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This paper uses a novel data source, namely German employee inventors’ compensation records compiled in compliance with the German Employee Invention Act of 1957 to estimate the returns to patented inventions. In contrast to patent value estimates obtained from surveys and renewals, these records primarily provide a measure of the value of the use of the invention and not the value of patent protection. While indicators of patent value explain much of the variation in these patent value estimates, the values are only weakly correlated with the estimated renewal value of the patents. The distribution of patent value from these records is highly skew, with the vast majority of the returns earned by a select set of high valued patents, consistent with finding for other measures of patent value. The value estimates however are considerably lower than recent survey estimates with most of the patents having little or no realized value, suggesting that the returns appropriated through the use of an invention may represent only a fraction of the value of a patented invention.  相似文献   

The value of U.S. patents by owner and patent characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses renewal data to estimate the value of U.S. patents, controlling for patent and owner characteristics. Estimates of U.S. patent value are substantially larger than estimates for European patents, however, the ratio of U.S. patent value to R&D for firms is only about 3%. Contrary to a common assertion, patents issued to small patentees are much less valuable than those issued to large corporations. Litigated patents are more valuable, as are highly cited patents. However, patent citations explain little variance in value, suggesting limits to their use as a measure of patent quality.  相似文献   

We propose an empirical strategy to estimate competition in innovation markets. Our method relates firms’ market return on equity to information about patent citation patterns. Two innovations are implemented in the methodology. First is the application of daily abnormal stock returns rather than annual measures of Tobin's q. Second is the creation of citation patterns related to the area of science a firm patents in as represented by the detailed patent classification system. We find that markets positively reward firms when patents are granted. We further find that firm's market value increases when its patent portfolio is cited. We find evidence of competition in innovation markets. The market reacts at the time that the citation occurs and does not anticipate future citations at the time of patenting. Holding this effect constant, we find that citations from patents in the same area of science tend to reduce market value. We interpret these findings as consistent with more citations indicating more valuable intellectual property but citations from competing technologies decreasing it.  相似文献   

In recent years, firms have increasingly contributed to and been confronted with a patent landscape characterized by numerous but marginal inventions, overlapping claims and patent fences. As a result, firms risk their patent applications to be pre-empted or to be infringed upon by rivals. While both aspects constitute major challenges for the appropriation of returns to inventive activity, extant literature suggests that participation in the market for technology might actually resolve or at least alleviate these problems. In this paper, we investigate the effect of pre-empted and infringed patents on firms’ engagement in in- and cross-licensing. Based on a sample of more than 1100 German manufacturing firms our results show that firms engage in in-licensing as a reaction to pre-empted patents and in cross-licensing if their protected IP was infringed upon. However, these effects vary depending on the fragmentation of technology fields and whether the firm operates in a discrete or complex product industry.  相似文献   

运用马克思劳动价值论分析技术和专利作为商品的二因素,可以发现技术和专利的价值都不包含"不费分文"的前人科研劳动成果,专利作为商品出售所获得的剩余价值有限,专利作为生产资料发挥其使用价值能够在专利保护期内获得持续的超额剩余价值,在专利实际工作中专利运营的最终目标还应放在专利作为生产资料的实施应用上来。  相似文献   

The impact of the geographical origin of patents on the probability of an opposition being filed and a patent being revoked has been examined in this paper, after accounting for patent value indicators and industry specificities. The study is based on a dataset of approximately 450,000 EPO granted patents and 24,000 patent opposition cases in the years 2000–2008. We find that patents with a first priority in the US are less likely to be challenged, although they are relatively more likely to be revoked than patents with a priority in a member country of the European Patent Convention. Patents from Japan have less probability of being opposed and are less likely to be revoked than the other countries. A disaggregation of the European countries has revealed that patents with a German priority have a higher or similar likelihood of being opposed than patents from the other countries, with the exceptions of The Netherlands and Denmark.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在弥补现有专利价值评估方法对高价值专利评估的不足,使专利价值评估体系更加全面.[方法/过程]分析了影响高价值专利"溢价"的主要因素,通过量化高价值专利综合价值的技术质量参数、专利的基本价值参数和综合控制参数值,构建单项高价值专利评估的综合价值模型.[结果/结论]构建的单项高价值专利评估综合价值模型的优点...  相似文献   

