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商务汉语考试(BCT)是为测试第一语言非汉语者从事商务活动的汉语水平而设立的国家级标准化考试。BCT有纸笔考试和机考两种并行的考试形式,以满足汉语考试用户的不同需求。本文将机考(CBT)的考试结果与纸笔考试(PBT)的结果进行初步的分析比较,在此基础上对BCT机考的设计作出评价。比较的结果显示:BCT纸笔考试和机考的考试结果总体上比较接近,输入汉字与手写汉字的样本在判断考生的书面表达能力上都能提供足够的信息,因此对两种媒介的考试进行统一的分数解释是可行的。  相似文献   

语言能力标准之间的对接有利于不同测评体系分数的互认与解释。本研究探讨《中国英语能力等级量表》(CSE)与《欧洲语言共同参考框架》(CEFR)在阅读技能方面的级别对应关系。研究采用共同锚题非等组设计,将63条CEFR阅读描述语和104条CSE锚题描述语组成15份问卷,同时辅以半结构化访谈,共收集超过2 700名教师的5 441个作答数据和超过23 400名学生的23 460个作答数据。结果显示,CSE阅读量表与CEFR阅读量表之间存在着相对清晰的级别对应关系。  相似文献   

欧洲汉语能力基准项目(European Benchmarking Chinese Language Project,EBCL)是欧盟资助并由来自英、法、德、意的四所高校承担的研究项目,其主要目的是依据《欧洲语言共同参考框架(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,CEFR)》为欧洲的汉语学习者制定一个可以参考的汉语能力基准框架。本文首先简要介绍欧洲汉语能力基准项目及其参考依据——欧洲语言共同参考框架,并以欧洲汉语能力基准项目阅读理解能做说明为例,阐述基准项目对欧洲框架的继承与发展,最后论述了基准项目和欧洲框架对国内汉语水平考试研发的启示。  相似文献   

中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是考查汉语非第一语言的中小学生的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试。本文通过分析在尼泊尔举行中小学生汉语考试(YCT)面临的主要问题,探讨解决问题的相关对策,探析举行中小学生汉语考试(YCT)对尼泊尔中小学汉语教学的意义,希望对中小学生汉语考试(YCT)在尼泊尔的进一步开展提供参考。  相似文献   

《跨部门语言圆桌标准》(ILR)和《欧洲语言共同参考框架》(CEFR)都是国际上具有影响力的语言能力标准,对外语教学大纲、课程设置、考试测评起到了重要的作用。航海类专业英语听说教学要突出自己的特色,就应该有个性化的教学大纲和水平评估框架。基于Hutchison和Waters等著名学者对需求分析的研究理论,探究已从业人员在实际工作中完成与英语听说能力相关的交际任务时需要具备的语言能力,将语言能力需求分析的结果与ILR和CEFR的语言能力标准尽心匹配,通过比较及匹配研究,确定更适合作为制定航海类专业英语听说能力评估框架的参照标准。  相似文献   

多数辞典、教科书对日语复合助词[につぃて(は)]的意义和用法只做一种解释,且认为[につぃて(は)]与汉语介词“关于”之间存在对应关系.那么,[につぃて(は)]的意义和用法究竟如何?与“关于”之间存在怎样的对应关系?各有什么特点?文章试回答上述问题,  相似文献   

Asset Languages是一种以CEF框架为基础的多语种测试。近些年来,由于它的灵活性、适应性等特点,使它得到了欧洲语言学习者的青睐。2005年它也推出了相应的中文测试。虽然Asset Languages(中文)本身还存在着一些问题,但它作为一种以CEF为基础并和欧洲其他语言测试等级相对应的汉语测试,它对我国汉语水平考试的改革也有着很大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

HSK已经在新疆推广并实行了15年。2011年5月新疆全面实行MHK,考试形式、考查内容、考查重点与HSK相比发生了很大变化。因新疆高校预科暂实行MHK(三级)测试,故本文对MHK(三级)考试大纲与HSK(初、中等)考试大纲进行了对比分析,力求找出两种考试的异同,为HSK向MHK的顺利过渡提供一些参考。  相似文献   

中小学生汉语考试,是面向第一语言非汉语的中小学生汉语学习者的国际性考试。该考试共分为三级。本文以中小学生汉语考试(二级)的实测数据为研究对象基础,讨论了中小学生汉语考试(二级)的信度与效度问题。研究结果表明,中小学生汉语考试(二级)的题目质量较好,难度控制理想,试卷结构合理,信度较高。  相似文献   

随着部分地方新建本科院校向应用技术性的转型,这些院校的英语课程改革将面临巨大的挑战.本文将探讨欧洲语言共同参考框架(CEFR)的理论框架,揭示目前地方新建本科院校英语课程存在的问题,并在CEFR框架下探讨应用技术型英语课程在英语能力标准制定、课程体系、教学模式、英语实践能力和评价体系方面应进行的改革.  相似文献   


This article employs the Common European Framework Reference for Language Acquisition (CEFR) as a basis for evaluating writing in the context of machine scoring. The CEFR was designed as a framework for evaluating proficiency levels of speaking for the 49 languages comprising the European Union. The intent was to impact language instruction so that “mastery” of one language has the same meaning as it does in another. A second objective is to provide a crosswalk for what one automated writing evaluation (AWE) system does in attending to the dimensions of the framework. The CEFR Framework is divided into five traits and different proficiency levels. The question then becomes: Does the AWE system attempt to measure these dimensions of writing? And, if so, how is this operationalized? Is it measuring aspects of communication that are not specified? The goal here is to create a common vocabulary between the writing community and those interested in AWE systems as to what is actually being measured by their software, and mapping that to a developmental scale of writing performance.  相似文献   

