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生态语言学是一个新兴发展起来的由生态学和语言学相结合的语言学分支。它注重于研究语言的生态因素和其与生态的关系,揭示语言与生态环境的相互作用,使人们认识到两者的重要性。文章从生态语言学的国内外研究现状、研究模式、研究存在的问题和发展前景对生态语言学做一综述,以引起大家对其关注。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,不断有大量的网络语言涌现出来,同时也有许多曾出现过的网络语言消失。网络语言的出现一方面增加了语言的多样性,丰富了语言生态系统,为语言生态系统注入了生机和活力。但网络用语有时因为不受传统语法规则的限制而会对使用者的母语产生威胁。本文从生态语言学角度出发,对网络流行语的形成和发展过程中的生态因素进行分析,并对网络流行语使用的意义进行探析。同时,生态语言学为网络语言研究提供了一个崭新的视角,也为语言生态的平衡、规范网络语言提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

生态语言观认为,生物多样性与语言多样性有着密切的关系。物种的多样性造就了语言的多样性,物种之间竞相进化,生态和谐共生,构成生机勃勃的万千世界,语言的演进亦是如此。本文在生态语言视域下对“中国英语”的产生、初步发展和快速发展等阶段性演进历程进行了分析,指出“中国英语”不仅丰富了世界英语的内涵,而且在维系语言系统的生态平衡中发挥着积极的作用。  相似文献   

生态批评语言学是新兴的生态语言学的一个分支,其任务是基于生态语言学的三个基本原则在语言和言语层面对非生态的语言使用和语言系统中的人类中心主义现象进行分析批评,以此揭示现实语言中不利于生态环境健康发展的思想,培养人们的生态环境意识,强调语言在解决生态环境问题过程中的影响和作用。  相似文献   

双语问题是白族教育研究中的一个重点和难点问题。本试从双语个体心理特征出发,探讨在不同的语境里,不同的交流对象前的语码转换现象,分析在多语言社会中双语因母语弱化而产生的语码选择和转换,从化学和语言学的角度探讨白族双语教育中的双语双化现象。  相似文献   

双语教学是少数民族地区全日制学校中特有的一种教学形式。随着这种教学形式的拓展和对其研究的深入,它已从最初的一种教学手段逐步发展成为整体性的教育现象,最终发展成为民族教育学的一门分支学科。双语教学涉及两种语言现象,因而,除了需要受到教育理论的指导外,还需要受到语言学、心理语言学等理论的辅导。心理语言学是一门心理学和语言学相结合而产生的比较新的一门学科。心理语言学和双语教学都关涉人和语言,它们之间有许多内在联系。然而两个学科长期没能很好结合,处于相互割裂状态。本文把两者联系起来,试图用心理语言学的知…  相似文献   

在我国,“双语”通常指英语和汉语这两种语言。双语教学源自双语现象,英国《朗曼应用语言学词典》对“双语教学”所下的定义是:能在学校里使用第二种语言或外语进行各门学科的教学。据此,体育双语教学是主要指学校中全部或部分采用外语(英语)传授体育基本知识、技术和技能的教学。一、高校体育双语教学中存在的问题1.师资力量发展滞后。体育双语师资的严重缺乏和发展滞后是导致体育双语教学难以推广的关键因素。目前的情况是,外语水平较高的教师一般不具备体育专业知识,而懂专业知识的体育教师外语水平尤其是口语表达能力相对较低。目前能较…  相似文献   

近几十年来,双语研究在国际上受到重视,有了较大的进展.人们重视双语问题,是因为它与社会生活、社会发展和人类的进步有着密切的关系.世界上任何一个国家都不同程度地存在双语问题.近代,由于科学文化的发展,操双语的人数日益增多,而且还在不断发展.第二次世界大战以来,国外许多语言学家把双语研究看成是语言学中最重要的问题之一,建立了一些研究机构,开展了一些专题研究.双语研究被当做一个新的学科提了出来,人们对它的重要性有了新的认识.双语问题的出现不是偶然的,而是在长期的历史发展过程中逐渐形成的.在存在着民族矛盾、民族压迫的地区.语言使用问题是个十分敏感的问题.双语问题往往造成语言冲突,导致民族矛盾的激化.一九三二年比利时出现的法语和佛兰芒语的矛盾,引起了政治  相似文献   

语言源于人类社会,是人类在社会劳动中形成的一种重要生存手段;语言也是诸多社会现象的一种,必然受到其它社会因素的影响.因此,语言的研究离不开社会,语言学的研究也必然与社会学的研究密切相关.社会语言学旨在运用以语言学和社会学为核心的诸多学科的理论和方法,理顺语言与社会的关系,深层次地探究语言形成、发展甚至是变异的社会因素.  相似文献   

语言生态理论要求译者具有语言意识,关注语言生态因素间的协作,为对外翻译提供了新的理论指导和研究视角。统筹考虑语言生态因素可以优化对外翻译的译文质量,塑造可持续发展的译文提升空间。文章参照语言生态理论,以2019年中宣部地方优秀外宣品一等奖获奖图书《敦煌文化关键词》为样本,从读者受众和译介选材、翻译策略和方法、译者文化情感以及评价原则方面解读分析语言生态因素的统筹考虑对本书的英译产生的影响,展示了对外翻译中的语言生态机制如何在具体的翻译任务中得以体现,为对外翻译的未来发展提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

