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[目的/意义]基于当前技术演化分析方法的发展现状,提出一种能够在微观层次上突出既定领域中主要技术发展脉络的多主路径方法。[方法/过程]将专利文本挖掘和动态规划方法应用于专利引文网络,以路径上所有专利对的语义相似度总和最优作为启发策略进行路径搜索,以获取若干能够分别聚焦于特定主题的主路径,供研究者总览既定技术领域中主要技术主题的发展脉络及其相互关系。[结果/结论]实证结果表明,将该方法应用于硬盘驱动器磁头领域,可以有效抽取其中主要技术主题的演化轨迹。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 跨学科研究已成为现代科学创新研究的重要范式和必然趋势,探究跨学科领域中学科的发展模式与演化路径,对于揭示跨学科领域形成与发展的动态过程具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 以眼动追踪(Eye Tracking,ET)领域为例,对文献引文关系进行提取与学科标注,构建文献和学科层面的引文关系网络;计算各学科的他引比率、他被引比率和普赖斯指数,从宏观层面分析ET领域中主要学科的跨学科发展模式;考察不同阶段内部及不同阶段之间的学科引证关系,探究不同阶段各学科在跨学科发展过程中的关系结构与角色演变;基于引文的中介中心度识别连接不同学科关系的重要文献,考察重要文献、高被引文献以及参考文献之间的引文关系,从微观层面揭示ET领域发展的具体演化路径。[结果/结论] ET领域发展经历潜伏期、发展期和成熟期三个阶段,并呈现独立型、交叉型和学习型三种学科发展模式;各学科之间的引证关系随阶段变化逐渐紧密且分布逐渐均匀,神经学、心理学和临床医学在跨学科发展和知识输出方面处于核心地位;ET领域纵向发展表现为独立型学科的基础理论创新,横向发展表现为3种类型学科的深度融合,并呈现出"独立-线性-网状"的发展路径。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 基于专利的全代引证网络对专利进行分类,对高影响力专利的知识扩散特征进行分析,为专利影响力的认识和评估提供重要参考。[方法/过程] 以生物学家悉尼·布伦纳的专利为例,研究其专利和前向引证专利生成的专利全代引证网络,根据专利的直接引证数量和引证长度两个对专利扩散发挥重要作用的因素将专利分为四类,将具有高被引数量长引证路径的专利定义为高影响力专利,对这种专利的知识扩散特征进行分析。[结果/结论] 研究发现,在专利的全代引证网络中"关键专利""重要专利"和"隐藏的高影响力专利"对专利的扩散影响巨大,全代引证网络中专利的领域变化也体现了知识的流动现象,知识扩散速度可以通过数字直接刻画专利时序网络特点。结合研究结果,对高影响力专利的特点有了更具体的认识,并为高影响力专利的评价提出新的思路。  相似文献   

张娴  方曙 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):140-148
[目的/意义] 对现有专利引用网络主路径方法研究内容进行总结梳理,为今后应用该方法解决技术演化进程中的关键性专利技术识别和主流线索提取提供理论支撑。[方法/过程] 系统梳理相关研究成果,从算法研究、应用研究、方法优化扩展研究三个方面总结现有研究内容与特点,分析当前研究的局限性,探讨未来研究发展方向。[结果/结论] 当前研究的主要局限性在于:对路径发展驱动力的多元性与系统性揭示不够、忽视不同引证关系对路径演化的影响差异性、对演化的动态性关注不足、多主路径方法本质上仍属单目标搜索。未来研究将关注以下几个方向:对算法思想进行实质性与创新性拓展、更强调动态性与未来预测性、优化计算效率以增强适用性与实用性、发挥专利引用主路径在产业化扩散研究中的独特优势。  相似文献   

本文从专利价值视角研究技术领域发展成熟度测度分析方法,以提升方法普适性、评价多维性以及分析结果客观性。基于专利价值构建出四个维度的技术成熟度指标体系,并采用主成分分析法对指标进行自动赋权,进而通过曲线拟合和发展阶段分界点计算,分析该领域技术发展成熟现状及未来发展趋势。运用本文模型对缓控释肥技术领域(由5299条专利数据构成)进行多维度技术成熟度评价分析,结果表明:该技术领域正处于快速成长阶段,预计在2024年进入技术发展成熟阶段。基于专利价值的技术成熟度分析方法一定程度上克服了单一指标评价和单一维度分析的片面性,相对客观全面地揭示了特定领域技术发展现状。  相似文献   

TRIZ作为一种创新方法理论,其面向宏观分析的技术系统进化法则和面向微观分析的技术矛盾创新原理在专利技术路线图的制定中都能够发挥重要的作用.本文结合TRIZ理论制定了车用儿童安全座椅的靠头调节技术的专利技术路线图,分析并预测了该技术目前的发展情况和未来的发展趋势,并就具体的专利引证实例给出了专利规避和改进方面的建议.  相似文献   