Timo Fischer 《Research Policy》2012,41(9):1519-1533
Patent trolls, or NPEs, appropriate profits from innovation solely by enforcing patents against infringers. They are often characterized as relying on low-quality patents, an assessment that, if correct, would imply that eradicating such patents would effectively terminate the NPE business. In this paper, we shed light on this issue by empirically analyzing NPEs’ patent acquisitions. We draw on a unique dataset of 392 U.S. patents acquired by known NPEs between 1997 and 2006, which we compare to three control groups of 784 U.S. patents each acquired by practicing firms. We find that the probability that a traded patent is acquired by an NPE rather than a practicing entity increases in the scope of the patent, in the patent density of its technology field and, contrary to common belief, in the patent's technological quality. Our findings thus support recent theoretical propositions about the NPE business model, showing that NPEs procure patents that are more likely to be infringed, harder to substitute for, and robust to legal challenges. The fact that NPE-acquired patents are of significantly higher quality than those in the control group implies that elevating minimum patent quality will not put an end to the NPE business, and suggests that this business is sustainable in the long run. We furthermore discuss the fact that NPEs are peculiar players on markets for technology insofar as they are solely interested in the exclusion right, not in the underlying knowledge. We posit that transactions involving NPEs may only be the tip of the iceberg of “patent-only” transactions, a conjecture with strong implications for the efficiency and the study of markets for technologies. Managerial and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

周克放  乔永忠 《科研管理》2021,42(10):148-155
专利无效程序对于控制专利质量具有重要作用。以2008-2017年期间信息通信技术(ICT)领域被提起无效宣告请求的专利为样本,在根据专利有效性进行分组的基础上,分析“维持有效”和“宣告无效”两组专利在6项指标及在无效程序中援引法条的差异。结果显示:技术覆盖范围和引证专利数与专利质量显著负相关,非专利文献引用数与专利质量正相关;专利质量还与技术可专利性及专利文件的撰写和修改具有重要关系,专利可能会因为专利申请和修改过程中的程序和实体等基本问题被宣告无效。因此,评价专利质量时不仅应当重视技术和经济指标,还应对专利申请、授权、无效审查过程中可能涉及的相关因素进行综合考察,特别是专利无效审查时可能涉及到的专利文献内容等。  相似文献   

贾瑞乾  陈松  李炼 《科研管理》2019,40(8):198-205
专利数量和结构是表征企业乃至国家创新能力的重要指标。而近年来,国内出现了低质量专利泛滥的现象,企业迫切需要明确的专利组合战略,以有效提升企业的价值。本研究通过收集2012-2016年上海地区制造业上市公司的专利拥有量,并选取托宾Q系数作为企业价值衡量指标,分析专利组合对制造业上市公司价值的影响。结果表明:第一,专利数量可有效提升企业价值,如果组合中发明专利的比例足够大,则提升组合中专利的数量可显著提升企业的价值;第二,不同创新程度的专利对企业的价值影响不同,创新度高的发明专利对企业价值的提升效果更为显著。本研究为企业制订合理的专利组合战略、提升企业价值提供了理论依据,并为政府制订差异化的专利申请资助政策提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether strategic motives for patenting influence the characteristics of companies’ patent portfolios. We use the number of citations and oppositions to represent these characteristics. The analysis is based on survey data from German companies, which are combined with EPO data covering applications from 1991 to 2000. We find clear evidence that the companies’ patenting strategies are related to the characteristics of their patent portfolios. First, companies using patents in the traditional way to protect their technological knowledge base receive a higher number of forward citations for their patents. Second, the motive of offensive - but not of defensive - blocking is related to a higher incidence of oppositions, whereas companies using patents as bartering chips in collaborations receive fewer citations and fewer oppositions to their patents.  相似文献   

This paper uses patent citation data to analyze the quality of university technology across European regions. The empirical analysis draws on a panel dataset of 4580 European university-owned patents classified by 202 European regions over the period 1998-2004. The methodology involves a multilevel framework to identify the effects of factors at three hierarchical levels (individual, university, and regional) on the quality of university patenting. The results suggest that regional factors, such as the level of development, industrial potential, and regional higher education R&D expenditure, do not play any significant role in determining the quality of European university patents. We instead find that the factors affecting patent quality stem from their specific characteristics. We also find that university size does not explain the quality of patents. However, there is significant unobserved heterogeneity at the university level in all models, suggesting that differences in other university characteristics explain a substantial part of the variance in patent quality.  相似文献   

