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通过多年系统的游泳比赛技术监测采集游泳比赛途中游各项技术数据,以世界综合排名前100名运动员成绩为划分依据,研究女子100m蛙泳、200m自由泳运动员途中游分段速度、划幅、划频、游速的特点。研究结果显示:在女子100m蛙泳和200m自由泳中,世界优秀运动员均呈现快划频的趋势;在对成绩预测中,通过运动员的划幅、划频比较容易预测运动员成绩增长情况和上升空间,即在成绩相同情况下,运动员划频慢,成绩提高幅度大;对10名优秀女子100m蛙泳运动员的途中游个性研究和多年成绩分析表明,她们划幅、划频的个性特征非常明显,蛙泳优秀运动员相对集中,运动员年限也长;在对女子200m自由泳优秀运动员的途中游个性研究和多年成绩分析结果表明,与蛙泳不同,200m自由泳运动员个性化不是非常明显,优秀运动员相对保持高水平成绩年限少,运动员分散,说明自由泳运动员的各种能力和水平更趋于一致,优秀运动员保持高水平的能力要求更高;蛙泳对运动员的身高要求最少,而技术要求最高,是适合亚洲人的一项运动;运动员出成绩后保持高水平年限长,符合经济学原理;蛙泳项目一直是亚洲的强项和我国的传统优势项目。  相似文献   

为了揭示近年来男子400m个人混合泳项目比赛呈现的特征,主要采用数理统计等方法对近年来国内、外重大游泳比赛成绩进行分析。与奥运会前3名水平相比较,全运会前3名混合泳运动员自由泳分段成绩胜出,但蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳分段水平均要落后。全运会上前8名运动员各个分段均落后于奥运会前8名运动员,差距最大的是仰泳,其次是蝶泳、蛙泳和自由泳。通过对2011—2013年国内、外重大游泳比赛参加个人混合泳决赛的运动员成绩统计来看,同组中,优秀运动员一般采用蝶泳、仰泳分段控制节奏,蛙泳和自由泳分段发力领先对手的体能分配方案;水平略差的运动员蝶泳和仰泳分段一般领先,后半程由于诸多原因呈落后趋势;还有一种表现形式,就是其他泳姿表现一般,但在自己优势泳姿上全力以赴,但从对应的名次来看,这种体能分配往往取得不了较好的成绩。研究表明,国内男子个人混合泳整体水平较国际水平尚有差距,后备人才梯队建设和项目制胜规律应该引起重视;从分段成绩上考虑,蝶泳和仰泳差距较大;从混合泳体能分配特征来看,各分段泳姿对总成绩的影响是不同的,游进过程中采用蝶泳、仰泳分段控制节奏,蛙泳和自由泳分段发力领先对手的分配方案,可能在同组中发挥更好成绩;单纯利用自己擅长泳姿,不注意整体体能分配,一般不会获得理想成绩。  相似文献   

叶诗文在2013年世界游泳锦标赛的成绩分析发现,在各个泳姿阶段的成绩远差于2012年的伦敦奥运会成绩;从分段速度统计发现虽然叶诗文各分段速度明显落后于前3名运动员,但其转身后的速度不差于前3名运动员,有几个转身后速度还具有明显的优势;叶诗文的训练需要重视蝶泳的第2段,蛙泳的全程段,而优势段的自由泳水平的保持与提高亦是能否再登巅峰的关键。通过统计近3届世界大赛的成绩,分析女子400m个人混合泳进行组内和组间偏相关性得出:前后半程的速度波动产生的影响主要体现在第5段即蛙泳第1分段上。典型相关分析结果和分段间的相互关系分析得出,仰泳的第3段和第4段的速度变化对蛙泳的第5段和第6段有较强的影响作用,仰泳第3段不仅影响蛙泳的第5、6段,还对自由泳的第7、8段产生影响,因此仰泳的第3段的体能分配尤为重要,保证自由泳阶段冲刺能力不受影响的前提下,提高仰泳段的成绩显得尤为重要,但要有所控制,否则结果适得其反。  相似文献   