文章旨在再验证专利被引证数作为评估专利价值指标的准确性,并结合专利引文进行深入剖析。利用美国专利数据库检索中置式电动车电控辅助装置、亲水性医用脱脂纱布、军用紧急绷带技术领域的专利,统计专利的被引证数,并采用专家评估结果加以比较。研究结果表明:仅有中置式电动车电控辅助装置专利,专家评估与被引证数指标评估的结果一致;而专利被引证次数因受时间因素影响,早期专利的被引证数较高,但不一定是高价值的专利;存在一些很少被引用,但根据专家评估原则及专利本身具备的特征,被评估为高价值的专利,即可能存在睡美人专利现象。对专利价值评估,不能仅从专利被引证数指标判断,还可应用其他评价方法,更客观反映专利价值,减少专利评价过程中可能存在的风险,以保护企业的技术创新。  相似文献   

基于专利引文的技术竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内在利用专利文献进行技术竞争力研究时,大部分集中在专利申请的数量、领域、单位、地域等简单的数量统计分析上,很少引入专利引文分析.文章通过分析专利引文在技术竞争力研究中的重要作用和分析方法,利用PEM燃料电池专利引用情况的实证分析,从核心技术、技术趋势、竞争对手、专利引证率等方面分析了专利引文在技术竞争力研究中的重要作用.该文为<数字图书馆论坛>2008年第11期本期话题"科技创新中的专利应用研究"的文章之一.  相似文献   

从专利视角揭示我国抗击新冠病毒感染疫情的技术发展态势和机构的创新活动,探讨防疫抗疫技术保障。利用IPTECH专利分析平台,分析专利申请趋势、IPC分类、被引用次数、引证率及技术独立性等指标。分析研究表明:我国抗击新冠病毒感染疫情技术全领域迅猛发展,重点涵盖防护消毒、病毒研究、病毒检测、肽及其制备、疫苗及药物、医疗器械、数据处理及网络技术等七大领域;江苏省疾控中心、中山大学、军事科学院军事医学研究院等机构研究领域广,研发能力强,其专利价值高,而中国科学院微生物研究所技术独立性强。提出要加强病毒机理研究以及长效多价疫苗、新剂型疫苗、特效药、物品消毒技术研发的建议。  相似文献   

葛亮 《情报工程》2015,1(4):058-064
专利作为发明创造的载体其本身包含着技术创新价值,分析专利数据可以很好的把握技术动态、了解技术竞争力,专利信息分析是各国、各企业间技术竞争战略研究的重要工具。本文以专利信息分析为手段,结合技术生命周期理论和Logistic模型,借助于专利数据库的专利数据来研究技术所处的发展阶段。并以石墨烯制备技术为例,对我国在该领域的专利申请情况进行研究,根据技术生命周期的判断方法分析我国石墨烯制备技术的发展阶段,揭示了我国在该领域技术的现状和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Forward citations of patents have been used extensively to capture the impact of technological knowledge. However, our understanding of the factors shaping patent citation patterns remains limited. One of the main limitations is the lack of scholarly attention paid to the dynamic influences arising from the evolution of technology fields. From an evolutionary perspective, technological impact is not simply determined by the static attributes of a technology itself; it is also dynamically affected by changes in the external conditions. Drawing on this viewpoint, this study suggests a model for understanding patent citation patterns by reflecting the evolution of the technology fields to which each patent belongs. Four such factors are explored: technology cycle time, potential of technological convergence, popularity of the technology field, and technological novelty. Based on the proposed model, we show how expected citation patterns can change as a result of different scenarios for technology field evolution. We conduct a case study of patents in the information technology and healthcare industries to show citation patterns of patents across heterogeneous industries as well as those within an industry. Contributions to the innovation literature and research investment decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

黄颖  叶冬梅  丁凤  徐畅  张琳 《图书情报工作》2022,66(22):142-154
[目的/意义] 开展面向特定技术领域的技术演化路径识别,有助于梳理技术发展脉络进而对未来的技术发展方向做出合理预测,对识别科技优先领域、合理配置科技资源具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 在梳理技术演化与技术演化路径的相关内涵的基础上,简要辨析了技术演化路径相关概念;进而从专利文献中的不同信息出发,从专利分类、专利引文、专利文本以及融合多种字段信息来总结技术演化路径识别研究的主要进展,并进一步归纳出该主题的整体发展趋势。[结果/结论] 技术演化路径识别研究主要趋势包括:数据来源从单一数据转向多源异构数据融合,研究方法从注重定量转向定性与定量相结合,关注视角从历史演化路径识别转向未来演化路径预测,应用场景由一般性技术到颠覆性技术转变。  相似文献   

