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This article presents findings from our ethnographic research on biomedical scientists' studies of human genetic variation and common complex disease. We examine the socio-material work involved in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and discuss whether, how, and when notions of race and ethnicity are or are not used. We analyze how researchers produce simultaneously different kinds of populations and population differences. Although many geneticists use race in their analyses, we find some who have invented a statistical genetics method and associated software that they use specifically to avoid using categories of race in their genetic analysis. Their method allows them to operationalize their concept of 'genetic ancestry' without resorting to notions of race and ethnicity. We focus on the construction and implementation of the software's algorithms, and discuss the consequences and implications of the software technology for debates and policies around the use of race in genetics research. We also demonstrate that the production and use of their method involves a dynamic and fluid assemblage of actors in various disciplines responding to disciplinary and sociopolitical contexts and concerns. This assemblage also includes particular discourses on human history and geography as they become entangled with research on genetic markers and disease.We introduce the concept of'genome geography' to analyze how some researchers studying human genetic variation'locate' stretches of DNA in different places and times. The concept of genetic ancestry and the practice of genome geography rely on old discourses, but they also incorporate new technologies, infrastructures, and political and scientific commitments. Some of these new technologies provide opportunities to change some of our institutional and cultural forms and frames around notions of difference and similarity. Nevertheless, we also highlight the slipperiness of genome geography and the tenacity of race and race concepts.  相似文献   

As the role of genetic science in everyday life has grown, policymakers have become concerned about Americans' understandings of this science. Much effort has been devoted to formal schooling, but less attention has been paid to the role of public culture in shaping public understanding of genetics. Research into public cultural messages about genetics has claimed that the public is likely to adopt problematic accounts, but few studies have explored the public's articulation of these messages. This study is based on 25 focus groups convened to explore the lay public's understanding of genetics. The study found that the public processed a greater variety of messages than assumed by previous researchers, including documentaries, non-science-fiction films, and popular television in addition to previous researchers' focus on science fiction and news media. The study also found that the public does not process the messages through the linear, transmission model assumed by previous research. The public processes messages about genetics complexly and critically. On the basis of these findings, the study suggests that researchers should include a greater variety of texts about genetics in their research and attend more fully to audience processing in addition to content analyses of these texts.  相似文献   

Genetics opinion surveys often include information to ensure that respondents have sufficient understanding to give informed responses. The information is assumed to be neutral but may skew responses. We assessed the impact of a seemingly "neutral" information leaflet on attitudes towards genetic testing among 1,024 survey respondents, half of whom received the leaflet. The leaflet group reported higher levels of subjective understanding of genetic testing (68 percent vs. 53 percent), were mre interested in genetic testing (81 percent vs. 77 percent), and held more positive attitudes towards genetics than people who did not receive the leaflet. Information leaflets may have the intended effect of increasing understanding, but may also unintentionally influence reported views of genetics. In the light of the weight given to public consultation in today's governance and regulation of human genetics, increased awareness of how even seemingly neutral information can influence public attitudes is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper reports on one aspect of qualitative research on public understandings of food risks, focusing on lay understandings of genetically modified (GM) food in the UK context. A range of theoretical, conceptual, and empirical literature on food, risk, and the public understanding of science are reviewed. The fieldwork methods are outlined and empirical data from a range of lay groups are presented. Major themes include: varying "technical" knowledge of science, the relationship between knowledge and acceptance of genetic modification, the uncertainty of scientific knowledge, genetic modification as inappropriate scientific intervention in "nature", the acceptability of animal and human applications of genetic modification, the appropriate boundaries of scientific innovation, the necessity for GM foods, the uncertainty of risks in GM food, fatalism about avoiding risks, and trust in "experts" to manage potential risks in GM food. Key discussion points relating to a sociological understanding of public attitudes to GM food are raised and some policy implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

During the first half of the twentieth century, the horticulturist Luther Burbank was largely considered an irrelevant figure by the scientific community, despite winning acclaim from the public as an eminent scientist. In examining the intellectual, social, and political claims embedded in texts by and about Burbank, this essay argues that consideration of the Burbank stories as they circulated in the vernacular realm can aid historians in understanding the dynamics of science in American life. Among the themes it addresses are how the Burbank stories directly engaged the question of who should legitimately count as a student of nature; the varied philosophical perspectives that derived from siting science within the deomestic sphere; and how these stories played with the possibility of a philosophy of nature based on the concept of "living matter," as opposed to one grounded on mechanistic principles. The essay also discusses how Burbank's views on evolution were mediated by the image of the child and the way in which his convictions regarding the power of the environment to release latent characteristics in physiological material presented a view of the future of the American "race" that was at odds with conventional eugenic thinking and assigned a central role to women in the drama of American evolution.  相似文献   

