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论文在剖析学员实践能力培养不足的基础上,提出将实践能力培养提前至从大一做起,从小事做起;加强课程实验和课程综合设计建设;强化创新基地与本科生实验室的联合,强化创新基地的培训功能三点建议,以期能进一步提高我院创新型人才的培养水平。  相似文献   

实验教学是培养学生实践能力、创新精神和综合素质不可替代的重要环节.现有课程实验普遍存在学时少、验证性实验为主、内容陈旧等问题,在一定程度上难以实现个性化培养高质量人才的目标.探索基于电磁仿真和加工测试结合的可重构天线新实验设计,将科研成果转化为创新实验教学资源,培养学生创新意识、用科研方法解决复杂工程问题的能力.研究结...  相似文献   

本文概述地球化学专业的特点和培养目标及定位,提出目前地球化学专业本科生培养普遍存在着科研动手能力薄弱的问题,并通过教学实践的成功案例,探讨了采用延长创新实验周期、加强实验室的开放力度、增加综合性和设计性实验、科学研究与教学工作有机融合及提高"产学研"基地的利用率等一系列的应对措施来提高地球化学专业本科生科研动手能力的可行性。  相似文献   

在研究国外发达国家本科实践教学采用形式的基础上,结合我国高校的实际,提出了我校综合改革本科实践教学环节的设想和思路。整合大学四年级专业课程教学、课程实验、课程设计、生产实习、毕业实习及毕业设计,创设"围绕产品开发的综合系统实验实践及设计"的创新教学模式。使学生成为学习、实践、设计、创新的主体,使实践教学真正成为培养创新意识、创新能力、创新人才的重要环节。  相似文献   

当前教学设计研究面临两大现实困境:一方面由于其受心理学以及心理学实验的影响较深。研究成果不能有效反映现实情境,对教学实践的指导作用受到质疑;另一方面已有的教学设计研究集中在描述性问题和因果性问题上,缺乏对“如何设计”这一机制性或过程性问题的深入思考。当前国际有关学习与教学设计研究的发展趋势表明,教学设计研究需要创建可用的、境脉申的、聚焦学习的教学设计理论。在创建和改进教学设计理论过程中,“前设性”与“涌现性”的理论创建与改进研究路线是两条可能的研究路线。这种研究路线必须扎根于真实课堂情境,在真实教学境脉中发现和解决问题,并将革新的学习环境设计活动与基于证据的经验研究结合起来。这是创建可用的教学设计理论、走出教学设计现实困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

In this response, I advocate for the value of considering theory in the design‐based research that Gersten describes in “Behind the Scenes of an Intervention Research Study.” I argue that such an emphasis: is consistent with the literature on design experiments, is integral to advancing knowledge building within domains, serves to advance the work of a field, and supports the dissemination of instructional research. I illustrate these points, drawing upon the research described in the article by Gersten.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing debate within art and design education research about the role, legitimacy and accountability of artefacts in the creation and generation of knowledge. I present an artefact‐based approach to visually documenting and disseminating my doctoral practice‐based fieldwork that protected the anonymity of the participants whilst supporting my exploration of the situational, interactional and tacit dimensions of participation. Constructing a three‐dimensional scaled model of the fieldwork setting and using narratives from my field notes, I undertook a cyclical reflective process where I reconstructed critical moments that took place. This was used as both a tool for communicating my participatory design educational practice and for evaluating my findings with the participants. By sharing this sense‐making process, I offer an ethical means of visually documenting fieldwork when working in sensitive contexts and with vulnerable participants, setting out the dual role this design artefact played as both a producer and carrier of experiential knowledge.  相似文献   

自动控制原理是电气信息类学生的一门重要专业课,本文设计了基于倒立摆系统的自控原理辅助教学实验,使理论与实践相结合,有利于学生理解控制理论中的一些重要概念,了解实际系统的控制设计过程。同时可拓展学生的知识面,培养学生科研能力和创新思维能力。实践证明倒立摆教学实验具有很好的辅助教学效果,适于推广到一般二类本科院校的自控原理教学中。  相似文献   

In science education in the Netherlands new, context‐based, curricula are being developed. As in any innovation, the outcome will largely depend on the teachers who design and implement lessons. Central to the study presented here is the idea that teachers, when designing lessons, use rules‐of‐thumb: notions of what a lesson should look like if certain classroom outcomes are to be reached. Our study aimed at (1) identifying the rules‐of‐thumb biology teachers use when designing context‐based lessons for their own classroom practice, and (2) assessing how these personal rules‐of‐thumb relate to formal innovative goals and lesson characteristics. Six biology teachers with varying backgrounds designed and implemented a lesson or series of lessons for their own practice, while thinking aloud. We interviewed the teachers and observed their lessons. Our results suggest that rules‐of‐thumb, which differed substantially among the teachers, indeed to a great extent guide the decisions teachers make when designing (innovative) lessons. These rules‐of‐thumb were often strongly associated with intended lesson outcomes. Also, teachers’ personal rules‐of‐thumb were more powerful in determining the lesson design than formal innovative goals and lesson characteristics. The results of this study encourage more research into how rules‐of‐thumb reflect teachers’ practical knowledge, for which suggestions are made.  相似文献   

培养创新型人才的本科毕业论文(设计)体系建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以科研课题为中心,选取合适的内容设计开放式的研究型实验,并与本科毕业论文(设计)结合起来,学生积极参与,教师进行分级多层次的指导,实现创新型人才的培养。经过近三年的实践探索,证明了这种培养模式是成功的,它既提高了学生的综合素质,也提高了青年教师的科研素质,还提高了学校的科研水平。  相似文献   