A utility patent application may result in two citable documents: a published patent application (PPA) and a patent if the application is granted. Most analytic works consider only citations to the patent and ignore those to the PPA. This study gathers more than 270,000 U.S. utility patents granted in 2014 and their PPAs, and compares their citation counts up to 2018. Statistics show that citations to patents, on the average, account for less than 50 % of those to the patents and their PPAs combined together, indicating a significant underestimation to the value or impact of the patents. The degree of depreciation is worse when the time gaps between patents and their PPAs are longer, as the PPAs not only have accumulated citations for a longer period, but also individually, concurrently, and continuously receive citations after the patent is granted. This study further applies Main Path Analysis to a conventional citation network involving only citations to the patents and another network augmented with those to the PPAs, using empirical data from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Cancer Moonshot Patent Data. The main path derived from the augmented network is almost entirely different from that of the conventional network.  相似文献   

在构建基于专利引文分析的产业关键技术演进分析流程的基础上,以Thomson Innovation (TI)专利信息平台中DWPI和DPCI数据库中1993-2010年的专利数据为数据源,结合主题检索与分类号检索,构建纯电动汽车技术相关主题专利分析数据集,运用引文分析、多元统计分析等方法,揭示不同时期纯电动汽车产业的关键技术分布及其演进,为相关部门把握纯电动汽车产业技术重点、选择研发方向、优化资源布局、提高研发效率等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Although the incidence of knowledge exploration is observed in most patents, the concept of knowledge exploration distance has been analyzed with limited patents at the macro level of a company, organization or region. This study quantifies the knowledge exploration distance of individual patents using network embedding methods and citation analysis. First, a technology ecology network is constructed to identify technological association relationships between technical elements. Second, network embedding method is employed to represent technical elements as fixed dimensional vector, preserving the structural information. Next, the individual patents are vectorized based on the technology classification code information and pre-trained embedding values. Finally, by comparing the position between a citing patent and cited patents in the vector space, the knowledge exploration distance of the patent is obtained. This knowledge exploration distance indicates the novel degree of technological association between technical elements of a citing patent and those of cited patents. The case study covering artificial intelligence technology-related patents is conducted to illustrate the process of calculating knowledge exploration distance. Besides, this study showed that the proposed measure has significant relationships with patent-based indicators related to protection coverage, prior knowledge, and patent value.  相似文献   

专利价值评估是近年来技术创新管理领域的研究热点,专利被引用次数与专利的法律状态信息是专利价值评估中的两项重要评估指标。文章尝试将这两项指标进行整合分析,通过测度专利的权利维持状态与专利被引用之间的关系,从细致微观的角度来揭示专利价值的变化趋势。文章研究发现,专利的权利维持对专利获得引用有着积极的作用。在进行专利价值评估时,如同时考虑专利权利的维持与专利的被引两项评估指标,可有效提高评估的准确性。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]面向语义信息以层次渐进的方式识别技术演化轨迹,有助于加强对技术细节的理解并提升轨迹识别的准确性.[方法/过程]首先,提取专利和科技论文的SAO结构,依据语义信息确定研究主题,并利用S曲线分析技术生命周期.其次,借助机器学习算法与社会网络分析指标,分不同周期,通过多层次提取,筛选技术演化轨迹.最后,以造血...  相似文献   

Elucidating and prejudging the patent technological value (PTV) is an important issue in the field of technology innovation and Patentometrics. However, most studies adopt a static perspective to define and evaluate it according to forward citations (FC), which disregards the time attribute and evolution process and may cause some contradictions or ambiguities among findings. Through combing the time and number attributes of FC, this study recommends a four-dimensional index (technology lifetime, strength, breadth, and dispersion) from the standpoint of patented technology diffusion, a dynamic evolution process. By considering patent data from three technology fields - graphene, information and communication, bio-medicine - as samples, we examine the multidimensional characteristics of PTV and further adopt Cox and multiple regression analysis to determine its influential factors. The finding shows that PTV is multi-dimensional and the four-dimensional index is helpful to explain the differentiation effects of different influential factors. Furthermore, six internal factors (intrinsic and evolutionary) that influence PTV in varying degree are identified and verified. Specially, as for intrinsic factors, only backward citation influences all four-dimensional index with a positive impact on technology lifetime and strength, and negative impact on breadth and dispersion. Technology field can negatively affect strength and breadth, but positively affect dispersion. Delivery term can only affect technology lifetime negatively. As for evolutionary factors, patent legal lifetime influences all four-dimensional index with a negative impact on technology lifetime and strength, and positive impact on breadth and dispersion. Forward citation exerts a positive impact on breadth and strength while a negative impact on technology lifetime and dispersion. Transfer number exerts a positive impact on technology lifetime, but a negative influence on dispersion. This study not only offers a four-dimensional index to signify the technological value of a patent, but construes the contradictions or ambiguities about the relationships between the influential factors and PTV. Besides, the influential factor model is also helpful to prejudge the technological value of patents at different stages after the granting.  相似文献   

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