Two cases of missing children in Portugal (Joana and Maddie) have recently highlighted the dilemmas and contingencies associated with the technology of "genetic fingerprinting" for forensic purposes in the context of criminal investigations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the popular press's discourses and representations around forensic genetics in the context of those two highly mediatized criminal investigation cases. The symbolical construction and representation of forensic genetics by the media presents a form of public exposure to beliefs on forensic genetics' characteristics and potential. These are blended with popular cultural contexts that are constructed with reference to images of a super-science which may carry consequences in the public understanding of forensic science. The media coverage of both cases and their actual disclosure resembles the patterns ofa CSI effect, insofar as real science's capabilities and limitations are placed against fictionalized representations of forensic science.  相似文献   

从协调、合作到实现资源共享、优势互补的协同局面和协同效应,广佛同城化建设中的地方政府间合作实现了历史性跨越,并将成为中国地方政府间合作的典范。在共同利益基础上,经过充分协商、谈判,形成主体间资源整合和利益协调的机制,是两市地方政府间合作取得成功的关键。借鉴广佛同城的成功经验,领导者应努力培养战略思维、创新意识和共赢观念,注重引导局部利益向整体利益、短期利益向长远利益、共同利益向公共利益的转化。同时,还应充分考虑到地缘、文化、基础设施、产业结构、要素流动等客观条件的规律性影响。  相似文献   

摘要:第四次工业革命的到来,催生了新兴技术的快速发展。社会公众在享受新科技带来的便利同时,会对新兴技术所引发的未知风险产生一定的恐慌与抗拒心理,并经由特定的渠道进行扩散,产生风险感知的耦合效应。因此,掌握社会系统中新兴技术风险感知的扩散规律,对于新兴技术风险的治理具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文界定了风险感知扩散的耦合概念,分析了新兴技术风险感知在社会系统中的“耦合—演化”扩散机理,构建了风险感知的社会扩散量化模型,并通过数值仿真,探讨了内、外部不同要素对新兴技术风险感知扩散的耦合影响及风险感知社会扩散效率。研究结果表明,随着个体对新兴技术风险的心理距离与公众参与新兴技术风险治理程度的增加,风险感知在社会系统中扩散的叠加效应逐渐减弱,独立效应逐渐增强,风险感知的扩散效率逐渐降低;而随着个体对传播者信任程度的提高,风险感知在社会系统中扩散的吸引效应作用逐渐凸显。  相似文献   

Arguments for public involvement in science and technology are often based on ideas of developing a more capable public and the assumed effects this may have for science. However, such a relationship is yet to be sufficiently explored and recent work indicates that a more involved public may have counterintuitive effects. Using nationally representative survey data for the U.K. and Northern Ireland, the effects of the public's own beliefs about involvement are explored. Developing the concept of "belief in public efficacy," findings suggest those who believe that the public might be able to affect the course of decision making have less approving attitudes towards future applications of genetic science; however, an individual's political efficacy does not significantly influence these attitudes. Furthermore, political efficacy and belief in public efficacy have some distinct and opposing relationships with the principles of governance people prefer. Overall, findings provide support for suggestions that it is simplistic to consider increasing public involvement as a way of increasing the approval of risky new technologies.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to investigate young people's attitudes towards modern genetics and biotechnology. Quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted among high school students in Rio de Janeiro. These included a survey of students in nine public and private schools as well as focus groups for a complementary analysis of their attitudes and perceptions with respect to these subjects. We observe that, in general, students are relatively well informed about some of the main issues related to the applications of genetics. In their assessment of the utility, the potential risks, and the need for encouragement of the different techniques used in genetic manipulation, they were able to make clear distinctions between the different purposes of each technique. Most students believed that transgenic food could be useful and that it should be encouraged, but they were also aware that there were risks involved. Furthermore, the students were strongly supportive of the labeling of transgenic food.  相似文献   

Focus groups were used to analyse Christian lay public understanding of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a relatively new biomedical practice. The paper explores how this often controversial genetic technology was contextualised and interpreted through the intersection of religious values and beliefs, secular and cultural knowledges, and lived experience and emotion. For the lay people in our study, PGD often created moral dilemmas that could not necessarily be resolved through Christian beliefs and teaching, but which required the expression of empathy and compassion. The findings emphasise the heterogeneity in individuals' interpretations of scientific issues and reinforce the need to consider public understanding of science and technology in terms of public concerns and meaning.  相似文献   

In recent years, governance and public participation have developed into key notions within both policy discourse and academic analysis. While there is much discussion on developing new modes of governance and public participation, little empirical attention is paid to the public's perception of models, possibilities and limits of participation and governance. Building on focus group data collected in Austria within the framework of a European project, this paper explores lay people's visions and versions of government, governance and participation for two biomedical technologies: post-natal genetic testing and organ transplantation. Building on this analysis, we show that people situate their assessments of public participation against the background of rather complex lay models of the governance and government of the respective technology. Because these models are very different for the two technologies, participation also had very different connotations, which were deeply intertwined with each socio-technical system. Building on these findings we argue for a more technology-sensitive approach to public participation.  相似文献   

