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针对当今社会对体育人才需求状况与高校体育专业教育资源日趋紧张的矛盾,河北师范大学体育学院以"创建体育学科各本科专业通用课程设置方案的研究"为题申报了河北省教育科学"十五"规划课题,经课题组为期2年的研究,设计出由学校公共必修课、学科必修课、专业必修课、学科公共选修课和跨学科公共选修课5大课程模块组成的一个体育学科各本科专业都能够适用的培养方案。该培养方案通过学科必修课和学科公共选修课(各专业公共选修课)的设立,使学生的知识结构更加符合当今社会厚基础宽口径的要求并有效地扩大了学生自选学习内容的空间,教学班次的减少和班容量的更趋合理,使教学资源的配置更加合理并形成了择优任教的机制。  相似文献   

操作系统是计算机及其相关专业本科生的主干必修课,在计算机知识结构中有着极其重要的地位和作用,可为学生较全面建立关于计算机系统的概念。操作系统实践是培养学生动手能力,深入理解操作系统运行机制和原理的重要一环。国内大多数高校根据学校、课程开设专业、学时及不同偏重方向设置了操作系统实践教学环节。通过操作系统实践教学,可以提升学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性,加强对学生自学能力、分析问题和解决问题能力的培养。  相似文献   

大学日语专业选修课的课程建设研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前高校日语教育的教学内容及教学方式等都发生了很大的变化,但诸多教学改革与研究的对象都集中在日语精读、日语泛读等这些专业必修课上,很少有人关注、探讨专业选修课的课程建设问题。日语专业必修课的课程设置与教学效果的优劣直接影响到学生的专业素质,改善目前国内高校日语专业选修课的课程设置,是专业日语教学迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

“商务英语”专业的现状与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过中央电大与对外经济贸易大学“商务英语”专业,以及中国高校“商务英语”专业与英国高校“商务学习”专业的现状比较,认为中央电大该专业课程设置中必修课以语言类课程为主,选修课专业倾向性不明显;中国高校强调知识的传授,而英国高校则专注于能力的培养。随着中国培养大量国际化商务人才的需要和学生英语水平的迅速提高,“商务英语”专业必将得到一个更大的发展,因此,必须进行课程设置与教学内容的改革,突出专业特点和能力培养,以适应与国际接轨的需要。  相似文献   

加拿大在CBE理论基础上,形成了以学生学习结果为本OUTCOMES课程开发教育模式,使得学前教育和烹饪专业成为加拿大荷兰学院的品牌专业,笔者通过实地学习研究,针对加拿大CBE模式及OUTCOMES课程开发与高校体育教育专业培养模式中的培养目标、专业设置、课程设置开发等环节的分析,提出构建高校体育教育专业培养模式建议,为高校体育教育专业培养模式的构建提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中小学体育教师武术教学能力是推动学校武术教学发展的重要指标.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,对20所高校体育教育专业武术必修课的培养目标、技术内容、课时保障、师生对中小学武术教学的认知程度、教学方式、学生学习兴趣投入、考核标准、教育效果等八个方面进行调研.研究发现:高校体育教育专业武术必修课设置方案缺失武德教育、内容设置与中小学教学脱节、课时保障不到位、教师对中小学武术认知程度偏低等.对此建议:高校体育教育专业要聚焦专业培养目标,课程设置上加强与中小学武术教学内容的衔接;增加学习课时保障,提升师生对中小学武术教学的认知;丰富学生学习方式,发挥小群体教学和以评促教的作用;课程设计指向教学效果提升,促进学生武术教学能力持续性进阶发展.  相似文献   

<正>目前,中职学校与高等院校之间的课程衔接存在以下问题:中职与高校课程设置及教学内容的重复造成学习时间的浪费;中职阶段专业课程的设置不能满足高等院校对学生基本专业能力的要求;大多数中职学生的数学、英语等文化基础课程的基础比较薄弱,难以适应高校文化基础课程的学习等。"3+4"分段培养模式的人才培养方案是按照七年一体的原则,整体设计人才培养目标、培养标准,统筹制定文化基础、专业理论和专业技能课程衔接贯通的教学体系、课程体系。中职一高校衔接课程设置应整体考虑,从而构建一体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

