue to be widely used in universities, affecting the quality of teaching and learning. The reasons for OER adoption are diverse, across both individual educators and cultural environments. This study explored determinants of OER adoption by university educators in three cultural contexts utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). Data on educators' behavioral intention to adopt OER were collected from 152 educators in three countries, Korea, Japan and the United States. In every culture, habit was the strongest determinant of this behavioral intention. Other highly significant factors affecting OER adoption by educators varied by culture. In Korea, the strongest determinant was performance expectancy, in Japan it was social influence and in the United States it was price value. The moderating effect of culture was significant on three paths of the model, and the cultural specificity affecting OER adoption was substantial. Theoretical and practical implications related to the UTAUT2 model and OER policy are discussed.  相似文献   

自2001年美国麻省理工学院(MIT)对国际社会宣布推行开放课件(OCW:OpenCourseware)以来,越来越多的大学创建了开放教育资源(OER)项目,很多OER项目创立之初是受外来资金的支持,当项目周期临近或者结束的时候,大学OER是否具有长期的可持续性是很多项目也是开放教育资源运动本身发展面临的重要挑战。聚焦OER项目可持续性,主要是关注大学开放教育资源项目能否实现资金的自给自足和成本的自我补偿。美国杨百翰大学实证研究回答了三个问题:自主学习项目的课程转化为开放教育资源的成本如何?开放教育资源对付费学习项目产生怎样的影响?如果这种影响是积极的,是否足够支持在自主学习项目中维持一个开放教育资源项目?研究结果有力地说明,杨百翰大学自主学习项目转向开放共享模式后在财政上是可以实现自给的。杨百翰大学自主学习项目的OER试点课程提供了一个积极的结论,那就是开放教育资源提供机构可以实现自我的可持续发展,同时满足了向全社会免费开放课程、提供公共产品的目标。  相似文献   

通过综述有关开放教育资源(OER)项目可持续发展模式的讨论热点,分析了OER项目的成本结构;对Stephen Downes和Paul M.Dholakai总结的13种投资与盈利模式进行了分析和扩充,并将这些模式归纳为三个类别,即捐赠与资助类型、购买服务类型及合作与交换类型;并分析指出以办学机构(如高校)为主体纳入日常工作的OER建设项目,才是全球开放教育资源项目最可持续的发展模式。  相似文献   

The IMPOER project (implementation of open educational resources, OER) aimed to implement OER in a nursing programme at Dalarna University, Sweden. The university and its nursing programme have long engaged in e-learning, and the nursing programme has recently been awarded the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities E-xcellence Associates Quality Label. The quality award was based on the creation of a roadmap for the continuous development of e-learning and the implementation of OER. The results of the study illustrated that overall, the students and the educators were positive about using OER. They considered that this approach was a new way of learning, and they appreciated the fact that OER were free and easy to access. However, they felt overwhelmed by the amount of material that was available and they were concerned about quality. If the use of OER is to be sustainable, a change in attitudes and practices among students and teachers is likely needed regarding the use of resources on the web.  相似文献   

The recent developments within open educational resources (OERs) and open licensing have generated considerable interest among distance educators since open and distance learning is supposed to be the largest consumer/user of and contributor to OER. In China, given the policy of development and use of elaborate courses, conversion of radio and television universities into open universities, establishment of the China Open Resources for Education, and adoption of Creative Commons by the Chinese government, there seems to be further expansion of OER movement in the country. Against this backdrop, it was imperative to know how distance education/open university teachers use OERs and what constraints they face in doing so. This study reports a structured questionnaire and open-ended interview findings on all the 74 teachers of the Beijing Open University for four variables: awareness, needs, utilization, and constraints. The findings show that while the teachers were generally aware of OERs, they misunderstood all web resources as OER; the Chinese elaborate courses dominated the perception and use of OER; and those who used OER mainly required it for teaching content, relevant research, and for adopting teaching methods. Searching for OER, choosing appropriate OER and copyright issues were the common constraints to effective use of OER. These results have been discussed further in relation to international research studies on OER, the context of Chinese distance/open university education, and the Chinese OER policy.  相似文献   

It has been argued that Open Educational Resources (OER) present opportunities for innovation in education. However, there has been a lack of retrospective analysis of the forms of innovation that can emerge through OER, and the processes and challenges these entail. This paper presents a post-project analysis of the diverse uses and impacts of open courses produced through an international OER initiative. A thematic analysis of retrospective interviews and documentation from this case study is reported on, guided by a review of relevant concepts from innovation and OER literature. Through this we identify three archetypal forms through which the OER created opportunities for innovation: Specific Adoption; Preferred Practise and Foundations for Innovation. We identify drivers and inhibitors through which these forms of innovation interacted with each other in this initiative. This elaborates on the notion that a single existing model does not capture the multi-faceted relationships between innovation and OER.  相似文献   