目的:探讨国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略,各种泳姿对比赛成绩的影响以及性别和游泳能力水平所扮演的角色。方法:国内和国际各三场比赛中94名运动员的分段成绩和比赛用时百分比用于分析,采用双因素方差分析来探讨性别(男、女)和游泳能力水平(1-3名和4-8名)对各泳姿比赛用时百分比的影响,另外通过皮尔逊相关系数来确定哪种泳姿(分段成绩)对比赛成绩的影响。结果:国内和国际比赛中运动员均以最快的速度完成前1/4赛程,在比赛中间阶段速度明显下降,最后1/4阶段再全力冲刺的比赛节奏。获得奖牌者的仰泳成绩相关系数最高(r>0.730),4-8名运动员则是自由泳成绩(r>0.620)。国内和国际比赛中男子运动员在蛙泳阶段的比赛用时百分明显高于女子(P=0.005,P=0.006),但在自由泳阶段较低(P=0.034,P=0.005)。结论:不论性别和游泳能力水平,国内和国际比赛中200m个人混合泳运动员的节奏策略均为抛物线型。其中男子运动员更倾向于积极加速的节奏策略,而女子则青睐于消极的节奏策略。在国内外比赛中,1-3名和4-8名分别与仰泳、自由泳成绩强相关。在专项训练中,应该考虑性别和游泳能力水平的差异尤其在仰泳和自由泳泳姿上。  相似文献   

优秀长距离自由泳运动员比赛全程速度分配特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明飞 《体育科学》2002,22(1):71-76
通过对173名优秀长距离自由泳运动员多年的全程及分段成绩的深入研究结果显示:优秀长距离自由泳运动员比赛全程速度分配方案均采用大致相同的“匀速游”,我国优秀选手与世界优秀选手在全程比赛速度分配上均较为合理,差距在于总体训练水平与能力较低,具体表现在分段速度水平上。同时根据比赛全程各分段成绩百分率建立百分率模型和速度分配表,为从事长距离自由泳的教练员和运动员提供制定理想速度分配方案的参考和依据。  相似文献   

游泳比赛分段成绩能够反映运动员的体力分配与战术运用,对分析比赛与训练效果具有重要意义.通过对5年来参加世界杯游泳系列赛和中国游泳冠军赛1 500 m自由泳决赛运动员每个50 m分段时间的对比分析,在揭示优秀1 500 m自由泳运动员体力分配特点的同时,探寻中外运动员参赛配速方式的差异并分析其原因所在.认为我国男子1 500 m自由泳普遍存在比赛前程速度过快,导致后程乏力.  相似文献   

国内外大型体育运动会中,游泳是个大项目。比如,在奥运会,游泳的男女项目共30个,游泳水平的高低,直接影响各国的总分和名次。美国在历届奥运会上都取得较好成绩,其中游泳的得分几乎占一半(见表一)。在游泳的30个项目中,自由泳占18项(包括混合泳中的自由泳)。这样,自由泳水平又直接影响整个游泳比赛的总分和名次。如澳大利亚,就因为自由泳突出而长期在世界泳坛上保持着先进地位。我国游泳运动,在50年代中后期已达到较高水平,除三人五次打破百米蛙泳世界纪  相似文献   

通过对2000年悉尼奥运会,2003年巴塞罗那世界游泳锦标赛以及2005年南京十运会三次游泳比赛的分段成绩、参赛女子运动员的年龄的分析、各主要技术参数(包括出发、转身、途中、划频、划幅、游速等)的比较,分析当今中外优秀女子400m、800m自由泳选手的技战术特点,了解我国选手与世界优秀选手的差距,明确赶超的目标,寻找突破的方向,为我国今后在女子长距离自由泳项目上的发展提供技术参数和参考建议。  相似文献   

对第29届奥运会男子200 m个人混舍泳决赛中的8名运动员比赛成绩进行分析,发现菲尔普斯在各分段末均保持第一领先优势,4个分段发挥稳定,体力分配合理,拉斯洛·切赫在仰泳阶段的过大消耗,明显影响后程的游速,其余运动员各分段表现都存在一定程度的不足.利用单因素方差分析,发现不同泳姿对促进总成绩提高所起的作用显著不同,依次为蛙泳、蝶泳、自由泳、仰泳.研究认为,200 m个人混合泳的体能分配重点应放在蛙泳和自由泳阶段.  相似文献   

通过对1995年国际田联锐步世界杯竞走赛各项目每个运动员分段成绩的统计换算,计算出各分段的平均速度,发现男子20km竞走和50km竞走比赛,水平较高的运动员组各分段平均速度逐渐提高,达到最高后保持一段时问,最后一个段落速度稍有下降,整个比赛过程速度分配的比较均匀。水平较低的运动员组比赛开始后的第一个分段就达到了最高速度,以后各分段速度逐渐下降,最后一个段落速度下降幅度较大。  相似文献   