台湾大学土木工程专业本科培养特色的分析与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解高水平大学土木工程专业课程设置的特点,对台湾大学工学院本科土木工程专业的课程设置进行了研究。该校土木工程专业共144学分,所设课程涵盖校定共同必修科目、通识课程以及专业必修课和与专业方向有关的群组课,课程设置比较灵活,注重知识、能力和素质的结合,在工程教育课程教学中实现了系统化思维和服务学习的理念,对高校制定、实施和完善土木工程卓越计划专业培养方案具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过与相关老师电子邮件联系和因特网查询,收集了全国43所高校的物理教育专业的最新培养方案。对教师教育类课程中的公共必修课、专业必修课、专业选修课的设置及其学分和课时进行统计,对统计结果分析与讨论后,总结出高校物理教师教育类课程设置的特点,发现其存在的问题,提出了课程设置与教学内容的改革建议,并得出了物理教师教育类课程的设置方案。  相似文献   

非计算机专业高级程序设计语言课程教学模式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高级程序设计语言课程是高校重要的计算机基础课之一。本文从注重非计算机专业学生知识、能力和素质培养的教学理念出发,提出了老师指导下的学生自主型学习模式以及相关的教学方法和教学实践方案,以达到改善学生知识结构,充分挖掘学生的学习潜力,增强学生动手能力的目的。  相似文献   

This conceptual paper suggests a methodology for increasing student satisfaction in core courses by applying the principle of mass customization to increase student satisfaction. It proposes that customization can be increased by increasing course flexibility along three dimensions: content flexibility, schedule flexibility, and course length flexibility. The increased flexibility provides opportunities for both student‐centered customization and the cross‐functional integration of the core course with other disciplines. Core courses were targeted because of their high volume of students specializing in something other than the core course being taught and the associated general disinterest of these types of students. There are two main sections. The first section provides an overview to the proposed course structure while the second provides suggestions about computer‐based technology that can be used to support the structure presented in the first section. Examples are presented that pertain to a core course in statistics, but the technology and course structure presented are easily adaptable to core courses in any discipline.  相似文献   

Participation in service-learning courses has always been considered a part of the informal education in tertiary education worldwide. Originating from the assumption that service-learning courses increase students’ civic engagement and bridge the gap between knowledge and practice, service-learning courses have gradually acquired the status of compulsory courses at universities. This being as it may be, it would seem that the nature of such courses would benefit from further analysis and discussion regarding their function in knowledge reproduction, and their role in teaching and education. The aim of this article is to examine and analyze a university service-learning course—the National Taiwan University (NTU) Star-Rain course with a commitment to serving children with autism—from a Foucaultian perspective, and reflect on how the process of putting knowledge during a service-learning course into practice comes to constitute the subjectivity of students who work with children who are autistic. We argue that the course under investigation has, in effect, become wholly entangled in the medical system’s treatment of autism in Taiwan. The service-learning process involves knowledge acquisition as well as long-term, detailed, concrete hands-on experience, and shapes, in a very complete way, students’ construction of their subject knowledge of autism.  相似文献   

"土力学与地基基础"是土木工程专业核心基础课,具有知识点繁多、工程计算复杂、理论应用灵活等特点,而传统授课课时少,内容多,课堂教学空间严重受限,学生难以深入理解及应用。在分析课程专业特色与学生关注热点的基础上,基于MOOC、超星学习通、实验空间等信息教学手段,将知识点与学生关注热点有机结合,录制线上标准化视频,构建知识点的线上线下多渠道传播路径。采用案例式、探究式、情景式等教学方法开展线上直播、线下面授,最大限度地激发学生好奇心,提升课程吸引力。通过构建二主体、三阶段全过程考核体系,保障课程完成率。实践表明,在"土力学与地基基础"课程中采用线上线下混合式教学可操作性强,取得了较好的实践效果,有助于拓宽教学时空,实现掌握专业技能的目标。  相似文献   

This study aims to provide insights into the role of learners’ knowledge structures about a socio-scientific issue (SSI) in their informal reasoning on the issue. A total of 42 non-science major university students’ knowledge structures and informal reasoning were assessed with multidimensional analyses. With both qualitative and quantitative analyses, this study revealed that those students with more extended and better-organized knowledge structures, as well as those who more frequently used higher-order information processing modes, were more oriented towards achieving a higher-level informal reasoning quality. The regression analyses further showed that the “richness” of the students’ knowledge structures explained 25 % of the variation in their rebuttal construction, an important indicator of reasoning quality, indicating the significance of the role of students’ sophisticated knowledge structure in SSI reasoning. Besides, this study also provides some initial evidence for the significant role of the “core” concept within one’s knowledge structure in one’s SSI reasoning. The findings in this study suggest that, in SSI-based instruction, science instructors should try to identify students’ core concepts within their prior knowledge regarding the SSI, and then they should try to guide students to construct and structure relevant concepts or ideas regarding the SSI based on their core concepts. Thus, students could obtain extended and well-organized knowledge structures, which would then help them achieve better learning transfer in dealing with SSIs.  相似文献   