While there is growing recognition and acceptance of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in teaching and learning, designing for their integration remains very challenging for educators. Adopting OER and OEP in their profession requires significant changes in practitioners’ pedagogical thinking and practices, which can be supported by the design of appropriate professional development experiences. At the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), significant successes in addressing this challenge have been achieved with the design and development of a rigorous approach and a robust model to support adoption of OER and OEP by practitioners using Scenario-based Learning (SBL). In this paper we explore the efficacy of a scenario-based approach to learning in the integration of OER by practitioners, reflecting on how the SBL approach was tested and refined over three continuing professional development (CPD) interventions conducted at the OUSL over 2013–2017. Based on the findings, we discuss what design strategies of the three CPD interventions best supported the adoption of OER and OEP by practitioners, how effective have been the theoretical constructs and the strategies adopted in the design of CPD interventions, the impacts of the CPD interventions and implications of these experiences for the future.  相似文献   

Digital media and open educational resources (OER) are said to redraw the boundaries between learners and teachers, by weakening the centralization of expertise and the distribution of subject-matter authority. This paper presents the findings of an ethnographic study of how the use of OER mediates the relations between self-directed learners and facilitators in two online open courses offered at a non-formal educational organization. Findings highlight the different role played by OER in mediating the relations between learners and facilitators in the two courses. In one course, early-stage learners encountered difficulties in repurposing OER and needed help to move to a more advanced stage of conceptual understanding. In the other course, well-read participants used OER to develop an affinity space in which the facilitator was a fellow learner. The findings suggest that OER are better viewed as artifacts-in-interaction rather than resources to be delivered as they are to learners. Although facilitators at P2PU do not play the role of academic teachers, it is argued that the influence of OER on the facilitator role can have implications for that of the academic teachers as well.  相似文献   

Open education, including the use of open educational resources (OER) and the adoption of open education practice, has the potential to challenge educators to change their practice in fundamental ways. This paper forms part of a larger study focusing on higher education educators’ learning from and through their engagement with OER. The first part of the study was a quantitative survey investigating educators’ learning behaviour when they learned to use OER in their practice. The second part of the study explored qualitatively how educators engaged with OER and how they conceptualised their learning. Data were gathered through interviews with 30 higher education educators. This paper reports the analysis of these interviews. The analysis draws on the theory of self-regulated learning and cultural–historical activity theory to explore the challenges adult education practitioners encounter when changing their practice. The study tests the application of a framework that traces the discursive manifestations of contradictions, exploring how this framework can be used to examine different aspects of self-regulated learning as educators learn how to use OER. We have identified three distinct tensions in higher education educators’ practice: tensions between the emerging needs of the individual (as he or she adopts new forms of practice) and organisational policies; between the transfer of responsibilities from educators to students as new practice is embedded and institutional accountability; and between cost efficiency and learning objectives. The framework for the discursive manifestations of contradictions was a useful tool used to surface these apparent tensions.  相似文献   

利用开放教育资源推进终身学习   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2001年,麻省理工学院(MIT)启动了“开放课件“(OCW)计划.这是一项耗时多年、规模浩大的工程.该项目依托互联网,旨在免费提供麻省理工学院全部的电子课程材料.休利特基金会(the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation)慷慨解囊资助了目前几乎所有的开放课件计划和项目,已成为开放教育资源运动中的决定性因素.另一个具有决定性的因素就是联合国教科文组织(UNESCO),是它敏锐意识到了开放教育资源的重大意义,尤其是对发展中国家而言,所以成功推动了开放教育资源运动的发展.2006年,由休利特基金会资助的欧洲开放教育资源三大计划掀起了开放教育资源运动的新浪潮.互联网上免费提供专为自主学习设计的优质学习材料,而非大学教师的传统教学材料,体现了开放教育资源的额外附加值.本文阐述了欧洲三大计划及其特征,这些计划都是以开放和灵活的方式推进终身学习,也是达成里斯本战略目标中关于提高劳动力教育水平的必要条件.三大计划的另一个有待探讨的问题是,开放教育资源这一革命性的运动改变了潜在的商业和市场模式,但是开放教育资源的可持续性发展问题却成了人们的关注点.同时,这三个项目的一些具体特征也受到了特别的关注:英国的计划课程规模相对较大,过程中的基础和重点放在技术、非正规协作学习、社区的研究和评价方面;荷兰的计划致力于正规和非正规学习的衔接、国家有关政府额外拨款资助的政策,及相应的效果测量;欧洲远程教育大学协会的计划则针对提升欧洲高等教育普及率、促进多种语言和文化多样性的发展,以及各个国家教育体系在互相承认方面应采取的共同措施.总之,我们正在目睹一个教育范式的转变,这需要我们在谨慎思考的同时,大胆采取相应的行动.  相似文献   

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