Contrary to an accepted wisdom, this paper shows that cross-country variations in the number of patents per researcher do not only reflect differences in the propensity to patent but also signals differences in research productivity. We put forward and test an empirical model that formally accounts for the productivity and the propensity component of the R&D-patent relationship. The two components play an important role, as witnessed by the impact of several policies, including education, intellectual property and science and technology policies. Indicators based on domestic priority filings reflect research efforts and are primarily affected by varying propensities to patent. In contrast, international filings, especially triadic patents, rather capture variations in research productivity.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对专利文献的特殊性,选择合适的引文分析方法和研究单元,对专利“睡美人”进行识别和分析。[方法/过程]通过总结分析现有“睡美人”识别方法,选择对总被引次数依赖性小、可规避不同学科引文差异影响的Bcp指数方法识别筛选专利“睡美人”。利用Incopat专利信息平台,检索清华大学的所有专利文献,统计分析引文分布,筛选Bcp指数Top50的简单专利族,并以一个典型专利家族为例分析专利“睡美人”的价值。[结果/结论]Bcp指数方法可行和有效。本文修正了Bcp指数方法相关指标,并明确其计算方法。筛选出的简单专利族绝大多数有很高的合享价值度,属于高价值专利,但专利“睡美人”处于有效状态的比例低。如果能尽早识别筛选出关注度不太高但具有高价值的专利“睡美人”,对促进技术持续研发和迭代、加强专利布局、提高专利成果转移转化,实现专利的经济价值有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

朱雪忠  李艳 《科研管理》2021,42(7):22-30
我国正由仿制药大国向创新药大国加速转型,越来越多的企业由仿制药企业向创新药企业转变。新角色下被提专利权无效宣告请求的风险日益升高,对企业专利管理实践提出新挑战。首次将我国原国家食品药品监督管理总局药品审评中心发布的《中国上市药品目录集》中创新药企业信息,与国家知识产权局专利局复审和无效审理部公布的专利权无效宣告请求案件信息链接。基于法律纠纷理论模型框架,实证分析药品发明专利无效请求发生概率的影响因素。研究表明:专利价值越高、专利法律质量越低、信息不对称程度(或当事人对无效结果的期望分歧)越大,被提无效请求的风险越高。与理论分析不一致的是,与制剂/组合物专利相比,药用化合物和药用生物分子专利被提无效请求的概率更低。研究结论为企业有效开展药品发明专利被提无效请求的风险预警提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

首先,梳理并总结国内外核心专利识别方法的研究进展。国外学者主要通过专利引文、同族专利大小、权利要求数及专利诉讼4个指标来识别核心专利,国内学者主要通过专利引文、同族专利大小、布拉德福德定律和综合指标来识别核心专利;国外学者未给出核心专利的定义,国内学者给出了核心专利的定义。然后,在现有研究的基础上重新定义核心专利的概念,将一定时期某技术领域内具备一定竞争力和/或市场价值的专利称为核心专利;并假设这些专利与其他专利相比具有某种特殊属性,可以从专利文献信息中分离出来,称这种分离方法为核心专利识别。最后,提出采用综合指标识别核心专利,采用客观方法确定核心专利指标权重,并基于时域和技术领域开展核心专利指标效力研究是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

This study investigates empirically whether patents can be signals to financial markets, thus reducing problems of asymmetric information. In particular we study how patenting behaviour impacts on the way investors perceive software firms’ growth potential through an increase in the amount invested at the initial public offering (IPO) of firms in the US and Europe. This study performs regressions on the relationship of patent applications before IPO and the amount of money collected at the IPO, while controlling other factors that may influence IPO performance. We also attempt to account for a potential source of endogeneity problems that can arise for self-selection bias and simultaneity between the number of patent applications prior to going public and the amount of money collected at IPO. We find significant and robust positive correlations between patent applications and IPO performance. The signalling power of patenting is significantly different for US and European companies, and is related to the difficulty in obtaining a signal and its scarcity. An additional patent application prior to IPO increases IPO proceeds by about 0.507% and 1.13% for US and European companies, respectively. Results suggest that a less ‘applicant friendly’ patenting system increases the credibility of patents as signals and their value for IPO investors.  相似文献   

Business cycles modify firms’ incentives to innovate and the direction of innovation. By introducing a new measure of patent unconventionality this paper explores the impact of the business cycle on firms’ technological search strategies. We find that during upturns firms generate inventions characterized by a higher level of technological unconventionality. We also find that financially resilient and diversified firms produce more unconventional patents. While patent unconventionality is associated with technological impact and market value, firms extract more value by investing in unconventional inventions in downturns.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于《专利代理条例》强化高价值专利培育导向,以有效举措激励高价值专利产出和转化运用,支撑专利代理机构高质量发展.[方法/过程]通过调研分析,指出目前高质量知识产权服务的机构总体偏少,行业规模与机构规模不匹配、市场需求与机构能力不匹配、国内业务与国际业务不匹配、服务本地与服务长三角一体化乃至全国不匹配、面临...  相似文献   

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