Taiwanese vocational high schools (VHSs) deliver general English courses. This paper explores the extent to which these courses are perceived to be appropriately vocationally orientated. This focus gives rise to two main research questions: what are VHS students’ expectations from their English courses, and to what extent are they being met? The research identifies a mismatch between VHS students’ perceived needs from their English course and the actual course of study they receive, which is set by the Ministry of Education. VHS students have clear expectations that their English course will provide them with vocationally relevant knowledge and skills, but the English course they receive does not necessarily equip them for their future employment. Implications for government and educational institutions are explored, including recommendations that English curricula should be reviewed, and that steps need to be taken to ensure that policy goals are in fact delivered.  相似文献   

网络工程制图课程是高职网络专业的必修课程,是提高学生动手能力、充分表现理论与实践相结合的最好课程之一。教学中,要提高学生的学习兴趣,因材施教;考核方法可分为阶段性测验和最后期末上机考试,考核要体现公平和公正性;同时要提高教师专业知识和自身修养。  相似文献   

“行业会计”课程理论上可纳入高职会计专业13门核心课之一,它在帮助学生拓展专业知识,完善知识结构,培养工作能力等方面发挥重要的作用。但据调查,极少数高职院校开设该门课。通过对该门课程的内容分析以及对高职会计专业学生的就业需求的调查结果,认为该门课的开设有利于缩短学生与各行业就业岗位的距离。同时,鉴于“行业会计”课程的特征及其在整个会计课程体系框架中与其他会计专、渺幸修课程的关系.廊特别注意该门课狸柏勘堂青津  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来中国基础教育在课程结构、综合课程、课程管理制度等方面的改革,是逐步深入与完善的,由不合理到比较合理。课程结构改革首先把活动粪课程正式作为课程列入课程计划,同学科类课程相辅相成,然后在学科类课程中又分为必修课程和多种选修课程,这样有利于学生素质的全面提高及获得更多的选择和发展的机会。综合课程改革在各省市积极探索的基础上,构建了分科课程与综合课程相结合的新基础教育课程体系,综合课程的设置减少了学科门类和内容,减轻了学生的学习负担,有利于学生的全面发展和各种能力的培养。课程管理制度实行国家、地方和学校三级课程管理,并明确了国家、地方和学校承担不同的权力与责任,有利于调动学校和教师的积极性,使学校办学更有特色,学生发展更有特长。但这些方面的改革,仍然存在一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Background: Nationally, many public universities have started to move into the online course and program market that was previously associated with for-profit institutions of higher education. Public university administrators state that students seek the flexibility of online courses. But do students want to take courses online, especially freshmen-level science courses perceived to be difficult?

Purpose: This study investigated student views related to the potential of a physics course they were currently enrolled in being offered online.

Sample: This study took place at a large, public, mid-western university and involved students enrolled in either the first or second semester of a face-to-face flipped physics course for engineering technology majors.

Design and methods: Discussions with students during the semester about their online course experiences and expectations were used to develop the concourse and subsequently the Q sample to perform a Q methodology study about students’ views regarding taking physics courses online. Additional statements for the concourse and Q sample were taken from communications with administrators at the university. In this way, the statements sorted by the students included those from students and those from administrators. Factor analysis of the Q sorts resulted in three factors, each representing a unique perspective. Interpretations of these perspectives included the analyses of the Q sorts, the researcher’s interactions with students and administrators, and students’ written responses regarding their previous online course experiences and their sorting decisions.

Results: Three unique student views emerged were named: keeping it real and face-to-face, Online could be ok depending upon the course and instructor, and Online not for STEM classes. Consensus among the views is also discussed.

Conclusions: Overall, students’ views are negative concerning having physics courses, including labs, online and those views conflict with statements expressed by administrators regarding students’ desires for online courses at the university.  相似文献   

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