Cut‐scores were set by expert judges on assessments of reading and listening comprehension of English as a foreign language (EFL), using the bookmark standard‐setting method to differentiate proficiency levels defined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Assessments contained stratified item samples drawn from extensive item pools, calibrated using Rasch models on the basis of examinee responses of a German nationwide assessment of secondary school language performance. The results suggest significant effects of item sampling strategies for the bookmark method on cut‐score recommendations, as well as significant cut‐score judgment revision over cut‐score placement rounds. Results are discussed within a framework of establishing validity evidence supporting cut‐score recommendations using the widely employed bookmark method.  相似文献   

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has emerged as a global policy in language education which has been ‘borrowed’ by nations across the world. This paper presents a critical analysis of Malaysia’s borrowing of the CEFR as part of English language curriculum reform with particular reference to policy motivation and implementation processes as outlined in the English Language Education Roadmap for Malaysia (2015–2025). The analysis draws on Phillips and Ochs’s (2003, “Processes of Policy Borrowing in Education: Some Explanatory and Analytical Devices.” Comparative Education 39 (4): 451–461.) framework for examining educational policy borrowing to highlight challenges as well as prospects of the implementation of the global policy in higher education in Malaysia.  相似文献   


In the field of second and foreign language learning, the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) is widely-used for setting language proficiency standards within European, and increasingly global, contexts. Few studies, however, have investigated the ways in which systemic, macro-level factors within national educational contexts may influence standard setting practices using the CEFR. In this paper, we explore this issue through an analysis of recorded discussions within standard setting sessions for the Épreuve Commune for English, a national English language examination in Luxembourg. The data reveals four key sources of influence on standard setting decision-making: Luxembourg’s unique language ecology, streamed schooling, the national curriculum, and an ongoing exam reform project. Through this analysis, we argue that Luxembourg functions as a critical case illustrating the tension between international standards of language proficiency and local realities.  相似文献   


There are quite a few challenges in the development of an automated writing placement model for non-native English learners, among them the fact that exams that encompass the full range of language proficiency exhibited at different stages of learning are hard to design. However, acquisition of appropriate training data that are relevant to the task at hand is essential in the development of the model. Using the Cambridge Learner Corpus writing scores, which have been subsequently benchmarked to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels, we conceptualize the task as a supervised machine learning problem, and primarily focus on developing a generic writing model. Such an approach facilitates the modeling of truly consistent, internal marking criteria regardless of the prompt delivered, which has the additional advantage of requiring smaller dataset sizes and not necessarily requiring re-training or tuning for new tasks. The system is developed to predict someone’s proficiency level on the CEFR scale, which allows learners to point to a specific standard of achievement. We furthermore integrate our model into Cambridge English Write & ImproveTM—a freely available, cloud-based tool that automatically provides diagnostic feedback to non-native English language learners at different levels of granularity—and examine its use.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the impact of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) on the way English language teaching (ELT) is currently understood and practised in Malaysia. It presents a critical discourse analysis of newspaper texts in order to show how CEFR represents a form of Western-imposed globalisation that conflicts with local cultures and values. We argue that the newspapers construct a dominant discourse that promotes a vision of society that accords with CEFR–ELT implementation. Our aim is to contribute to the development of a counter-discourse that challenges the broader world-view underpinning ELT.  相似文献   

通过分析《欧洲语言共同参考框架:学习、教学、评估》扩展版对手语能力的描述,提出我国通用手语等级标准的总体框架。该框架将手语能力分为语言能力、语用能力和社会语言能力3个部分,设置5个手语能力量表,分别为词汇能力量表、语法能力量表、表达内容量表、表达效果量表和社会语言能力量表。量表的级别在初步确定的"三级六等"的基础上,每个等级增加半级,以满足不同手语使用者的需求。对手语能力的考查,建议灵活使用多种方式,从语言理解和语言表达2个方面进行考查。  相似文献   

This paper first provides a brief overview of the history and current usage of the concept of competence in academic research, and then undertakes a critical discussion of how the term is currently used in educational policy. The running example used throughout the paper is competence in foreign language learning. The PISA study is discussed to demonstrate how the concept of competence has come to prominence in the international discourse on education in recent years. Following this, particular attention is given to the situation in Germany where there has been a shift towards competence as an aim of teaching in recent years, coupled with an increased focus on standards and accountability. The relationship between competence and standards is examined critically, since some authors appear to use the two interchangeably whether or not this is justified. Finally, the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) and a German curriculum document are examined critically with regard to their use of the concept of competence.  相似文献   

欧洲理事会于2001年出台欧洲语言教学与评估的共同参考框架和欧洲语言档案,以便通过广泛的途径促进欧洲人的语言学习、语言教学、语言评估的透明度和一致性。在过去近10年里,这两个文件已经迅速成为欧洲和其它国家外语学习与外语教学领域中最有影响力的评估工具。在教育国际化的背景下,有必要了解这两个评估工具的具体内容并从中得到启示。  相似文献   

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