This study examines imagined professional and linguistic communities available to preservice and in-service English as a second language and English as a foreign language teachers enrolled in one TESOL program. A discursive analysis of the students' positioning in their linguistic autobiographies suggests that the traditional discourse of linguistic competence positions students as members of one of two communities, native speakers or non-native speakers/L2 learners. The analysis also suggests that contemporary theories of bilingualism and second language acquisition, in particular Cook's (1992, 1999) notion of multicompetence, open up an alternative imagined community, that of multicompetent, bilingual, and multilingual speakers. This option allows some teachers to construe themselves and their future students as legitimate L2 users rather than as failed native speakers of the target language.  相似文献   

In this article I apply constructs of language as economic and symbolic capital, transnationalism, investment, and imagined community to an analysis of interviews with immigrant parents living in Vancouver, Canada. These parents promote multilingualism by maintaining their family language and enrolling their children in French Immersion programmes. I argue that they view multilingualism as capital and invest in language education as a means of securing their children's access to various imagined language communities. Referring both to a transnational perspective and a national context of official bilingualism, they imagine that French Immersion education will enable their children to participate in a Canadian French-English bilingual community while maintaining the family language will ensure affiliation with their heritage language communities in Canada and abroad. In addition, they imagine that multilingualism will equip their children with valuable language resources that help transcend national borders. This discussion highlights the overlap and distinctions of theoretical constructs and raises questions about the objectives of language education and immersion programmes in an increasingly mobile and multilingual society.  相似文献   

在新疆这样一个多民族、多语种的社会环境里,民族接触和语言的双向交流是形成双语现象的自然条件;政治、经济、文化生活的需求,是形成双语的现实动因.语言态度作为双语发展变化的内部因素,从宏观的角度看,会对一个地区社会群体成员双语的发展变化产生一定的影响;从微观的角度看,也会对个体成员的心理状态和语言行为产生重要的影响.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which Latino children’s literature portrays cultural models of bilingualism and identity affiliations based on language and cultural practices. We focus attention the messages in seven children’s books about practices of and attitudes toward Spanglish, standard Spanish, and individual and societal bilingualism. In addition, we analyze how characters construct their cross-cultural identit(ies), based their language use and engagement in local and transnational cultural themes. Using assertions based on cultural model analyses, we show how portrayals evident in these books inform and are informed by larger cultural models of being bilingual and belonging to Latino bilingual communities in the U.S.  相似文献   

刘伟 《海外英语》2012,(16):274-275
In the past ten years, Korean language has received a remarkable success in its spread over East Asia, especially in China. There are generally five geographical factors making Korean language achieve in its spread. Influenced by the factors of natural environment, economics, immigration, politics and diplomacy, and cultural communication, the spread of Korean shows that the temporal characteristics of language variation and bilingualism, and the spatial characteristics of principle of proximity and population center.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development and experiences of two African American Language speakers who are on the precipice of biliteracy and bilingualism. Using a composite counterstory that integrates samples of the girls' language during daily routines as a critical race theoretical analytic tool, we examine their language virtuosity as well as their positive perceptions about AAL. Contrary to pervasive deficit perspectives and narratives about AAL, the counterstory reveals that the girls sometimes viewed Standard English (SE) as bothersome and tedious, and they actively resisted it. At other times, they embraced it when they determined using AAL instead of SE made sense. We capture aspects of their emergent biliteracy and bilingualism as they navigate between two literacies and languages. We demonstrate their transliterate and translingual confidence and proficiency. Implications for educators are included.  相似文献   

The majority of bilingual speech research has focused on simultaneous bilinguals. Yet, in immigrant communities, children are often initially exposed to their family language (L1), before becoming gradually immersed in the host country's language (L2). This is typically referred to as sequential bilingualism. Using a longitudinal design, this study explored the perception and production of the English voicing contrast in 55 children (40 Sylheti‐English sequential bilinguals and 15 English monolinguals). Children were tested twice: when they were in nursery (52‐month‐olds) and 1 year later. Sequential bilinguals' perception and production of English plosives were initially driven by their experience with their L1, but after starting school, changed to match that of their monolingual peers.  相似文献   

The Maltese National Minimum Curriculum published in 1999 sought to strengthen bilingualism by reinforcing the practice of teaching and assessing some subjects in English and others in Maltese. It also pointed out that code-switching should only be used in cases of severe pedagogical difficulties. As a new National Curriculum Framework was being prepared some educators suggested language as a possible barrier to student progress and argued that the traditional practice of teaching subjects such as science in English should be reconsidered. This study investigated language choices, function and code-switching in science lessons. Classroom observations, interviews and focus groups showed that in state schools 12-13 year old students were being taught science predominantly in Maltese while reading, writing and formal assessment were in English. Students who were more exposed to English, irrespective of class stream, used this language more frequently than those who were less exposed to the language. The findings seem to suggest that teachers may be overcautious. While code-switching may initially provide technical terms and serve as a bridge between the two languages, eventually it can give way to a more precise and formal use of English thus ensuring both learning of science and development of bilingualism.  相似文献   

Much of the research on bilingualism and math learning focuses on the potential challenges that bilinguals and language learners may face. The current line of research took an alternative approach and explored whether a bilingual advantage may emerge for a novel algebraic problem solving task that requires symbolic thought, the Symbol Math task. No differences were seen between bilingual and monolingual samples on basic math or executive control tasks; however, a bilingual advantage was seen in performance on the Symbol Math task across two experiments. The results suggest that bilingualism may improve the ability to engage in more abstract or symbolic thought processes, which may have important implications for algebra learning.  相似文献   

眼下小学普遍开设英语课,但是效果有待于进一步提高。本从双语制和双方言现象分析,认为儿童语言(包括母语和第二语言)的习得和学习都离不开语言环境(家庭、学校和社会)。所以,本认为人为地创造语言环境(家庭和学校)是提高中国儿童学习英语效率的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

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