Pacing offers a potential avenue for enhancement of endurance performance. We report here a novel method for characterizing pacing in 800-m freestyle swimming. Websites provided 50-m lap and race times for 192 swims of 20 elite female swimmers between 2000 and 2013. Pacing for each swim was characterized with five parameters derived from a linear model: linear and quadratic coefficients for effect of lap number, reductions from predicted time for first and last laps, and lap-time variability (standard error of the estimate). Race-to-race consistency of the parameters was expressed as intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). The average swim was a shallow negative quadratic with slowest time in the eleventh lap. First and last laps were faster by 6.4% and 3.6%, and lap-time variability was ±0.64%. Consistency between swimmers ranged from low-moderate for the linear and quadratic parameters (ICC = 0.29 and 0.36) to high for the last-lap parameter (ICC = 0.62), while consistency for race time was very high (ICC = 0.80). Only ~15% of swimmers had enough swims (~15 or more) to provide reasonable evidence of optimum parameter values in plots of race time vs. each parameter. The modest consistency of most of the pacing parameters and lack of relationships between parameters and performance suggest that swimmers usually compensated for changes in one parameter with changes in another. In conclusion, pacing in 800-m elite female swimmers can be characterized with five parameters, but identifying an optimal pacing profile is generally impractical.  相似文献   

Pacing strategies of elite swimmers have been consistently characterised from the average lap velocities. In the present study, we examined the racing strategies of 200 m world class-level swimmers with regard to their underwater and surface lap components. The finals and semi-finals of the 200 m races at the 2013 World Swimming Championships (Barcelona, Spain) were analysed by an innovative image-processing system (InThePool® 2.0). Free swimming velocities of elite swimmers typically decreased throughout the 200 m race laps (?0.12 m · s–1, 95% CI ?0.11 to ?0.14 m · s–1, P = 0.001, η2 = 0.81), whereas underwater velocities, which were faster than free swimming, were not meaningfully affected by the race progress (0.02 m · s–1, ?0.01 to 0.04 m · s–1, P = 0.01, η2 = 0.04). When swimming underwater, elite swimmers typically travelled less distance (?0.66 m, ?0.83 to ?0.49 m, P = 0.001, η2 = 0.34) from the first to the third turn of the race, although underwater distances were maintained on the backstroke and butterfly races. These strategies allowed swimmers to maintain their average velocity in the last lap despite a decrease in the free swimming velocity. Elite coaches and swimmers are advised to model their racing strategies by considering both underwater and surface race components.  相似文献   

In the present research, we examined the effect of the starting and turning performances on the subsequent swimming parameters by (1) comparing the starting and turning velocities with the swimming parameters on the emersion and mid-pool segments and (2) by relating the individual behaviour of swimmers during the start and turns with subsequent behaviour on each swimming lap. One hundred and twelve 100 m performances on the FINA 2013 World Swimming Championships were analysed by an image-processing system (InThePool 2.0®). At the point of the start emersion, the swimming parameters of the 100-m elite swimmers were substantially greater than the mid-pool parameters, except on the breaststroke races. On the other hand, no diminution in the swimming parameters was observed between the turn emersion and the mid-pool swimming, except on the butterfly and backstroke male races. Changes on the surface swimming kinematics were not generally related to the starting or turning parameters, although male swimmers who develop faster starts seem to achieve faster velocities at emersion. Race analysts should be aware of a transfer of momentum when swimmers emerge from underwater with implications on the subsequent swimming kinematics, especially for male swimmers who employ underwater undulatory techniques.  相似文献   

关于我国竞技游泳"全运会现象"的分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1996年-2002年全国游泳比赛中,男、女各单项取得前三名运动员的数据变化进行分析及比较,探寻造成我国竞技游泳“全运会现象”的原因,试图提出解决对策。  相似文献   

优秀游泳运动员年龄特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谭政典  白慕炜 《体育学刊》2003,10(2):115-117
通过对悉尼奥动会、日本福冈世界锦标赛及全国九运会游泳比赛前8名游泳运动员年龄特征的分析,重点追踪典型运动员首次创造最佳运动成绩的年龄,并结合1980年以来历届奥运会,世界游泳锦标赛冠军年龄,对游泳运动员年龄进行全面,客观的研究。  相似文献   