张学文 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):176-181,189
[研究目的]数据经济的迅猛发展,进一步突显了数据的财产权属性和商业化价值。因此,“商业数据”的类型提出和权属确认便对数据出境的法治化运行及安全责任的具体化落实具有重大意义。[研究方法]以“商业数据”的概念廓清与权属分析为切入,通过数据企业的“应然权利”为视角正向解析现有数据出境中限制性规定的规范边界和实践运行。[研究结论]数据权属是数据跨境规则建构的逻辑起点,数据企业基于数据劳动、数据生产而将数据自复杂的权益诉求中剥离时,理应享有法律所确认的数据权利而不受自由干预。据此,强调个人数据、重要数据“安全性”的同时,理应强化经由数据剥离后商业数据的“自由性”,以实现数据保护和数据开放的结构平衡。  相似文献   

There is sufficient evidence, drawn from surveys of innovation in the public sector and cognitive testing interviews with public sector managers, to develop a framework for measuring public sector innovation. Although many questions that are covered in the Oslo Manual guidelines for measuring innovation in the private sector can be applied with some modifications to the public sector, public sector innovation surveys need to meet policy needs that require collecting additional types of data. Policy to support public sector innovation requires data on how public sector organizations innovate and how a strategic management approach to innovation can influence the types of innovations that are developed. Both issues require innovations surveys to delve deeply into the innovation processes and strategies that are used by public sector managers. Implementation of the measurement framework proposed in this paper would open up opportunities for a new, policy-relevant research program on public sector innovation.  相似文献   

通过构建"经济推动-技术投入-能源节控-环境规制-社会保障"制造业"解锁"能力测度体系,利用正态云模型与关联函数对其"解锁"能力进行测度.结果表明,制造业"解锁"能力于2004~2014年期间呈总体上升态势,但仍具有较大提升潜力;制造业各细分行业的"解锁"能力存在较大差异,对国家政策的"敏感性"不同,资本密集型制造行业对政策"敏感性"最高;制造业总体"解锁"能力进一步提高,但还存在局部短板指标的制约,如平均劳动生产率偏低、科技成果转化效率不足等.  相似文献   

孙莹 《科教文汇》2020,(4):166-168
本文基于补缺假说的角度下,旨在探究“3E”教学模式公共外语课程中的应用。依托于当前的研究成果,以及在高校的教育实践,研究者结合普遍语法的可及性,针对补缺假说的成因、现象以及影响,以“3E”模式作为公共外语课程的教学指导理念,阐述了具体三个维度的课程设计与理论的应用。本研究为二语教学提供了新的思路,尽可能减少语言补缺带来的问题,引导学生养成良好的思维方式和学习风格,有利于二语学习的过程,提高其英语水平。  相似文献   

In eighteenth-century France, geodesy (the measure of the earth's shape) became an arena where mathematics and narrative intersected productively. Mathematics played a crucial role not only in the measurements and analysis necessary to geodesy but also in the narrative accounts that presented the results of elaborate and expensive expeditions to the reading public. When they returned to France to write these accounts after their travels, mathematician-observers developed a variety of ways to display numbers and mathematical arguments and techniques. The numbers, equations, and diagrams they produced could not be separated from the story of their acquisition. Reading these accounts for the interplay of these two aspects--the mathematical and the narrative--shows how travelers articulated the intellectual and physical difficulties of their work to enhance the value of their results for specialist and lay readers alike.  相似文献   

"分子生物学实验"是基于生物化学、遗传学和分子生物学等理论课而开设的一门实验课程。该文从课程总课时数的安排、实验内容的选定、教学方式和考核体系等几个方面对"分子生物学实验"教学中存在的问题进行了深入的分析并提出相应的对策,以期提高这门实验课的教学质量,促进学生综合能力的发展。  相似文献   

网络舆论已成为事关国家安全的重要因素,在社会管理中的作用越来越不容忽视。目前研究存在着机理认知和引导脱节的状况,且机理层面多集中于舆论在各类复杂网络上的物理表现,和实际事件联系不紧密;引导多以定性描述的方式,缺少可量化和评估的依据。将超网络建模方法与政策仿真技术相结合,定性会商与定量模拟相结合地研究网络舆论引导策略及建议,是一种从系统工程角度对网络舆论这一社会复杂问题进行探索的新模式。本文是系列研究的第一篇,通过建立集社交、心理、环境和观点等多维子网来描述社会舆论的超网络模型,并设计逻辑自洽的多层网络交互机制,为网络舆论的演化和干预等研究奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

公共教育学作为教育科学的基础课程,高师生从中所形成的教育意识和教育能力,对其一生的教育活动都将产生重要影响,因此有必要对教育学课程的价值取向进行一定的思考和审视:要注重培养高师生师范技能素质,以使他们毕业后尽快适应教学岗位的要求,同时还应重点培养高师生的教育理论素养和教育理念,它能够为高师生未来的教育教学行为提供发展的方向,具有宏观的指导作用,而这一切将是为了振兴基础教育,是公共教育学课程的核心价值。  相似文献   

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