This article is intended to supplement a published research report ( Gersten, Baker, Smith‐Johnson, Dimino, & Peterson, in press ) on an instructional intervention study by discussing some of the behind‐the‐scenes issues that typically do not appear in a published research report. In particular, I discuss how use of design experiments helped shape the intervention, the interaction between research questions and research design, and the role of intuition in designing and refining experimental studies of instruction.  相似文献   

本文针对高校基础化学实验课程如何培养学生创新能力的问题,指出了传统实验教学模式存在的弊端,并指出产生弊端的原因在于对教学内容缺乏设计,以及情境创设不足.同时,本文也分析了情境教学法的优势,并在基础有机化学实验课教学中,提出了五种情境创设方法.通过具体实验案例,笔者阐明了采用情境教学法进行教学设计的过程以及所产生的教学效果,认为基础实验教学通过适当的情境创设,可激发学生的实验兴趣,培养学生的实践能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

本文针对"材料设计和系统模拟"课程内容多、涵盖面广等特点,探讨了该课程课堂教学和上机实践教学的体系建设。课堂教学的主体内容包括最优化实验方案设计、不同空间尺度的材料设计方法以及材料加工过程的数值模拟。上机实践教学创新性设计为正交实验方案设计和结果分析、基于相图计算的材料设计和Materials Studio在材料设计与模拟中的应用。  相似文献   

The Future Something Project (FSP), a two‐year action research project, was devised to nurture the creative and technological talent of small groups of young people at risk by creating a structured network, mentored and driven by creative professionals exploring innovative ways for the two distinct target groups to work together. The project practice is located within the new field of interaction design and takes a social and critical approach to art and design pedagogy. The external research team found that one valuable way of looking at the FSP enterprise was through the social theory of communities of practice (CoPs) developed in the 1990s by Lave and Wenger. The creation of a learning community as a pedagogical strategy is central to the conception and practice of this project. This article, therefore, sets out to apply an existing theory to a new art and design context together with more general thoughts on learning communities. It explores the potential of new technologies and different settings to effect learning within structured networks and local and virtual communities of practice.  相似文献   

职业院校学生创新意识和实践能力培养的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对五年制高职学生的创新意识培养、实践能力的研究成为当前五年制高职学校一项重要研究课题,《职业院校学生创新意识和实践能力培养的研究与实践》是江苏联合职业技术学院南京分院近几年来一直从事的研究工作,由江苏联合职业技术学院南京分院电气工程系与学校团委两个部门的老师分工协作完成。本研究主要以校级创新比赛和电子设计项目为依托,以省、市创新大赛为平台,探讨适用五年制高职学校在专业教育教学中对创新意识和提升学生实践能力培养的新途径。  相似文献   

设计了氧化石墨烯/聚丙烯腈纤维膜油水分离性能的研究型综合实验。实验设计包括前期文献调研、氧化石墨烯的制备、氧化石墨烯/聚丙烯腈纤维膜的制备、膜分离性能测试等部分。教学实践表明,研究型综合实验的开展有利于提高学生综合运用各种专业知识的能力,有助于科研型、创新型人才的培养。  相似文献   

Addressing changes in conditions for practitioners that can be related to education policy in England and Wales since 2010, this article presents issues faced by teachers of art and design and their responses in practice. The current insistence on transparency in education emerges through policy that audits performativity, in a limiting skills bank. Practitioners in art and design are particularly affected by what I term ‘the transparency‐exclusion paradox’, as they battle to maintain the subject area and are ‘othered’ by the English Baccalaureate and Progress 8. I will discuss an emergent ‘ethos of ambiguity’ among artist‐teachers and contemporary artists, with a theoretical basis informed by Beauvoir and Foucault. Empirical data from research participants will be evidenced, to explore strategies of response in inclusive social practice. This article adds to literature that considers the effects of policy in implementation and it contributes to research on creative expressions of ambiguity in the arts.  相似文献   

设计性物理实验是高校物理实验体系的重要组成部分,与传统的测量性、验证性物理实验相比,设计性物理实验更具开拓性和创新性,对于培养学生的创新精神和实践能力具有重要作用.立足新建本科院校教改实际,从设计性物理实验教学的必要性和可行性出发,就设计性物理实验的教学模式、教学设计进行了探讨.  相似文献   

This article is an interdisciplinary reflective response to an intensive studio learning and teaching experience involving artists, academics and postgraduate students. The authors of this article teach, research and practise in coding, digital design, dance, and virtual and live performance. As lecturers and students we reflect upon and propose future approaches to art practice in tertiary education informed by live performance, performance capture and studio‐based responses to digital and virtual platforms. We reflect on an innovative contribution to the field of research–teaching nexus as informed by digital and virtual data capture identifying the key element of immediacy in live performance and choreographic improvisation with systems. We reflect on practice‐based inquiry via the Choreographic Coding Lab (CCL) model – a dialogical negotiation between capture technology and interdisciplinary artists in industry and academia. How can we encourage potential studio inquiry as an adapted model in tertiary learning and teaching? Our interdisciplinary voices, presented as authors’ reflections, provide suggestions for future studio‐based, active learning contexts.  相似文献   

介绍了课程教学和实验教学的方法和体会。以科研实验室为依托,将基础理论与生物镁合金设计、加工、合金熔炼、塑性热处理和表面改性等前沿研究相结合,向学生讲授基础理论的同时,结合课题组的科研项目,选拔本科生提前进入实验室,组成自主性创新实验小组,开展创新实验。通过课程实验、综合设计实验、创新实验和创业实验等多层次实验环节,调动学生学习的主动性,培养其实验基本技能、创新能力和团队合作精神。  相似文献   

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