我国重大游泳比赛技术参数采集与分析系统的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
游泳比赛可划分为几个既相互独立又相互联系的部分,各个部分的特征用不同的技术参数来表示,反映运动员在比赛中的技术、战术情况。研究采用文献资料、比赛现场技术参数采集、图像解析和数据分析等,对我国重大游泳比赛的技术参数进行采集和分析。研究认为我国除个别尖子运动员外,多数运动员存在出发反应时长、出发速度慢,转身速度慢、技术细节不完善、比赛节奏不稳定等问题,反映出我国运动员的技术还需要进一步完善和提高。  相似文献   

目的:探析短道速滑个人项目两届冬奥会及冬奥会与世锦赛体力分配策略规律差异。方法:收集整理索契、平昌冬奥会,以及2014—2017年世锦赛短道速滑个人项目相关数据,分析单圈用时、肯德尔相关系数。结果:(1)冬奥会各单项单圈用时不同程度地少于世锦赛,平昌不同程度地少于索契;(2)除2016世锦赛500 m,其他赛事均全程具有显著相关(P<0.05);(3)除索契冬奥会女子1 000 m,其他赛事均较早出现显著相关(P<0.05),平昌冬奥会男子与女子均在第7、8圈为高相关(r≥0.70);(4)平昌冬奥会1 500 m男子第12、13圈,女子第13圈为高相关(r≥0.70),两者均从第9圈开始出现显著相关(P<0.05)。结论:500 m出发位置尤为重要,高速滑行中稳固站位能力需求突出,冬奥会中对全程维持速度能力的要求逐步提高;冬奥会1 000 m与1 500 m比赛争夺有利位置战术的实施位置较以往更为靠后。  相似文献   


Analysis of variability and progression in performance of top athletes between competitions provides information about performance targets that is useful for athletes, practitioners, and researchers. In this study, 724 official finals times were analysed for 120 male and 122 female Paralympic swimmers in the 100-m freestyle event at 15 national and international competitions between 2004 and 2006. Separate analyses were performed for males and females in each of four Paralympic subgroups: S2–S4, S5–S7, S8–S10 (most through least physically impaired), and S11–S13 (most through least visually impaired). Mixed modelling of log-transformed times, with adjustment for mean competition times, was used to estimate variability and progression. Within-swimmer race-to-race variability, expressed as a coefficient of variation, ranged from 1.2% (male S5–S7) to 3.7% (male S2–S4). Swimming performance progressed by approximately 0.5% per year for males and females. Typical variation in mean performance time between competitions was ~1% after adjustment for the ability of the athletes in each competition, and the Paralympic Games was the fastest competition. Thus, taking into account variability, progression, and level of competition, Paralympic swimmers who want to increase substantially their medal prospects should aim for an annual improvement of at least 1–2%.  相似文献   

Freestyle race pacing strategies (400 m) were compared between elite able-bodied swimmers and those with minimal physical (International Paralympic Committee S10 classification) and visual disabilities (International Paralympic Committee S13 classification). Data comprised 50-m lap splits and overall race times from 1176 400-m freestyle swims from World Championships, European Championships and Olympic/Paralympic Games between 2006 and 2012. Five pacing strategies were identified across groups (even, fast start, negative, parabolic and parabolic fast start), with negative and even strategies the most commonly adopted. The negative pacing strategy produced the fastest race times for all groups except for female S13 swimmers where an even strategy was most effective. Able-bodied groups swam faster than their S10 and S13 counterparts, with no differences between S10 and S13 groups. The results suggest adoption of multiple pacing strategies across groups, and even where impairments are considered minimal they are still associated with performance detriments in comparison to their able-bodied counterparts. The findings have implications for the planning and implementation of training related to pacing strategies to ensure optimal swimmer preparation for competition. Analogous performance levels in S10 and S13 swimmers also suggest a case for integrated competition of these classifications in 400-m freestyle swimming.  相似文献   

第14届世界游泳锦标赛出发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用现场研究、文献调查等方法对竞技游泳2种主要的出发技术进行研究。对第14届世界游泳锦标赛决赛运动员224人次的出发技术的分布比例进行了统计,对出发反应时(start reaction,SR)、出发15 m时间(start efficiency,SE)、800 m以下项目的成绩(Score,SC)等指标进行分析研究,同时梳理了近年来有关出发技术的研究文献数据。研究表明,蹲踞式出发技术(track start,TS)从10余年前不到40%的采用率增长到了2011年世界游泳锦标赛上的98%。蹲踞式出发技术在SR和SE上均比抓台式(grab start,GS)有优势。研究认为,抓台式技术将成为历史,所有运动员应掌握带有助推器的新型出发台的蹲踞式出发技术。  相似文献   

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